Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Of season 3.THE Of The season 3 finale introduces a mysterious new character credited as the Man in the Yellow Suit (Douglas E. Hughes). He appears in the final scene of Of ends season 3 and kills Jim Matthews (Eion Bailey). Unlike the city's night monsters, the Man in Yellow is able to move freely during the day. He knows that Jade Herrera (David Alpay) plays the lullaby and warns that there are consequences for gaining knowledge.
The Man in Yellow solves the Of The mystery of whose voice was on the radio at the end of Season 1, warning Jim that his wife, Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno), shouldn't dig a hole. In addition to revealing that the Man in Yellow has been present since season 1 Of Episode 2 of Season 3 set up the introduction of the Man in Yellow in paintings done by Victor's mother, Miranda (Sarah Booth). Going to Of In season 4, one of the biggest mysteries is the true identity of the Man in Yellow, with several theories being possible.
The man in yellow is responsible for the sacrifice of children
This would also make him responsible for creating the monsters
OfIt is revealed that the monsters were individuals who sacrificed their children in exchange for immortality. Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) says that "this" offered them immortality. THE Of The Season 3 finale contains many groundbreaking revelations, but it doesn't reveal who or what the “it” Fátima is referring to is. "It" could be the Man in Yellow, who is the original source of evil in the city, responsible for sacrificing the children and creating the monsters.
This would effectively make the Man in Yellow the leader of the monsters. All this time, the monsters may be doing the Man in Yellow's orders. Having the ability to make monsters immortal, which is proven genuine through the rebirth of the monster Smiley (Jamie McGuire), demonstrates how formidable the Man in Yellow's power is. If he is responsible for the children's deaths and the creation of the monsters, that would add more weight to the children helping Tabitha and Jade remember the truth.
The man in yellow is the antithesis of the boy in white
They may be trapped in an old conflict
If OfIf the Boy in White (Vox Smith) is trying to help the residents, then the Man in Yellow could be the antithesis of the Boy in White who wants to keep the residents trapped and tormented in the city. The Boy in White and the Man in Yellow are clearly among the most powerful entities in the city. Both make infrequent, albeit impactful, appearances. Residents may be unknowingly caught up in an ancient conflict between the Boy in White and the Man in Yellow.
Of repeat Lost with several of its story beats. The Man in Yellow being the antithesis of the Boy in White would be remembers the dynamics between LostThe Man in Black (Titus Welliver) and Jacob (Mark Pellegrino)with the Island's survivors locked in an ancient conflict between them. Despite initial assumptions, the conflict between Jacob and the Man in Black was more nuanced than simply a matter of good versus evil. There's a good chance that a potential relationship between the Boy in White and the Man in Yellow would be just as complex.
Randall becomes the man in yellow
This Could Be the Payoff for Randall's Cicada Plot
ONE Reddit the theory posits that Randall (AJ Simmons) could become the Man in Yellow. Since being possessed by the Music Box Monster in Season 2, Randall has been seeing and hearing hallucinations involving cicadas. The theory focuses on how cicadas often symbolize rebirth and immortality and that Randall could be reborn as the Man in Yellow. From surviving the Music Box Monster to being left to the monsters in Season 3 Episode 4, the series has made an effort to save Randall on multiple occasions and is apparently saving him for a bigger role.
That bigger role could be him becoming the Man in Yellow, who, according to Ofby the rules of time travel, he was always destined to become. There are also parallels drawn between the scar that Randall has on his face after being attacked by the monsters and the scar that the Man in Black has on his face. There is even speculation that when he was left to the monsters, they did not choose to spare his life, but found themselves unable to kill him because he is somehow already the immortal Man in Yellow.
The man in yellow is Hastur
He could be a Lovecraftian villain
Instead of being an already established member Ofcast of characters, this Reddit the theory argues that the Man in Yellow is a fictional figure known as Hastur. The character Hastur was mentioned by horror and fantasy writer HP Lovecraft and later expanded upon by other authors. THE Of theory focuses on how Hastur is known as the King in Yellowa clear link to the Man in Yellow. It is also discussed how Hastur likes to use inescapable spaces, which fits with the city where residents are trapped and unable to escape.
The theory goes on to explain how Hastur's minions are not stupid, as they follow rules and maintain the hierarchy their master desires. This aligns with how OfThe monsters react, as they are not stupid creatures. They are skillfully manipulative, as when they release farm animals into Of season 3, episode 1, or when they pretended to play dead when the paramedics found them. Such manipulation and strategy is described as similar to Hastur's minions and may point to the Man in Yellow's true identity.
The man in yellow is the keeper of the lighthouse
The lighthouse is undeniably important
One of the most important places Of It's the lighthouse in the forest. That Reddit the theory connects the Man in Yellow to the lighthouse and discusses how he could be the lighthouse's keeper. The theory highlights the Man in Yellow's clothing as the type of clothing that might be worn by a lighthouse keeper. Of course, the Man in Yellow wouldn't be a lighthouse keeper in the traditional sense, but would use one to ensure that residents remained trapped in the city.
The Boy in White was able to help Tabitha escape the city in Of season two ends with him pushing her out of the lighthouse. The Man in Yellow may now be worried that something like this could happen again, which is why he springs into action after Jade plays the lullaby near the bottle tree and remembers the past lives he and Tabitha had. in the city. In order for all residents to escape the city for good, they may need to defeat the Man in Yellow and how he is using the beacon to keep them trapped.
The man in yellow is Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse is a German fictional character
ONE Reddit the theory points to the word "Mabuse" being shown on the ambulance that took Tabitha back to the city at the beginning of season 3. The theory explains how "Mabuse" could be a reference to the Dr. novels and films. According to this theory, Dr. Mabuse has many powers, including telepathy, hypnosis, demonic possession, and body transfer, powers that the Man in Yellow may also have. Perhaps more importantly, the theory discusses how Dr. Mabuse rarely commits crimes, but instead has his agents commit them.
Mabuse also has more than one type of agent, which aligns with the various types of monsters that exist in the city, as the Music Box Monster, Kimono Woman (Shuoxin Fu) and other entities appear distinct from normal night monsters. .
If the city's nocturnal monsters are the agents of the Man in Yellow, this dynamic seems quite familiar. Mabuse also has more than one type of agent, which aligns with the various types of monsters that exist in the city, as the Music Box Monster, Kimono Woman (Shuoxin Fu) and other entities appear distinct from normal night monsters. . The theory clarifies that the Man in Yellow is not literally Dr. Mabuse, but that Of may be drawing too many elements from the German fictional character.
The Man in Yellow is a 1950s game show host
This could explain the many influences of the 1950s
Since her introduction in Season 1, there has been speculation as to why OfThe monsters are dressed as if they lived in the 1950s. Reddit The theory addresses this question in an unexpected way, suggesting that the Man in Yellow may be a game show host from the 1950s. The 1950s aesthetic is not only present in the monsters' clothing, but in the design of the City itself, with this theory arguing that this may be because the Man in Yellow designed the city and is nostalgic for this era.
The theory mentions that the Man in Yellow's voice, even dating back to when it was heard on the radio in the first season, sounds like that of a game show host. This formation is also linked to the songs that apparently play randomly on the city's diner jukeboxes, with the Man in Yellow using the songs as a form of entertainment for himself and as torment for the residents. The theory also explains how the hosts sometimes wore yellow because it stood out more than other colors, which could explain the character's name and choice of clothing.
Ethan becomes the man in yellow
This could be related to why the voices wanted Sara to kill him
That Reddit theory returns to the idea that the Man in Yellow is an already established man Of character being Ethan Matthews (Simon Webster). In Season 1, Ethan was often seen wearing yellow clothes and always had an inexplicable connection to the city and a deep understanding of how the mysterious place works. This can be explained by the fact that Ethan is the Man in Yellow, who is also the “storyteller” of the city's history.
There is also discussion in the comments about how voices told Sara Myers (Avery Konrad) in season 1 to kill Ethan, which may have been because of him becoming the Man in Yellow. Ethan's connection to the city needs to be explored further and the Man in Yellow could be part of that. It doesn't make sense for Ethan, or even Randall, to be the Man in Yellow in the show's current timeline, but Of may find a way to explain this in season 4.
Source: Various (see above)