5 things that changed in the alternate ending (and 5 that stayed the same)

5 things that changed in the alternate ending (and 5 that stayed the same)

The beloved sitcom How I Met Your Mother In 2014 ended on a divisive finale, which led to the release of a HIMYM Alternate ending. There were many elements that lived up to fan expectations - like Ted (Josh Radnor) finally meeting the mother (Kristin Milioti) and fans getting to see some of their lives together. Robin (Cobie Smulders) and Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) also got married, but the final scenes changed everything. What attempts to be a surprising and bittersweet ending is mostly bitter for many HIMYM Fans.

Despite nearly 10 years of build-up, the controversial finale of How I Met Her Mother Killed off the titular mother to make way for Ted to reunite with Robin, after she and Barney divorced. Longtime fans of the series felt like they had been tricked. The disappointing finale spurred the demand for an alternate ending, and the creators eventually released one that the fans welcomed wholeheartedly. In this version of the story, many of the fan frustrations were addressed and a significantly happier ending was achieved. However, not everything about the US How I Met Your Mother Alternate ending areas.


What the How I Met Your Mother alternate ending changed

Tracy does not die

Ted reads Tracy while she's in the hospital in How I Met Your Mother

One of the heartbreaking moments for the viewers of the show was the death of the mother, Tracy. Although the creators of How I Met Your Mother Hinted about Tracy's illness in an earlier episode while she and Ted were having dinner, her quick death in the final episode felt like a cheap trick to get Ted and Robin back together.

The alternate ending does not confirm anything about her illness and ends with Ted saying, "That's how I met your mother"The ending monologue also refers to her in the present tense, with lines about "Wake up next to her every day"Clearly, Tracy is still alive and happily married to Ted in the How I Met Your Mother Alternate ending.

Ted and Robin don't end up together

The climactic scene of the finale shows Ted standing outside Robin's window with the blue French horn, the symbol of their romantic relationship. The suggestion is that the two get back together, proving it was their love story all along. In the alternative HIMYM Finally, there is no mention of Robin after Ted's marriage - not surprisingly, as he is still married to Tracy.

Robin and Barney are still divorced in the alternate ending, but it is assumed that she is moving on with her life in a new direction, while they no longer remain friends with Ted. It made a lot more sense for the story. Ted and Robin would never have worked, As the show repeatedly proved how incompatible they are.


The kids don't make an appearance

A blended image features Ted in front of his two kids in How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother The whole plot is based on Ted telling the story to his kids about how he met their mother. In the actual ending, there is a discussion between Ted and the kids (David Henrie, Lyndsy Fonseca) where they question Ted's intention behind the story and advise him to go after Robin. However, the kids do not appear in the alternate ending as the episode ends immediately after Ted completes his story.

This makes sense for two reasons - first, the kids only appear in the original ending to talk Ted into going after Robin again, and there's nothing comparable for them to do in the alternate sequence. How I Met Your Mother ending On a more practical level, however, the scenes with the kids were all filmed at the beginning of the series, so that the actors would not age as time went on.

Bringing them back to create an alternate ending would not be possible - as they would appear to be suddenly nine years older. Both David Henrie and Lyndsy Fonseca are no longer teenagers When the series ended.

Marshall loses the Lily-Marshall bed

Marshall and Lily in bed in How I Met Your Mother.

Marshall (Jason Segel) and Lily (Alyson Hannigan) have a long-term bet about Robin and Ted's relationship. Marshall always believed that Ted and Robin would get together, even though Lily placed her bet on Ted marrying someone else. In the actual ending, the win goes to Marshall after Ted questions Robin in the final clip of the show. However, Ted stays together with Tracy in the alternate queue HIMYM ending, which implies that Lily won the bet.

It's a relatively minor change, of course, even if the long-term bets are something that crops up more than once in the show. They exist as More than a HIMYM Running jokeAlthough, so it doesn't really matter who wins in the end.


Robin continued her world trip

Robin continues an attack on a news show in How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother Viewers are quite familiar with Robin's goal to become a famous reporter and travel the world. Although Robin successfully achieved her dream, her friends are disappointed because she is not available for the big things that happen in their lives. The original HIMYM The end saw Robin return to New York, where she lives in her old apartment.

in the How I Met Your Mother Alternate ending, however, Robin does not return to New York. Although her exact whereabouts have not been revealed, it is likely that she is still traveling the world as a reporter. It's actually a much better ending for the character, as it's in line with Robin's long-term goals throughout her time on the series. It suits her character to continue to put her career and her dreams first, rather than just ending up back where she started. much of Robin How I Met Your Mother Arc involves putting your dreams firstWhich the alternate ending reaffirms.

How I Met Your Mother Alternate ending kept the same

Lily and Marshall's Story

Lily and Marshall smile for a selfie with baby Marvin on the couch in How I Met Your Mother

Lily and Marshall are undoubtedly one of the best couples in modern sitcoms. They were incredibly compatible, and their relationship faced realistic ups and downs throughout the series instead of the show breaking them completely apart. One of the reasons why the finale worked well among the fans is that it did not try to change anything about the Marshall-Lily love story.

Despite a brief breakup in season 2, Marshmallow and Lilypad continued to entertain the fans with their sweet relationship and ended the series happy and successful. In both the real and alternate endings, Lily and Marshall grow old together with their kids, take time to live in Italy, and see Marshall become a Supreme Court judge.


Robin and Barney divorce

It was a big shock to the fans when Robin and Barney got divorced in the last episode of the show. One thing that stayed the same in the real and alternate endings of How I Met Your Mother Is the decision made by the two letters. They realized that neither of them was happy with the marriage and were divorced.

This is one part of the controversial finale that remained the same, despite the fact that so many fans hated it. The consensus was that the two were perfect for one another and that they divorced largely to free Robin to be with Ted in the original ending. It's likely that this didn't change in the alternate ending because it would have been simply too complicated on a practical level when Their divorce is shown before the last scenes.


The love of Barney's life

Barney tears up while holding a baby in How I Met Your Mother

Many fans strongly believed that Robin was the perfect match for Barney. However, they get divorced, and it is only in the final episode of the show that he finds the real "love of his life," his daughter, Ellie. It provided a fitting ending for Barney In How I Met Your Mother. It was very heartwarming to see Barney see his daughter for the first time and tell her how she owns everything he has and is.

The HIMYM Alternate ending does not change Barney's story and leaves it as presented in the actual show. This is also a moment that Shows how much Barney has changed - and the ways he doesn't. It was a great ending for a beloved character and one that was fitting for the series.

The letters are drifting apart

Ted and Barney about to high five in front of Robin, Marshall and Lily on the balcony in How I Met Your Mother

It is revealed in the second last episode of the show that "the five of us hanging out together in McLarens, young and stupid", is no longer one of the wonderful things that will happen. When people's lives change, they can grow apart. How I Met Your Mother Demonstrated that their close friends would end up going their separate ways.

The show has a very realistic ending, where each of the characters goes their own way. Marshall and Lily lead a quiet life away from the urban bustle, Barney plans for a new life with his daughter, and Ted and Robin continue to live in New York. The viewers see these Friendship circle and how it changes over timewhich remained the same in the alternate ending.


Ted has the first conversation with Tracy in Farhampton

The show revolves around the circumstances that lead Ted to meet Tracy, the mother of his children. Although they almost crossed paths in different places during the show, they spoke for the first time at the Farhampton station when Ted bumped into her and started a conversation. This is a common sequence in both the real and alternate endings of How I Met Your Mother.

While the alternate ending culminates with the conversation at the station, it takes place before Ted's discussion with his kids in the actual ending. This is largely a practical change, one that comes from cutting together a new ending from existing footage. it Makes for a sweet moment to wrap up the showAlthough, and arguably provides a better alternative ending for How I Met Your Mother.

The How I Met Your Mother ending was the best

The alternate ending fits the theme of the show better

An older Ted staring into the camera in the How I Met Your Mother series finale

The How I Met Your Mother The ending was one of the most polarizing in television history. Many shows don't stick the landing, but when it comes to this beloved sitcom, it ends up as lame as the end of Dexter. While the entire purpose of the show was to let people watch these great friends interact and have little adventures together, The long-running mystery of who the mother is needed a better solution How Ted's wife dies and he ends up with Robin. That made the alternate ending automatically better.

When Ted married Tracy, it answered the biggest question. That is where the alternate ending ends the show.

The question was who the kids' mother was and when Ted married Tracy, it answered the biggest question. This is where the alternate ending fixes the show. It was a happy ending for a series that has been a happy experience for the most part throughout the seasons. Having the regular ending and then rejecting that Tracy died, and Ted had to move on and finally end up with Robin seemed like a cheat, and adding a dramatic tragedy to a show that was never about that.

The alternate ending, on the other hand, allows the show to conclude how the trials and tribulations through the nine years are all needed to lead people to their Soulmates in often strange and unexpected ways. That was really what the show was always about. The idea of ​​complicated journeys that bring joy to people's lives is what fans wanted to see in the end. Instead, they got death and a cheat for a revelation on the mother. How I Met Your Mother Deserves better, and the alternate ending provided the moment.

How I Met Your Mother is a sitcom created initially for CBS by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. Five friends living in New York City navigate their twenties and thirties as they try to find love, success and purpose. The show is framed through the eyes of one friend, Ted Mosby, as he tells the story of how he met his wife to his children.

Release date

September 19, 2005
