Fans of mature anime may have a hard time finding series that suit their needs. The world of anime is incredibly vast, covering stories from a variety of genres. From romance to action, and even sci-fi, there is an anime series for every type of fan. However, for older fans of the expressive animation medium, it can sometimes be difficult to find characters to relate to their own lives.
Many popular titles focus on young protagonists, often featuring high school students as the main characters. While there's nothing wrong with the titles, it's also nice to see someone more than themselves reflected on screen. Still, there are plenty of options for the adult anime fan who wants a break from high school anime, is looking for an emotional story, or just wants to laugh at the situations every adult finds themselves in.
Welcome to the NHK
Anime series by Gonzo; Based on the novel by Tatsuhiko Takimoto and Yoshitoshi Abe
Welcome to the NHK Follows a young man named Sato who is a complete shut-in. Paranoid, delusional and suffering from a severe case of anxiety, Sato lives alone in an apartment his parents pay for. However, Sato's life changes when he meets a young woman named Misaki who agrees to try and help Sato overcome his various psychological ailments.
Although the anime has not aged in some respects, what Welcome to the NHK Gets right is how it feels to suffer from mental illness. Sato's social isolation will hit close to home for anyone who has dealt with bouts of serious depression, and that alone warrants it a solid recommendation for any mature anime fan.
Honey and clover
Anime series by JCStaff; Based on the manga by Chica Umino
Honey and clover Takes place in an art college, following Yuuta Takemoto and his group of friends and roommates. Each of the characters is eccentric and unique with their own passions that set them apart from the group. As they try to get by as broke college students and keep up with their coursework, they must also look to their assured futures.
This anime features a college romance mixed with the very real experiences of burnout and insecurity about the future that students face as they get closer to graduation. As the characters grow older, they must face the fact that one day, they will graduate, and they must decide what they want to do with their lives. Honey and clover is a realistic take on university lifePerfect for any viewers who are or are studying at university.
Anime series by Madhouse; Based on the manga by Ai Yazawa
Nana is the quintessential coming-of-age shojo anime. This classic anime follows two girls of the same age and name as they navigate friendship, love and heartbreak while trying to make lives and names for themselves in Tokyo. The story is as heartwarming as it is devastating, showing the growing pains that come with aging. The girls meet by chance on their way to Tokyo and vow to support each other and become friends after learning that they share a name.
While one Nana wants to become a famous singer, the other just wants to find love and happiness. Both of their dreams prove to be harder than they originally thought. The world isn't always kind to the girls, but viewers can't help but root for them as they watch the two friends try to navigate the growing pains of adulthood and romance.
Anime series by Production IG; Written by Gen Urobuchi
For western audiences, Psycho-pass May excite fans of Philip K. Dick's story, namely of a dystopian society that reminds somewhere in between Blade Runner And Minority Report, Psycho-pass is a snake dunk. The series is excellently animated, spawning gorgeous cosplays and a dedicated fandom over the decades since its inception. The series addresses similar ethical dilemmas of arresting people for crimes they have yet to commit and How a society focused so strongly on crime prevention can warp the psychology of its denizens.
not surprising Psycho-pass is banned in certain territories for his commentary, because it is bound to strike a nerve in the security vs. freedom/privacy debate.
Psycho-pass Uses the Sybil system to address these questions and how it predicts crime. This results in the ability to conduct systematic scans, easily predicting criminal intent or tendencies on the spot for its human subjects. not surprising Psycho-pass is banned in certain territories for his commentary, because it is bound to strike a nerve in the security vs. freedom/privacy debate.
Barakamon tackles burnout in a mature and interesting way
anime series by Cinema Citrus; Based on the manga by Satsuki Yoshino
Barakamon A young man encounters a quarter-life crisis. Calligrapher Seishu moves to the isolated Goto Islands after blowing up a judge and effectively ruining his life. with no inspiration, He intended to shut himself downOnly for his plans to be foiled by a group of friendly kids and the townspeople who welcome him as family.
Instead of being swallowed up by his own insecurities, Seishu instead finds himself letting go of his new neighbors and even becoming something of an uncle figure to the neighborhood kids. Barakamon Is perfect for adults who may feel burnt out from life and workHow the joy and healing that Seishu eventually finds in his new life is cathartic and rewarding to watch.
Anime series by PA Works; Based on the manga by Mizutama and Kenji Sugihara
Shirobako Follows a group of friends who vow to make anime together as adults after meeting in their high school animation club and making a romantic film together. Of course, adulthood and the industry are much different than they expectedAnd the girls find themselves facing difficulties while fighting to make their dreams a reality.
While some girls are in the industry, they haven't "made it", and still struggle to be appreciated by their peers. Others find that they are not satisfied in their jobs despite what they thought they wanted to do. It's hard not to relate to Shirobako girls, and so their success and refusal to give up on their childhood dreams is easy to root forMaking this anime a satisfying must-watch for mature anime fans.
stones; Gate
Anime series by White Fox; Based on the visual novel by 5PB. & Nitroplus
Despite the goofiness of its cast and premise, White Fox stones; Gate Excels in building sci-fi drama with surprisingly realistic applications of scienceAnd the strong characters and story writing always help make it feel as engaging as possible. It's an anime with an almost flawless balance of realism and goofiness, and any mature anime fan looking for something like this is sure to find a lot to love about it.
Paranoia agent
Anime series by Madhouse; Written and directed by Satoshi Kon
Taking place in Japan in the mid-2000s, Paranoia agent Follows a variety of characters dealing with an outbreak of brutal attacks by a mysterious figure known as Lil' Slugger. Although this may seem simple, What follows is a truly strange mystery Which proves the limits of sanity and reality as the true nature of Lil Slugger threatens the very fabric of society.
Series creator Satoshi Kon was a master of distorting reality to really dive into a character's head, and nowhere is that more evident than in his unique television series. what makes Paranoia agent Such a great series is the psychological depth of its characters. Every character feels real in a way that few anime can replicate. The letters combined with the mystery is more than enough to make Paranoia agent One of the best anime for adults.
Black Lagoon
Anime series by Madhouse; Based on the manga by Rei Hiro
With a track record like Madhouse's, it's unsurprising that Black Lagoon is a standout 2006 anime mainly suitable for mature audiences. Its main characters are drawn in a dangerous, real-world-inspired, but exaggerated drama with modern pirates in the mid-1990s. The series boasts Mature themes, philosophical angles, glorious ultraviolence and a characteristically strong visual showcase of Madhouse.
The result for newcomers is a darkly funny, often pessimistic, but lovable story, because the viewers will undoubtedly be charmed by many characters in the cast.
Black Lagoon Also has the specific draw of an excellent and strong female anime protagonist with Revy, a brash, impulsive cynic Who stands as the poster child of the series. Opposite her is Rokuro Okajima, later known as Rock, a salaryman whose life is turned upside down when the crew of the eponymous Black Lagoon takes him hostage. The result for newcomers is a darkly funny, often pessimistic, but endearing story, as viewers will undoubtedly be charmed by the many characters in the cast and their engaging backstories.
Samurai Champloo
Anime series by Manglobe; Directed by Shinichiro Watanabe
A perfect blend of Western popular music sensibility and elegant swordplay, Samurai Champloo Is Just what the doctor ordered for seasoned anime fans craving something unique. It has exceptional action sequences and a trio of wildly likable and different characters, Mugen, Jin and Fuu, whose personalities and styles vary wildly from each other. For those who recognize the names behind the series, Shinichirō Watanabe is a particularly influential creator in the anime space, whose stylistic choices helped define the success of the series.
Action sequences are crisp and without filler or introspection, perfectly pounding and satisfying.
Samurai Champloo appeal to viewers in the West for many reasons, including Hip-hop music infused in a stylized Edo period Japan. Action sequences are crisp and without filler or introspection, perfectly pounding and satisfying. This action allows viewers to enjoy Jin's keen senses while acting as a foil to Mugen's unorthodox breakdancing combat. The best part is that viewers don't have to look hard for other excellent anime, not least from Watanabe, seemingly perfect for adults to enjoy.
Wave, listen to me!
Anime series by sunrise; Based on the manga by Hiroaki Samura
This anime is truly an underrated gem, especially for mature anime fans. Arriving on Funimation in 2020, The story follows Minare Koda after she goes through a breakup and feels as if she is at a dead end. She accidentally spends a drunken night ranting to radio DJ Kanetsugu, and suddenly finds herself working as a show host after he recognizes her talent for thinking quickly on her feet.
Viewers will find a lot of themselves in Minare
Wave, listen to me! Balances comedy with the reality of trying to find a work-life balance and navigating friendships and relationships. Viewers will find a lot of themselves in Minare, Making the story even more enjoyable as it feels like it could happen to anyone.
Live lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan
Anime Series by Studio Blank; Based on the manga by Gaku Kuze
This anime certainly isn't for kids. While at first glance, Live lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan May look childish with his bright colors, The story is actually about a burned-out 31-year-old man who absolutely hates his job and has a pessimistic view on life. After ending his career as a professional gymnast, the main character Uramichi finds himself working on a morning children's show to make ends meet.
Of course, he is not the only one who is exhausted by trying to be upbeat and excited about everyday things. The true personalities of Live lessons Mascots clash with the innocence of the kids In a way that is absolutely hilarious, and the dry humor and antidotes about life are relatable to every adult watching the show.
Anime Series by Artland; Based on the manga by Yuki Urushibara
Mushi-Shi is an anime series set in a world where ethereal creatures called mushi exist, influencing the natural environment and human life. The series follows Ginko, a mushi master, who travels from village to village investigating mushi phenomena and helping those affected. Rich in atmosphere and philosophical depth, Mushi-shi explores themes of nature, life and the unseen forces that connect them.
- Figure
Yuto Nakano, Travis Willingham, Kôjun Itô, Jennifer Seman, Mika Doi, Hiroshi Shimozaki, Ryō Naitō, Brina Palencia
- Release date
October 23, 2005
- Seasons
For any anime fan looking for a meditative series to watch before bed, there are few better options than this Moshi-shi. The series follows a man named Ginko as he travels around feudal Japan helping people deal with strange ethereal creatures called mushi.. Somewhere between spiritual and physical, the mushi are creatures that can have a wide variety of effects on humanity.
Works almost like parables, in his heart Moshi-shi is a reflection on humanity's relationship to nature. The various stories entered Moshi-shi Carry a wide variety of tones and moods, but all of them raise serious questions. The result is an anime that any adult interested in the environment will love to watch.
Skull-faced bookseller Honda-san
Anime Series by DLE; Based on the manga by Honda
The art of Skull Face Bookseller Honda-san Can be off-putting at first, but what hides behind the funny character models is a perfect depiction of what life is like working in retail. Any adult who has ever worked in customer service will find themselves laughing The absolutely absurd yet unfortunately realistic customer interactions.
The story is based on the author's real life as a bookseller, with the identity of his co-workers disguised with silly masks and wild nicknames. Because of this, Skull-faced bookseller Feels very real, drawing the viewer in And make them feel as if they too are part of the bookstore crew. The story really captures exactly how retail workers feel and is an absolute joy to watch for anyone who has ever worked in customer service.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
anime series by Beetle Films; Based on the manga by Haro Aso
With a story focused entirely on the fantasy of breaking free from a dead-end job, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is one of the most cathartic and hilarious anime an adult viewer can watchAnd the gorgeous and creative animation takes that even further. It was one of the biggest anime of 2023, and every adult anime fan is bound to find a lot to love about it.
Sum 100 is the perfect anime for fans feeling exhausted by their jobs. Burnout and Japan's aggressive work culture aren't exactly common subjects for anime, which is part of what makes Sum 100 Feel so fresh. In addition to the great topic notes, Sum 100 But has an incredible premise. Zombie stories have been massively popular for some time, so Sum 100 Yet finding a new way to approach the genre makes it all the more impressive.
Serial experiments lane
Anime series by Triangle staff; Written by Chiaki J. Konaka
Imagine an anime that reflects the impact of humanity's presence in the physical and digital worlds, depicted in a cyberpunk dystopia. Like many other cyberpunk anime, Serial experiments lane was ahead of his time, With its themes subtly leaning into techno horrorWhich borders more on the abstract than many contemporary sci-fi hits. His exploration of technology's influence on human development is something that the more discerning audience will appreciate over grandiose spectacles.
But more than anything else, Serial experiments lane is just an exceptional cyberpunk anime, much like other products of the 1990s. The series focuses on the experiences of Lain Iwakura, an awkward teenage girl whose life is further complicated when a classmate commits suicide, but seemingly communicates with her from beyond the grave through a digital realm. Serial experiments lines Sort of horror is not jumpscars or excessive gore; Rather, the implications of reliance on technology and its effects on human existentialism can create a foreboding sense of discomfort.
Berserk is the perfect anime for any adult dark fantasy fan
anime series by OLM, Inc.; Based on the manga by Kentaro Miura
Berserk Commonly ranked among the best dark fantasy anime for good reason. The series is about a man named Guts who joins the mercenary group known as the Band of the Hawk, led by the elegant but deadly Griffith. Along with one of Griffith's generals, Casca, Guts learns to accept others in his life as the band of the Hawk wins battle after battle. However, a looming tragedy centered around a demonic bargain threatens to take everything Guts worked hard for away from him.
In the wake of grounded fantasy series like Game of ThronesThe genre has seen a resurgence outside of its small base. Given her deep character and political intrigue, Berserk is a must-watch for fans of fantasy. Although the series infamously ends on a massive cliffhanger, it's still worth watching for how masterfully it's made.
Wotakoi: Love is hard for an otaku
Anime Series by A-1 Pictures; Based on the manga by Fujita
Votakoi Often found at the top of lists when it comes to anime for adults for a reason. While there have been a handful of anime that focused on work relationships before, Votakoi is truly one of a kind when it comes to depicting specifically mature work romance and friendships.
Childhood friends Narumi and Hirotaka end up reconnecting after Narumi joins the office, and they quickly find that neither of them have lost their childhood hobbies. This main pairing is joined by a biker couple who have been dating since high school And Hirotaka's innocent little brother. The characters are relatable, and watching them juggle playing video games, watching anime, and cosplaying with their company work is always amusing for any adult fan doing the same thing.
Spice and Wolf: Merchant meets Wise Wolf
Anime Series by Passion; Based on the novel by Isuna Hasekura
Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf follows the journey of Craft Lawrence, a traveling merchant, who meets Holo, a deity who takes the form of a wolf and a young woman. Together, they traverse the medieval landscapes, engaged in economic adventures while forming a unique bond. The 2024 adaptation introduces new audiences to the rich blend of fantasy and commerce originally captured by Isuna Hasekura's beloved series.
- Figure
Jun Fukuyama, Ami Koshimizu
- Release date
April 2, 2024
- Seasons
The depth of Spice and Wolf: Merchant meets the wise wolfs worldbuildingCombined with engaging and mature dialogue that the main leads share between themselves and othersMakes every episode great from start to finish, even with its lack of action. All the great writing from the original anime is present in the reboot, and with its improved visuals, it's an even better series for old and new fans alike.
Both spice and wolf Anime are great, but this new series takes everything great about the original anime and improves upon it. Part of Spice and Wolf s Appeal is how seriously it takes its world-building. Economics and the logistics of being a merchant are just as important spice and wolf Like the interactions between the title characters. This gives the series a refined edge that older readers will love.
Vinland Saga
Anime Series by Wit Studio & Mappa; Based on the manga by Makoto Yukimura
With a stellar combination of intense action and thoughtful philosophizing about life in two equally gorgeous seasons, Vinland Saga Always manages to be an incredible historical drama, no matter what genre it engages in. There are few stories with as strong writing and visuals as Vinland SagaAnd for anyone looking for a more mature anime, this is the perfect series to watch.
Vinland Saga Deals with mature subjects over its two seasons, exploring the very personal costs of living a life full of violence. Thorfinn's journey is deeply personal and introspective, giving fans something to chew on long after the episodes end. Vinland Saga Tackles difficult subjects with a deft hand, making it perfect for anime fans who want to watch a more thoughtful series.