Black Myth: Wukong Has a challenging and fun main story, and once it's done, players can tackle it again with better equipment in New Game+. When you restart your game, you'll retain all weapons, armor, gourds, and curios, so you'll be well-off starting out. No matter how thoroughly you searched in your first game, chances are you missed some secrets, or even the secret ending, so NG+ is a good time for you to explore and discover everything the game has to offer.
While you keep a lot of the items you found in your first game, choosing the best weapons for New Game+ is important to start your run off right. New Game+ adds increased difficulty and new weapons to collect, while also giving you the ability to upgrade your armor at shrines. There are some weapons that stand out above the rest for a New Game+ run. To start an NG+ game, select "Continue Journey" in the main menu after beating the game for the first time.
Staff of Blazing Karma
Smash Stance users can use the staff's lava burst ability
Rarity |
Attack |
Defense |
legendary |
100 |
40 |
Can be crafted after finding three Samhdi Fire Crystals after fighting the Flint Chief, Flint Vanguard and Mother of Flamlings Yaogai Chief in Chapter Five. The staff's high attack stat makes it pretty powerful on its own, but if you use the smash stance, it's even better. When you use Smash Stance and you use a heavy attack that costs three or more Focus Points, a large burst of lava erupts from the ground around the targeted one.
The AoE risk, combined with the staff's already high attack stat, makes her a formidable foe against any enemy. The staff also provides 10 burn resistance, which will help against any flame-using boss, such as the Black Bear Guai fight. As long as you have the materials to craft it, you should be able to grab the stick before you even reach NG+, making it a great weapon to start your second cycle with.
Golden Long Stick
For Pillar Stance users, the staff deals increased damage and summons thunder
Rarity |
Attack |
mythical |
108 |
Can be crafted as an upgrade to the Loongwreathe Staff
In a shrine after beating the Xian Long, one of four long bosses in Black Myth: Wukong. The staff's passive is that it increases the damage of pillar stance attacks, and can also summon a long to cast the thunder spell at a target of any heavy pillar stance attacks that cost three or four focus points.
The staff is also available before NG+ as long as you complete the other Loong boss fights in previous chapters. It's pretty good for the mid game, but in NG+ it's quickly outscaled by other options. If you are a pillar stance enjoyment, however, it will remain consistent as long as you use heavy attacks to proc the thunder attack. Thunder will apply shock to enemies, allowing you to turn them more easily and use their stunned state to deal devastating damage.
Stormflash Long Stick
Despite a high base attack and thunder on cooldown, this stick comes with a drawback
Rarity |
Attack |
Get a chance |
mythical |
140 |
+9% |
is a NG+ exclusive in Black Myth: Wukong. It deals massive damage thanks to its base attack stat, and also does thunder damage, which staggers and reduces the ki of enemies when you hit them. However, the extra damage effect only triggers if you are shocked while hitting, making this a very glass-cannon weapon. If you want to use the unique abilities of this staff, check out w0lf's dens build guide on YouTube.
The vulnerability this staff requires can be overcome with good armor, especially the Yaksha Outrage Armor set that can be obtained in Chapter Five. This set of armor increases your damage as your health gets lower, so if you're a player who likes to live on the edge, this set and weapon will combine with a great playstyle. Wearing all four pieces of the armor set will increase the damage you do and take, so if you're interested in an NG+ game with an even higher challenge level, this is the weapon for you.
Chitin stick
Sweet, delicious health recovery to keep you alive for the long game
Rarity |
Attack |
Get a chance |
Epic |
85 |
+5% |
The Chitin stick
Heals you a little each time you hit an enemy with a charged attack, scaling with the number of Focus Points the attack costs. This is a pretty simple weapon and should be obtained early by upgrading the base weapon, making it a reliable choice while you're still figuring out your build.
For players who struggle with learning an enemy's attack patterns or perfect dodging, the Chitin Stick will give you an extra breath of air when you need it most.
Although the attack and crit chance of this weapon is relatively low, it is less significant than the healing ability of the staff. Most players prefer the high-attack, fast-paced gameplay that weapons like the Stormflash Loong Staff provide, but for some, slow and steady is the name of their game. If you're not sure how to start your NG+ run, the Chitin staff will help you tough it out through the higher difficulty fights the game throws your way.
Visionary centipede
More health regeneration, but this time with added healing if your enemy is poisoned
Rarity |
Attack |
Get a chance |
legendary |
90 |
+10% |
Works basically the same as the chitin stick, but even more extra healing is proc'd if your enemy is poisoned when you hit them with the attack. This makes transformations that cause poison, like Poison Claw, especially useful for applying poison to enemies so you can heal yourself. Again, while the Visionary Centipede Staff isn't the strongest weapon in the game, it's such a good way to win tough fights through attraction and patience rather than sheer force.
If you find yourself taking too much damage while poisoned, consider these Centipede Kiang-Jin Armor
Set, which reduces the damage you take and increases the damage you deal while poisoned.
With a slightly higher attack and crit chance bonus, this staff is a step up from the chitin staff in almost every area. Its healing output is higher in general and fits more synergistically with a poison build. Upgrading your Chitin Staff to the Visionary Centipede Staff increases your staying power, and costs a few host materials and will, but nothing too complicated to collect.
Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban Staff
Only craftable in New Game+, the staff provides HP regen and increased crit
Rarity |
Attack |
Get a chance |
mythical |
120 |
+25% |
For a final upgrade to the Chitin stick, the Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban Staff
Has the same effect as the others in its line and also provide extra damage output. On top of healing provided on the hit of a heavy attack, scaling with how many Focus Points the attack costs, the staff also shoots out spines that hit nearby enemies. This small burst of damage can be the difference between life and death for your enemies, and free damage is free damage.
The passive on this staff doesn't require any sort of extra status to be applied to yourself or the enemy, making it a bit more versatile than the Visionary Centipede staff. Additionally, it comes with a whopping 25% boost to critical hit chance, making it one of the highest crit-rate weapons in the game. If you're looking for a stick that doesn't require too much setup or specific gameplay styles, the Adept Spine-Shooting Fuban stick is the one for you.
An all-rounder with high instant uptime and critical hit chance
Rarity |
Attack |
Get a chance |
Mitik |
135 |
+6% |
is a powerful end-game weapon that boasts an impressive 135 to attack and an increase to critical hit chance of six percent. This means that Jingubang turns you into a critical-hitting, spell-casting machine, allowing you to deal high amounts of damage and put yourself in an advantageous position for any heavy attacks you'd like to use. When paired with the Monkey King armor set, this weapon will also increase your critical hit chance after casting a spell, and also reduce the cooldown for your spells.
You can only obtain this weapon by defeating four bosses in Chapter Six: Gold Armored Rhino, Cloudreading Deer, Feng-Ek General, and Emerald-Armed Mantis. After the bosses are killed, go to the Water Curtain Cave, which is north of the Mantis-Catching Swamp waypoint. As long as you have all four pieces of the armor set equipped, approaching the staff in the cave should trigger a cutscene, giving you Jingubang afterwards.
Source: w0lf's Den/YouTube, Wow Quests / YouTube
- Released
August 20, 2024
- developer(s)
Game science
B for adults 17+ // blood, violence