Pokemon is the biggest franchise in the world, and part of its appeal is the number of incredibly cute creatures it has introduced. Currently, the series has introduced over 1,000 Pokémon, and while their designs range from scary to cool to purposefully gross, It's hard to deny how many Pokémon are absolutely adorable.
Given the sheer number of Pokémon, it's hard to decide which ones are the most adorable. In addition to how aesthetically appealing each ranked Pokémon isthere are also elements to consider its impact on both the game series and the anime. Ultimately, part of what makes Pokémon so special is how fans can choose their favorites. Not every Pokémon can please every fan, and that's okay. However, the following Pokémon are so adorable and remarkable that it's hard not to rank them among the cutest Pokémon of all time.
Torch - #255
Ruby and Sapphire
Torchic is a Fire-type starter Pokémon commonly given to trainers who begin their journeys in the Hoenn region. Torchic are known for their fluffy coat of soft feathers, as well as an internal flame that makes Torchic feel quite warm when hugged.. Torchic tend to have a wobbly gait, as they are not yet used to walking on both feet.
Node Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire anime, Torchic was the first partner Pokémon of May, Ash's new female companion for the Hoenn region. May's Torchic was very loyal and prone to getting into trouble, especially in the beginning when he didn't really know how to fight. May's Torchic was also prone to jealousy and would occasionally act out if he felt he wasn't getting enough attention. It became more competitive as a Pokémon as it got closer to its eventual evolution into Combusken.
Azurill - #298
Ruby and Sapphire
Azurill is a Normal/Fairy-type Pokémon, and Marill's baby form is a Water/Fairy-type Pokémon. Azurill are known for their exceptionally cute appearance and have a large floating fly at the tip of their zigzag tails, which contains all the nutrients needed to transform into Marill.. Azurill sometimes spins its tails like lassoes and launches them, launching itself into the air for distances of up to 33 feet.
Node Ruby and Sapphire In the anime era, it was revealed that Misty had an Azurill, which she began carrying in Togepi's place once Togepi evolved. Misty's Azurill is actually the son of Tracey's Marill, uniting the two characters. As a baby Pokémon, Misty generally does not use Azurill in battle, although she once fought alongside her father in an attempt to fend off Team Rocket.
Oshawott - #501
Black and white
Oshawott is a Water-type starter Pokémon from the Unova region, and as such is generally considered easy to train. Oshawotts keep a special shell on their belly known as a Scalchop that allows them to slice and dice things that get in their way.. If the Scalchop is lost, Oshawott will begin to panic and search incessantly until he finds the missing shell. Scalchop is not only useful in battle, but can also be used to crack hard nuts and fruits.
Node Pokemon Black and white anime, Ash came to own an Oshawott. Ash's Oshawott was highly clumsy and prone to falling in love with female Pokémon, regardless of type. These passions often led to Oshawott getting into trouble in an attempt to impress the object of his affections, making him a kind of endearing goofball.
Fuecoco - #909
Scarlet and Violet
Fuecoco is the Fire-type starter Pokémon from the Paldea region, making it one of the first Pokémon a trainer is likely to encounter in Scarlet and Violet. Fuecoco is said to sit on hot rocks in the sun, absorbing energy that helps fuel its flames. However, energy often leaks from the top of its head, giving it the distinctive hair-like puffs of fire on top.
Fuecoco becomes the first partner of Pokemon Horizons' Roy, one of the main characters in the series, guaranteeing a lot of screen time in the anime. Most Fuecoco (including Roy's) are quite absent-minded Pokémon, often acting without thinking and, as a result, getting into trouble. However, its cluelessness is one of the species' most endearing traits, and many fans love this easily fooled Pokémon.
Sprigatito - #906
Scarlet and Violet
Sprigatito is the Paldean Grass-type starter Pokémon, and as such, it is one of the first Pokémon most trainers will encounter in the ninth generation games. Sprigatito's paws are said to emit a pleasant aroma and absorb energy when exposed to the sun, much like a plant would.. Sprigatito requires a lot of attention from its trainers and can become a nuisance if not well looked after.
Sprigatito has the honor of being the first partner of Pokemon Horizons'main character, Liko, making him the most prominent Pokémon in the series by a large margin. Liko and Sprigatito have a very cute relationship and they both support each other in difficult times, just like Ash and Pikachu. Sprigatito is also very competent in battle, capable of using moves such as Leafage and Magical Leaf to defeat opponents.
Jigglypuff - #39
Red and Blue
A favorite of many Pokémon fans, Jigglypuff is certainly considered a classic in terms of cuteness. With a round, ball-like shape, wide eyes, and pointy cat ears, it's safe to say that Jigglypuff Hits All the Key Determining Factors for Being Adorable. Jigglypuff's fandom goes far beyond the original series, as the character also appeared as a playable character in Super Smash Bros. and several side games.
Given Jigglypuff's appearances in Smash Bros. and of course the anime, No wonder the noisy fairy type is so beloved.
Swinub - #220
Gold and Silver
An underrated Pokémon first introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver, Swinub is a cross between a baby boar and a baby mammoth, that is, an adorable pig snout with shaggy hair. The creature looks like a sad, hairy balloon in nature due to its hair that hides its legs when it walks. Swinub is an Ice-Ground-type Pokémon that can use its height and snout to inspect the ground for items, including discovering hot springs.
Swinub is an example of Generation II capturing that lovable magic of the original Pokémon in Kanto. However, its evolutions, Piloswine and Mamoswine, lose the cuteness factor by becoming mammoths ready to fight. THE Swinub lives mainly in icy places, including caves and snowy terrain, and its keen sense of smell is used to track the source of anything pleasant.similar to pigs sniffing out truffles.
Dratini - #147
Red and Blue
With an elegant snake shape and big eyes, Dratini is a simply too cute Dragon Pokémon. Fans of water Pokémon will appreciate the small white fins that extend from either side of Dratini's face, while a small rounded bump on the forehead adds even more extravagant charm.
First, third and fourth generation fans Pokemon the games will experience waves of nostalgia when trying to catch a Safari Zone Dratini.
Shaymin - #142
Diamond and Pearl
One part Chia Pet and one part hedgehog, Shaymin is an undeniably adorable Pokémon. Originally introduced during Generation IV, This Grass-type Pokémon has a sweet-looking design, looking like a hedgehog with flowers and leaves instead of spines.
On screen, Shaymin made her original debut during Giratina and the Sky Warriorthe second Diamond and Pearl film in the series. In Sky Forme, the Pokémon's form changes drastically, almost looking like a small deer-like creature. Whether fans prefer the hedgehog version of the Pokémon or the Sky Forme, It's pretty clear that the adorable Shaymin deserves his place among the cutest PokéMon.
Spun Dough - #926
Scarlet and Violet
One of the first Pokémon introduced in the Paldea region of Generation IX, Fidough is a cute, stretchy, pastry-inspired dog ideal for petting or kneading like cookie dough. Its protrusions and protuberances are also dough-shaped, including ears shaped and positioned similarly to Princess Leia's iconic buns from Star Wars. However, Fidough is also the Pokemon the world's most adorable kitchen companion as it is a natural source of baking yeast.
What's especially adorable about Fidough is that its evolution, Dachsbun, more closely resembles a dog and, more importantly, It looks like a challah bread with dog-shaped knots.. This fun detail indicates that Fidough is essentially the raw or unfinished form, but just like cookie dough, a large demographic of people may prefer one form over another. Fidough is the softest and cuddliest new Fairy-type Pokémon introduced to Paldea with increasing popularity, although conventional wisdom about its biology suggests it will only get bigger over time.
Mareep - #179
Gold and Silver
Mareep is an electrifying addition to Pokemon universe, originally introduced during the second generation games in Pokémon Gold and Silver. With fluffy tufts of wool and a light bulb-shaped tail, Mareep is undeniably cute.
A small, curly wave of woolly fur rests in the center of her forehead, making Mareep look appropriately fluffy. As cute as this Pokémon may look, static electricity continually builds up inside its body.. As tempting as it may be to touch, Mareep's fleece only increases the volume of its static charge, and touching it will emit a powerful electrical blast. While Mareep's final evolution, Ampharos, removes the fluff that makes Mareep and Flaffy so iconic, its draconic Mega Evolution brings the fleece back with a glorious mop of hair.
Lillipup - #506
Black and white
For any Pokémon trainer who also loves dogs, Lillipup is a dream come true. With a face full of puffy fur, Lillipup resembles a sweet terrier puppy. With big brown eyes, tiny tail, and fluffy fur, the little dog is undeniably cute. Lillipup's fur is known to be used as a type of radar detection and helps provide the canine Pokémon with additional information about its environment.
When seen in Pokédex 3D Pro, Lillipup has three toes per paw, and the underside of its pads are actually blue. Lillipup looks cute in its naturally unevolved state, and remains adorable even when it starts to evolve. Trainers can evolve the Pokémon into Herdier, which resembles a small Miniature Schnauzer or Terrier, and later into Stoutland.
Sobble - #81
Sword and Shield
Galar's Water-type starter may have some strange evolutions down to its smooth, collected Inteleon form, but Sobble is an exceptionally cute Pokémon from Generation VIII. Sobble is a small, chameleon-like lizard with a round, crushable facebut getting too close will intimidate him, unleashing Sobble's most endearing, cute, and disturbing characteristics; he will scream uncontrollably if he feels threatened. Trainers who want to bond with Sobble won't see this as a big deal, making him feel safe and secure while silently fearing his strange later phase as Drizzile.
As a defense mechanism, Sobble can disguise itself as a chameleon when touching water, appearing almost invisible to the naked eye. Despite being cute as a button, this Pokémon is a skilled shooter, capable of shooting jets of water like bullets.S. This, combined with Sobble's tears being significantly more potent than chopping onions, means that coaches don't want to mess with Sobble, but will also recognize how much of an asset he can be as a special forward on their team.
Emolga - #589
Black and white
In the anime, fans were first introduced to Pokémon in "Emolga the Irresistible!" when Iris caught a female Emolga. With round black eyes and bright yellow dots on her cheeks, Emolga is just one of those Pokémon that was destined to be ranked among the cutest.
Trainers first added Emolga to the team while playing fifth generation games such as Pokemon black and white and Black and White 2. Classified as Pokémon Sky Squirrel, Emolgas live in the treetops and collect reserves of electrical energy inside their large cheeks.. When they glide or attack, they can release a blast of electricity at an opponent. Some believe that Emolga is based on a real Japanese dwarf flying squirrel.
Growlithe - #58
Red and Blue
With bold stripes and orange/cream fur, Growlithe is an adorable Fire-type Pokémon. At first glance, Growlithe may look like some kind of tiger, but the Pokémon more closely resembles a wolf-like puppy. Originally introduced in the first generation Pokemon games, Growlithe can evolve into Arcanine with the use of a Fire Stone. Growlithe may seem tough right away, but the Pokémon is actually friendly and extremely loyal to your coach. Don't mistake their kindness for weakness, as Growlithe Pokémon are fiercely protective of their territory.
Fans of the anime may remember that Team Rocket's James had a pet, Growlithe, in the series. Affectionately known as Growlie, James had the Pokémon as a pet when he was a childbut stayed behind when he ran away from home. Officer Jenny has also worked with Pokémon Growlithe and Arcanine, who served as police dogs in the series.
Piplup - #393
Diamond and Pearl
There's something about Water-type starters because Piplup is one of the cutest Pokémon ever created, a development that's not surprising given that it resembles a little baby penguin. Piplup is the Water-type starter for trainers in the Sinnoh region, with its majestic final form being Empoleon, allowing trainers to experience a similar cute-to-tough ratio to other mainstays like Charmander for Charizard or Froakie for Greninja. Piplup's round head, short beak and curious blue eyes are impossible to resist.
However, Piplup has a strong sense of pride, and no one can blame him, with his final evolution being an emperor penguin. Unlike its real-life inspiration, which doesn't fly, Piplup is capable of limited flight and even important Flying-type moves like Roost or Aerial Ace, but it's still a clumsy creature.often stumbling while struggling to walk. But if trainers can stroke the ego of this adorable little penguin Pokémon, they'll find Piplup to be a great partner on their travels.
Clefairy - #35
Red and Blue
A fairy-type Pokémon from the original Red and Blue games, Clefairy is known for being extremely shy. Eccentric and charming, Clefairy often dance together under the light of the full moon. When the sun rises, Clefairy goes back to bed and sleeps in the mountains. Clefairy's precursor form is Cleffa, a baby Fairy-type Pokémon that was introduced in the second-generation series.
Fans got a glimpse of the Fairy-type Pokémon during the anime series' "Clefairy and the Moon Stone" episode. This episode actually suggested that Clefairy could be an alien, contrasting sharply with her adorable appearance. In the first episode of the anime series, Clefairy would even be Ash's starter Pokémon instead of Pikachu..
Gold and Silver
Introduced in Generation II, dating back to 2000's Ash's travels across Johto with "No Big Woop!" Wooper normally evolves into Quagsire although Paldean Wooper evolves into Clodsire – its beefier, battle-ready relatives. Wooper and its Paldean variant bring an adorable axolotl-inspired look to the Pokémon franchise. Wooper, first introduced in Johto, is a Water-Ground type for trainers who want to catch it. Still, in Paldea, it's Poison-Ground, with a unique evolution, Clodsire, offering strategic advantages and adorable perks.
With an oval head and face Sporting just as many charming facial expressions as her real-world counterpart, Wooper is a certified cutie. Seen as somewhat oblivious to its surroundings, Water-type Wooper lives in the muddy beds of bodies of cold water.. At the same time, poison-type Woopers have hardened gills and tougher bodies, capable of surviving on land. Since Wooper has no arms, they leave the hugging to their handlers.
Jirachi - #385
Ruby and Sapphire
Jirachi made its debut during the third generation of Pokémon games, introduced in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. With an almost clown-themed star appearance, Jirachi instantly looks like a friend. The name “Jirachi” is a combination of the Russian word for “desire” and the Japanese word for desire, happiness, or fortune. Jirachi is a Mythical Steel and Psychic type and will not evolve into other Pokémon forms.
Jirachi was featured prominently in the anime titled Jirachi: Wish Maker. Jirachi awakened during the time of a thousand-year comet, and Butler controlled it to create a destructive Pokémon Groudon. Butler, Max, and Ash worked together to help Jirachi destroy the devious Pokémon Groudon using Jirachi's signature move, Doom Desire.
Snorlax - #143
Red and Blue
Introduced in the original Red and Blue games, Snorlax may be big, but he's still adorable. Living up to its name, Snorlax is infamously sleepy and hungry in equal measure. In the Generation IV games, Munchlax was introduced through the main Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. Unlike its evolved form, Munchlax is more of a hyperactive Pokémon with a large appetite, often running around in search of food. Fans of the first generation games may instantly recall times when a wild Snorlax could be found inconveniently blocking someone's path.
In the anime, Snorlax was prominently featured in the episode "Snack Attack!" and Ash finally managed to capture him in the Grapefruit Islands. A long-time favorite, Snorlax has also made appearances in several of the Super Smash Bros. games.