The antihero nickname is a rarity in Wonder culture, at least compared to its DC Comics counterpart. DC is full of heroes who carry a morally gray attitude (i.e. Jason Todd's Red Hood, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, etc.), but Marvel is home to more traditional superheroes. This doesn't mean that one company's approach carries less or more weight than another's, but it is a notable difference.
Although Marvel has a layered narrative and complex characters, they carry characteristics that are more black and white, most of the time. Superheroes can often be distinguished from supervillains as easily as a cowboy in a white hat is distinguished from an outlaw in a black hat. However, there are some exceptions where there is an antihero to shake things up in the Marvel Universe. Some of the best antiheroes in Marvel comics are also the most forgotten. One could argue why Marvel should revisit them sooner rather than later in bigger stories that highlight them better.
Black Widow
The Claire Voyant version
While Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a good example of an antihero, Marvel is giving her a well-deserved spotlight in its current comic book series, most recently enjoying a main series featuring its own symbiote. However, one antihero in need of a new spotlight is the forgotten original Black Widow, Claire Voyant. Before dating Natasha Romanoff (and Wonder Woman), Claire debuted in 1940 as a medium who found herself possessed by Satan.
After death, her soul is sent to Hell, where with the power to kill someone with a single touch, she is renamed Black Widow. As such, she targets supervillains with the intention of taking their souls to her underworld master. It's surprising to think that a character with such a fascinating yet dark history is rarely revisited by Marvel. Maybe it's to avoid any confusion between two completely different Black Widows, but this one deserves another chance at stardom.
The X-Factor from X-Force
On paper, having luck as a superpower isn't among the most powerful powers on Marvel's roster, but for Domino, it made her a great equalizer as a member of X-Factor. It was instrumental when she was still on the team, helping her uncover Colossus' dark secret and assassination plot by pure chance. Before that race X Factor finished, some would assume that Marvel's next move would be to create a story that delves into Domino's mindset as she faces the loss of her core team and makes peace with a former lover/friend turned traitor.
Instead, the next time readers see Domino will be as Dazzler's bodyguard in the singer's new comic book series. It's a solid supporting play for Domino, but This wastes the potential of the character she has as her centerpiece.
Bucky Barnes
Need a new redemption arc
2022 and 2023 saw Bucky Barnes tricked into leading an evil organization called The Outer Circle. He was convinced that the only way to destroy it was from within, but the Winter Soldier (renaming himself The Revolution) did some questionable things to maintain his position in the group. This includes shooting his best friend, Steve Rogers, at point-blank range and conspiring with Peggy Carter to kidnap Captain America's son, Ian. Even when he finally broke out of the Inner Circle, destroying him helped Red Skull rise back to power, making things worse.
Steve may have forgiven Bucky, but their friendship is over, and a true redemption arc remains unexplored for Barnes. He hasn't been seen since the end of his four-part miniseries Thunderbolts last March. Marvel hasn't given Bucky enough time to atone for his sins, which is necessary for someone whose antiheroism borders so close to villainy.
black cat
Disappeared after the Breakout Hero Turn
A few years ago, notorious femme fatale Black Cat solidified her transition from sometimes-heroine and infamous anti-hero to becoming a true full-fledged hero, even earning the respect of Captain America as her unofficial sidekick. Steve Rogers is practically the anchor of the Marvel Universe, and therefore earning his respect is the best thing a character can do to increase his credibility.
Unfortunately, Marvel hasn't done much to capitalize on its upgraded reputation, as Black Cat hasn't been prevalent on Earth-616 since. In fact, outside of 616, Marvel backtracked on Black Cat by dubbing her the villain in the Ultimate Universe. Felicia Hardy has grown too much in recent years for everything to be left aside. It's time to put Black Cat on the pedestal she's deserved since becoming official.
Ben Reilly
A complicated antihero who deserves redemption
Ben Reilly's character arc (or lack thereof, more appropriately) has been highly frustrating to watch for fans of the character. Coming off the original "Clone Saga" story arc, Peter Parker's clone got his happy ending, allowed to ride off into the sunset, until it was ripped away from him. Your brain has been manipulated and distorted to complicate your mind's vision of heroism. This led to him becoming a supervillain, renamed Chasm.
Marvel's attempts to turn Ben Reilly into an evil monster just aren't connecting with audiences like they hoped. The best course of action may be to let Ben be the hero he always should have been. Otherwise, he should at least be highlighted to try to redeem himself as a character.
Lady Deathblow
At his best as an unexpected hero
During Alyssa Wong's previous stint with the Dead Pool series, Lady Deathstrike was one of the supporting characters in the book and there, working with Deadpool was enough to prove that she was more than just one of Marvel's deadliest villains. For starters, Deathstrike being forced to play hero and straight man to Deadpool's nonsense always painted her in the most amusing light, but she was surprisingly more endearing whenever she had to take care of Wade Wilson's daughter, Princess.
Princess paired in panels with Lady Deathstrike created a fun chemistry, but also showed a side of her that readers have never seen before. Wong's journey ended before this side of Deathstrike could be explored, and unfortunately, she has been completely absent from major Marvel stories ever since.
A forgotten but timely superhero
Cardiac's name may not remind you of anything, but more than when he debuted, he is relevant to the current scenario. One of Spider-Man's most underrated villains turned hero, Elijah Wirtham was a surgeon who dedicated his life to saving lives to the best of his ability, but due to healthcare and health insurance issues in America, his efforts often proved futile. . His last straw came when his brother was killed not by his illness, but by his health insurer not deeming it "profitable" to fund his surgery and medications.
With the help of a vibranium-powered reactor, Cardiac dedicates his life to punishing corrupt businesspeople in the healthcare sector. In light of recent events in the news, Cardiac's situation is strangely relevant, making a complicated antihero all the more interesting.. It would be ready for a makeover for the modern era.
Jessica Jones
Deserves another run
There was a time when the character's popularity and comic book output increased when Netflix adapted her Alias ​​chronicles into Jessica Jones, the critically acclaimed television series. Jones' 15 minutes of fame has passed, and now, as a result, his comic book adventures are a bit stagnant. She had fun Variants miniseries a few years ago, but has not been seen since her supporting appearance last year Luke Cage: Gang War miniseries, where she was the only person in the universe who liked Cage's ugly mask and costume.
Jones proved to be the breakout star of the MCU's Netflix lineup, with a popularity rivaled only by Daredevil. Just as fans are clamoring for a new Reckless season, they want a new one Jessica Jones series, both on the screen and on the panel. It's about time for that Wonder gives the people what they want, and that's more your favorite antihero.