7 Saddest Character Deaths in the Maze Runner Movies

7 Saddest Character Deaths in the Maze Runner Movies

The article contains a brief discussion of suicide

Throughout its history, The maze runner the films offered a series of memorable deaths, proving that characters on neither side were safe. Adapted from James Dashner's best-selling novels, The maze runner saw its characters fight the World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department, an organization that was experimenting on them. With The maze runner cast led by Dylan O'Brien, the series was a huge success, grossing over $940 million worldwide. The maze runner 4 is currently in development and will likely help the franchise reach the $1 billion mark.

The maze runner The films take place in a dystopian world, so the characters' lives were constantly threatened by various things, such as the elements, the mourners, the Flare virus, and WCKD. While The maze runner The trilogy featured several action scenes, the films also had emotional moments that could make the audience cry. The maze runner the trilogy didn't shy away from killing off fan-favorite characters or innocent people who got caught up in the war between WCKD and the people fighting against the tyrannical organization.



Mary Cooper in Maze Runner Scorch Trials

Mary is introduced to the franchise in the second film Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. The doctor previously worked for WCKD before leaving the organization and joining The Right Arm, where she served as second-in-command. Mary played a significant role in helping the Right Arm storm the WCKD facility. Shortly after meeting Thomas and his friends, Mary was caught in a shootout between WCKD and The Right Arm. Janson shot Mary at the end of Maze Runner: Trials by Fireand she died during the ambush.

Mary doesn't really have much screen time Maze Runner: The Scorch Trialsbut his death was heartbreaking nonetheless. She was one of the few scientists who understood that although the WCKD had altruistic intentions when it came to finding a cure for the Flare virus, the way they went about it was not right. Her death was a great loss for the Right Arm and the rest of the Immunes she fought for. But perhaps what made Mary's death so sad was the emotional toll it had on her partner, Vince, who held her until she took her last breath.



Dylan O'Brien, Giancarlo Esposito and Thomas Brodie-Sangster from The Maze Runner: The Death Cure in front of a car

Introduced in The maze runner film as one of the Glade Runners, Ben had limited screen time but still managed to leave a mark on the main characters. When Thomas went to get fertilizer from the forest, an emotionally distressed Ben attacked him, causing a fight. When the other Gladers saved Thomas from Ben, they discovered that he had been attacked by a Griever and was undergoing the Transformation, which explained his erratic behavior. They later banished him to the labyrinth so he wouldn't hurt anyone else. But this decision was costly, as it resulted in Ben's death.

Most likely, Ben was killed by a Griever in the maze. Ben's death was particularly painful because of how it affected the other Gladers. They did not want to condemn their friend, but believed they would have no choice due to his condition. His death left a hole in the hearts of his fellow Gladers and served as a lesson about life in the The maze runner world.



Dylan O'Brien as Thoms running into the maze in Maze Runner (4)

Alby was one of the most important members of the main group in The maze runneras well as its leader. He was loved and respected by everyone in the Glade who saw him as their older brother. After Ben's banishment, Alby and Minho entered the maze to retrace their steps. Unfortunately, Alby was bitten by a Griever, which seemed to seal his fate. Fortunately, Thomas found a way to cure Alby, using the medicine Teresa had brought with her when she arrived at the Glade. But just when it seemed like Alby was out of danger, The maze runner killed him.

Although Alby survived the Griever's first attack, he wasn't so lucky the second time. When the Glade's doors failed to close, the Gladers were attacked by the Grievers. One of the Grievers attacked Chuck and Alby saved him, but unfortunately he was killed in the fight. Alby died the way he lived: protecting his fellow Gladers. Given that Alby knew the Glade more than anyone else, his death was devastating to his friends. His loss was deeply felt by his fellow Gladers, who missed his strength, kindness, and leadership. In a way, Alby's death was the beginning of the end for his friends, as they had to find a way to survive in the Glade without his knowledge.



The Gladers go against the Grievers in The Maze Runner (3)

Like many of his fellow Gladers, very little was known about Winston's past life. Winston, a runner, is first seen in The maze runner film where he barely has any screen time. Winston was brave and had a good sense of what was right and wrong, which is proven when he defends Thomas and Teresa when Gally orders them both to be offered to the Grievers. Ultimately, it was largely Winston's good nature that made his fate in The Burn Trials Such a sad event. In the film, Winston contracted the Flare virus, which would turn him into a Crank, a zombie-like creature that would infect others if not cured.

When the Runner discovered he was infected after being too weak to keep up with his friends, he grabbed a gun and tried to shoot himself. His friends were obviously confused by his behavior until he showed them that his leg was infected. He convinces them that they are better off without him, and then Newt gives him the gun and Winston dies by suicide. Winston's death is a solemn moment in Maze Runner: Trials by Fire. At the time of his death, the Gladers had already lost many people they cared about.



Kaya Scodelario as Teresa looking windswept in The Maze Runner.

Teresa's death in Maze Runner: The Death Cure It's one of the most significant moments in the film. After spending some time at the WCKD facility, it became clear that Teresa viewed the organization's experiments differently than her friends. So, it was no surprise when she betrayed them and handed them over to WCKD scientists who planned to use their blood to find a cure for the Flare virus. In the final scenes of Maze Runner: The Death CureTeresa apparently changed her mind. When she discovered that Thomas' blood could destroy the Flare virus, she decided to transmit it to the world and asked him to join her.

During the bombing of the tower, Teresa suffered fatal injuries and died after kissing Thomas. Teresa betrayed her friends, but redeemed herself by saving Thomas. Her death is particularly significant because she didn't get to see the world she helped save and her and Thomas' story was cut short too soon. The final moments of his death are emotional, mainly due to the guilt he felt for betraying his friends and then torturing them.



The Gladers go against the Grievers in The Maze Runner (2)

Chuck and Thomas met in Glade and became friends. The pair had a sweet sibling relationship that showed how much they cared for each other. While in the Glade, Chuck took care of Thomas, whom he greatly admired, and even brought him some food when he was being punished. So when it came time for Chuck to choose between escaping the Glade with Thomas or remaining with Gally and the others, he chose to go with Thomas.

As the Gladers were escaping, it was discovered that Gally, who had been bitten by a Griever, had followed them into the maze. Gally tried to shoot Thomas, but Chuck, loyal and true as always, jumped in front of Thomas and saved his life. Chuck's death at the end of The maze runner was probably the hardest for Thomas in the films because he knew how much he wanted to see his family again. The fact that he didn't get that chance made it all the more painful. Even though Chuck doesn't appear In Maze Runner: The Scorch Trialshe is mentioned when Thomas warns Brenda that Chuck was his little brother after she showed him his photo.



Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Newt in the Maze Runner films

While in the Glade, Newt was Alby's second-in-command. The sweet teenager had a good heart and was one of Thomas' closest friends. In The maze runner films, Newt is portrayed as one of the immune people since he was sent to the Glade. However, it is revealed that he is actually not immune, a fact that becomes clear when he contracts the Flare virus. After escaping from the WCKD facility, Newt gives Thomas a note, but he does not read it as he was instructed to do so when the time is right.

When Newt's infection becomes serious, he is taken to the Cranks' storage facility. Thomas finally reads the note and discovers that Newt wanted him to end his life because of his infection. Although he was reluctant, Thomas shot Newt and he died. Newt's death is the hardest to The maze runner movies because of everything he and Thomas have been through together. The fact that Thomas had to shoot one of his best friends made Newt's death even more painful.