7 best marriage candidates in the fields of Mystria

7 best marriage candidates in the fields of Mystria

Of the 10 marriage candidates featured in Fields of Mystria During Steam Early Access, the best are already in the making for fleshed-out romance questlines and offer useful gifts for your playthrough. Marriage isn't on the table yet, but developer NPC Studio plans to implement the feature in a future update. In the meantime, each character has two core events and a long list of talent preferences to unlock.

If Fields of Mystria Take a page from Stardew Valley Marriage can be advantageous or disappointing, depending on the candidate you choose. Mistria's singles each have their pros and cons, with the biggest relationship perks to date being gifts. That being said, some characters are tougher to pursue than others, so it's a good idea to consider factors like talent preferences, core events, and playstyle when choosing who to marry.



An underdeveloped romance questline with high potential

Like the playable farmer in Fields of MystriaRyis is relatively new in town. After his father's recent retirement, he packed up his life in the city to take over the family's laundry business. Now tracking the operation, its core events and talent preferences are nuanced by this bittersweet move. A well-made iced coffee reminds him of the city, however His favorite gifts are ordinary finds that reflect his work as a carpenterLike hardwood and animal products for crafting.


Compared to fan-favorite cities, Ryis doesn't offer the most flirtatious dialogue or frequent giftsWhich is a major obstacle for many Fields of Mystria Players. However, while his romance questline was among the last I completed on my own game, I have to say it was one of the most compelling. Restoring the native tree population of Mystria in the hopes of attracting a rare species of bird is difficult work, but The sentiment has the potential for a rich romantic subplot.




Spring 4

Loved gifts

Golden Bristle, Golden Bull Horn, Golden Cheesecake, Golden Cookie, Golden Duck Feather, Golden Rooster Feather, Golden Horse Hair, Hardwood, Lobster Roll



A business-minded merchant with an air of mystery

On the surface, there are some red flags when it comes to Balor, similar to romance Stardew Valley. The traveling merchant is the first marriage candidate the farmer meets at the beginning of Fields of MystriaAnd it's clear that he's one of the most charming guys in town. This is also obvious He would say almost anything to sell you something Unless you would like to know more about its suppliers and their whereabouts.

This lays the groundwork for Balor's romance questline, during which Nora speculates that the mysterious merchant may be involved in some shady business ventures. Without spoilers, it becomes evident that Balor's agenda is far less self-serving than it might seemWhich makes a powerful ingredient in any romance. He appreciates the finer things, from gems to artifactsAnd there's plenty of room here to develop a power couple dynamic by blending your businesses in Mistria.


Traveling merchant


Summer 10

Loved gifts

Alda Gemstone Bracelet, Deluxe Carey, Family Crest Pendant, Perfect Diamond, Perfect Emerald, Perfect Ruby, Perfect Sapphire



The invisible heart of Mystria has a lot to offer

Reina is among the most underrated marriage candidates in Fields of MystriaOffer a lot more than meets the eye. While her parents, Hemlock and Josephine, run the Sleeping Dragon Inn and host lively Friday night gatherings every week, Reina works behind the counter while serving other townspeople without much input. If the inn is the heart of Mystria, the head chef is the city's unsung hero.

Through Reina's existing core events in Early Access, you help her hone her cooking skills to compete in a competition between kingdoms. With each heart she becomes even more generous with the dishes she prepares, Often sharing cooked dishes and drinks to restore health and stamina. She Love to get her favorite foods In return, with a welcoming and upbeat attitude to top it off.


Head chef at the Sleeping Dragon Inn


Fall 12

Loved gifts

Breaded catfish, cabbage slaw, ice cream sundae, rosemary garlic noodles, seafood boil, seafood snow pea noodles, sushi platter



A healthy choice for every player

Celine is easily the safest bet when choosing who to marry Fields of MystriaMaking her an excellent option for most players. While Balor is the first of Mystria's singles to introduce himself, your neighbor to the north goes out of her way to welcome you to town, Deliver a variety of crop seeds to start your farm. Sweet and highly considerate, Celine is always willing to help where she can, and this pattern continues as the story progresses.

A part-timer at the general store and an avid gardener herself, Celine is not stingy with seeds. She shares some seasonal varieties as you earn hearts and unlock events, A task made simple thanks to her love for common forageable flowers. Naturally, her romance questline involves nursing a long-endangered plant species from the comfort of her cozy cottage.


Gardener, part-timer at the general store


Summer 14

Loved gifts

Crystal Rose, Frost Lily, Hydrangea, Middle Mist, Plum Blossom, Rose, Snowdrop Anemone, Spring Galette



The farmer next door and his prize chicken

Like Celine, Hayden is a straight-laced farmer who offers an easy-to-follow romance quest Fields of Mystria. This makes the friendly neighborhood a promising option for beginners. however, Most of his favorite gifts will require a fully functional coop and barn and a variety of animals To get, namely golden animal products. It doesn't take much work to please this down-to-earth guy. Just keep in mind that he comes in a package deal with his prized chicken, Henrietta.

Henrietta may seem finicky, but she appreciates gifts. She likes most of the forageable berries around Mystria, although winter's Globerries are one of her favorites.

As far as Hayden's questline goes, There is definitely room for more romance With future updates while Fields of Mystria Remains in early access. With that said, his core events are still fun, centering around dinner and game nights with friends at Sweetwater Farm. As you earn hearts and reach major story milestones, Hayden gifts high-quality animal feed and offers an even greater variety of farm animals to raiseThat could spell good news for your farming ventures.


Runs Sweetwater Farm


Winter 8

Loved gifts

Golden Butter, Golden Cheese, Golden Duck Eggs, Golden Duck Mayonnaise, Golden Eggs, Golden Mayonnaise, Golden Milk, Pumpkin Pie, Vegetable Quiche



Butter, free baths, and a very good dog

Fields of Mystria Fans had their sights set on Juniper well before her Early Access release, and the perks that come with pursuing her romance questline are worth the hype. Although not born in Mistria, the Vichy bathhouse owner and her trusted dog, Dozy, have found the redeveloping small town an excellent place to try out new spells, Potions, and the like on Townies, set the scene for her core events. Besides the morals, Juniper is an interesting marriage candidate who knows how to cut a good deal.

Dozie likes gifts too, and getting him something he likes can help increase your friendship level. Just like any other dog loves a good stick, Wood is one of Dozi's favorite gifts to get. Be sure to give him a piece to chew on the next time you visit the bathhouse.

from the jump, You get five free baths in the bathhouseCourtesy of Juniper and Dozy. While this offer doesn't last forever, it's easily one of the most valuable gifts you'll receive, as each bath fully restores your health and stamina. This is a lifesaver after an early-game fishing trip or mining excursion. She can be challenging to please, however Your relationship with Juniper is also full of witty dialogue options and a free four-legged companion Before pets are officially added to Fields of Mystria In a future update.


Run the bathhouse


Fall 26

Loved gifts

Ancient Royal Scepter, Black Tablet, Crystal Rose, Fish Tacos, Golden Cookie, Moon Fruit Cake, Mushroom Brew, Pizza



The haters-to-lovers emphasis but with perks

Perhaps the most popular choose between Fields of Mystria player, March brings a tough but rewarding romance questline to the table. True to the enemies-to-lovers trope, the town's hard-to-please blacksmith wants nothing to do with the farmer at the start of the game, but he warms up quickly as your hard work and contributions improve Mystria's Town Rank. . Of course, this also plays a role in careful giving. proud of his craft, March loves all perfect oatsBut he'll never turn down chocolate or sushi, either.

Of the core events currently available in Fields of Mystria, The episodes of March are among the most intense. When his first event closes, He cuts the tension by giving her an infused copper hoAn invaluable tool not only in the early game but throughout, as infused tools boast additional abilities. If that's not a good sign, his second event is also one of the most overtly romantic, during which he guides you through the smelting process. With this, each heart earned takes you one step closer to getting on the blacksmith's good side, which is a great place to be.




Spring 16

Loved gifts

Dragon-Forged Bracelet, Perfect Copper Ore, Perfect Gold Ore, Perfect Iron Ore, Perfect Silver Ore, Sushi Tray

Although romance is brutal to quantify, the marriage candidates offer the most exciting questlines and practical perks in Fields of Mystria Until now. Two additional candidates will be introduced to the game as developer NPC Studio rolls out early access updates. In the meantime, there are many heart events to unlock and gift preferences to discover among the 10 existing marriage candidates.

Fields of Mystria



Life simulation


August 5, 2024


NPC Studio


NPC Studio