Batman has arguably the most impressive rogues gallery in comic book history, and with the UDC Set to present a new take on the character, there are a number of villains that need to appear at some point in the universe. After the failure of the DCEU, James Gunn and Peter Safran were tasked with starting a new DCU, becoming co-CEOs of DC Studios. One of the projects Gunn announced in the initial reveal was a new iteration of Batman with The brave and the boldwhich will feature his biological son Damian Wayne.
With every Batman adaptation comes iconic villains, and the Dark Knight's film history has featured a variety of incredible villain performances over the years. From Heath Ledger's Joker to Colin Farrell's Penguin, there's no shortage of incredible characters that have been adapted. Still, the new DC Universe has the chance to bring more and more villains into the spotlight, some who have never seen adaptations, some who need redemption or some who just need to be seen again. Here are ten Batman villains who could be perfect for the DCU.
Arnold Wesker, aka the Ventriloquist, is one of Batman's most unnerving villainsand most underrated. Armed with the puppet Scarface, Ventriloquist is a ruthless crime boss whose Scarface persona is a skilled strategist. In fact, Ventriloquist appears to be led by Scarface, who is actually the mastermind behind everything. Given the fact that Scarface is a doll controlled by Arnold Wester, this makes everything even scarier.
Aside from the animated appearances, Ventriloquist hasn't been adapted much for live action. He was featured in Gotham as Arthur Penn, and made a brief appearance in the series Max, Titans. The Ventriloquist concept may seem a little silly, but the right script and the right director could do something Batman fans have never seen before on the big screen.
Although not as popular as characters like the Joker, the Penguin or the Riddler, Firefly endured as a Batman villain for decadesand for good reason. Firefly is a violent criminal with intense pyromania. His unbalanced nature makes him a force to be reckoned with and his various fire-producing devices make him a dangerous opponent to fight against.
Unfortunately, Batgirl it was scrapped because of a tax break and Fraser's Firefly never saw the light of day.
In fact, Firefly was slated to get the spotlight in a live-action DC film, as Brendan Fraser played the character in Batgirl. Unfortunately, Batgirl it was scrapped because of a tax break and Fraser's Firefly never saw the light of day. The DCU can right this injustice, and even if Fraser isn't able to return as a character, Firefly absolutely deserves a chance to appear in the universe.
Bane is one of Batman's most popular villains and the venom coursing through his veins also allows him to be one of the most physically imposing. In fact, his first DC Comics storyline saw the character literally break Batman's back over his knee. Not only does Bane have immense strength, but he is also incredibly intelligent, making him one of Batman's most formidable foes.
Bane has appeared a few times in DC's live-action projects. He was the main villain The Dark Knight Rises and it was Poison Ivy's muscle Batman and Robin. However The Dark Knight Rises Bane's approach was surprisingly good for how realistic the world was, he never managed to properly showcase his brute strength in a way that really did him justice. Hopefully, if the rumored Bane and Deathstroke movie is released, it will be set in the DCU.
Poison Ivy
Batman has an incredible list of female villains and Poison Ivy is among the first. With her ability to control all plant life, Poison Ivy is incredibly dangerous.but also unique in the way it could be portrayed in live-action. Using your plants to transform Gotham City into a post-apocalyptic green house would be amazing to see.
Poison Ivy's claim to live-action fame was in Batman and Robinand although Uma Thurman gave a delightfully over-the-top performance as the character, the film is often considered the worst Batman film ever made. Eco-terrorist Poison Ivy should definitely be included in the DCU, rescuing the character after her previous adaptation.
Mister Frozen
Freeze is one of Batman's most tragic villains after being reinvented into the iconic Batman: The Animated Series episode "Heart of Ice". Turning to crime to fund research to save his terminally ill wife, who has been cryogenically frozen, could be something that challenges the way Batman views crime in Gotham City. Plus, Batman in the snow feels right and Mr. Freeze as the villain in a film set during winter could be something magical.
Like Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze appeared as the main villain in Batman and Robin, and although Arnold Schwarzenegger says a variety of ice puns can be fun, the character deserves a better adaptation on the big screen. Fans are obsessed with the idea of Matt Reeves including Mr. Freeze in his Batman: Part IIbut if that doesn't happen, he needs to be in the DCU.
The Scarecrow is easily one of Batman's most terrifying villains and his use of Fear Toxin to make people see nightmarish illusions can be incredibly cinematic. Using the toxin, Scarecrow is one of the few villains who can actually scare Batman forcing him to relive his greatest tragedies, which also makes him incredibly dangerous. A Batman movie with a full horror theme and Scarecrow as the main villain could be perfection.
Scarecrow appeared as one of the main villains of Batman beginshelping to poison Gotham's water supply with his fear toxin and turning parts of the city into a hellscape. Much like Freeze, fans have been calling for Scarecrow to appear in Reeves' Batman universe at some point, as his abilities could be perfect for the more grounded approach Reeves is taking with the characters. Otherwise, Scarecrow could be a great Batman villain in the DCU.
Ra's al Ghul
Ra's al Ghul is an interesting Batman villain for several reasons. He is the leader of the League of Assassins and uses the Lazarus Pit to essentially extend his life indefinitelywith him being around 600 years old in the canon. Centuries of training allowed Ra's al Ghul to become one of the most skilled fighters in the world and capable of taking on Batman.
What makes Ra's al Ghul so great for the DCU is that he is Damian Wayne's grandfather. Bruce Wayne was romantically involved with Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia al Ghul, and she eventually gave birth to Damian. He was trained by the League of Assassins and only met Bruce when he was 10 years old. The brave and the bold exploring the relationship between Bruce and Damian, Ra's al Ghul's inclusion in the DCU makes perfect sense.
Hugo Strange
When done right, Hugo Strange can be a formidable foe for Batman. He is a brilliant psychologist obsessed with Batman and his secret identity. In fact, he was one of the only villains to deduce that Batman was actually Bruce Wayne. He can stand up to Batman intellectually, which makes him even more dangerous.
Hugo Strange has appeared a few times in various adaptations, but mostly in Gotham. Dave Bautista, who has been a popular fan of Bane over the years, has expressed interest in playing the character, which could add star power to Hugo Strange if he eventually appears in the DCU.
Solomon Grundy
It's a shame that Solomon Grundy is generally underrated as a character, because he's a really fun Batman villain who lends himself well to a film adaptation. Grundy is essentially a zombie who possesses superhuman strength, regeneration, and immortality. He usually cannot speak more than two lines of a children's song.where its name comes from.
Solomon Grundy isn't even necessarily “bad” as a villain, with some depictions making him a quite tragic figure. Batman: The Long Halloween It particularly stands out when Batman goes to the sewer and brings him a plate of food for Thanksgiving. A character like this, and an interaction like this, deserves a place in the UDC.
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