8 mysteries from the season 3 finale finally solved

8 mysteries from the season 3 finale finally solved

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3, Episode 10, “Revelations: Chapter Two.”Of is known for its mysteries, many of which are answered in the season 3 finale. Since the series began, there have been many overarching mysteries, including why OfThe cast of characters are trapped in the city and what is the truth behind the cruel and manipulative monsters that appear every night. When Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) and Sara Myers (Avery Konrad) venture into the woods at the end of Season 1, they find a bottle tree, and another bottle tree is also introduced in Season 2, with the trees being one of the trees in the show. primary mysteries.

In addition to the overarching questions, there were more character-specific mysteries, like who the Boy in White (Vox Smith) is and what has been growing inside Fátima (Pegah Ghafoori) during her unnatural pregnancy. The series has sometimes been criticized for introducing too many questions without providing answers. This criticism should be set aside after the Of season three finale, which sees many of the series' most important and long-standing mysteries being answered.


What do the numbers on the From bottle tree mean?

There are numbers inside the bottles

Each of the bottles hanging from the trees contains pieces of paper with a series of four numbers written on them. ONE Of The season 3 theory suggested that the numbers were addresses and could be used to travel to specific addresses by passing through a distant tree. Another popular fan theory was that the numbers were from past, present, and future years in which residents were trapped in the city. In the show, Jade Herrerra fishes all the pieces of paper out of the bottles and is desperate to understand the meaning behind them.

The meaning of OfBottle tree numbers are now finally revealed as musical notes from a lullaby that Jade and Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno) sang to the city's children. Jim Matthews (Eion Bailey) is the key to unlocking the mystery of the numbers on the bottle tree when he suggests that the 12 numbers could be the 12 notes on a musical scale. Jade plays the lullaby on a violin while standing in front of one of the bottle trees, and the music summons the "Anghkooey" children.


What is growing inside Fátima?

Her pregnancy was traumatic

The joy surrounding Fátima's pregnancy in Season 2 was quickly eclipsed by the horrors of Season 3. The pregnancy made Fátima crave blood and rotten vegetables, at the same time that she felt terrible pain and was even driven to murder the kind Tillie (Deborah Grover) in Of season 3, episode 7. Fátima saw her stomach collapse and feels something growing inside her, but the ultrasound performed by Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot) and Marielle (Kaelen Ohm) shows that she is not pregnant.

The terrible truth comes to light at the end of season 3 when Fátima gives birth to the disturbing Of monster known as Smiley (Jamie McGuire), who Boyd previously killed in Season 2, Episode 6. Smiley emerges from the placenta fully grown and as if he had never died. The unnatural nature of Fatima's pregnancy, her desire for blood and spoiled food, the ultrasound being unable to detect a human fetus, and the murderous desire to kill Tillie all make sense because they are rooted in the rebirth of a monster.


Why did the woman in the kimono want Fátima to give birth?

She made sure the birth happened at any cost

Kimono Woman (Shuoxin Fu) has been appearing before Elgin (Nathan D. Simmons) since season 2. In Season 3, it gradually becomes clear that her goal is for Fátima to give birth and that she has been manipulating Elgin to ensure that happens. In Of In Season 3, Episode 9, she even puts her hand over Fatima's mouth and silences her so she can't be found when Tabitha, Julie Matthews (Hannah Cheramy), and Victor Kavanaugh (Scott McCord) are in the basement.

Kimono Woman's investment in Fátima's birth was always to ensure that Smiley was reborn.

When Fatima's baby is born, Kimono Woman takes the placenta to the tunnels below, where all the other monsters can see Smiley being reborn. This clarifies that Kimono Woman's investment in Fatima's birth was always to ensure that Smiley was reborn. That's why she first appeared before Elgin after Smiley diedas she was already starting to play the long game of manipulating Elgin into keeping Fatima captive and feeding her her own blood in season three.


What does “Anghkooey” mean?

The kids have been trying to help Tabitha and Jade

Since season 2, Tabitha has seen children repeating the phrase "Anghkooey" over and over again. At first, she is afraid of them and thinks they want to hurt her, but eventually realizes that they want her help and are trying to communicate with her. This is largely based on the fact that Victor's mother, Miranda (Sarah Booth), believed that the children were locked in a tower and needed to be saved. However, communicating with children becomes more challenging because Tabitha doesn't know what "Anghkooey" means.

This is no longer the case after the Season 3 finale, as Tabitha and Jade now understand that "Anghkooey" means remember. The numbers left inside the bottles, the nursery rhyme based on the corresponding musical notes, and the children have been trying to get Tabitha and Jade to remember who they are and what their purpose in the City has been. This is further proof that Jade was right about children and bottle trees being connected.


How are Tabitha and Jade connected to Miranda and Christopher?

Your connections change the whole show

The bottle tree numbers, the nursery rhyme, and the children reminded Tabitha and Jade that they have been to the town many times before and were even there before the children were killed. One of those children was his own daughter. In the years that followed, they tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to save the children and free them, including Miranda, who was an earlier version of Tabitha, and Christopher (Thom Payne), who was an earlier version of Jade.

This explains why Tabitha has so many similarities to Miranda and why Jade has so many similarities to Christopher. Tabitha and Miranda are loving towards Victor and are committed to saving the children because they are the same person. The same concept explains why Jade and Christopher keep seeing the symbol, why they keep looking for answers, and why Jade has visions of Christopher and Jasper. Tabitha and Jade are trapped in a bond that they are still struggling to break.


Who was the voice on the radio?

It was shown subtly at the beginning of season 3

When Jim sends a radio signal at the end of Season 1, he hears an ominous voice on the other end of the line that tells him that his wife shouldn't dig a hole, which refers to the hole that Tabitha dug beneath their town house. . Two seasons later, the voice reveals itself to be the frightening Man in the Yellow Suit (Douglas E. Hughes), who appears in the final moments of the season 3 finale. He tells Jim he tried to warn him and repeats line about how Jim's wife shouldn't have dug that hole.

The Man in the Yellow Suit is probably OfThe all-encompassing villain and greatest source of evil in the city. He intervened in Season 1 because Tabitha digging the hole led to important truths being revealed. Now that Jade has uncovered the whole truth about him and Tabitha, the Man in the Yellow Suit has intervened again, and this time, he makes Jim pay the price by ripping out his throat. Donna Raines (Elizabeth Saunders) is there in Season 1 when Jim hears the voice, which may work again in Of season 4.


Who killed the children's children?

Victor has already suggested this dark truth

In Of Season 3, Episode 8, Victor remembers what the Boy in White said to Christopher years ago. This includes that children were murdered in the dark by people they loved and trusted. Although this specific detail was introduced just two episodes before the Season 3 finale, since Season 2 it has been clear that the children died, which raised the question of who killed these young, innocent souls in the first place.

Between Fátima and Tabitha, the two characters provide the rest of the information necessary to confirm the identity of the killers. The townspeople killed the children, including Tabitha and Jade's daughter, in exchange for immortality. Tabitha says "this," promised them immortalitywhich may refer to the Man in the Yellow Suit. His ability to move around openly during the day, being the voice on the radio, and his knowledge of what various villagers are doing make him seem more powerful than the other monsters and could mean that he is the one who has the power to grant immortality. .


How were From's monsters created?

Its origins are as horrible as they are

Individuals who sacrificed their children became monstersand in exchange for these sacrifices, they became immortal. This is why Smiley is able to be reborn despite Boyd killing him in Season 2, as the monsters' immortality prevents them from being killed, and death is only temporary. In the spirit of many fantastic stories, immortality has an inhuman price, that is, these individuals live like monsters who can only leave the house when it is night.

It's fair that the monsters are horrible creatures, as they were born from the terrible sin they committed when they murdered the children. Since the monsters cannot be killed and were born from killing children, the key to defeating the monsters is likely related to saving the children. Now that Tabitha and Jade remember who they really are and what their purpose is, they have the best chance of accomplishing this mission and potentially defeating the monsters and finding a way to escape the city for good. Of continues.