The Shantel family The star Pedro Jimeno used to have a good reputation, but the selfish way he treated Chantel Everett casts a long shadow. these days, Pedro's green card hunting ways are exposed, and the universe is not rewarding him. Yes, he has a successful real estate career in the Peach State (Georgia, USA), but he is considered a man who steps over a woman to get his way. People remember what he did to Chantel, and they are unlikely to forgive him for freezing her out. When Pedro left, she was hopeless and depressed.
Some marriages end and the breakups are understandable. People can swim apart. However, with Pedro and Chantel, it seemed more like he was implementing a long-term plan than hitting marital turbulence with his wife. He changed so suddenly, so profoundly - it was as if the person seen on the screen had never existed. He is probably playing a role to get a green card. Once he was safe in America, and unlikely to be deported if he left Chantel, he pulled the trigger. She trusted Pedro, and saw none of this coming.
Pedro lets his greed get the best of him
Like his mother and sister, he's in it for the money
Everyone needs money, but some people understand that it is not the only important thing in life. However, Pedro doesn't seem to be one of those people. Probably due to his upbringing (his mother was consumed with greed while raising him, always looking for a better lifestyle), Pedro is all about money. It didn't seem like his family lived that badly in the Dominican Republic. His mom and sister are still there, and they have good jobs. However, Lydia Morrell, his angry mother, talked about taking money from her sugar daddy while he was married to another woman.
Yes, his mother was a mistress who had children with another woman's partner. Right from day one, Pedro was raised in a life where morality wasn't exactly a high priority. While she certainly had her reasons, and no one would walk a mile in Lydia's shoes, it is safe to say that she put herself first, and put the man's right-hand wife out of her mind right away. Pedro is able to compartmentalize Exactly the same way.
Pedro tricks Chantel instead of loving her
He sold her a dream that was not true
Pedro was destined to live for himself too, and, as seen in the TLC Clip above, she was crushed when the "fact" He pushed on her turned out to be Fragile and temporary as a sand castle. At first he seemed like a good friend to Shantel, but really, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing, who preyed on his partner instead of loving her. While no one forced Chantel to date Pedro and then marry him, she now thinks that Pedro and his family are a bunch of:
And she said as much on the screen. The story of Taking from another person under the guise of caring about them is preying on them. Perhaps, Pedro chose Chantel because she was lonely and gullible. It is quite common for con artists to look for victims who they perceive as weak people.
Chantal is not really weak - loving someone is not a crime. However, she is perhaps blind to an array of red flags that end up being signposts to doom. If she had considered the bad feelings, the cognitive dissonance, the jealousy... maybe she would have made other choices, but there is no dissonance.
He shows the world what he really cares about
Pedro is money-oriented. He promotes himself on Instagram all the time. He wants to sell houses. His posts aren't usually personal or poignant—he's all business. He will live out the American dream if it kills him. He resigned himself to get where he is and nothing will give him what he has. The problem is how he came through opportunities - that's what makes him a predator. Of course, he denies using his ex. However, he may have subtly communicated that in the post above, writing:
It's not where you start but where you finish
Isn't there another way to say that The end justifies the means? Perhaps, it is exactly the same mindset. Only Pedro knows for sure. Recently, Pedro's been filming jockey videos and posting them to IG. He seems nice enough - a handsome guy who is bright - a real estate agent who can be trusted. However, some fans aren't buying it. They roast him on the platform, calling him out for getting what he has by taking away Chantel's dreams and peace of mind. One critic read his caption and wrote:
He would think so
It will be difficult for Pedro to make people believe that he is not all about number one. It may be impossible. If he wants to be less selfish and mercenary, he should sincerely apologize to Chantel for hurting her. He simply cannot admit that he engineered their problems. In fact, he seems to be willing to go to the most extreme lengths to coat that. He doesn't want to give up on finding an American woman to use.
Pedro's Prince Charming act was self-serving
He was never Chantel's Fairytale Prince
It's hard to believe that Pedro loved Chantel - if he really cared, it would be comforting, but what are the odds? It is not impossible, but in light of all that has happened, it is highly unlikely. Before he left her, Pedro was very cruel. He called her "Lazy,"Emotionally kicking her when she went down. He had no empathy at all. He was cold to a creepy degree.
What did she really do that was so bad? She didn't change at all - it was Pedro who was different. He seemed to stop pretending to be Prince Charming. When he got out of character, all hell broke loose. The two bought a house together, and this has already torn them apart. Pedro wanted their starter home to be a showplace - Chantel was tired from her nursing job and didn't have tons of energy to put into the house at night.
However, all the complaints about her housework seemed like excuses - Like a script he prepared to cover up his real motivations. Pedro appeared to be acting, scrambling for something that would make him look more like a fake man and less like a green card hunter willing to fly solo. Again, only Pedro knows what is real.
Pedro probably never loved Chantel
Did he play a game?
So, the games go on, but really, few people seem to believe that he loved Chantel. To take the step of admitting that might win him some respect. At least it would be honest. However, it would inevitably trigger backlash, which won't help him sell homes. Pedro He seems to be enjoying his newfound freedom, but he's always letting himself go, just like an entertaining "carnie" who uses a sleight of hand to keep his tricks a secret from his "markets." Above, Pedro puts the focus on his looks, drawing the eye away from his shadiness.
Pedro can be a womanizer
Does he selfishly use women?
Pedro is an attractive man and he enjoys wrapping women around his little finger. With Shantel, he didn't have to work very hard. She was immediately interested in him. He taught her Spanish when she fell in love with him. One of his former friends says he planned to use Chantel from the beginning, and that his family was in on it. However, Pedro denies this. When Chantel confronted him about the screen, he looked shocked.
Maybe the former pal revealed a detail that Pedro never thought would be aired on the show.
Whether he planned to hurt her or not, he seemed to get too close to other women. His MO was to form bonds with other females and then deny that these connections existed. This is gaslighting - a form of conning that players really understand. The problem here is that Pedro was probably lying to Chantel all along. For example, when she asked about his "friendship" with Koreima Morla, he said that there was nothing romantic about it.
Pedro is also linked with his boss Laura Delgado. A private investigator hired by Karen Everett felt this could be an example of infidelity. It's not impossible that Pedro had a lot of affairs, or maybe he didn't have any, but it seems like there were issues with other women. You can't really prove it. Chantel tried to believe in Pedro, and look what happened to her. Of course, she now realized that he had never been trusted.
Pedro loved his property more than Chantel
Karen Everett sold his gaming chair for one dollar
Pedro ruined Shantel's life, leaving her confused and unhappy. She planned to have kids with this man! Before he left her, he seemed to feel more passion for his lawn tools and gaming chair than he did for his beautiful wife. Shantel is a glamor girl - it's not like she lets herself go. However, he didn't seem to see the beauty in her. After Pedro started working late and hanging out with his coworkers instead of her, he treated her like she was the Hunchback of Notre-Dame...or the Phantom of the Opera.
Meanwhile, he is lounging on his comfy gaming chair. That piece of furniture made it possible for him to enjoy marathon gaming sessions without the usual lower back pain. That chair meant the world to him, functioning as a symbol of his twisted values. sometimes, He hit on Shantel while sitting comfortably in that chair. Now, his favorite gaming accessory is gone - sold by an evil ex-brother-in-law with a wicked sense of humor... and good riddance.
Pedro couldn't have a lot of things when he was growing up. Maybe he dreamed of having the best of everything. However, in the pursuit of gaming chairs, leaf blowers and the like, Pedro forgets that people, who are flesh and blood, are worth more than things. Hopefully, divorce will soften him, bring out a less superficial side.
Pedro could end up alone
Can he handle a relationship?
Pedro may not be able to handle the demands of a mature relationship. Set in his ways, he can retreat into passive-aggressive behavior, seemingly afraid to really be himself. He got used to playing the good guy - that's the role he wants. However, it might be more sincere to lean into the villain role a bit. Of course, Pedro is no angel.
The more you pretend to be nasty, the less convincing it is. In fact, Pedro's commitment to playing a role in romance and online may be his downfall. People have seen a lot of Pedro at this point, and they know better. They would perhaps enjoy him if he brought a touch of honesty to his interactions. as it says, The Shantel family Star seems to be a man who will do almost anything to get what he wants. What he won't do is tell the world who he really is.
The Shantel family Fans can watch the show on the Discovery+ platform.
Sources: TLC/ YouTube. Pedro Jimeno/ Instagram