This article contains mentions of rape, murder and bestiality.
By incorporating so many different characters from Greek mythology, Chaos Opens the door for curious viewers to learn about lesser-known but equally fascinating myths. Although the stories of Greek mythology have been told repeatedly, Netflix's new dark comedy with the heroes and gods has quickly gained attention for its clever retelling of the ancient stories. Chaos Gets many things right about Greek mythology, setting it apart from less faithful interpretations of the characters.
Still, the show, starring Jeff Goldblum, brilliantly creates a contemporary story of three mortals—Ari, Reedy, and Caineus—who have the power to take down the almighty Zeus, leader of the pantheon. Because of the way they present the story, Chaos Will entertain both Greek mythology enthusiasts and newcomers to the lore. moreover, The show has the potential to spark an interest in Greek mythology for newcomersIntroducing the myths, famous and lesser known, surrounding the Chaos Letters.
Kali, aka the Muse Calliope
The Muses against the Sirens and the Pyrides
While most of the Greek mythology characters in Chaos Getting a moment to shine, Kali is more of an Easter egg for those with a knowledge of Greek mythology. Although Orpheus considers Reedy his muse, Kali is the one Chaos Equivalent of Calliope, the real muse. As the muse of epic poetry, her name is often mentioned by Greek poets and writers.
Her most famous myth involves her inspiring Homer to write The Iliad And The Odyssey. However, she is also involved in two interesting, lesser known myths The Olympian Muses - Calliope and her eight sisters - compete with the Sirens and the Pierides. In the first myth, the Olympian Muses defeat the Sirens. As punishment, they tear out the sirens' feathers, leaving them without wings. In the latter myth, the Olympian Muses turn the Pierides into magpies after they lose the competition, punishing their arrogance.
Daedalus, the craftsman
The attempted assassination of Perdix
The artisan/sculptor/architect Daedalus is included in Chaos Due to his involvement in the Minotaur myth, which featured heavily in season 1. However, He is also involved in a much less common myth of jealousy and anger - that of Perdix. In mythology, Daedalus takes on an apprentice, his nephew Perdiccas. While he starts teaching the young man, Perdix quickly shows more potential than his uncle.
He invented the first saw of either the serrated edge of a shell or a fish skeleton, depending on the detailing. He also creates the potter's wheel and the compass. Hoping to knock out his competition, Daedalus takes his nephew to the top of the Acropolis and throws him off. However, Athena intervenes before Perdix can die. She turns Perdix into a partridge, giving him a second life.
Cassandra, the prophetess
The warning about the Trojan Horse
One of the most important side characters in the Netflix show is Cassandra, the prophet Reedy helps in episode 1 and meets again at the end of Chaos Season 1. While talking to Reedy, she mentions that she predicted "the horse," a reference to the Trojan War. Although the Trojan War is known thanks to The Iliad by homer, This line brings attention to a less discussed part of the Trojan War - Cassandra's prediction and warning.
In mythology, Apollo gifts Cassandra with the ability to see into the future; However, after she rejects his advances, he curses her to never be believed. This comes into play before the Trojan War. As a Trojan, Cassandra tries to warn her people that the Achaeans (Greeks) will be inside the wooden horse, ready to attack. She also knows that Troy will fall. Unfortunately, they don't believe her because of the curse. Because retellings of the Trojan War usually focus on the men who fought in battle, Cassandra's warning is often forgotten.
Kinius, a hero and Lafite king
The Greek transgender hero
By featuring Caeneus as one of the main characters, Chaos Fixes one of the most horrifying Greek myths and also brings attention to the original story. Some people in the LGBTQ+ community consider Caeneus one of the oldest literary trans characters. Unfortunately, the myth itself is quite horrifying. The young man is assigned female at birth and praised for his beauty. Poseidon decided to rape Caeneus, giving the young royal a wish afterwards for pleasing the god. Kenius wants to become a man. During the transformation, Poseidon gives him impenetrable skin.
With masculine roles, he becomes a Greek hero and a king of Lapiths. He notably helps hunt the Caledonian boar and fights in the Centauromachy, also called the War of the Centaurs. When the centaurs cannot kill him with a spear, they bury him under tree trunks. Legend has it that he either gets sucked into the ground due to the weight, or he turns into a bird and flies away.
Ariadne, the daughter of Minos
Ariadne's marriage to Dionysus
Ariadne, called Ari in the show, is one of the three humans who can make Zeus' prophecy come true Chaos. The Greek mythology figure is best known for her role in helping Theseus defeat the Minotaur. However, she is also involved in a lesser known myth that can be integrated into Chaos Season 2. Most people know nothing about Ariadne's life after Theseus.
In mythology, Ariadne is a priestess of Dionysus before getting romantically entangled with Theseus. After being abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos, Dionysus sees Ariadne sleeping and falls in love with her, an arguably creepy part of the story in retrospect. Ariadne marries Dionysus. After her eventual death, Dionysus wants to preserve her forever. As such, he places her crown in the sky, and becomes the Corona Borealis constellation. Because Dionysus and Ariadne are both main characters in ChaosIt is plausible the show could be working towards a romance between the politician's daughter and the bisexual god.
Charon, the ferryman of the river Styx
Charon's Mysterious Origin Story
Charon plays an important role in making the prophecy come true Chaos through Helping Orpheus get across the River Styx to find Reedy in the underworld. The Chaos This character differs from mythology, however, because he does not function permanently as the ferryman, working in the underworld instead. He also has a brand new origin story created specifically for the show. interesting, Charon's mythological background is just as mysterious as the character himself.
The origin story of the ferryman is not well-documented. It is known that he is the son of the primordial gods Erebus - the personification of darkness - and Nix - the personification of night. However, Charon has no known relationships in Greek mythology, living a life of loneliness as the ferryman on the river sticks. There are not many myths that provide context to his personality. Finally, Charon's mysterious life is fascinating to speculate about, and the mystery finally allowed Chaos To create an original story from scratch.
Pasiphaë, the mother of the Minotaur
The Origin Story of the Minotaur
Pasiphaë, called Pas in the show, is a character who briefly appears in Chaos But is not featured heavily. As the Furies in ChaosShe has a major impact on Ari's story with only minimal screen time. This character from Greek mythology is the wife of King Minos and Ariadne's mother. In the Netflix version of the story, the minotaur is Ariadne's twin, Glaucus, forced to wear a mask and horns. however, Passport's inclusion in Chaos Also alludes to the mythological origin of the creature.
In ancient history, Minos promises to sacrifice a white bull to Poseidon as proof of his devotion. However, the king becomes selfish, wanting to keep the bull because of its beauty. As a punishment, Poseidon causes Pasiphaë to fall in love with the creature. Finally, she mates with the creature, resulting in the Minotaur - a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Minos imprisons the offspring of Pasiphaë in the Labyrinth.
Andromache, the Troy survivor
Andromache's life after Hector and Astyanax
Chaos Weaves together the stories of Mount Olympus, Earth and the underworld. On Earth, the main conflict is between the Trojans and King Minos, leading to the introduction of Andromache. When introducing you, the show states the two facts that are widely known about the Trojan. Her husband, Hector, was killed for her, and her son, Astyanax, was killed by expulsion from Troy after the Trojans lost the war. however, The character has a fascinating life after these events, outlined in the largely forgotten Euripides play Andromache.
After the Trojan War, Achilles' son, Neoptolemus, takes the titular heroine as a mistress. Neoptolemus becomes king of Epirus, with his wife Hermione as queen. While Hermione cannot have a child, Andromache has three sons with the king. Out of jealousy, Hermione tries to kill the Trojans and her son, Molossus, but her son, Peleus, comes to save them. After Neoptolemus's death, his brother Helenus takes over the throne and marries Andromache, making her queen of Epirus. They rule together happily, a very different picture of her life after Troy than what is seen in Chaos.