34 years ago, Back to the Future did something a lot of franchises failed to achieve

34 years ago, Back to the Future did something a lot of franchises failed to achieve

In 1990, the Back to the future Franchise avoided a major trilogy problem that other series often fall victim to. Back to the future has been widely regarded as one of the best movies of all time since it was released in 1985. Not only is the original film widely considered a classic, the two sequels have also been highly praised in the decades since they were released. The quality of the Back to the future Franchise is so high that it even avoided a very common problem sequels often run into.

There are very few sequels that can live up to the movie they follow, and even fewer sequels are more famous than the original film. While Back to the futures sequels have not managed to outshine the original, they have managed to beat several other notable franchises. actually, Back to the futureThe sequels are notable in their own right, both for being filmed back-to-back, and for making a combined worldwide box office total of over $400 million (via Box Office Mojo). One of their most impressive feats, however, was avoiding the "third movie curse."

Back to the Future Part III Avoids the "Third Movie Curse"

Most third movies are lackluster, but not Back to the Future Part III

For most trilogies and franchises, by the time the third installment comes around, the story has run out of steam. Whatever magic the first film had usually disappeared, and the third film was, more often than not, considered the worst of the bunch. There are many examples: Alien 3 is nowhere near as iconic as Alien, The matrix revolutions Is serviceable, but not nearly the feeling the original was, and Jaws III is laughably bad when compared to Steven Spielberg's original. It's such a common occurrence that it's often referred to as the "third movie curse," yet Back to the future did not succumb to it.

Third movie Curse Victims



Alien 3


The matrix revolutions


Jaws III


Home alone 3


Shrek the third


Robocop 3


Iron Man 3


actually, Back to the Future Part III Not only is it one of the few movies to break the third movie curse, it's one of the better third movies out there. It is filled with humor, suspense and action, and it understands the characters perfectly. Back to the Future Part III Even manages to expand on already-iconic characters by showing how Marty solved his problem with being called a chicken and how Doc found love. moreover, Back to the Future Part III Even had a better one Rotten tomatoes Critics score as the second installment has: 81%, compared to Part IIs 63%.

Back to the Future Part III being great confirmed the iconic status of the franchise

Back to the Future III proved that the franchise had enough great material for an entire trilogy

The original Back to the future was an instant classic, but the franchise isn't always guaranteed to follow suit. There are many iconic movies whose sequels can't live up to the original - Jaws, RobocopAnd Psycho are prime examples - but there are far fewer that maintain such a high quality that the entire franchise is considered great. Back to the future And its sequels are great movies, but Back to the Future Part III Solidified the entire franchise as a classic. The third installment took the series over the finish line and gave it an ending that was just as good as its beginning.

Back to the Future Part III didn't even need to happen, but it was worth it

Either the original or Back to the Future Part II would have been great endings to the series

The movie poster for Back to the Future Part III (1989) featuring Marty, Doc and Clara

Perhaps the most impressive part of how good Back to the Future III However, it is not absolutely necessary. If Back to the Future Part II Had decided to simply end and not lead directly into a sequel, the franchise would still be considered a classic. Even if the original Back to the future If not continued at all, it would be just as iconic as a standalone film. By all accounts, Back to the Future Part III was a gamble, one that may have ruined the legacy of the previous films, but it paid off in dividends.


Back to the future Part III Pushed the envelope when it really didn't need to, but it ended up putting a bow on the whole series. Everything about it worked, and every new avenue it explored and new character decision it just felt natural and right. Even though Part III Found success by extending the franchise further than it should, it is probably for the best Back to the Future 4 Never happened. It is really impressive that the third film in the Back to the future Trilogy is able to provide such a perfect ending.

Sources: Box Office Mojo, Rotten tomatoes