Once upon a time Premiere in 2011 and ended in 2018. The show was about all the fairy tale characters we know and love, but there is a twist. Each fairy tale character is connected, and these stories are completely different from the stories we all grew up with. The series began with Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) giving Snow White (Ginnifer Godwin) true love's kiss and waking her from a sleeping curse. They lived happily ever after, until the evil Queen (Lana Parrilla) crashed their marriage and threatened to cast a curse to take away the happiness of everyone in the kingdom.
The Dark Curse is not the only evil act committed by the Evil Queen (also known as Regina) throughout the duration of the series. She committed serial murder, sexual assault, burned villages, kidnapped children and poisoned countless people. Despite all this, Regina is still rewarded with her redemption by the end of the series. She received the forgiveness of all the people she tormented, and Regina even got a family with her son, Henry (Jord Gilmore) as well as a whole kingdom, became "the good queen", all this was completely undeserved and sent The wrong message to viewers.
The story of the redemption of the evil queen at once explained
Regina was the main villain in the first season, but since then has tried to redeem herself
In the first season of the show, Regina was the main villain. She cast the Dark Curse, made everyone miserable, kept Emma Swan from her son, killed Sheriff Graham, kidnapped Catherine Nolan, double-crossed Jefferson and put Henry in therapy for believing in fairy tales. Except for one note in season two, where she joined forces with Cora to try to kill Snow White and her family, and another note in season four, where she teamed up with Sidney Glass to get rid of Marian, Regina joined The side of the heroes, ultimately leading to her own redemption arc.
Regina has no other choice but to join the heroes and go to Neverland to save him.
In season 3, Regina's son, Henry is kidnapped and taken to Neverland, so Regina has no choice but to join the heroes and go to Neverland to save him. From this mission, Regina befriended the heroes, and She began to join them regularly on adventures across different realms and fighting against villains Like Rumpelstiltskin, Maleficent, the Snow Queen, the Wicked Witch of the West and Mother Gothel just to name a few. These heroic acts created trust between Regina and the heroes, so they no longer saw her as 'the evil queen'.
Why the evil queen never deserved redemption once upon a time
The crimes committed by the Evil Queen are unforgivable
I have already discussed some of the crimes committed by the Evil Queen, but this was only the tip of the iceberg. To create an image of how evil Regina is, in the episode titled 'The Evil Queen', The queen slaughters an entire village of hundreds of men, women and children just because none of them would give her the place of Snow White. Even in the season four episode, 'Mother', she rips out a groom's heart during his wedding because his wedding is on royal grounds on the anniversary of Regina's fiance's death. This takes triviality to new levels.
Of course worse than all of this, in the episode "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", it is revealed that Regina keeps Sheriff Graham's heart in a box in her vault. As she owns his heart, she is able to control his every action, so when they begin a physical relationship, it is evident that the whole dynamic is against what Graham wants, And he is forced to be with Regina. All of these actions together would suggest Regina is a psychopath, unable to take care of her own mental health, never meeting her needs and Safety of an entire kingdom.
How once should have ended the story of the evil queen
The evil queen should not be forgiven as easily as she was Every time she was happy in a romantic relationship, the man she was with always died, from Daniel to Robin Hood and even Dr. Facilier.
When you think about how Regina's story should have ended, it's difficult, because even though she became 'the good queen' and was accepted by all the kingdoms, she still didn't get a full happy ending. Every time she was happy in a romantic relationship, the man she was with always died, from Daniel to Robin Hood and even Dr. Facilier. The fact that she was written as sassy, witty and fierce in the First season made her a favorite among audiences, so The creators had no choice but to redeem the characterSo she can continue to appear throughout the series.
This created negative messages, suggesting that viewers could commit the same crimes as Regina and still be forgiven in the end. There are a lot of different ways the show could have changed so she deserved her happy ending. For example, they could have gone back in time and stopped Regina from turning evil after Daniel's death, giving her a second chance similar to the second chance Gideon received at the end of season 6. Although the character eventually gave to the side of OK, it's not right for Once upon a time To have just forgotten about her past.