Cloyce Martin is the latest chef at Sailing yacht below deck Season 5, but he's already proven himself to be a villain. Sailing yacht below deck Season 5 was highly anticipated following First Officer Gary King's alleged sexual misconduct in the previous season. According to former Bravo makeup artist Samantha Suarez, Gary behaved inappropriately toward her when production asked her to accompany the cast back to their room. While Gary has undoubtedly been cast as a villain, next season's true villain is Chef Cloyce.
Captain Glenn Shepherd, Gary and Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher were the only cast members to return for Sailing yacht below deck season 5. Chef Cloyce has taken over the kitchen as a fresh-faced and overly confident cast member in the new season. Chef Cloyce is joined by chief engineer Davide Morosi, replacing former chief engineer Colin Macrae, stews Diana Cruz and Danni Waren and deckhands Keith Allen and Emma Crouch. With all the new faces, it's surprising that Chef Cloyce is already the featured villain.
Cloyce responds to Daisy
She is not impressed with his behavior
Chef Cloyce and Daisy have already had problems Sailing yacht below deck season 5. During the last letter, Daisy hoped Chef Cloyce would follow her timing tips for dinner servicebut Chef Cloyce became frustrated when Daisy sent sailors to deliver messages instead of speaking to him directly. At one point, when dessert was delayed, he pointed out that he was waiting for Daisy's signal, leading her to exclaim in frustration that they were "I will fight"if he continued to question her decisions. Instead of remaining professional, Chef Cloyce showed he wants to respond.
Understandably, Daisy expressed who Chef Cloyce was: “playing [her] under the bus” for not preparing courses when she gave permission. In his confessional, Chef Cloyce expressed that “Of course” It had a different meaning for him, wanting direct updates from her rather than third-party instructions.
Chef Cloyce Didn't Come to Below Deck Yacht to Make Friends
He doesn't care if anyone likes him
After the first charter, the crew left together for Ibiza, typical of Sailing yacht below deck crew post-charter. However, when he was hanging out with Gary and deckhand Keith after leaving, Chef Cloyce made it obvious that he wasn't working on the yacht to make friends. The three sat drinking and smoking, joking around. Chef Cloyce expressed that the camaraderie was unexpected because he didn't intend to make friends. His behavior is especially bizarre because he has shown romantic interest in Daisy despite treating her poorly.
It’s always a warning sign when someone says, “I’m not here to make friends.” Chef Cloyce is a villain.
There definitely is tension between Chef Cloyce and the rest of the castwhich sometimes doesn't align with the crucial teamwork dynamic on a yacht. Although she maintains her standards in the kitchen, her approach has raised concerns from Captain Glenn, who has already noted the challenges in integrating Cloyce into the team. Saying that friendship isn't a priority is usually reserved for reality TV villains.
Cloyce disobeyed Captain Glenn by leaving with the guests
He should be getting ready for lunch
Chef Cloyce got into trouble with Captain Glenn when Bravo star chose to socialize with guests instead of preparing lunch. Any patience Captain Glenn had with Chef Cloyce during the first charter completely disintegrated after the guests' stomachs began growling, and the chef was enjoying a sunny day on the water with them. Before leaving, Chef Cloyce assured Daisy that he had prepared a salad and would roast chicken and salmon while he was gone, planning a simple, light lunch.
Chef Cloyce's overconfidence will be his downfall on Below Deck Sailing Yacht.
However, her absence left Captain Glenn increasingly worried as he checked the kitchen and found the slightest bit of preparation for the next meal, even discovering a mess in his wake. Captain Glenn, frustrated with the delay and Chef Cloyce's decision to prioritize socializing over kitchen choresexpressed his disappointment and asked to bring him back immediately. It was shocking behavior at the start of the charter season, making him a potential villain in the future.
Chef Cloyce wasn't fun on the night out
He won't follow Daisy's system
Good thing Chef Cloyce doesn't care about making friends because he certainly won't make any based on his behavior. After Chef Cloyce offered to buy two bottles of wine for the crew, Daisy explained that everyone takes turns paying the bill during charter season. Chef Cloyce immediately began complaining loudly that he wouldn't consume five or six drinks, making the entire system unfair.
Crew members typically earn more than 1,000 euros each per charter. A dinner out won't break the bank.
Daisy has more seniority than Chef Cloyce when it comes to age and experience on Parsifal III, and if he didn't want to be a villain he wouldn't rock the boat. However, Chef Cloyce doesn't want to work in a teamand that's why he threw a tantrum about not taking turns checking the bill. It was silly because the bill would probably always be the same, making it a unique investment for each crew member. Chef Cloyce may have wanted to save money and support his family at home, but he didn't plead his case well.
Cloyce acts like he's the best chef who ever lived
He's a little too confident
While there have been some colorful characters starring as chefs in Sailing yacht below deckChef Cloyce might be the most confident chef the show has ever seen. Chef Cloyce's experience as a chef of 22 years is definitely impressivebut he needs to stop acting and actually improve or he risks looking like a villain. Despite Cloyce's confidence in her culinary skills and belief that minimal preparation is sufficient, her behavior – such as abandoning her duties to participate in activities as a guest – is unacceptable.
Sailing yacht below deck |
Cloyce Martin |
Age |
22 |
Work |
Chef |
Hometown |
California |
Chef Cloyce left the galley mostly untouched while the chicken and salmon went raw, just 80 minutes before the scheduled lunch, leaving Captain Glenn scrambling to get him back on board. Chef Cloyce's disregard for the need to balance work and play even resulted in miscommunication with Chef Stew Daisy, increasing service delays, including a 17-minute delay in dessert service. While the guests were pleased with the bread pudding, Chef Cloyce needs to stop bragging and step up.
Chef Cloyce doesn't respond to Daisy's requests
He will make her hate him
Chef Cloyce is on the ice with Daisy and Captain Glenn. It was a big mistake when Chef Cloyce decided to follow his own terminology and timing for dessert instead of listening to Daisy's requests. He expected Daisy herself to convey this information directly, creating a gap that led to a 17-minute delay in service. Not listening to Daisy proves Chef Cloyce's villainous status and desire to cause trouble aboard Parsifal III. The next day, due to Chef Cloyce's decision to leave with the guests, Daisy was left dealing with hungry guests for fifteen minutes.
The tense dynamic between Daisy and Chef Cloyce continued with Cloyce's decision to order a cake for a charter guest's 60th birthday instead of baking it, resulting in an accident when he tried to heat it, causing him to or crumble. Daisy commented that Chef Cloyce's shortcut was “horrible.” Captain Glenn seemed to be on Daisy's side in the situation, but that won't make Cloyce any easier to deal with.
Chef Cloyce doesn't want to be a team player
He tried to do Diana's work
Chef Cloyce has proven that he is not a team player, which is key for a chef working on a sailing yacht. Not only did he neglect his duties in preparing to go out with the guests, but he also tried to take over Diana's position. He was joking and pouring wine to guests before Diana could serve them like an indoor stew. She was less than impressed and felt as if he had completely left her out. Diana just wanted to make her job successful Bravo show.
Perhaps if Chef Cloyce had been preparing lunch during this time instead of playing with the charter guests in water, he might have had time to make a cake more suitable for a 60th birthday party. As Daisy pointed out, the tip guests leave depends on the chef's skills. If Chef Cloyce doesn't want to split the alcohol bill after each charter, the least he can do is make sure the crew tips well after each charter.
Chef Cloyce Created Hypocritical Rules for His Kitchen
He won't order food
Chef Cloyce disagreed with Daisy's approach to taking individual guest orders, which made his job in the kitchen more complicated. He also criticized the interior crew for alleged lapses in communication, such as when he insisted that Daisy personally call him to confirm when the tables were clean, despite her having already sent a message through the deck crew. This led Daisy to call out his lack of teamwork and potential diva behavior. It wasn't a big deal when guests on the first charter wanted their steaks cooked differently, but Chef Cloyce threw a tantrum and blamed Daisy.
Additionally, Chef Cloyce was expected to make a birthday cake, but since he reportedly hates making cakes, he ordered one from a bakery and heated it in the oven. It looked horrible and should have gone against the rules for a chef on board a luxury yacht. Between his arrogant attitude, hypocritical rules, and combative personality, Chef Cloyce is definitely the villain of the show. Sailing yacht below deck season 5.