30 most powerful characters in My Hero Academia

30 most powerful characters in My Hero Academia

My Hero Academy is one of the biggest successes of modern shonen, and this is largely due to its incredible array of powerful characters. With the series featuring an impressive cast, gauging the most powerful is no easy task. The quirks are wide and varied, and some have many practical applications that aren't exactly suitable for combat. That being said, however, My Hero Academia The most powerful heroes and villains are so powerful that they are among the strongest in shonen history.

More than just brute force, My Hero Academia The most powerful heroes and villains find clever ways to take advantage of their quirks. This puzzle aspect of shonen power systems has always been an iconic part of the genre and gives fights a more dynamic edge than just two characters trying to outdo each other. My Hero Academia Stronger characters are tactical threats in addition to their raw power, creating deadly villains and daring heroes.


Yo Shindo's power shakes the very earth

Peculiarity: vibrate

My Hero Academia: Yo Shindo from Ketsubutsu prepares to throw a ball.

Yo Shindo is a student at Ketsubutsu Academy High, another hero school in Japan. His Quirk, Vibrate, allows him to cause massive tremors in the surfaces he touches, including the ground itself.. This Quirk gives him a great advantage against large groups of enemies, allowing him to break their formations and tear opponents apart with the destructive force of his tremors. He proved this during the Provisional Licensing Exam by splitting Class 1-A almost immediately, a tactical move that proved to be the right decision.

Yo Shindo also has a strategic mind and is a natural leader, taking command of his classmates in the licensing exam without a second thought. Although Yo was outmatched in his confrontation with Muscular, he was still able to cause serious damage to the villain without him knowing, setting Midoriya up for victory.


Juzo Honenuki controls solid matter

Peculiarity: Smoothing

Mudman aka Juzo Honenuki without helmet in the infirmary.

Juzo Honenuki, also known as Mudman, is a student from Class 1-B who entered UA by recommendation, like Momo Yaoyorozu or Shoto Todoroki. His Quirk, Softening, allows him to control the hardness of any physical object, including surfaces, allowing him to turn the ground into a muddy, quicksand-like substance that can trap opponents.. Honenuki's skill with his Quirk is extraordinarily high, and he is known for using it in creative ways, turning opponents' abilities against them, such as when he softened Todoroki's ice.

Honenuki is also extremely intelligent, with a well-developed strategic mind for combat. He understands well the limitations of his and his allies' Quirks and, as a result, knows when the advantage is against them. In My Hero AcademyIn the epilogue of, it is said that Honenuki became a top-tier hero, proving that his great potential would bear fruit as his career evolved.


Neito Monoma can copy an opponent's quirk

Peculiarity: Copy

Keito Monoma My Hero Academia Warp Gate

Neito Monoma is a member of Class 1-B with an unpleasant personality and an unrequited rivalry with Class 1-A. Monoma's Quirk, Copy, allows him to copy the Quirk of anyone he touches for up to 5 minutes, although this timer can be reset by touching it again or maintaining contact with the person.. It is a Quirk that requires a high degree of skill to use, as one must be prepared to use and understand the Quirks of an ally, or even the Quirk of the enemy.

Monoma provided essential assistance during the final battle, copying Kurogiri's Warp Quirk, allowing the heroes to enter the battle arena from afar and catch All for One by surprise. Monoma also took action by copying Aizawa's Erasure, allowing him to prevent Shigaraki from using his own Quirks during the battle.


The power of the gentle criminal is stronger than it seems

Peculiarity: Elasticity

Gentle Criminal and LaBrava on the run

Gentle Criminal was a minor villain who made internet videos of his exploits, along with his partner La Brava. However, he once dreamed of being a hero, but was unsuccessful in becoming one at a young age. Instead, he resorted to petty villainy, hoping to make a name for himself that way. Gentle's Quirk, Elasticity, allows him to transform anything into an elastic, bouncy surface, including air itself.and he can be further strengthened by La Brava's Love Quirk.

During the Final War, Gentle proved the limits of his skill by keeping the entire UA battlefield in the air, a tremendous feat of power and an essential part of the heroes' victory. He created aerial trampolines capable of supporting the entire weight of the school and at the same time enhanced by La Brava's Quirk, preventing it from falling to the ground and killing everyone on board.


Re-Destro grows stronger the more stress he undergoes

Peculiarity: Stress

Shigaraki vs Re-Destro in My Hero Academia

The villain Re-Destro, also known as Rikiya Yotsubashi, was the leader of the Meta Liberation Army and also the CEO of a support item manufacturing company known as Detnerat. In addition to money and political power, Re-Destro possessed a powerful Quirk, Stress, which granted him increasing strength and size the more stress he suffered.. The effect of the Stress Quirk turns your skin a dark color and causes it to increase in size, and as it depends on your stress level, it can be activated without your intention.

Re-Destro was an extremely difficult opponent for Shigaraki to fight, but Shigaraki eventually managed to defeat Re-Destro and co-opted the Meta Liberation Army, transforming it into a new organization known as the Paranormal Liberation Front. Re-Destro became one of Shigaraki's top lieutenants, at least until he was arrested.


Cementoss can control concrete in all its forms

Peculiarity: Cement

Cementoss is a pro hero and UA faculty member who has the ability to control and manipulate cement. It may not seem like much, but In urban areas where concrete structures are abundant, Cementoss is a force to be reckoned with.

Unlike many Quirks that seem to require a certain degree of concentration from their users Cementoss is capable of creating structures that can remain indefinitely, making it extremely useful for cleaning up the aftermath of destructive battles, as seen in the Sports Festival arc. Cementoss is considered one of the most difficult teachers to face at UA, a fact he easily proved in Sado and Kirishima's exam.


Fat Gum carries immense power in his body

Peculiarity: Fat Absorption

Fat Gum may seem like a surprise, as his Quirk, Fat Absorption, primarily allows him to absorb objects into his body without causing damage, making him virtually immune to projectile-based attacks. However, Fat Gum's Quirk has a second side, allowing him to absorb and store kinetic energy, which he can then convert into muscle, giving him surprising offensive power at the cost of his defensive layers of fat..

With its kinetic absorption, Fat Gum can deliver powerful blows that can knock down virtually any enemy, although he is pretty much out of the fight after that shot. Fat Gum's fat layers also need to be maintained by eating lots of food, which means he needs to spend a considerable amount of time bulking up each day.


Gran Torino moves faster than the eye can see

Peculiarity: Jet

Gran Torino is a veteran when it comes to heroes, having been the one who trained All Might after the death of his previous master, Nana Shimura. Despite advanced age, Gran Torino remains one of the fastest heroes in the series Able to leap across surfaces much faster than any eye can follow. He became a valuable teacher to Deku, helping him learn to control the immense power of One for All in the same way he helped All Might.

Gran Torino remains one of the fastest heroes in the series.

Interestingly, the Gran Torino used to be much taller and appears to have shrunk over the years due to the impact the force of jumps had on its spine.


Tamaki Amajiki could become the ultimate chimera

Peculiarity: Manifest

Tamaki Amajiki, also known by his hero name Suneater, is a third-year student at UA and a member of the UA Big Three. His Quirk, Manifest, allows him to display the characteristics of any animal he has recently eaten, giving him a wide range of potential powers and making him completely unpredictable to his opponents. Amajiki is particularly known for its ultimate move, "Vast Hybrid", which allows it to manifest the abilities of many different creatures at once, creating some truly awe-inspiring chimeric creatures.

When he combines this ability with Nejire-chan's wave energy, he can perform a powerful plasma cannon attack, attacking enemies with intense amounts of energy that few can match.


Inasa Yoarashi controls the power of wind

Peculiarity: Whirlwind

Inasa Yoarashi is a first-year student at Shiketsu High who wields the Whirlwind Quirk, which allows him to control the speed and direction of the wind over a huge area. Inasa's Quirk was first displayed during the Provisional Licensing Exam when he conjured a small tornado stealing balls from everyone around him and eliminating dozens of other test participants at once. He has a bit of a rivalry with Todoroki, although the two have gotten over it.

Inasa was considered so skilled with his Quirk that he was considered the most recommended student for UA, but ended up choosing Shiketsu due to his rivalry with Todoroki. However, her recommended status alone proves that her power is nothing to joke about.


Stain combines incredible agility with a powerful quirk

Quirk: Bloodcurdle

The Hero Killer Stain is a villain who has definitely earned his name. Stain was responsible for killing 17 pro heroes and permanently injuring 24 more as part of his crusade to eliminate heroes he felt were not up to the title. Stain's success was largely due to the combination of his incredible agility and physical strength combined with his Quirk, which allows him to paralyze an enemy by licking the blood from their weapons..

Despite his hero-killing methods, Stain legitimately attempted to avoid unnecessary casualties, and was willing to spare those he considered true heroes, like Midoriya. Stain was a fearless fighter and incessantly motivated thanks to his ideological goals. Although twisted, he had a sense of honor and ended up helping the heroes when society began to collapse.


Toga's quirk allows her to use the quirks of others

Peculiarity: Transform

Himiko Toga's Quirk, Transform, allows her to take on the appearance of anyone whose blood she has consumed, making her exceptionally dangerous when it comes to infiltration. However, what makes Toga a true threat is what happened when her Quirk Awakened: she has gained the ability to use the quirks of those she has transformed into, as long as she loves that person. Not only did this make it even harder to catch her when she was posing as someone like Uraraka, but it also made her incredibly unpredictable.

Toga killed many people including professional heroes and it is a serious threat that they must face. When UA has to go through special procedures just on the chance that Toga can sneak in, it becomes clear that she is no ordinary villain.


Lady Nagant's skill is known among heroes

Peculiarities: Rifle, Air Walk

Lady Nagant was once a hero who worked for the Heroes' Public Safety Commission, but she couldn't handle the assassination missions they constantly sent her on and eventually exploded, killing her bosses. Nagant was imprisoned as a villain and only escaped Tartarus alongside All for One, who convinced her to hunt Deku on his behalf. Nagant's skill with his Quirk, Rifle, is legendary, as she was able to bend the trajectory of her bullets and hit opponents several kilometers away.

Deku managed to talk to Lady Nagant and make her betray All for One, but the villain was prepared for such betrayal and activated a self-destruct Quirk he had given her, causing massive damage to Nagant and taking her out of the picture.


Edgeshot can eliminate any opponent in seconds

Quirk: Foldbody

My Hero Academia: Edgeshot uses his Foldabody Quirk on Kurogiri.

Edgeshot is the 4th ranked hero after All Might's retirement, and he has clearly earned his ranking. Edgeshot's Quirk, Foldabody, allows him to twist, bend, and compress his own body, capable of bending to become as thin as thread, allowing him to dramatically pierce his opponents. Edgeshot's finishing move, Thousand Sheet Pierce, allows him to become so small and sharp that he can pierce opponents' lungs.causing them to collapse and become instantly immobilized.

Edgeshot is incredibly brave, never hesitating to do what is necessary for a hero. Willing to sacrifice his life for what's right, there's a reason why so few heroes are above him.


Dabi's flames burn brighter than any other

Quirk: Hellfire

Dabi is a villain who wields the powerful Hellflame Quirk, and his fire burns so hot that it turns an iconic blue color.. Dabi is known to have killed over 30 people with his flames, making him one of the most dangerous villains in the world. My Hero Academy. Although his main goal is revenge against Endeavour, Dabi has an extreme dislike for virtually any hero and will not hesitate to attack immediately.

Dabi has studied Endeavor so closely that he is able to perform Endeavor's super moves such as Flashfire Fist, making him exceptionally deadly. Dabi's only real weakness is that not even his body can handle the heat which his flames generate, causing his skin to be a patchwork of charred flesh, giving him a truly monstrous appearance.


Mirko's fighting skill is unmatched among top heroes

Peculiarity: Rabbit

Mirko the Rabbit Hero is currently the 5th ranked hero following All Might's retirement. Mirko made an impact with her big starring role at the beginning of the anime's 6th season, where she was seen fighting alone against a large group of Nomu. Even losing limbs didn't slow Mirko down in a fight, as she is later seen on the battlefield with new prosthetic limbs designed especially for crushing bad guys.

Mirko the Rabbit Hero is currently the 5th ranked hero following All Might's retirement.

Mirko's Quirk, Rabbit, gives her the attributes of a rabbit, such as ears, but mostly incredibly powerful legs, allowing her to deliver blows that would instantly knock down an ordinary human being. Mirko loves to fight and can be seen rushing into battle whenever the situation calls for it. Still a young hero, Mirko likely has a promising career ahead of him.


Fumikage Tokoyami wields incredible dark power

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Tokoyami's quirk, Dark Shadow, is actually a spirit that inhabits his body, which he has some degree of control over. Although Dark Shadow isn't very impressive in broad daylight, It's at night and in dark places that the quirk really shines, as it grows stronger in darker areas. Tokoyami has lost control of Dark Shadow before in very dark places, like the Forest Training Camp, and his true power is impressive.

Tokoyami's Quirk is so strong that it even attracted the attention of All for One, whose Quirk theft targets only those Quirks with the greatest potential. As Tokoyami is still young, it may take some time before he can fully control it at such levels, but brute strength alone is enough to secure a place among the most powerful in the series.


Momo Yaoyorozu can do anything

Peculiarity: Creation

Momo is a brilliant girl with a tactical mind, as well as one of the most potential quirks in the entire series. Her quirk, Creation, allows her to create anything she understands the molecular structure of, and for this reason Momo has spent much of her life learning how things are put together. Momo's creation, Quirk, is certainly the type of ability that requires special intellect to use, and she is lucky to have the intelligence to use it to the fullest.

Momo has been able to create everything from rubber blankets to sedatives to real cannons.and the only limit is your own fat reserves. Momo works best as a group leader who can help distract her while she's creating things, which leaves her a little vulnerable.


Rubberhead can deny anyone else's quirk

Peculiarity: Erasure

While Eraser Head may be a powerful hero in his own right, it's not necessarily his quirk that makes him so powerful. Having the ability to turn off any opponent's Quirk seems useful, but he can only maintain this as long as he can keep his eyes open. Izuku is quick to point this out. Eraser Head's quirk is best suited for facing villains one-on-one or while fighting in the shadows. Eraser Head is considered such a threat by villains that Shigaraki does everything he can to destroy his Quirk, but even this is thwarted.

It's Eraser Head's commitment to training and becoming better than his Quirk can offer that makes him a truly fantastic hero. It might even be fair to say that his perseverance and intelligence are his most valuable assets, rather than his useful but limited Quirk.


Muscle strength is only surpassed by All Might

Quirk: muscle increase

A villain who likes to kill heroes, Muscular is the definition of brawn and no brains. His quirk coats his body in thick layers of muscle fiber that can quickly regenerate, making it extremely difficult to cause damage to him. Deku almost died trying to take him down at Forest Training Camp for the first time, as he knows exactly how to deal with physical fighters. In a match of raw power, there are few heroes who can emerge victorious, with All Might probably being the only physically strongest character.

Muscular's return in the Dark Hero arc showed, however, that he is much more susceptible to unconventional attacks, and Deku was able to dispatch him quickly, showing how far the young hero had come since their original confrontation months earlier. .