8 best weapons to use against swarms in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

8 best weapons to use against swarms in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2The Imperium's best Super soldiers will face swarms of Tyranids. Equipping the best weapons can overcome what at first appears to be impossible odds against the horde. Not to mention facing a swarm with heavy firepower is top fun. During the campaign, Titus can rely on any weapon he finds to rip enemies. But for Operations mode (PvE), the weapons in your arsenal are sometimes limited by class.

At the time of writing this article, Game content is limited. However, the developers at Saber Interactive have outlined a road map for seasonal updates to the game. Certainly, the addition of new weapons, classes and missions will affect these Space Marine 2 Community. Not to mention any weapon balancing that occurs. But for now, this list provides the Best weapons to use against swarms.


Melee: Chainsword

This weapon is versatile and can be equipped between most classes

Players standing together, ready to play Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine's 2.

Unlike using melee weapons in Eternal War (PvP), where guns reign supreme, with a Chainsword

Against tyranids will serve the space marine well. The standard spell weapon of choice for the Emperor's elite soldiers, the chainsword comes in handy When primary weapon ammo is low. Not to mention, armor can be regained By doing finishers on Tyranids.

Upgrading the Key word is a good idea, as this weapon can be equipped in most class melee slots.

In swarm situations, melee weapons with large areas of effect are ideal; Whereas, the Combat knife

And Make fist

are more useful against individual enemies. Swing the chainsword and tear through the horde. It just feels right.


Melee: Power Sword

Bulwarks can move fast and split Tyranids with this weapon

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Power Sword Melee weapon with stats shown

If you have played OverwatchThe Bulwark class is similar to Reinhardt. Bulwark Space Marines are big dudes with big shields. This class specializes in defense and support. However, like all squad members, Bulwarks also need to get into the mayhem. To this end, bulwarks are the Only class that can equip these Power sword


If you want to maximize the Power sword Potentially, you will need to devote significant time to playing these Bulwark Class. Spend upgrade resources wisely.

Like its hack and slash counterpart, the chainsword, the power sword boasts a large area of ​​effect, great for swinging against Tyranid hordes. But at its highest tiers, the Power Sword is a faster melee weapon with greater cleavage potential.


Melee: Thunder Hammer

Crush multiple Tyranids by slamming down the hammer as the God of Thunder

Why run when you can fly? The chainsword and power sword are effective melee weapons on the ground, but with the Thunder Hammer

You can Launch air attacks. This weapon is slow but powerful. Assault Class Marines who equip the Thunder Hammer should focus on charging their special ability, the jetpack.

What the thunder hammer lacks in speed, the assault class Makes for character mobility. Instead of parrying, use the jetpack to run around and attack specific targets. That is, until your full special ability is charged. Take to the skies and aim for a swarm to drop the hammer on multiple Tyranids.


Primary: Plasma Incinerator

Charge this weapon to deal explosive damage to Tyranid swarms

Space Marine 2 Heavy Class Use a large cannon to shoot waves of enemies next to two friendly space marines.

Bring on the pain with the plasma incinerator. This weapon is effectively an energy rocket launcher. One blast into a crowd will instantly destroy weaker enemies and give your team a chance to catch their breath. However, this weapon is situational and puts the Marine in a more supportive role. The slow fire of the plasma incinerator can be effective in the right hands.

A major disadvantage to the US Plasma incinerator Is that it can easily Overheat. Focus upgrades on reducing the rate of overheating.

It is also essential to understand that this weapon Makes the character highly susceptible to close-range damage. You'll find yourself relying more often on secondary weapons, like pistols and melee. Still, squad members will be grateful to have the plasma incinerator on their team when the Horde's numbers thin in the blink of an eye. Incredibly satisfying to use, this weapon can be upgraded in range and ammo capacity.


Primary: Bolt Carbine

Rate of fire is the name of the game when things get up close and personal

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Instigator Bolt Carbine weapon with stats shown

Aside from melee combat, certain primary weapons are designed for close encounters. The Bolt Carbine's rate of fire makes it an Effective crowd-control tool. Where certain melee weapons, like those listed above, have large areas of effect, the Bolt carbine

Can spray bullets at swarming hordes.

The Bolt Carbine also has a decent reload speed compared to its class competitors. Fire at approaching swarms to deal ranged damage and burn through ammo when Tyranids close your position.


Primary: Auto Bolt Rifle

Sacrifice some rate of fire for increased accuracy and ammo capacity

Space Marine 2 gameplay screenshot of a Tyranid swarm climbing a vertical wall.

with these Auto Bolt Rifle

Space Marines are still able to spray and pray at close range. But this weapon rewards headshots properly Its higher accuracy. And unlike the Bolt Carbine, it boasts a larger magazine capacity. You can shoot more shots before you need to reload, Save valuable time against swarms. At its highest level, the Ophelian-Liberation Auto Bolt Rifle has a magazine capacity of 45. Do not stop shooting with this primary weapon.

While the Auto Bolt Rifle Is more accurate than the bolt carbine, it still falls short in this category to the standard Auto Bolt Rifle

. But the drum magazine still makes this primary weapon a better option against swarms.


Primary: Heavy Bolter

Against heavy class Space Marines, swarms don't stand a chance

Space Marine 2 heavy class holding his big weapon in the middle of the forest.

It may sound wild, but to kill Tyranid swarms, you need to deal a lot of damage. No class is better at dealing damage Space Marine 2 Like the hardest class. The slower builds pack the most punch with an arsenal of The game's deadliest guns.

Hard class Builds should maximize time spent in Iron Halo to increase damage output.

The first option for heavy build is the Heavy bolter

. Perhaps the easiest weapon to use, just hold down the trigger and Watch the bodies pile up. With the machine gun, thin the horde in the range and then throw up Iron halo

To deal extra damage to lost Tyranids.


Primary: Multi-Melta

Upgrade this heavy class weapon to breeze through any obstacle

Although the Multi-Melta is not as easy to use as the Heavy Bolter, Its damage potential is greater. In its normal form, the fire rate and range of this weapon are limited. But investing resources in upgrading the multi-melta is worth the Marine's time.

Maximize the Multi-melta s potential through upgrading Ammo capacity To avoid frequent reloading cycles.

At higher tiers, the ammo capacity and range of the weapon can be increased. Clear large quantities of weak enemies to support the team with the multi-melta. If an elite enemy comes along, watch out for the heavily armored Tyranid Melt before your eyes.

Find which weapon is right for you

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Bulwark Class Quartus character

Fighting swarms is about prioritizing ranged damage at the start of the encounter, then Getting down and dirty for close fights. That said, the sniper class won't offer much help, as tracking headshots against swarms is difficult. Weapons with faster rates of fire and more accurate hip-fire are ideal. To succeed in Operations mode, start by focusing on upgrades for a single class and weapon. The stronger the build, the better squad member you become.

How you go into battle depends on the weapons and class you choose to equip. Regardless of build, swarms are best managed with Smart team coordination. Mobility classes, like Assault and Vanguard, should always be at the center of the fight. Bulwarks should use the shield to boost squad defense. Heavy class marines should focus on dealing the majority of damage at range. Play the class role and trust that squad members will do the same against the Swarm in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

Video Credit: YouTube/Legacy Gaming, YouTube/Fervor Gaming