30 Best Batman Quotes That Prove He's DC's Most Hardcore Hero

30 Best Batman Quotes That Prove He's DC's Most Hardcore Hero

There is no question that Batman is one of the toughest heroes ever created. Night after night, the caped crusader prowls the streets and rooftops of Gotham to keep innocents safe from the many evils lurking around. Throughout the hero's many stories, Batman has gotten some great lines in, many of which perfectly encapsulate what makes the Dark Knight such a powerful fighter for justice.

Whether he's talking about his tenacity or bragging about the villains he fights, Batman has plenty of iconic quotes that showcase his determined spirit. Read on to discover 30 of the best Batman quotes that reveal just how much of a powerful hero he is.


"All I ever needed... was the struggle. All I have ever needed is to try."

Detective Comics #1083 by Ram V., Ricardo Federici and Stefano Raffaele

Batman on Struggle

Batman is the heart and soul of Gotham City, driven by his motivation and desire to save the city from itself. The mission statement is challenged when he is faced down by Gotham's supernatural family, the Orghams, and in the same breath fights an Azmer demon. He uses this opportunity to express that he never needed to win his fight or his war on crime, but he needed to try. The line redefines his mission to save Gotham by Emphasizing Batman's resilience as a heroAnd how the human spirit drives him to do the impossible night in and night out.


- Yes, me.

The Bat-Man: First Knight #3 by Dan Jurgens, Mike Perkins and Mike Spicer

The Bat-Man First Knight #3 Yes. Me.

It's hard to find a better line in Batman lore than the one classic: "I am Batman." It's a phrase that's constantly uttered in comics, movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of Bat spin-off media. Some will say it's overused, and others will say it never gets old. There aren't many ways to update a classic like this, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, as the saying goes. however, First night The closest comes with a modern update on the iconic catchphrase. It has the same effect: you know him, and you fear him.


"I will become a consequence."

Detective Comics #1084 by Ram V. and Javier Fernández

Comic Book Panels: Bruce Wayne explains that Batman will have consequences as he walks off into the sunset.

Batman in the past called himself such terms as "revenge" And "The Night" To describe himself as a deliverer - a personification, if you will - of justice incarnate. More recently, he has referred to himself as "consequence" On pointing out how people like Ra's and Talia al Ghul will forever cheat death without consequence, in their case by excessive use of the Lazarus Pit regularly. In dropping his coolest new catchphrase, Bruce also speaks to a larger point about criminals avoiding consequences for their illegal actions. As a result, Batman argues that there must be consequences when the law fails.


"This thing is designed to defeat Batman. But it doesn't stand a chance... against Batman and Robin."

Batman #130 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey and Clayton Cowles

Batman and Robin put on their masks side by side

Many of these quotes speak to Batman's larger-than-life status as an icon, but this speaks to the larger, arguably more important dynamic for him and his partner. It speaks to the real, badass meaning of Batman and Robin as an idea. This symbolizes Batman's decades-long character growth. Batman is better with a partner than he is alone, especially when that partner is a boy wonder. Not only is Batman stronger with a partner, but he and Robin make the Bat-Family's strongest pairingAnd Batman knows that the dynamic duo is tougher to beat.


"It is said that only the strongest and cruelest survive even one trip inside the storm stacks. No one in living memory has survived two. This is my fifth."

Batman: Off-World #2 by Jason Aaron, Doug Mahnke and Jaime Mendoza

Batman Off-World #2 Bruce Survives the Storm Stacks

Batman has notoriously conquered the criminal underworld of Gotham, as many of these quotes express, but he has also become a legend in literal intergalactic space. There, he showcases his skills by being one of the few people to come out of the Storm Stacks alive, but it also speaks to the overall skill of Batman in any space he finds himself in. This is someone who has cheated death and achieved the impossible ten times over several times in the past.. Doing the impossible anywhere he finds himself is a skill that should not be overlooked.


"The world only makes sense when you force it to"

The Dark Knight Returns #4 By Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley and John Costanza

When you force it to Batman DC

During Batman and Superman's epic fight in The Dark Knight Returns #4 By Frank Miller, Bruce thinks about his parents. "They showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to…". Bruce's version is disillusionedAnd in his old age he came to accept one truth above all others: the world is chaos and it is a futile endeavor to try and find meaning in it.


"I know pain"

Batman #407 By Frank Miller, Dave Mazzucchelli, Richmond Lewis and Todd Klein

I know Pain Batman DC

in Batman #407 By Frank Miller and Dave Mazzucchelli, the Dark Knight shows how intimidating he really is by confronting a gunman directly. "You can never escape me. Bullets don't hurt me. Nothing hurts me. But I know pain.". Batman does not use a gun or conventional weapons, however He spent his life transforming himself into a force Which can make the wrong person's life a living hell.


"I'll never come back"

Batman #650 By Judd Winick, Eric Battle, Rodney Ramos, Alex Sinclair and Pat Brosseau

Never come back DC

Batman finally revealed his feelings about the Joker in Batman #650 By Judd Winick and Eric Battle. Although he admits that he fantasized about killing the Joker He tells Red Hood"...If I allow myself to go down to that place...I will never come back.Batman sadly doesn't kill people because he knows that once he makes an excuse to kill one villain, he won't have an excuse for not killing more.


"You hurt him and I'll kill you"

Forever evil #6 by Geoff Johns, David Finch, Richard Friend, Sonia Oback and Rob Lei

Batman threatens to kill Lex Luthor

Everyone knows that Batman has a cardinal rule do not kill. This is one of the defining aspects of his character. But even Batman has things that will push him over the line. During the events of Forever evil #6 by Geoff Johns and David Finch, Lex Luthor seemingly kills Nightwing, which immediately pushes Batman over the line, and he legitimately tries to murder Lex in revenge, before realizing that Lex simply stopped Nightwing's heart and can revive him .


"I'm not a monster Joseph, I'm your boogeyman."

Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1 by Peter J. Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan, Gabe Eltaeb and Dave Sharpe

Batman confronts Joe Chill in prison

The death of Batman's parents was the most traumatic moment of his life, and for a long time, he never found the person responsible. But during the events of Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1 by Peter J. Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin, Batman gains omnipotent knowledge and promptly uses it to track down the man responsible for the Wayne murders. already in prison, Batman threatens Joe Chill with spreading the rumors that Joe created Batman. It's a brutal way of indirectly putting Joe's life in danger, and as Batman says, "I'm not a monster Joseph, I'm your boogeyman."


"Failing and Getting Back Up"

Batman #32 By Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Danny Miki, FCO Plascencia and Steve Wands

Failing and getting back up Batman DC

During the "Zero Year" arc Batman #32 By Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Bruce leaves a message before confronting the Riddler one more time. "Maybe that's what Batman is about. Not winning. But failing and getting back."Despite being new and unsure of himself, even a younger Batman recognizes the most important thing he can do as a hero is to never give his enemies the satisfaction of giving up.

Batman isn't usually one for quips or snappy comebacks, but let it never be said that he doesn't know how to annoy his enemies in the wittiest way possible.


"A riddle that everyone knows the answer to"

Batman #619 By Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, Alex Sinclair and Richard Starkings

Vanity Batman DC

When the Riddler reveals he knows Batman's secret identity, Batman has the perfect answer to stop the villain from leaking it in. Batman #619 By Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee. "A riddle that everyone knows the answer to is... worthless.". Even with his biggest secret on the line, Bruce is unflappable and shuts down Riddler instantly. It demonstrates just how good Batman can be as villains And why does he never have anything to fear from them.


"to harm you"

Joker By Brian Azarello, Lee Bermejo, Mick Gray, Patricia Mulvihill and Rob Clark Jr.

To tease her Batman DC

in Joker By Brian Azarello and Lee Bermejo, the Clown Prince of Crime snaps and questions why Batman leaves his mouth unprotected while the rest of his face is covered. Not missing a beat, the hero responds"to agree with you". Batman isn't usually one for quips or snappy comebacksBut let it never be said that he does not know how to agitate his enemies in the wittiest way.


"I think we can take them. Do you think we can take them?"

Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines and Dave Stewart

One of the great things about Batman is how he never gives up, no matter the odds. This was best demonstrated during the events of Superman/Batman #3 where the duo go to the White House to confront Lex Luthor. Naturally, Lex doesn't like seeing Batman and Superman, so he unleashes an army of mind-controlled villains on the pair.

What starts as just fighting Mongol and Solomon Grundy, quickly spirals into a full-on war. As the villains surround them, Batman coils to Superman "I think we can take them. Do you think we can take them?"


"They're mad because I know how to hurt them"

Justice League #0 by Brad Meltzer, Eric Waite, Dick Giordano, Rob Leigh, and Alex Sinclair

Batman argues with Superman and Wonder Woman about his contingency plans

Batman is a man who values ​​control and hates being surprised. Since Batman has no powers, he mostly manages to keep an edge over his villains and allies by creating contingency plans. Naturally, these plans require a lot of invasion of privacy, and not everyone is happy about it. This led to a confrontation between Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, With the latter two calling Batman out for how much darker he has become over the years. Batman doesn't seem to really understand their grievances, just assuming they're mad because Batman finally has a way to hurt them if necessary.


"Unimaginable horrors, unfortunately, were not left to my imagination"

Batman and Robin #37 by Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, Mick Gray, John Kalisz, and Carlos M. Mangual

Batman has seen many tragedies in his life. He witnessed several members of his family die, including his parents and his children. Because of this, there is little horror left to Batman's imagination, and in Batman and Robin #37 By Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleeson, Batman lets some of that horror out, using the Hell-Bat suit, He was able to decimate Darkseid in a fight.



"It's an operating table"

The Dark Knight Returns #2 By Frank Miller, Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley and John Costanza

I am the surgeon Batman DC

The Dark Knight Returns #2 By Frank Miller sees Bruce get back into action and take on the mutant gang. As Batman tussles with the leader in the mud, he informs his enemy "This is not a mud, it is an operating table. And I am the surgeon." Batman knows the human body due to his father's medical skills And, more importantly, how to damage it. While Bruce usually pulls his punches, he knows damn well how to hit hard when he needs to.


"I chose this life. I know what I'm doing. And on any given day, I can stop it."

Identity crisis #4 by Brad Meltzer, Rags Morales, Michael Bair, Alex Sinclair, and Kenny Lopez

Batman talks about his choice to be a hero

There aren't many characters in comics who are as obsessive as Batman. Once he finds a mystery or something else, he often can't let it go. This led some fans and even other heroes to assume that Batman had problems with obsession, but that was never the case when it came to Being Batman. Bruce explains in Identity crisis #4 That it was never obsession or compulsion that drives him to be Batman, and admits that he could easily stop any date he wanted. Although this sounds like the excuse of a drug addict, history has shown it to be true. The Golden Age Batman for example eventually retired with Selina Kyle.


"Batman and Robin will never die!"

Batman #676 By Grant Morrison, Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea, Guy Major, and Randy Gentile

Batman and Robin will never die DC

in Batman #676 By Grant Morrison and Tony S. Daniel, a flash-forward to Nightwing's first night appears as Batman sees the hero cry"You are wrong! Batman and Robin will never die!". Bruce was presumed dead after the events of Final crisis. But as Nightwing says, the The idea of ​​Batman and Robin is too strong to ever go away for good. No matter what happens in Gotham, there will always be a dynamic duo to protect it.


"And when you sit here alone in the middle of the night, unsleeping in the dark, remember - every breath you take you to me."

The Joker: Devil's Advocate By Chuck Dixon, Graham Nolan, Scott Hanna, John Costanza and Pat Garrahy.

Batman saves the Joker's life

Batman has only two main rules by which he lives. No gun, and no murder. The no killing rule is so deep that Batman can't even let other people around him die, even if he isn't involved. When the Joker is sentenced to death by the government due to a killing spree with poisoned stamps, Batman comes to believe that the Joker is innocent. Although the Joker certainly deserves the death penalty, Batman cannot allow the Joker to be executed for a crime he did not commit. After proving the Joker innocent and saving his life, Batman delivers the chilling line that every breath Joker takes from this point forward is because of Batman.