sister wife Star and polygamist patriarch Cody Brown hasn't always been honest with the people in his life, and here are eight examples of his seemingly endless lies. 55-year-old Cody made his television debut in 2010 alongside his massively plural family. At that time he was already married to three women and was looking for a fourth wife, the 45-year-old Robin Brown. At the time, the whole family lived in Utah in a large house divided into separate wings.
Each of Cody's wives lived in her wing with their biological children, and Cody would go from wing to wing. At first, the big, boisterous family seemed really happy and in love with each other, but the good times didn't last. Although the show was supposed to chronicle the life of a functional polygamous family, it ended up filming their dissolution instead. with sister wife Season 19 On the horizon, three of Cody's wives have left the marriage, leaving Cody and Robin in a monogamous relationship that neither of them planned for.
It all started with Cody's third wife, 52-year-old Christine Brown, who left him in 2021, followed by his second wife, 55-year-old Janelle Brown, and his first wife, 53-year-old Old Mary Brown, in 2022 some of Cuddy's 18 children don't even speak to him, and those who do continue to resent him. Although Cody carries a lot of bitterness towards his wife for everything that has happened over the years, He is the true villain of the story.
Cody would never spend time with his other wives
They were miles apart
This was easier for the cast of sister wife When the Browns all lived under the same roof in their home in Utah. The house was designed by a polygamist for a polygamist family, so it couldn't have been more perfect for the Browns. During sister wife In season 1, Cody and his wife grew paranoid about Utah's strict anti-polygamy laws. It is feared that they will accuse, The Browns quickly packed up and left the state.
The Browns would never live under the same roof again.
Living in four separate homes proved to be incredibly challenging for family cohesion. Sometimes the houses were as much as half an hour apart from each other, which meant Cody had to drive long distances to see all his wives and children. This left less time for Cuddy to actually spend with his family members, which led to great resentment, and it eventually became uncontrollable, and led to the downfall of the Brown family.
Cody always played the victim
Victim mentality
Over the years, Cody always saw himself as a victim, and judging by the sister wife Season 19 trailer, what TLC Recently posted on YouTube, Cody is more bitter and tired than ever. His woe-is-me attitude has been a familiar, albeit unattractive, part of his personality throughout the beloved series' long run, and it would appear that nothing has changed for Cody. At one point during the trailer, the polygamist patriarch sadly asks, “What did I do to deserve this?"
- What did I do?
If Cody is really confused about what he did wrong, he should consider watching sister wife Seasons 1 through 18 for a full accounting of his many mistakes, missteps, and terrible decisions. Also, unless Cody pulls himself together, His last remaining wife will follow his first three wives in the door.. His victim mentality is out of control, and if he continues to act this way, Cody could end up one.
Cody lied about the COVID-19 rules
Nanny Gate
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Browns were quarantined in four separate homes, and Cody would travel between them. The separation hurt the already strained familySo when Ariella Brown's fifth birthday rolled around, the family decided to finally get together. They dutifully tested beforehand and carefully followed CDC guidelines. The birthday party was during sister wife Season 16, and it was without any issues.
For a moment, as the Browns laugh together like old times, it felt like the troubled family had turned a dark corner and would reunite, but that was not the case.
days later, Robin tells the family that they have all been exposed to the COVID-19 virusWhy Robin and Cody blame the nanny. With Robin and Cody unwilling to risk further exposure, this was the last time the Brown family got together in person. There was speculation that the nanny never exposed the Browns to COVID-19 and that Cody and Robin just wanted an excuse to spend less time with the family.
Cody secretly kisses Robin
Kiss and don't tell
During a sister wife season 18 episode, Christine talked about being upset when Cody kissed Robin before the weddingWhich was against Brown family dating rules. Before courting Robin, Cody and his wife had a rule against intimacy before marriage, which also banned kissing. Robin, who expressed guilt about the kiss, said, "He kissed me, and I was like, 'Okay, well, it's done.'
"It happened."
Robin blamed Cody for making the move on her, but she kissed him back and then helped him keep the secret. The fact that Robin was willing to break the intimacy rules of her fellow sister wives while being dishonest about it was a sign of things to come, as Robin would continue to act as if the rules did not apply to her. It also wouldn't be the last time that Robin blamed her behavior on Cody in order to escape accountability.
Cody blamed all his marital troubles on his ex-wife
He never takes accountability
throughout the years, Cody never took accountability for his problemsand often blames his wives. During COVID-19, Cody accused his wife and grown children of disrespecting his health. When his older children struggled to follow his strict virus mitigation rules, he stopped seeing them.
At one point, Cody demands that Janelle kick their grown sons out of her home so Cody can visit, and her refusal to do so is what triggered her decision to leave Cody. During that time, Cody stopped talking to some of his grown sons, including 25-year-old Garrison Brown, who tragically died in March. Cody and Garrison were not on speaking terms when the young man died, which would likely haunt Cody for the rest of his life.
Cody told Robin that he still loved his three wives when he didn't
He promised her a plural marriage
Although Robin is often accused of wanting Cody all to himself, this is not true. It was clear that Robin wanted a plural marriage. She said that a large part of the reason She fell in love with Cody because she fell in love with the whole familyWant your children to be part of the dynamic that only a large plural family can offer.
Robin's first marriage was monogamous, and it ended badly in divorce. After a few years of being a single mom of three kids, Robin met Mary, who introduced her to Cody and the Brown family. Robin believed in the principle of plural marriage and never wanted to be Cody's only wife. With Meri, Janelle and Christine gone, Robyn is alone in a monogamous relationship with Cody. Since Cody doesn't seem to have any intention of bringing another woman into the familyRobyn may come to decide that their marriage isn't working for her.
Cody favored Robin over his other wives
He lied about it for a long time
Cody married his first three wives over the course of four years, but that's a long time 16 years would pass before the Browns added another wife to the mix. Bringing a new wife into his plural marriage upends the status quo, changing the dynamic between Cody and his other three wives. Things got worse when Cody openly favored Robin and spent more time at her house than with the other three wives. He claimed that it was because they had small children together who needed him more than his older children, but that didn't satisfy anyone.
It quickly became clear to the other women that what he had with Robin was different from what he shared with them. The fact that he preferred Robin is what triggered his falling out with Christine, who became increasingly jealous of their relationship. Also, spending more time with Robin meant spending less time with his other wives, and The loss affected all of his relationshipsIncluding his relationship with his children.
Cody never told Mary that he was in love with her
He deceived her for so long
Cody dumped Mary even before he married Robin, and it was always clear that she was his least favorite wife. While he favored Robin, he was still attracted to Christine and Janelle, with whom he shared stronger bonds. Cody seemed to have zero interest in MeriAnd he was not honest, instead of wasting Mary's time.
With their only child together grown up and out of the house, Kady had less and less reason to spend nights at Mary's house, and he took advantage of it. Instead of valuing the marriage and working to make Mary happy, He increasingly ignored her and would reject her Repeatedly. Although he fell out of love, he never told her and continued to write.
Despite Kody's mistreatment of Meri, she remained faithful long after he told her he was no longer attracted to her. Only in the bitter end did he finally tell her that he couldn't see himself in a real marriage with her, which led to Mary finally working up the nerve to leave Cody.
Source: TLC/ YouTube