Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Transformers One.The animated prequel Transformers one has taken the long-running franchise in a new direction and provides plenty of setup for a potential sequel. Transformers one Serves as an origin story showing how Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) became Optimus Prime and Megatron And how the ancient war between the Autobots and the Decepticons began. Instead of taking place on earth as the life-struggle Transformers movies have Transformers one Takes place on Cybertron, with this setting being integral to the story.
As Orion and D-16 learn, Cybertron contains many secrets that are being hidden by their seemingly benevolent, but actually treacherous leader, Sentinel Prime (Jon Hamm). Discover the secrets Transforms the destinies of Orion and D-16 and reshapes the future of all Transformers and of Cybertron itself. Transformers oneThe ending is a satisfying conclusion to the first chapter in the story and also paves the way for future sequels through some intriguing themes.
Optimus Prime restores the powers of all Autobots
They have their transformation cogs again
After Orion Pax was officially transformed into Optimus Prime and imbued with the Matrix of Leadership, he was able to Restore the transformation cogs that Sentinel Prime took away from the citizens of Yakon City. This means that there are no more miners or other citizens of Yakon City who are without transformation cogs. They are all able to transform now and are now known as Autobots, who have gained autonomy as a result of Optimus Prime's noble actions.
While Megatron has his army of loyal Decepticons, Optimus has his own loyal Autobots, who will be forever loyal to him, as one of his first acts as a Prime was restoring what Sentinel Prime had stolen from his people, and they will fight alongside With Optimus as the war continues.
A Transformers one Sequel will inevitably have more Transformers Now that everyone in Yakon City can transform, that gives an opportunity to introduce more familiar Autobot characters. There will be less of a social hierarchy built on the haves and have-nots due to the liberating change that has occurred. While Megatron has his army of loyal Decepticons, Optimus has his own loyal Autobots, who will be forever loyal to him, as one of his first acts as a Prime was restoring what Sentinel Prime had stolen from his people, and they will fight alongside With Optimus as the war continues.
Megatron Forms the Decepticons
The Megatronus symbol has a new meaning
Transformers oneThe final post-credits scene shows Megatron officially forming the Decepticons. The group includes Starscream (Steve Buscemi), Soundwave (John Bailey), Shockwave (Jason Konopisos-Alvarez), and other former members of the High Guard. Who could not protect the premiums and have spent years since feeling angry and seeking revenge. They first clashed with Megatron when he overpowered their former leader, Starscream, and it declared the last time he would ever show mercy.
Now that Megatron and the newly formed Decepticons have left Yakon City, they have relocated to the surface of Cybertron, which is where the High Guard resided in the years since the fall of the Prime. The insignia of Megatronus now serves as the symbol for all Decepticons, Instead of being the symbol of the mighty Elder Prime who was killed by Sentinel Prime. Now that Megatron and his followers are officially Decepticons, It's time for them to rise up and strike back against Optimus Prime and the Autobots.
Megatron tells Optimus Prime that their war is not over
"This isn't over, Prime"
Even though Sentinel Prime is dead, and his treachery is unmasked, Megatron's thirst for revenge and power remains unchanged. Before Megatron and the High Guard left Yakon City, Megatron made his intentions clear to Optimus Prime by confirming that their war was not over yet. A Transformers one Sequel will see the Cybertronian Civil War that occurs between the Autobots and the Decepticons After the rift between Optimus Prime and Megatron. Their relationship has altered the course of history for all Transformers and divided them into two distinct factions.
The animated continuity beginning with Transformers one Could take the series in a different direction, but a staple of Transformers The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons is ravaging Cybertron. This leaves the Autobots no choice but to leave their home world. If this is where the prequels are headed, a lot still needs to happen to reach that endpoint, especially since Transformers one Ends on a victorious note for the Autobots. While The full extent of Cybertron's fall will not occur in a sequelThe effects of the war on the planet will undoubtedly be felt in the next installment.
The Quintessons are warned against returning
The villains pulling the strings of Sentinel Prime remain
Although Sentinel Prime and his corrupt regime have been defeated, the true villains, the Quintessons, remain. They were revealed to be the ones Sentinel Prime collaborated with when they betrayed Prime, allowing him to rule Cybertron in exchange for Energon. Not just have The Quintessons lost their puppet leader and their steady supply of energonBut they also received a message from Optimus Prime to stay away from Cybertron, making it clear that the Transformers are taking a firm stand against their enemies and will no longer be manipulated into helping them.
Despite the division between the Autobots and Decepticons, the Quintessons are seemingly the overarching villains of the trilogy beginning with Transformers oneForce the Autobots and Decepticons to work together in the sequels to defeat their common enemy.
The Quintessons will not respond well to this demand and will return to Cybertron to assert their power. Despite the division between the Autobots and Decepticons, the Quintessons are seemingly the overarching villains of the trilogy beginning with Transformers oneForce the Autobots and Decepticons to work together in the sequels to defeat their common enemy. A Transformer one Sequel may also reveal more about the Quintessons' larger plans beyond Cybertron And why they require such vast amounts of energy.
Elita and Bumblebee are now key players on Cybertron
They are part of Yakon City's New Government
Optimus Prime and Megatron aren't the only Transformers with important futures ahead of them yet Transformer oneIt's the end. Optimus admits he'll need help running things, and asks both Elita-1 (Scarlett Johansson) and Bumblebee (Keegan-Michael Kay) to assist him. Elita is promoted to the position of commander and Bumblebee is asked to be at Optimus' side instead of returning to sublevel 50. From managing Energon miners to bringing down Sentinel Prime, Elita is a natural at leadership and organizationMaking her well suited to be a key member of Optimus Prime's regime.
Meanwhile, Bumblebee is uniquely resourceful and has unparalleled knowledge of Yakon City and the history of the Transformers. that few others possess. Their new roles ensure that they will not only appear in a sequel, but will be in positions of power and influence as they rebuild Iacon City into a more just society. Both Elita and Bumblebee grew from the people they were in the beginning Transformers one and will continue to grow while performing their new roles.
The Transformers now know the truth about Cyberton's surface
It's a whole new world up there
In the previous parts of US Transformers one, Orion, D-16, and their fellow citizens know little of Cybertron's surface because they have only lived in their underground city. It was only by going to the surface that Orion, D-16, B-127 and Elita restored their transformation cogs and learned about the truth about Sentinel Prime, the Quintessons, and what actually happened to Prime. On the surface, they also encountered wildlife and nature they never knew existed.
While Megatron and the Decepticons now reside on the surface after being banished from Yakon CityCybertron is a big planet, and there are inevitably other secrets worth exploring on its vast terrain. Sequels may explore some of the other secrets that will reveal more about the history of the Transformers and the planet they call home. This could expand on some of the excellent world-building already established in Transformers one.
Other important Autobots are teased
Jazz and Arcee are only minor characters in Transformers one
Jazz (Evan Michael Lee) and Arcee (Jinny Chung) only have small roles transformers one, Despite their long history in the Transformers Franchise. In the prequel, Jazz is one of the coggle miners working alongside Orion and D-16. When a cave-in occurs, Orion breaks protocol and takes the initiative to rescue Jazz with help from D-16, which causes Elita to be demoted. Both Jazz and Arcee are among the Autobots who have their transformation cogs restored by the end of the movie.
While a Transformers one Sequel will inevitably introduce new Autobots, it could also use Jazz and Arcee, who have already been introduced and give them more substantial roles. Jazz especially has reason to be an Autobot loyal to Optimus, as Optimus not only gave Jazz the ability to transform again, but also saved Jazz's life before he became a Prime. Jazz knows that in his days when he was simply Orion the Younger, Optimus always looked out for others, even at his own peril.
Energon flowing again creates new opportunities
Changes are in store for Yacon City
The lives of Orion, D-16, and Elita largely revolved around them mining energon, a job they were unknowingly fulfilling for the Quintessons. Now that Energon is flowing again on CybertronIt is no longer necessary that people should diminish themselves for their efforts. This creates new opportunities for many of the Autobots who were miners without a transformation cog and now need to find a new profession that suits their talents and hard work.
A sequel can show how Yacon City has transformed now that one of the previous major industries has changed. This may include showing how The Autobots can use Energon more effectively than Sentinel Prime ever couldAs he was most focused on delivering the majority of the resources to his Quintesson overlords. More energon means a more healthy society for the Autobots in a Transformers one Sequel, and they can make a city they are proud of instead of the facade under the command of Sentinel Prime.