It's always sunny in Philadelphia Could come to a close in a lot of wild ways, which could pay off the show's low-key emotional passage. The world of It's always sunny in Philadelphia is one of comical scumbag trickery and dark comedy, with the long-running show's approach to a wild group of friends pushing the line of decency in every possible avenue. Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie and Frank have wreaked havoc across Philadelphia (and beyond) for seventeen seasons, and look to expand their mayhem with an upcoming season 17 of It's always sunny in Philadelphia.
The longest-running American live-action sitcom ever, It's always sunny in Philadelphia Will inevitably have to come to a close some day, whether due to the success of their star or the natural end of the show. Although the series is greenlit for season 18, crashed Reported as the creators behind the scenes have been thinking about the end since season 9. The end may be coming It's always sunny in PhiladelphiaAnd here are some of the wildest ways it can close.
The gang gets arrested
The gang may finally face consequences for all their terrible actions
It's always sunny in Philadelphia's inevitable finale could build a wild turn for the trendLike being arrested. Dennis, Mac, Charlie, Dee and Frank have committed a litany of crimes over the years, presumably with Frank's limitless cash flow helping to deal with any problems. However, there may come a time when the charges are so great or the bill so high that Frank can't make it go away. This could set the stage to recreate another sitcom classic and recreate the controversial finale to Seinfeld. This idea was even suggested by a fan theory on Reddit.
It's always sunny in Philadelphia Main Caste |
Character |
Glenn Howerton |
Dennis Reynolds |
Rob McElhenny |
Mac McDonald |
Charlie Day |
Charlie Kelly |
Caitlin Olson |
The Reynolds |
Danny DeVito |
Frank Reynolds |
The theory suggests that all the episodes of the series are A series of testimonies of the gang's crimes. This could be an ideal way to bring back some of those It's always sunny in Philadelphia's best guest star to help close the show. The show has even played with this format before, with Season 5's "The World Series Defense" shifting between the on-court set to the events it describes. This could be a fun way for the series to create consequences for their actions and bring up all the highlights from previous seasons.
The gang dies
Season 11's "The Gang Goes to Hell" may be teasing the show's final turn
Another popular fan theory about It's always sunny in Philadelphia is that the series took place in the afterlife, with the gang trying to explain their actions on Earth to some unseen deity. It's also a format the show has teased with in the past. The season 11 two-parter "The Gang Goes to Hell" initially appears to show the gang appealing to God after their apparent death on a sinking cruise ship. However, the punchline revealed they had just spoken with an insurance agent for the cruise line and were perfectly fine.
Although this means that the end may not be the show's conclusion, It is possible It's always sunny in Philadelphia Explore the final fate of the set. This could be in the form of a flash-forward to their eventual fate or a sudden darkly comic conclusion to the show. Finish the show in the way of Six feet under Or The Sopranos would be a wild way to close the show and brutally say goodbye to characters that fans have loved for almost two decades.
Dennis kills the trend
It's always sunny in Philadelphia Could become a horror story in the finale
It's always sunny in Philadelphia May kill most of the cast in a realization of their longest-running dark subplot. Introduced as a useless and selfish person, Dennis is steadily developed into It's always sunny in Philadelphias most troubled character. Episodes like season 6's "The Dennis System" and season 12's "Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer" highlight Dennis' darker elements and imply that he is a dangerous predator with a body count. Dennis has even attacked other members of the gang beforeAnd a wild ending for the show could see him do it again.
The show could close by shifting gears back into horror, something It's always sunny in Philadelphia Has dubbed with in the past. Turn the final episode into a slasher movie with Dennis behind the killings Would be a wild way to pay the darkest instincts and actions of the character. Dennis reaching a breaking point and slaughtering the entire gang might be the darkest way to end the show, but it could give the show's crude teases about Dennis' potential killer payoff.
The gang faces the end of the world
The fall of society could be the band's time to shine
An inherently wild way for the show to end would be for the series to buck its typically grounded approach to the world and Go big with an apocalyptic shift. It's always sunny in Philadelphia has many times mined the wild qualities of modern society, with surprisingly quick fatal consequences awaiting characters like Country Mac and Maureen Ponderosa. Shifting gears and throwing the kind of stakes in a zombie apocalypse, nuclear war or other end of the world scenario can be a fun way to highlight how surprisingly durable and adaptable the gear has proven to be.
The skills they possessed made them detestable around most of Philadelphia society, but their underhanded tactics and brutal methods Could really serve them well in a post-apocalyptic setting. It would be an incredibly wild ending given the show's grounded counter to the gang's antics, but it could be exciting to see them reach their full potential as the monstrous kings and queens at the end of humanity.
Paddy's pub closes
It's amazing that this bar is still open
One of the most realistic endings of It's always sunny in Philadelphia would be The closure of Paddy's PubWith the often dirty looking bar finally called out for the unsanitary condition that the gang often leaves it in. Season 10's "Charlie's Work" highlighted the challenges the bar faces in passing each health inspection, and Charlie's failure to recreate the success of the episode could doom the bar to an inglorious fate.
That would be the final sign that the show was coming to a close, closing the bar's doors one last time and ending things with the same kind of realistic bluntness that often defined the show's approach to dry humor. It can also actually force the gang apart on some level, with the group forced to get separate jobs and take different paths. TIts sort of ending could be the perfect setup for the set going through a transitional phaseThat can set up different kinds of emotional climax.
The trend is very different
There is none It's always sunny in Philadelphia Without the gear
Maybe the saddest possible way to close It's always sunny in PhiladelphiaThe show could end with the gang going their separate ways. While Dennis and Dee are related by blood, There is nothing strict about keeping the set together as it is. It's something the show has played with until recently when Dennis briefly moved out of town to be with his child in season 12's "Dennis' Double Life." The trend could ultimately be pulled in different directions, either with new relationships or different jobs if Paddy's Pub closes.
This can even be a surprisingly realistic way for It's always sunny in Philadelphia Can endWith the trend ultimately just drifting apart, as some friends do over time. It would give the show a bittersweet touch to close out. Breaking the trend in the finale of It's always sunny in Philadelphia Could be the final way for the creatives behind the show to close the book on the set once and for all. It would be a wild and unexpected way to end the series, especially if it leans heavily towards the tragedy of the situation.
Frank Dies
Frank's send-off may be a wake-up call It's always sunny in Philadelphia as a whole
As the most chaotic member of the gang, Frank has already had several close calls with death - but Frank leaves May be the most unexpectedly emotional way for It's always sunny in Philadelphia To end. Frank Reynolds was introduced in season 2 and quickly escalated the true comic potential of the cast as a team. It also emphasized his sheer dangerous potential, the show showed how frustrated the other characters could become with Frank's cruelty, but highlighted how they still needed him in the process.
Frank is the most likely of the bunch to die sooner Like the others, and it can leave the trend broken on a fundamental level and without the financial security Frank has always provided them. Paying tribute to Frank and his impact on their lives could be a fitting final act for the series to take, and could serve as the perfect external reason to also ship the series as a whole. Frank dying can be comically hilarious, sending the character off in a blaze of glory that closes the show.
The gang cements their bonds
Even without Paddy's pub, the band can live on
Perhaps the most likely element of It's always sunny in Philadelphias inevitable end is the reflection of The main themes of the show are about friendship. Although they can turn on each other in a heartbeat, the group acknowledged that they are only really happy when they are together. It has been an element of the show since the early seasons, and has been reinforced in several recent episodes, including season 13's "The Gang Solves the Toilet Problem," season 14's "Waiting for Big Mo," and season 15's "The Gang carries a corpse up a mountain."
It would leave the characters alive and capable of returning down the line, ending on a more open-ended note that confirms their dynamic while leaving the future open. Even if Paddy's closes, one of their number dies, or the world ends, It is possible that It's always sunny in Philadelphia Will end with the set openly acknowledging their love for one another. Given the series' constant sardonic and casually cruel touches as a whole, seeing such a sweet ending would be surprising. However, it would be an effective and surprisingly sweet send-off It's always sunny in Philadelphia.