7 Best Defensive Spells in Black Myth: Wukong

7 Best Defensive Spells in Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong Gives players access to various types of abilities, including spells, spirits, and transformations. Some are better at attacking, while others are great at defending. Spells are the first ability type you will have access to, Get a spell early in chapter one.

You can only have four spells equipped at one time, so it's important to choose them wisely. What you choose to have on hand depends on your preferences and gameplay. If you're more of a defensive player, you'll want to check out these seven spells.


Use the offensive & defensive spell binder spell

Increases attack power and restores health

Not the best defensive spell of the bunch, But it can recover well when thrownWhich can be beneficial when the destined one is low on health from a tough boss battle. Aside from that, it's also a great offensive ability to have on hand, as it boosts attack power. Unfortunately, if you are looking to use the Instant binder

Spell to your advantage, you'll have to wait until Chapter Three, at which point you'll need to start over Treasure Hunter Questline to learn it. Its effect lasts one hour.

Upgrading skills in the Skill Tree can also improve its performance as a defensive spell. for example, Upgrading Boon & Bane removes all four bone states When casting spell binder. This means that any effects of thunder, scorch, frost and poison are wiped from the destined one. Upgrading Forgone, Forgained recovers even more health after casting spell binder.


Mana turns into attack power


90 seconds


Chapter Three; Treasure Hunter Quest


Mystic spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • Boon & Ban: Removes all four bunnies
  • Forget, past: Recovers well
  • Light Heart: Reduces stamina on all actions
  • Smart Move: Increases the ratio of mana to attack power
  • All or nothing: Increase critical hit chance in return for stamina


Life-saving strand will save your life

Restores full health on fatal hit

For anyone facing imminent death, the Life-saving strand

Spell is a lifesaver, quite literally. When the destined one is low on health, This magic will save him from his downfall. Life-saving strand will activate automatically, plucking a strand of hair from the destined one and using it to create a duplicate. The duplicate will take the destined one's place in death while Restoring complete health to the original.

Unfortunately, those looking to use the life-saving strand spell will have to beat the game in its entirety and Start a New Game Plus to unlock the spell. Once a new game plus is started, players will automatically receive the life-saving Strand spell. You can upgrade this spell by upgrading skills such as Glorious Return, which reduces the 600-second cooldown of life-saving strand when killing enemies.




600 seconds


Unlocked at the start of a new game plus


Passive strand spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • Glorious Return: Reduces cooldown on killing enemies
  • without fear: Regenerates three gord uses
  • Spirited Return: Regenerates mana
  • Cycle Breaker: Chances of no cooldown


Cast a ring of fire for protection

A healing ring of fire spell

Black Myth: Wukong A Ring of Fire spell screen

Unlocked in chapter three of Black Myth: WukongThe Ring of Fire

Spell is a defensive ability that Surrounds the destined one in a protective circle of fire. In this circle, the recovery and consumable effects of the destined one are boosted. The ring also makes the destined one resistant to normal and elemental attacks from enemies.

Players can Step outside the ring to engage in battle And then return to the ring to undergo protection again. What's more, the duration of the Ring of Fire can be extended by upgrading Flaring Dharma in the Skill Tree. To get the Ring of Fire Spell, you will need to defeat the Macaw Chief in the Temple Courtyard. This will be your second fight against the Macaque Chief. At only 15 seconds, Ring of Fire is a great defensive spell to equip during boss battles.


60 times


50 seconds


Chapter Three; Pagoda Realm's Warding Temple


Mystic spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • Flaring Dharma: Increases duration of Ring of Fire
  • Raging Flames: Adds to focus in ring of fire
  • burn burn: Increases maximum stamina
  • Consolidation: Recovers well in the ring of fire
  • Flame's Embrace: Increases damage in the ring of fire
  • Boundless Blessings: Keeps the effect of Ring of Fire after exiting the ring


Cloud step away from enemy attacks

Escape in a cloud of fog

If you're in a pinch, Cloud step

is a great spell to use. Upon triggering the spell, the destined one Unleashes a mist that is used to escape while leaving a clone behind. The clone acts as a cover, allowing you to escape from your enemies. When you reappear, you can unleash an unveiling strike attack. Not only is this a great defensive spell, but it's also a good chance to get some sneaky damage. You can also use this spell to dodge a fatal attack if you're low on health and use the time in between to recover.

Cloud Step is unlocked in Chapter One of Black Myth: WukongWhich means you will get to enjoy the benefits of this defensive spell through most of the game. to buy it, You will need to beat the Black Wind King boss found in the Black Wind Cave. You can improve the Destined One's movement speed in Cloud Step by upgrading Gallop in the Skill Tree. With a low cooldown of 35 seconds, you can use this spell multiple times in a single fight to escape and launch sneak attacks.


40 times


35 seconds


Chapter One; Black Wind Coffee


Alternation spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • gallop: Increases movement speed
  • Russia: Increases the maximum health of the clone
  • Converging clouds: Extends the duration of Cloud Step
  • Hidden observation: Increases the critical strike chance of Unveiling Strike
  • Bait: Triggers a shockwave when an enemy hits the clone
  • Thunder Strike: Combines Unveiling Strike with a heavy attack
  • Absolute Strike: Increases the damage of Unveiling Strike


Turn into a rock solid form

Transform into rock and deflect attacks

Black Myth: Wukong Rock Solid Spell Screen

The Stand solid

Instantly transform the destined one into a solid stone statue. in stone form, The destined one can deflect attacksBut only if the spell is timed right. Casting the spell too early or too late will render it ineffective. So, to make this spell effective, it is recommended to cast it just as the enemy gears up to attack. Use this spell to deflect and then unleash your own attack.

Rock Solid is another early spell, obtained in Chapter Two of Black Myth: Wukong. You will need to Reach the Crouching Tiger Temple and defeat the Fake Tiger Vanguard To learn the game. Rock Solid has a poor duration window of one second but can be used again after only 15 seconds. Upgrading the Rock Mastery skill in the Skill Tree reduces the cooldown even more, allowing you to cast Rock Solid multiple times in battle.


30 times


15 seconds


Chapter Two; Crouching Tiger Temple


Alternation spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • Quick return: Cancel cancer compact in will
  • Stone Mastery: Reduces cooldown
  • no time: Grants focus when deflection is successful
  • Above: Increases the light attack starter damage after a successful deflection
  • Iron Clad: Provides some damage reduction after a successful deflection
  • Bold Venture: Recover mana with a successful deflection


Clone yourself with a lot of many

Create duplicates for a distraction and make your escape

Black Myth: Wukong a plaque of many spell screen

One of my favorite spells in Black Myth: Wukong Must be A lot of many

. I am someone who goes head first into battle, usually without a strategy to back me up. However, a plaque of many gives me ample opportunity to escape the tough situations in which I usually find myself.

When he throws a plaque out of many, the destined one plucks a strand of his hair, chews it, and then spits it out. To create duplicates. The duplicates are fast and can cause a good distraction. They can also fight on your behalf, but they are weak and can be quickly taken down by enemies. You can give your duplicates more health by upgrading the Gray Hair skill in the Skill Tree. This spell is found in chapter two.


120 times


120 seconds


Chapter Two; Windsall goes


Beach Spell

Skill tree upgrades

Langstrand: Increases the duration of duplicates Tyranny of Numbers: Increases the damage of duplicates Synergy: Increases the duration of duplicates after hitting enemies gray hair: Increases the maximum health of duplicates Harmony: Grants focus when duplicates successfully use Light Attack crowd: Provides additional duplicates at the cost of mana Insult to injury: Increases damage dealt by duplicates after using other spells Election: Allows duplicates to use Immobilize, Ring of Fire, and Rock Solid.


Throw immobilize and stop enemy attacks

Freeze your enemies in their tracks

One of the best defensive spells in all Black Myth: Wukong is the Immobilize

spell, Obtained in Chapter One in the Forest of Wolves. It is the first spell the inevitable one will learn. What I like most about Immobilize is not that it gives you a chance to escape, but that it gives you a chance to attack. While it's great in defense because it freezes your enemy, it's even better in offense because while your enemy is immobilized, you can unleash a series of ​​attacks and do some decent damage.


Using Immobilize prevents your enemies from moving and attacking. What happens next is entirely up to you - you can Use this time to escape, heal or attack. How long the effect of immobilize lasts depends on the enemy. Stronger enemies can break free faster, so be careful and pay attention. To prolong the effects, use the spell on a staggered, downed, or exhausted enemy. Skill tree upgrades can make immobilizers even better, increasing things like damage dealt and duration.


50 times


50 seconds


Chapter One; Forest of wolves


Mystic spell

Skill tree upgrades

  • crash: Increases damage dealt to immobilized enemies
  • Stagnation: Increases the duration of the next immobilization if the immobilized enemy is hit with a light attack
  • Evensense: The duration and damage dealt to the enemy both increase when the enemy is immobilized the moment they attack
  • Easy Prey: Increases the distance of Light Attack Starter when an enemy is immobile
  • Spirit Shards: Recovers mana when immobilized is cast on an enemy
  • Unbroken Chain: Allows light attack combo to be cast without interruption
  • Deal time: Extends the duration of Immobilize in return for mana

Use any of the defensive spells throughout the chapters of Black Myth: Wukong will serve you well. If you're looking for an easy escape, choose a plank from Many or Cloud Step. If you want to deflect and counterattack, Rock Solid is your best bet. Or, if you've started a new game plus and need a quick life-saving spell, don't forget about Life-Saving Strand. No matter which one you use, you can buy yourself some time and regenerating some health to continue your fight.

Video Credit: Lex/YouTube, Sipder/YouTube, Joshinbo/YouTube


August 20, 2024


Game science


Game science

How long to beat

39 hours