There are many memorable Thomas Shelby quotes from Peaky Blinders what solidify him as one of television's most complex protagonists. The patriarch of the Shelby family, Thomas “Tommy” Shelby has what it takes to be a perfect antihero. He is ruthless, cunning, and can sink to dark places to get what he considers right. Most importantly, he also speaks with confidence and conviction. Tommy has a tendency to infuse creativity into his sentences. Whether he's talking to a family member, a high-ranking government official, or an enemy, the best Thomas Shelby quotes speak to this man's power.
Even after Cillian Murphy won the Oscar for Oppenheimermany still call his role in Peaky Blinders as his best performance to date. Most of the best lines in the series come from Tommy, showing the layers of the character. These memorable lines highlight the tragedy and sadness in his life, the dark brutality he is capable of, and even the rare examples of his twisted sense of humor.. Tommy Shelby is a TV character who will live long after the show ends and these quotes cement that fact.
“I’m just remembering who I would be if I wasn’t who I was.”
Season 2, Episode 5
There's a moment in this episode where Thomas Shelby walks into one of his stables. He's had a rough day and isn't in a good mood. When he sees his employee, Curly, standing there working on removing horse waste, Tommy takes off his overcoat and hat, grabs a shovel, and starts cleaning it up as well. Curly is shocked and asks his boss what he is doing. Without missing a beat, Tommy comes up with this great phrase to explain the task.
This line has a few meanings; one is good and the other is not so well accepted. First, Tommy doesn't want to forget what it's like to make a living picking up trash, because then he will always remember why he never wants to lose control of his position of power. However, for Curly, this is also a grim realization that he will never be Tommy, and this is where he will live, cleaning up horse droppings while Tommy can show up and do that once and then return to his big house. .
There is no rest for me in this world, maybe in the next"
Season 4, Episode 6
One thing Tommy Shelby realized early in his life is that he will never find true peace. When he's talking to the housekeeper in this episode, she seems worried about him and tells him he needs to get some rest. However, Tommy knows better as he puts on his coat and hat before grabbing his cane and heading for the door. He just looks tiredly into the distance and says this phrase while telling her that he will never find rest and thinks that maybe he might have a chance in the next life.
Tommy knows that danger is always present and that the fight to stay on top will never end until he finally dies.
This is a nice self-reflective quote for Tommy. He knows he cannot rest and that there will never be true peace. He always has to keep fighting or keep looking over his shoulder and protecting what's his. By the end of the series, Tommy knows that danger is always present and that the fight to stay on top will never end until he finally dies. It's sad, but it's also true and foreshadows that this story was never meant to have a happy ending.
"I'm thinking about the future, thinking about all the possibilities, remembering everything that's happening."
Season 3, Episode 3
There's a moment in season 3 of Peaky Blinders where Tommy Shelby knows there is danger coming from all directions. His men are telling him what they know and Tommy needs to formulate a plan. All the men look at him and ask what he is doing about it. Tommy simply lets them know something that fits into the first season. In the previous line, he tells Arthur that he thinks so that Arthur doesn't have to do this. It wasn't arrogance, it was just Tommy knowing his role.
Tommy explains once again what he thinks about everything that is happening around him.
Here, he brings Vincente Changretta to him, and Tommy keeps him in a cell, talking to him about what's going on. The priest knows that his time is coming to an end and Tommy explains once again what he thinks about everything that is happening around him. He reveals that he doesn't forget anything and remembers everything that happens. This allows him to always think ahead and take action when he sees things coming, ending threats before they get out of hand. It was a quote and an intense moment in the show.
"In my mind, I still pay for it."
Season 5, Episode 2
One of the cruelest things Tommy Shelby ever said Peaky Blinders came in season 5 when he was talking to Lizzie. Right now, Lizzie is talking to Tommy about his recent impulsive actions. She explains that as his wife, when he dies everything will legally go to her, and she wonders if there will be anything left when he dies. This is his response, which is excessively cruel and spiteful and really shows viewers where his mind is in the marriage.
Tommy only really loved Graceand when she was murdered, he was never able to truly love anyone. He tried with Lizzie and wanted to give her a better life, but as he admitted here, he never thought of her as anything close to what he thought of Grace in the past. If there's one thing that evened the odds a bit, Lizzie later reminded Tommy of what he said, and then she said she was still getting paid and preparing no matter what happened to him.
"Well, if she's a good woman, then she'll go to heaven."
Season 3, Episode 3
Thomas Shelby has gathered his men and is trying to figure out his next steps. He knows they need to bring in Mr. Changretta for revenge, as the man ordered the attack on Tommy that resulted in Grace's death. Tommy wants revenge more than anything, so he orders Arthur and John to bring Changretta. They mention that he was leaving the country with his wife and Tommy simply tells them to kill Mrs. Changretta and bring her husband to take care of.
John is surprised and Tommy wants to know why. He explains that Mrs. Changretta was their teacher and she was a good woman. Arthur emphasizes that she is a good person and had nothing to do with Grace's death. Tommy doesn't care, though, and gives one of his coldest quotes, saying that if she's a good woman, then she'll end up in heaven when they kill her. They let her live, however, and she became an enemy and sent her son Luca Changretta after the family, proving Tommy right.
"All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question."
Season 3, Episode 3
Tommy Shelby is one of the main reasons why Peaky Blinders is a very popular show, and not just because he's one of the most vicious fictional gangsters ever conceived. Cillian Murphy's character is also prone to a good deal of philosophizing, offering his unique take on everything from early 20th century global politics to religion. This is the case with this memorable Peaky Blinders quote from season 3, episode 3.
Despite coming from a religious and family background, Tommy Shelby himself is largely agnostic. It's not that he rejects the idea of God or a higher power, he simply sees such speculation as a waste of time. The agnosticism demonstrated by this Peaky Blinders the quote shows how well Tommy's stance works for his incredibly pragmatic character, and is much more apt than if he had been strongly religious, or even if his brutal experiences in the trenches of World War I had turned him into a staunch atheist.
"We just sell different parts of ourselves."
Season 1, Episode 3
This is another Tommy Shelby quote that shows the Peaky Blinders exclusively pragmatic view of the characters in the world. It's not that Tommy has no morals or ethics, it's more that he doesn't allow the opinions of others to influence what he considers right or wrong. For Tommy Shelby, almost anything that can advance his specific cause is worth doing. However, this also makes him surprisingly impartial, as this opening quote from the third episode of season 1 demonstrates. Grace was one of Tommy's great loves on the show, and the two had some incredibly memorable conversations before they even became a couple.
As is the case when Tommy tries to hire Grace for, essentially, escort services, specifically to spend some quality time with Billy Kimber. Grace is surprised and assumes that Tommy thinks she is a sex worker. Tommy's quick response essentially says that even if she was, what she would do would be no different than anyone else receiving money for any other type of act. For Tommy, there is literally no difference between a woman selling her body and a man selling his time as a soldier, laborer, or any other type of job.
"This is just me, talking to myself, about myself."
Season 4, Episode 6
Tommy Shelby may seem cool, calm and collected, but that requires an incredible level of self-control on his part. Occasionally, his cold demeanor wanes, and not just when he loses his temper with his subordinates, family, or enemies. There are several occasions when Tommy's harrowing experience during World War I catches up with him, and he collapses due to the undiagnosed PTSD he acquired in the trenches.
One of the most painful moments this happens is during season 4 of Peaky Blinders, when Tommy finds himself unable to contain his mental instability any longer. He is heard by his housekeeper, who suggests that he seek medical help. Tommy responds with this incredibly memorable Peaky Blinders quote, showing that he sees his mental state simply as feedback from his own mind. However, it's also one of the moments where Tommy is truly vulnerable, which is one of the main reasons why it sticks in the minds of many. Peaky Blinders fans.
"I'm not God. Not yet"
Season 5, Episode 1
If Tommy Shelby could be said to have one flaw, it's his incredibly inflated ego. However, it would also be incredibly difficult to make him see his own arrogance, as the abilities he is so confident in have also helped him time and time again. This ego is also, coincidentally, what makes him such an endearing character to Peaky Blinders fans - although the same cannot be said for the rest of the series' characters, especially his family, who find this trait of his boring, to say the least.
Tommy putting his ego on display is one of the best Peaky Blinders quotes, although few compare to him proclaiming that although he recognizes that he is not God, it may simply be a matter of time.
Tommy putting his ego on display is one of the best Peaky Blinders quotes, although few compare to him proclaiming that although he recognizes that he is not God, it may simply be a matter of time. The quote comes up when he is confronted by his son Charlie, who tells Tommy that he is "no God" frustrated by Tommy's refusal to change his mind. Charlie is further frustrated by Tommy's response, although the audience had the opposite reaction, as it is one of Tommy Shelby's many excellent quotes that demonstrate his infectious ego and self-determination.
"She's in the past... and the past is none of my business."
Season 1, Episode 6
This Tommy Shelby quote is incredibly memorable for several reasons. Firstly, it's because it's Grace, who many fans consider to be one of the best romantic partners Tommy has had throughout the entire series. Peaky Blinders. There's something incredibly touching about Tommy clearly trying to convince himself and Aunt Polly that he's already moved on - though, as always, the way the character conveys this sentiment is smart, smooth, and yet another moment that cements Shelby as a such a popular character. character.
However, there is also a second layer to the quote that becomes much more apparent when considered retrospectively with later events in Peaky Blinders. It is shown repeatedly that Tommy is struggling with PTSD after the First World War. While his refusal to get bogged down in his past and only look forward seems at first to be a symptom of his unparalleled drive and determination, in retrospect it may also be an act of psychological self-defense to protect himself from the distressing memories he has returned to. after leaving the trenches of the First World War.
“You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want.”
Season 3, Episode 3
Tommy's sister Ada is one of the few people who stands up to him and challenges some of the things he does. However, Tommy is also very good at annoying her. Tommy challenges the person Ada tries to be, suggesting she isn't the person she really is. As with many of Tommy's quotes, this one is directed at someone else, but may speak to his own personality.
Tommy has always tried to become something else and rise above the street level of the Peaky Blinders gang. Throughout the series, he attempts to enter high society and politics, as well as become a legitimate businessman.. Of course, many people in these circles will always see him as a gangster, and when Tommy is honest with himself, that's how he sees it too.
“Lies travel faster than the truth.”
Season 1, Episode 3
The Blinders' enemies use several different tactics in an attempt to take down the gang, which doesn't surprise Tommy. When Danny Whiz-Bang returns from London, he reports to Tommy that he has heard the news of an IRA member being shot by one of the Blinders. Tommy assures him it's a lie, but immediately knows it's being spread intentionally..
Tommy has a very cynical view of the world and understands that people will be more attached to lies than to the truth. He makes observations like this as if this is how the world works and there is no way to change it. While there is a lot of truth to what Tommy says, it also seems like his beliefs like this are a way of justifying not trusting people in general and keeping the world at a safe distance.
"Today it will be me or you dead. But whoever it is, tomorrow you will wake up in hell."
Season 2, Episode 6
Campbell is one of the best villains in Peaky Blinders and his antagonistic relationship with Tommy yields some of the series' best moments. Part of what makes Campbell so compelling and also detestable is that he considers himself superior, ignoring the heinous and evil things he does and which he justifies as being for the greater good. However, Tommy manages to overcome his hypocrisy.
In their final confrontation, the two men get on each other's nerves in every way possible. Finally, Campbell suggests that he has already won because he is a man of God, while Tommy will certainly be condemned. However, Tommy delivers this epic line that goes beyond Campbell's idea of himself as a righteous man. It also shows that despite all the terrible things Tommy has done, he at least knows the kind of man he is and the punishment that awaits him.
"When you plan something well, there is no need to rush."
Season 2, Episode 6
Throughout the series, Tommy has often maintained a relatively calm temperament even in the most intense circumstances. It is this behavior that allows him to overcome many of the difficult situations in which he finds himself. When Campbell forces the Blinders to carry out their dark deeds, he finds Tommy at the racetrack and suggests that he should be busy if he plans to pull the job. Tommy points out that a well-laid plan means there's no need to rush.
It's another moment of Tommy's confidence shining through, as he doesn't leave things to chance and always makes sure to stay one step ahead of his enemies. As if to prove his point on the matter, he tells Campbell this, while also knowing that his plan will actually end the inspector.
"The only way to guarantee peace is to make the prospect of war seem hopeless."
Season 3, Episode 2
Although the Blinders are all complicit in some terrible things, those close to Tommy are often shocked by the things he does. He has shown time and time again that he will take extreme measures to ensure Peaky Blinders are the ones who come out on top. After agreeing to peace with your enemies, Polly discovers that Tommy has gone back on their deal and hit them with a devastating attack..
It's the kind of cold, unforgiving vision that made Tommy so powerful and frightening.
When she confronts him about it, Tommy makes it clear that he does not believe in peace negotiations and that the best way to end the fighting is to show the enemy that there is no way to win.. It's the kind of cold, unforgiving vision that made Tommy so powerful and frightening. He is not interested in playing honorably if it does not mean victory is assured.
"I don't pay for suits. My suits are on the house or the house burns down."
Season 1, Episode 3
As Grace and Tommy prepare to go to the races together for the first time, she regrets not finding a suitable dress to wear. She then asks if he paid for the suit he will wear. Being the head of Birmingham's most feared criminal organization has its advantages, as it doesn't pay. The fashion connoisseur Tommy Shelby expects the tailors to give him the best suits, or else they will be forced out of business.
It's for their good - and his - because he can satisfy his fashion appetite without spending a dime. This measure corresponds to old mafia practices, where small businesses are expected to remit part of their revenue to the reigning criminal organization. However, it also conflicts with the personality that Tommy has in the first few seasons of being something of a blue-collar hero..
"Conviction introduces emotion, which is the enemy of oratory."
Season 5, Episode 6
Among the historical figures Peaky BlindersWinston Churchill appears and requests a meeting with Tommy where he praises him for his beautiful speech in the Chamber of Deputies. The then Home Secretary wonders if Tommy believes his own words. Never one to lie to make himself look better, Tommy openly admits that he doesn't. According to him, being emotionally attached to a problem makes it harder to talk about it.
It's a reminder that Tommy presents himself not just as a gangster but also as a scholar.
In this scene, Tommy and Churchill realize they have a lot more in common than they thought. They both understand the importance of saying what needs to be said to achieve a specific goal. Churchill also points out that Tommy's quote was borrowed from Greek literature. It's a reminder that Tommy presents himself not just as a gangster but also as a scholar.
"If you make the wrong choice, you won't see 11:44."
Season 3, Episode 3
Although he is not the strongest man or the man with the most power, Tommy always has a way of making a threat to let people know not to cross him. Tommy interrogates an associate of the Economic League, also known as Section D, in prison, but the man refuses to talk. Tommy then takes off his watch. It's almost 11:43. He gives the man seconds to decide who he is more afraid of, the Blinders or Section D.
The head of the Blinders believes strongly in his own abilities; therefore, he considers himself much more capable than all his enemies. In truth, the far-right organization has proven to be far more dangerous than the Blinders, as it has some of the most sadistic and evil people on the show. However, the way Tommy packages words into his threats always does the trick.
"Good taste is for those who don't have money to buy sapphires."
Season 3, Episode 2
Although Grace was killed off in Season 3 of Peaky Blindersit's unclear whether her romance with Tommy would have actually worked, since they are so different. As they are going to a charity event, Grace worries that it may not be in good taste for her to wear the sapphire necklace Tommy gave her.
Grace is right to be concerned about showing off at an event that aims to help those less fortunate, but Tommy also believes that the rich shouldn't apologize for their wealth. The line shows his romantic side, but it's more of a help to Grace as she gets used to Tommy's life. Unfortunately, it's a life they are not destined to share, as Grace is killed shortly after this charming exchange.
"When fortune puts something valuable in your lap, you don't just throw it on the chopping block."
Season 1, Episode 1
Part of what makes Tommy achieve some of the things he does in the series is that he's willing to take risks that most people are afraid of. Among the many important things that happen in Peaky Blinders pilot is the Birmingham gang picking up the wrong box of weapons during a routine collection. It turns out to be a government artillery cache heading to Libya. Tommy is urged to return it, but he refuses, arguing that Such a change of fortune should not be disregarded simply out of fear.
Trouble arrives in the form of Inspector Campbell, who is sent to retrieve the weapons. However, Tommy's decision to stick to his guns proves to be the right decision later on.. If he had returned the weapons, he would never have achieved certain things in his life, including marrying Grace and being a close associate of Winston Churchill.