Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Territory season 1!
Daniel Lawson's murder is Netflix's biggest mystery Territory season 1, and here are all nine major clues that suggest who the killer is throughout the series. Daniel's death occurs at the beginning of the first episode of Territorywith full details about the killer's true identity not being revealed until the end of the season. All kinds of different suspects are highlighted throughout the events of Territory season 1, and here's a look at each potential suspect and what led them to be potential killers.
New Australian Western drama series from Netflix Territory it's finally herewith the new one from Netflix yellow stone substitute acting as a mix of the hit Western series and Succession. The show revolves around the Lawson dynasty's Marianne Station, with the family having to fight over who will take over the biggest cattle ranch in the world after the death of Daniel Lawson. The aftermath of Daniel's death causes the entire family to turn against each other, leading to huge consequences involving outside companies, murders, environmental destruction, shootings, gangs of armed men, and much more. So here are all the clues to the identity of Daniel's killer.
Daniel was eaten by dogs in the desert
But Colin doesn't think it was an accident
The first piece of evidence in Daniel Lawson's death is the manner of death itself. In the premiere episode of Territory, Daniel's death is shown to the public. Daniel Lawson is riding in the desert, with his horse apparently frightened by something. The horse resists, causing Daniel to fall and injure his leg. The horse runs away, leaving Daniel stranded. Soon, a pack of wild dogs approaches Daniel. The dogs attack, killing Daniel and leaving his body in the middle of nowhere.
Some time later, Daniel's brother Graham Lawson and two interns from Marianne Station are hunting in the jungle. Graham spots Daniel's body and calls Colin Lawson, Daniel's father. Graham assumes that Daniel's death was an accident, guessing that the horse was startled by something resembling a snake and knocked Daniel down. However, Colin knows that Daniel was one of the most experienced knights at Marianne Station, refusing to believe that his son's death was an accident. This creates the possibility that Daniel's death was actually murder.
Marshall fled after Daniel's death
And no one knows why
Marshall Lawson is a member of the Lawson family, although he has always kept his distance from the cattle dynasty. Although he briefly returns home due to Daniel's death, he soon disappears, with the Lawson family discovering that Marshall has fled. Colin then sends Emily to track down Marshall and bring him back home, a plot that takes up most of the time. Territory season 1.
Since Marshall wasn't at Marianne Station before Daniel's death, It would have been difficult for him to be behind Daniel's murder. However, Marshall's disappearance shortly after Daniel's death is suspicious, creating the possibility that he knows something. It is later revealed, however, that Marshall was not involved in the murder, with him leaving the Lawsons due to his disgust with how they handled the transfer of power.
Rich was seen snooping around Marianne Station
Trying to break into the Lawsons' safe
Rich Petrakis is one of the most attractive characters in Territoryas his motivations are not incredibly clear throughout the series. Rich is one of Marshall's friends, although he is a bad influence, with his criminal tendencies leading him to do things like steal cattle. At the beginning TerritoryEmily catches Rich snooping around Colin's office, with him trying to break into one of the Lawson family safes.
It is never revealed what Rich was trying to steal from the Lawson home, but his criminal activity around Marianne Station makes him an immediate suspect in Daniel's death. This becomes even more evident in the Territory season 1 finale, when Rich shoots Marshall in the hand, showing how violent he can be. However, it was later revealed that Rich was not the killer, although he still committed many violent crimes throughout the film. Territory.
Campbell Miller needed Daniel out of the way
To gain power over the Marianne station
Another great actor Territory the first season is Campbell Miller. After Daniel Lawson's death, Campbell Miller becomes the head of an association of cattle ranch owners and employees that Daniel once headed. Campbell beat Graham in the election, giving him an enormous amount of power that allowed him attempt to destroy Marianne Station and the Lawson dynasty throughout Territory.
Campbell Miller's deals with outside companies and plan to destroy Marianne Station mean he could very well be behind Daniel's death. After all, he could not have continued his plan unless he was president of the cattle breeders' association, and he could only take up the position after Daniel's death. Campbell Miller and his men attempt to kill several Lawsons at the end of Territory Season 1, although by this point Daniel's true killer has been revealed.
Dezi had Daniel's saddle after his death
And no one knows how
Dezi is a young Aboriginal man who was taken under Nolan's wing at the beginning Territoryalthough he raises some suspicions early in the show. Nolan takes Dezi in because he's a troublemakerwith him being told he will go to a juvenile detention center if he doesn't agree with Nolan. Dezi has some destructive moments throughout Territory too, like when he sets Nolan's car on fire at the end of episode 3.
In Territory episode 3, Nolan discovers that Dezi has Daniel Lawson's saddle, the one from the missing horse that led to Daniel's death. Nolan is shocked to discover this, with the audience immediately wondering if Dezi could have found Daniel's horse. It turns out that the men Dezi was seeing met another strange man who had Daniel's horse, which led them to buy the saddle and give it to Dezi.
Daniel's saddle was on Hank's property
Causing Graham to immediately become suspicious
After Dezi shows Nolan Daniel's saddle, Nolan immediately takes her to the Lawsons and explains what happens. This leads them to discover that the saddle was found on the property of Hank Hodge, Emily's brother and Graham Lawson's brother-in-law. Hank Hodge has very little to do with the Lawson family, being known for carrying out a legal form of cattle rustling that the Lawsons detest.
Hank's conflicts with the Lawsons, coupled with the fact that the saddle was found on their land, causes Graham Lawson to immediately assume that he was involved in Daniel's death. This suspicion becomes so heated that Graham even shoots Hanklanding Graham in prison. It is eventually revealed that Hank had nothing to do with Daniel's murder, although he is still seen as a suspect throughout. Territory.
Daniel and Sandra should meet to sell the Marianne station
Making everyone a suspect
One of the biggest revelations surrounding Daniel's death comes later in the series. Near the end of the show, the Lawsons discover that shortly before Daniel's death, he was supposed to meet with Sandra Kirby. Sandra Kirby is a billionaire head of a mining company, with her disliking the Lawsons and having a plan to take control of Marianne Station and use it for her own good. This meeting was supposed to be about Daniel selling Marianne Station to Sandra Kirby, a massive move that the other Lawsons wouldn't have supported.
This revelation means that anyone at Marianne Station could have killed Graham, with the motive of saving his family's cattle farm. This is one of the most impactful information in Territoryas it further divides the Lawson family and continues to increase tensions within Marianne Station.
A strange man saw Emily shoot Daniel
Confirming who was behind Daniel's death
All over Territoryshort scenes are shown centering on a strange man in the desert, although it takes a while for the audience to understand who he is. At the end of Territory In episode 1, this man can be seen with a gun and Daniel's horse, at first making him seem like a suspect. However, It is later revealed that this man lives in Territory'Sorry Place', a piece of sacred desert. This man simply found Daniel's horse, but it was not by chance.
It turns out that this man was around when Daniel died, and he saw everything. He saw Emily Lawson shoot Daniel's horse after a heated argument. This is what caused the horse to rear up, knocking Daniel down and injuring him. Emily saw that Daniel was injured, but chose to leave him in the desert, allowing him to be eaten by wild dogs.
Colin discovers that Emily was behind Daniel's death at the end of the territory
Setting Up the Territory, Season 2
Possibly, Territory reveals that Emily was behind Daniel's deatheven though she didn't want him to die. When Emily meets the man who found Daniel's horse, he tells her he knows she is behind the murder. He then tries to make a deal, saying he will keep her secret if she can protect the "Sorry Place" from Sandra Kirby and the others who want to destroy it. She agrees to the deal, although she won't be able to secure "Sorry Place" until the end of Territory.
TerritoryThe final scene shows this man bringing Daniel's horse back to the Lawsons. Although not heard, the viewer sees the man say something to Colin Lawson, with him looking painfully at Emily. Of course, the man told Colin that Emily was behind Daniel's death, which means everyone will know that she is the killer at the beginning of Territory season 2.