The Joker Movie quotes have continued to show why Todd Phillips' take on the iconic DC character became one of the most talked about movies of the 2010s. The movie was praised by some for Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar-winning performance and the crude take on the comic book genre, while also stirring a lot of controversies. Joker is a dark examination of a man who suffers and a city that ignores him. The way Arthur Fleck turns into the Joker and looks at the world is disturbing, but also provides a fascinating insight into the rise of the character.
with Joker: Folie à Deux Reviews that provide a range of perspectives on the release, the anticipation about seeing Phoenix back in the role of Arthur Fleck is palpable. Not only is the Joker Batman's main villain, but he's also one of the most popular villains in pop culture history. Joker Has an interesting exploration of the character and some of the lines from the movie still fascinating fans. Years since its release, many of these Joker Movie quotes remain unforgettable for audiences.
"I have nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore. My life is nothing but a comedy."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
While it's hard to imagine Arthur Fleck ever turning into the Joker fans know from Batman lore, it's fascinating how the movie suggests possible origins for the character. Instead of being an unhinged criminal, this version is much more tragic. The An explanation of how his mind can be warmed to see the world in such a twisted comedic way comes through In this quote. After losing everything, comedy is what Arthur leans on and his sense of humor has become very disturbing.
In many ways, this quote ends up being emblematic of the character's development Joker. Arthur Fleck goes from seriously trying to make people laugh - and often struggling to do so - to discovering that many consider his own life a joke, as evidenced by his offer to appear on Murray Franklin's show after footage of his floundering stand-up . The performance makes people laugh at him, and not with him, which is what finally causes him to break.
"Everyone is terrible these days. It's enough to drive anyone crazy."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
Arthur's murder of three people on the subway becomes a spark that ignites all the anger boiling in Gotham City. Despite the change his actions inspired, it's clear that Arthur was never meant to be the leader of some rebellion. His confession on the talk show about killing the people made him admit that he didn't have a greater goal in mind than that he didn't like them. However, his words in this Joker Movie quotes make it seem as if anyone could have done the same thing.
Indeed, perhaps the most interesting part about this quote is how it is Appears to be associated with the PopulusGranted Joker 2 Establishes the riot at the end of the movie to be based on reality and not another one of Arthur Fleck's delusions. While it's clear that Fleck behaves irrationally and impulsively throughout the film—as evidenced in scenes of him sitting in the fridge or dancing to music that's seemingly playing in his head—it's also notable that this segment is almost an accidental appeal to Gotham s public, and one many take on, emulating him through the riots.
"Well, nobody's laughing now."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
It is clear that Arthur has a detachment from reality in the story and that can be seen in his pursuit of a career in stand-up comedy in Joker. He sees it as something he was always meant to do, and it doesn't even occur to him that it might not be the right way. It is even more sad that Arthur doesn't seem to understand when people laugh at him rather than with himbut"Nobody's laughing now” provides a chilling foreshadowing of what Arthur's brand of comedy would ultimately become.
It is also worth noting that the line can be originally attributed to the British comedian and entertainer Bob Monkhouse, whose decade-spanning career also saw him as a successful television presenter. Not only does this connect Fleck's jokes to real-life comedians, it also underlines something significant - it's not a bad joke, despite being one of the lines in the scene of Arthur's stand-up bombing in front of a Live audience. Although his performance is clearly shown to be more troubled than funny, the moment suggests that there may have been some hope for his work, which makes what transpires all the more tragic.
"Here's a guy who thinks that if you just keep laughing, it will somehow make you funny."
Murray Franklin (Robert De Niro)
After Arthur Fleck's stand-up routine, Murray Franklin plays a video of it on his show, Making fun of the lack of comedic chops that Arthur has. It was an important moment for Arthur as he admired Murray for the longest time, dreaming of being on his show where everyone loved him.
Seeing himself ridiculed on the same show he loved seemed to hurt Arthur deeply. The fact that this mockery is also directed at Arthur's disability is another twist of the knife. This also provides motivation for what Arthur would do later in the film, as it seems to cement to Fleck that Murray is on some level his enemy, and a symbol of the society that has shunned him in many ways for so long.
"They don't give a *** about people like you, Arthur. And they really don't give a *** about people like me either."
Social Worker (Sharon Washington)
Watching Arthur struggle with his various issues throughout the movie, it's hard not to sympathize with him and wish he could get help. Although he is certainly one of Phoenix's darker characters, the actor makes the audience feel for him. However, these The theme of injustice is not only connected to Arthur but most of Gotham. Arthur's own social worker points in this Joker Movie quote that those in power don't even care that they exist, which eventually results in the chaotic climax.
This helps explain why the riots at the end of the Joker break out, and also emphasize one of the most tragic aspects of the movie and Arthur Fleck himself, as he is ultimately just one of many disenfranchised and mistreated people who are ultimately failed by the system. Based on Joker 2 Introducing Harley Quinn, it seems that this concept could be followed in more detail by the sequel, with Quinn potentially having a similar experience in Gotham.
"You decide what's right or wrong the same way you decide what's funny or not."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
JokerThe shocking talk show sequence is terrifying, but it's also a twisted moment of triumph for Arthur. After accepting his deadly new path, Arthur introduces himself to the world. Although he was brought on the show to be the butt of the joke, Arthur takes the opportunity to finally let his voice be heard and point out the hypocrisy he sees in society. It also hints that his more twisted sense of humor that others might find disturbing would come to define who he is.
This also speaks to an interpretation of Joker's interest in comedy that is particularly unique: that of viewing comedy as a reflection of society. For Fleck, it seems his comedy has been rejected by audiences as he has been rejected by society. As such, it makes sense that he decided to target his wrath on Murray Franklin, who is capable of social approval and considerable wealth and success. It also adds an extra meaning to the end of JokerWhy Fleck wants to explain a joke to his therapist, stating that she would not understand.
"Forgive my laughter, I have a condition."
Arthur's Card
One of the most important character elements of the Joker is his laugh. The movie takes a very interesting approach to this aspect, with Arthur's laughter being a condition he suffers from that he has no control over. The laughing situation in Joker is a truth that people have, and it also serves as a fascinating way to examine what makes the iconic character laugh. Arthur looks pained when he laughs, and he continues to be estranged from people who don't understand that he can't control his laughter despite the card he carries around that explains his condition.
"Is it just me or is it getting cruisers out there?"
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
In Batman lore, Gotham is usually depicted as a broken city before Batman arrives to save the day. However, the Gotham seen in Joker is even smaller. The '80s setting gives a grittiness to the place, and it always feels like it's a city about to go up in flames. The conditions of Gotham probably play a huge role in Arthur's descent. When the film begins, Arthur talks to his social worker and he struggles with how terrible things have become. It's a haunting hint of how bad things will be at the end of Joker.
"You're not listening, are you?"
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
The idea of Ignored and overlooked is a big topic in Joker. Arthur is a man who is struggling in life and needs help, but the world around him is uncaring. When he visits with his social worker, he communicates the frustration of this feeling. When she tells him that their program has been cut, Arthur complains that even in the place where he's supposed to get help, he's being ignored. He wants people to listen to him and take notice. As the story goes on, he is willing to go to extremes to get noticed.
"What kind of coward would do something so cold-blooded? Someone hiding behind a mask."
Thomas Wayne (Brett Cullen)
It's a very different version of Thomas Wayne in Joker Like fans have ever seen before. Instead of the dedicated businessman who wants to use his resources to help the people of Gotham, He is a self-involved man of privilege who wants to consider the needs of the less fortunate. After Arthur kills several abusive people on the subway, reports come out about a vigilante in a clown mask. This Joker Movie quote shows Wayne's opinion about cowards who hide behind masks. It's a not-so-subtle nod to his son's future, and it connects Joker and Batman in a unique way.
The quote also serves to connect Joker and Batman's origin stories in an interesting way, as Thomas Wayne's speech about the murdered men is quoted by Arthur Fleck as part of the reason he decided to shoot Murray Franklin at the end of the movie . Then the commotion that follows sees Thomas and Martha Wayne murdered by an anonymous character, thus tying the DC hero and villain together.
"For my whole life, I didn't know if I even really existed. But I do and people are starting to notice."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
After the subway murders, something awakens in Arthur and he seems to have discovered some twisted purpose. More disturbingly, he seems to inspire other desperate people in JokerVery different version of Gotham City through his murderous actions. Arthur finally sees attention and it feeds into his sense of meaning. He accidentally became a symbol of Gotham's revolution and is ready to continue on this dark path so he is no longer ignored.
In many ways, this explains why Arthur goes from trying to make people laugh to essentially trying to make them afraid of him - both because he found the first didn't work, and because the second allowed him to feel some sense of control over his Life and its sense of existence in the world. If Fleck is repeatedly shown to feel like he exists for a greater purpose, it makes a twisted kind of sense that getting This reaction from people drives him further into his downward spiral.
"I hope my death makes more sense than my life."
Arthur's Joke Journal
Arthur's dream of becoming a stand-up comedian is a tragic one, as his failure to achieve this goal leads him to become a much darker one. However, it also provides an interesting insight into his troubled mind. Arthur does not seem to understand humor in the same way others do, as evidenced by his "joke journal." Among the strange scribblings and thoughts, there is one phrase he keeps coming back to, "I hope my death makes more sense than my life."It's a hint Arthur's dissatisfaction with his current life but also convinces him that he is meant for something greatR.
"I haven't been happy one minute in my whole life."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
Despite Arthur's murderous behavior in JokerHe can be quite personable at times. He tries to make people laugh, he laughs at other people's jokes, and he tries to be nice to everyone he meets. However, he later admitted to his mother in a heartbreaking Joker Movie quote that He was never happy. There is an angry influence in the character who tries to bring joy to people while he feels so bad. The movie takes an interesting view of people who are struggling but are still told by society that they should smile.
This also changes how Fleck's jokes appear to the audience, as before they looked more instinctive. After this admission, it seems much more like they are a desperate effort to make themselves happy by bringing happiness to others. This not only adds an extra layer of tragedy to the character, but it also explains why his jokes often take such a dark path, as they are to some degree cries for help from the character.
"I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
The tragedy of Arthur's character is that he really wants to bring joy and laughter to the world on several levels - it's just that the world does not want it from him. He tries to stop this Joyful outlook even with his life as difficult as it is. But when things keep piling up on him, it becomes too much to bear. When Arthur visits his mother in the hospital after learning about how he was abused as a child, he adopts a new outlook. It's like it's gotten so bad for him that there's nothing left to do but laugh.
"Your name is Arthur, right?"
Sophie Drummond (Zazzy Beats)
Although nothing else seems to be going right in his life, Arthur does meet someone. His friendly neighbor, Sophie, loves Arthur, and starts dating him even as he spirals deeper into violence. But it was obviously always going to end badly. When Arthur lets himself into Sophie's apartment, She is shocked to find him in her living room. She tells him he's in the wrong apartment before asking "Your name is Arthur, right?Just like that, the audience realizes the seemingly happy relationship between Arthur and Sophie Joker It was all in my head.
"I had a bad day."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
Sophie is understandably startled when Arthur breaks into her home and asks him to leave, saying she has a daughter who sleeps in the other room. In response, Arthur whispers that he's having a bad day. This essentially sums up everything that happened to Arthur over Arguably the most pivotal day in his life. This quote also stands out because it hearkens back to the comic storyline of The Killing Joke, where Joker insists that "All it takes is one bad day" For someone to turn out like him.
"I know. Isn't it beautiful?"
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
While Joker in the comics is an anarchist character who masterminds all kinds of devious plots, Arthur is a much different kind of villain. He is lost and alone, but he manages to accidentally inspire people through his own violent actions. It is a disturbing reversal of Batman's own mission to become a symbol for the people of Gotham, as Arthur became the symbol and led them on a path of violence and destruction. After being arrested, Arthur sees the chaos he has inspired and says "Isn't it beautiful?Confirm that the villain really won.
"The worst part of having a mental illness is people expecting you to behave as if you don't."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
Although many people probably went into this movie thinking they were only going to see a more violent take on a comic book film, Joker is more of an exploration of mental health and how society reacts to those who have such conditions. Arthur is clearly shown struggling with his mental health throughout the film, but there is little sympathy ever shown for his condition. This is related to his feeling about being ignored.
One profound and heartbreaking entry in his journal reads, “The worst part of having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don't.” This is true throughout the movie, vi People react to Arthur as if he is inconveniencing them when it comes to things like his uncontrollable laughter.Even when he tries to make the nature of his condition.
"'Are you having any negative thoughts?' All I have are negative thoughts.”
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
The movie raises the disturbing idea that a villain like Joker would never have been created if people had only listened. Arthur knows he is not well and wants help, But the world's disinterest in him and his struggle causes his downward spiral. When Arthur meets with his social worker, he criticizes her for asking the same questions and not really caring about the answers, only for his cries for help to go unheard again. It's a heartbreaking and terrifying line delivered perfectly by Phoenix.
"I've been the man of the house for as long as I can remember. I take good care of my mother."
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix)
Throughout most of the film, Arthur Fleck is caring for his sick mother. He seems to love her very much and will do anything to make her smile. This is all upended though, when he finds out that he was adopted and his mother allowed him to be constantly abused as a child. After that, he kills her - a moment that is immensely impressive because he seemed to care for her for most of the movie.
When he tells Murray that he has always been the man of the house and that he takes good care of his mother, This is a tragic reminder of everything he went through in his old age. Of course, there is also a certain irony in his words and in their timing, because he says this after he killed her.