8 Ways Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller Is Different From Matthew McConaughey In The Lincoln Lawyer

8 Ways Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller Is Different From Matthew McConaughey In The Lincoln Lawyer

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's version of Mickey Haller, seen on Netflix Lincoln's lawyer, it has several characteristics that differentiate it from the previous live-action incarnation. Both adaptations of Lincoln's lawyer are based on the book series by Michael Connelly, which features defense attorney Mickey Haller, famous for working on his Lincoln Town Car. Connelly's Lincoln's lawyer it was first adapted in 2011, spawning a film starring Matthew McConaughey. Although 2011 Lincoln's lawyer performed moderately well, the series remained untouched until the release of Netflix's TV adaptation in 2022.

Despite originating from the same book series the adaptations of Lincoln's lawyer are radically differentparticularly in its depictions of the titular character. Some differences between the two versions of Mickey can be attributed to the fact that they are inspired by different books in the series, but others are deeper than that. Here's a full breakdown of the biggest distinctions between Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and Matthew McConaughey's versions of Lincoln's lawyer Mickey Haller.


Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller stays true to the character's Mexican roots

The Netflix series shakes up the nationality of the main character

Mickey Haller in court in The Lincoln Lawyer

One of the most notable differences between Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and Matthew McConaughey's versions of Mickey Haller is the character's background. In the original Lincoln Lawyer books, it is stated that Mickey Haller is half Mexican, having a Mexican mother. This aspect of Mickey's story is integral to Garcia-Rulfo's portrayal of the character in the Netflix film Lincoln's lawyerwho makes multiple references to his Mexican culture and speaks Spanish throughout the show.

Emphasizing this detail of the Mickey character helps bring diversity to the role and Lincoln's lawyer as a whole, but it also draws a sharp contrast between Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey and Matthew McConaughey's. In 2011 Lincoln's lawyerthere is no reference to Mickey Haller's Mexican heritage. Instead, Haller appears to be Southern and white, which matches Texas-born Matthew McConaughey's background.

Matthew McConaughey's Southern Mickey Haller almost seems like another character.

While this change in Mickey's lineup was probably the best as far as McConaughey's portrayal goes, it's a night and day difference compared to Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's version of the character in the Netflix adaptation. Compared to Garcia-Rulfo's Mexican Mickey Haller, Matthew McConaughey's Southern Mickey Haller almost seems like another character.


Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller Has Alcohol Abuse Problems

The film version had more vices

Mickey Haller smiling in the film The Lincoln Lawyer.

Another big difference between Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller and Matthew McConaughey's version of the character is the titular Lincoln Lawyer's relationships with alcohol. Throughout 2011 Lincoln's lawyerMickey is almost an alcoholicas the character is seen drinking heavily several times during the film.

McConaughey's darker version of Mickey seems incapable of casual drinking, with Maggie having to drive him home multiple times. At one point, Frank even tells Mickey that he needs to cut down on his alcohol consumption. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have a problem with alcohol abuse on Netflix. Lincoln's lawyer.


Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller Only Has One Ex-Wife

The film only had Mickey previously married to Maggie

Micky and Maggie in season 2 of The Lincoln Lawyer

One strange difference between the two film versions of Mickey Haller is the marital history. Node Lincoln Lawyer books, it is established that Mickey had two failed marriages, one with Maggie McPherson and one with Lorna Taylor. However, this aspect of Mickey's backstory was changed for 2011. Lincoln's lawyerwhich makes it seem like Matthew McConaughey's Mickey was only married to Maggie.

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller has a romantic past more similar to the book version of Mickey.

This is a strange change in the book, as Lorna still appears as a minor character, but there is no mention that she and McConaughey's Mickey had a relationship that was more than professional. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller has a romantic past more similar to the book version of Mickey. The Netflix show makes it clear that Mickey was married to Maggie and Lorna in the past.

Both previous relationships strongly influence Lincoln's lawyercharacter dynamics, especially because Lorna has a much bigger role in the Netflix show. Introducing Mickey's Previous Two Novels on Netflix Lincoln's lawyer adds an extra layer to his character that makes him seem more human than McConaughey's 2011 version of Mickey Lincoln's lawyer.


Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller has a different musical obsession

Mickey learns more about his customers through musical tastes

Mickey Haller in the office at The Lincoln Lawyer

Mickey Haller has some unorthodox musical interests, but Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and Matthew McConaughey's versions of Lincoln Lawyer Character has different preferred genders. Although the original Lincoln Lawyer books claim that Mickey has an affinity for hip hop musicManuel Garcia-Rulfo's version of the character swapped hip hop for jazz on the Netflix show.

This is a positive book change for Mickey's character on Netflix Lincoln's lawyer this stays more true to the character's goal of gaining a deeper understanding of his customers by listening to the music genre. However, this love of jazz is unique to Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller in the Netflix film. Lincoln's lawyer. Outside of Netflix Lincoln's lawyerthere is no reference to Mickey listening to jazz, especially in the case of Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller.



Release date

Lincoln's lawyer (film)

Matthew McConaughey

March 18, 2011

Lincoln's lawyer Season 1

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo

May 13, 2022

Lincoln's lawyer Season 2

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo

July 6, 2023

Lincoln's lawyer Season 3

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo

October 17, 2024

2011 Lincoln's lawyer does not explicitly mention the titular character's love for any particular music genre or his reasons for listening to hip hop, seemingly downplaying this detail of Mickey's character. But since Lincoln's lawyer the film's soundtrack features hip hop tracks throughout its story, it can be assumed that McConaughey's Mickey listens to hip hop like his book counterpart.

In 2011, Lincoln's lawyer made several major changes to Michael Connelly's book series, implying that Mickey's love of hip-hop remains true to the book's version of Mickey.


Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller is more interested in the money

The movie version does this for payday

Matthew McConaughey as Mick Haller standing next to his car in The Lincoln Lawyer

A big difference between Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey and Matthew McConaughey's Mickey is their motivations for practicing defense law. In 2011 Lincoln's lawyer, Matthew McConaughey's Darker Mickey Haller Seems More Interested when it comes to the cases he takes on. In this version, Mickey can sometimes seem more invested in the monetary reward than in the ethical and moral side of practicing law.

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller seems to have a more altruistic interest in representing his clients.

Only when Mickey begins to draw similarities between the case of Jesus Menendez (or Martinez in the film) and the case of Louis Roulet does he focus on the ethical dilemmas of letting an innocent man go to prison for a crime he didn't commit. In comparison, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey Haller seems to have a more altruistic interest in representing his clients. In fact, in Lincoln's lawyer Season 2, when Lisa Trammel insists on paying Mickey for his work, Mickey continually ignores her concerns.

This difference between the two depictions of Mickey Haller may come from the fact that the Netflix film Lincoln's lawyer I skipped the first book (which the movie is based on), which means the darker version of Mickey doesn't exist in the TV show. Regardless, there's a big difference between Garcia-Rulfo and McConaughey's versions of Mickey, making it much easier to like Mickey on the Netflix show.


Mickey Haller, from Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, depends on third parties to manage his law firm

The film version preferred to work alone

Lorna Crane on the phone at The Lincoln Lawyer.

Mickey's team is just as important as he is to the success of his court cases on Netflix Lincoln's lawyerbut Matthew McConaughey's Mickey appears to take a more solitary approach to practicing law. Often in the Netflix adaptation, Lorna and Cisco investigate or research Mickey's cases, while Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey creates the angle they pursue.

Comparatively, McConaughey's portrayal of Mickey appears to do the vast majority of his work alone, only sporadically receiving help from Lorna or Frank. These distinctions make sense for the different formats of the respective adaptations, but they paint very different pictures of Mickey's working style.


Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller Has No Mentor

The Movie Version Just Remembered His Father's Old Advice

Lincoln's lawyer Elliott Gould

On Netflix Lincoln's lawyerManuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mickey occasionally consults a mentor when he's in trouble, but Matthew McConaughey's version of the Lincoln Lawyer has no such figure to turn to. Elliott Gould plays David “Legal”Siegel in Lincoln's lawyerfriend of the late Mickey Sr. who supports Mickey, both professionally and personally.

However, in 2011 Lincoln's lawyerMickey had no mentors to turn to; instead, he tried to follow the advice his father had once given him. This difference makes McConaughey's Mickey feel decidedly lonelier, placing greater emphasis on the hole his father's death left.


Matthew McConaughey's Mickey Haller Is More Interested in Maggie

The Netflix version left divorces behind

Maggie and Mickey at the ball game in The Lincoln Lawyer

Both film versions of Mickey have a close relationship with ex-wife Maggie McPherson, but Matthew McConaughey's portrayal of the character has a different connection to Maggie. In the film, the door to Mickey and Maggie's relationship doesn't seem to be completely closed, despite the divorce. The scenes between the characters have romantic tension, and Mickey still has some feelings for Maggie.

This dynamic is less present in the Netflix adaptation, where Mickey and Maggie, by Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, have a closer friendship. Giving the former couple a platonic relationship on Netflix Lincoln's lawyer allows for greater focus on Mickey's cases, making him, first and foremost, Lincoln's lawyer.

Which Lincoln lawyer is best?

There are positive things in both versions of Lincoln's lawyerbut the biggest selling point of the Netflix version is the similarity between it and the original novels. Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's version of Mickey Haller is much more accurate to the character created by Michael Connelly. The film version was always fun, thanks to Matthew McConaughey's charisma and twisty plot. However, the Netflix version has just as many twists and turns and is much more faithful.

It seems that many viewers disliked Manuel Garcia-Rulfo at the beginning of the first season, possibly comparing him to Matthew McConaughey in terms of charisma. However, as some have commented in a Reddit topic, there were plot reasons for its rigidity at first. Editor different from the devil suggested that the actor just needed some time to find his rhythm and comfort in the role:

"At first I wasn't enjoying the lead role, but it grew on me towards the end. The acting from some of the cast members was good, but the cases and everything that was going on held it together. Nev Campbell did well."

Ultimately, what makes the Netflix version superior to the film is the fact that it's been airing for three seasons and has the chance to really showcase Mickey Haller and his life. As good as he was in the role, Matthew McConaughey had a movie and a case to show Mickey Haller to the world. THE Lincoln Lawyer The Netflix series had three seasons to show people the character that Connelly created, and that alone makes it the superior version of the character.