While fans have to say goodbye to the Canadian cult series in 2023, the funniest Letterkenny Quotas will continue to live. Set in the titular city in Ontario, Canada, Letterkenny Follows Wayne (Jared Keeso), a country boy, and the various colorful characters in his community. endlessly quoted, Letterkenny found its audience with a fast pace and the rapid-fire delivery of its talented cast. The show throws insults faster and more brutally than just about any other, meaning there are plenty of hilarious Letterkenny Quotes from the show that highlight his unique writing style.
The small Canadian show came from humble beginnings and proved to be a surprise hit, finding an international audience on Hulu. Letterkenny It came to an end after season 12 and never let go of its penchant for endless one-liners, funny quips and sharp verbal takedowns. The funniest quotes from the show highlight the different personalities that exist in this small town that made it such a fun place to return to again and again.
"Except for the time I saw you sing Beyonce at the car wash, you're not much of a performer."
The last season of Letterkenny Kicks off with the band deciding they want to try their hand at stand-up comedy. Daryl proved to be the most enthusiastic about the idea despite the fact that his previous attempt ended in disaster. Even his good friend Wayne doesn't have much encouragement for Daryl.
Daryl also gets the literal last laugh in this scenario as he proves to be a much more successful standup comedian than Wayne.
However, in suggesting Daryl is not a natural performer, Wayne drops an interesting bit of information suggesting that Daryl can belt out an impressive Beyonce rendition. It's a funny image to think about Daryl signing one of her songs, though It's even funnier and oddly charming that the stoic and serious Wayne is actually impressed by it in the end. Daryl also gets the literal last laugh in this scenario as he proves to be a much more successful standup comedian than Wayne.
"Ever hear from Johnny Cash?"
Fighting is a big part of LetterkennyBut the most epic action happened off screen. It comes from Wayne telling Dan and Daryl the story of how his Uncle Eddie proposed to his Aunt Marion years ago at a community dance. While all three men agree that Uncle Eddie is a legend, the story quickly takes an awkward turn as Uncle Eddie finds himself vying for Marion's affections against Elvis Presley himself who is backed by the Rat Pack and the Beach Boys.
The hilarious improbability of the story is sold by Wayne's delivery, suggesting that this is a story that was told to him and he never doubted it for a moment. The funniest moment is when He reveals that another celebrity has arrived to support Uncle Eddie with the reveal that it is Johnny Cash Delivered with a hilariously dramatic turn from Wayne, showing that he knew how absurd the revelation was.
"Poopin' in buckets."
The latest season of Letterkenny sees a lot of the characters go through changes, including Squirrelly Dan. He finds himself drifting towards the way of life of the Mennonite community in the area despite his friend Wayne looking down on them in some ways. Although Dan admits that he has issues with religion and is not particularly interested in that aspect of the church, he begins to count the various positives of the church.
Taking a rare serious moment of reflection from Squirrel Dan, he talks about how he admires the lifestyle of the Mennonites, working hard and helping each other. Although these are qualities one would normally like, He can't help but add in his opinion about the community's lack of a sewage system. It's an immature comment to Dan's reflective opinions, but the hilarious way Wayne throws it in there without Dan noticing gets a big laugh.
"I will f**king drop you like an adult."
The final of Letterkenny It's not an overly sentimental episode but offers a subtle reflection of what the show was and the messages it provided over the course of its 12 seasons. However, one of the most crowd-pleasing moments of recent episodes comes when Daryl and Wayne are hanging out at the produce stand as usual when Jonesy and Riley drive up. The hockey players confirm the findings between the two groups but let Wayne and Daryl know that they respect them. The hicks responded by diving into one of their trademark string of insults.
This scene is a wonderful call to the first episodeWith the iconic scene becoming one of the defining moments of the show. While it's fun to see that moment recreated, there are also some terrific new insults to enjoy. The best of the bunch is when Daryl suggests the hockey players' thick-wittedness is due to being dropped like a baby only for Wayne to quickly throw out the hilarious insult "I will let you down like an adult."
"Hey! The f**king door is locked!"
Although there are many insults thrown around LetterkennyThe show has always been about community. The series finale leans into this idea with the climax centered around Stewart staging a massive riot that will appear to everyone in Letterkenny, from the Dejans to the Hicks to the hockey players. He puts everything he can into the event only to take the stage to see the room is completely empty. As Stewart and the others break down in loud sobs, it's a sad moment of rejection for the people who are often outcasts who are really trying to reach out.
However, the moment of heartbreak turns hilarious and heartwarming as Wayne suddenly pops his head in the window and tells the Dejans that they forgot to unlock the doors to let everyone in. A wonderful moment that mixes the humor of the show with the heart It has always been like the community celebrates together.
"The dumbest thing I ever heard in my life is that a baby is smart."
While Wayne and the others Letterkenny Letters are often busy"Chorin"They still make time for lots of immature conversations. They often work up and dive into silly topics, but Wayne's strong feelings about intelligent babies (or lack thereof) are particularly memorable. Wayne remarks how silly he thinks the idea is. of a smart baby can be, questioning the intelligence of any mature adult who makes the suggestion that a baby can be smart in any way.
He supports his argument with well-thought-out examples and acted-out scenarios. The examples are hilarious, but even without them this Letterkenny Quote is Funny simply because Wayne takes such issue with someone complimenting a baby. The moment is even more memorable to see Wayne, a usually stoic person, act out different scenarios as a baby and show how much they obviously make a fool of themselves.
"This is when you leave but you just say goodbye to the cat."
The community of Letterkenny often knows how to come together for a good time even if all of the citizens do not necessarily get along. However, there are still situations where Wayne and the others would rather have a quick exit plan. This is the case when they are invited to a hot tub party at the McMurrays and quickly become uncomfortable. This leads to Wayne, Katy and Daryl debating what type of exit they should make.
Starting with the "Irish goodbye" which is simply leaving without telling anyone, they go through many options with the "Tokyo Sayonara" being the funniest and clearly the one for cat lovers. It's a hilariously random quote that comes from a clever comedy bit on the series. Awkward social situations have always been a hallmark of sitcoms and the in-depth examination of different methods of leaving a party early sounds like something that would be heard on a Seinfeld episode But with a Letterkenny Three.
"No one speaks Celine Dion's name in a hostile tone."
Letterkenny is a great international comedy series that shows the many sides of Canada. There are occasional cross cultures in the show, despite the Canadian reputation for being friendly and welcoming. This is especially the case when Wayne and The Letterkenny boys come across some doppelgängers from Quebec. They are quickly killing themselves, that they have to camp near the francophones.
While the language barrier prevents the Quebecers from understanding them, they still take offense to how the name of Celine Dion is used in a hostile way. It is A perfect quote for highlighting the different cultures in Canada, something that Letterkenny Love to do. Jean-Carl's words are a celebration of the things that make the country special, while also being a very relatable look at how some areas of the nation hold certain things more dearly than others.
"You're f***ing up, bud."
As great friends as Wayne and Daryl are, they often find themselves disagreeing on issues. Once again, the subjects of these disagreements are often difficult to take seriously. For example, one of the best Letterkenny Episodes feature a disagreement about how to properly cook a steak, the pals quickly butt heads. It is Hilarious how seriously each person takes their own approach and how sure they are that theirs is the only true method. When Daryl suggests cooking it without salt and pepper, Wayne doesn't hold back his disappointment.
The quote itself is one of the best examples of how Wayne is always there to put his friends in their place when needed. At times like this, he sounds like a harsh father figure more than a friend. It's also a hilariously relatable scenario with friends turning a supposedly relaxing barbecue with good food into a battle of cooking styles.
"Well, it's a terrific opportunity."
Stewart is not Wayne's favorite member of the Letterkenny community, which makes it all the weirder when he finds himself in an awkward situation with the "degen." While picking stones in the field, Wayne objected to his friends that He Caught a glimpse of Stewart when he was naked. Almost immediately, his friends ask for an assessment of Stewart's body and Wayne has to admit he was impressed. Despite the dislike he has for Stewart, Wayne's happiness for him is hilariousAs if he is describing someone getting a promotion at work.
Part of that makes Letterkenny So much fun is how it takes typical sitcom situations and adds its own twist to them. The idea of someone accidentally seeing another character naked has been seen in countless sitcoms, such as the "Shrinkage" episode of Seinfeld And when Joey walked into Rachel's room Friends. Letterkenny Takes this idea and turns it into something unexpected with the characters simply being happy for Stewart.
"Your sister is hot, Wayne! There I said it! I said it! I regret nothing! I regret nothing!"
Squirly Dan
letterkennySquirrely Dan is a friend of Wayne and Daryl's who also has a crush on Wayne's sister Cathy, although he is often warned away from acting or commenting on it by Wayne, who is the toughest guy in Letterkenny. It is A running gag throughout the show is that Dan makes small, polite comments to Cathy only to get called out by both Cathy and Wayne For what he really means. However, Squirrelly Dan decides to let Wayne have his thoughts on Cathy for once.
The moment is memorable enough for how it plays on a running gag in the series and offers a surprise. However, it's made even funnier when Dan decides to take off after saying this, continuing to shout his attitude over his shoulder as he runs away from Wayne. To see Wayne not react at all as Dan only gets a few steps before he is winded adds to the hilarity.
"Call me a cake, cause I'll go straight to your a**, cowboy!"
While Dan can be called out for his creepy comments at times, he is nowhere near as mean or as blatant as Gail. Gail, the original bartender of Letterkenny's local bar, Modeans, has an unabashed crush on Wayne and a possibly unhealthy addiction to sex that results in a number of hilarious but also uncomfortable quotes that can be shocking to hear. One of her milder but still hilarious quotes was one of her many Attempts to entice you into a sexual relationship With you by comparing yourself to a fattening piece of cake.
Unfortunately for Gail, Wayne never submits to her not-so-subtle advances, but that never seems to deter her in the slightest. It's a funny play on words that highlights some of the series' smart writing while also giving the standout supporting character one of the biggest laughs of her time on the series.
"Break on your mother's spaghetti, or whatever the talking singer says."
While Letterkenny spent most of the time with the "hiccups"and the"Skids"Populating the city, the series also focuses on hockey players, driving home the importance of the sport in many Canadian communities. As much as there is respect for hockey in the series, the clique is another dysfunctional group of characters. Both on the ice and calling. The unnamed coach of the teams that Reilly and Jonesy play for has a particular way with words, which he is usually screaming at the top of his lungs while kicking a Garbage can.
He also sometimes tries to work in popular songs and stuff, like when he tried to rework the lyrics of Eminem's "Lose Yourself" in a pep talk for his team. It is A hilarious take on the stereotypical motivational speech from countless sports movies featuring a coach trying to communicate with his players At their level. However, Coach's references are not only hilariously outdated, but he doesn't even care enough to actually get it right or make sense.
"Jonesy, your life is so pathetic I get a charity tax break just by hanging around you!"
While Jonesy and Reilly can dish out insults to hicks, skids and hockey players alike, they met their match when they first encountered unseen hockey player Shorey on the senior hockey team. While Jared Keeso is now front and center playing Shoresy in his own sitcom spinoff, the actor and creator of the show also provided the voice of the irritating but very entertaining character on Letterkenny.
While Shoresy's talents on the ice are seen in his own show, while on LetterkennyHe really only cares about making life miserable for Jonesy and Reilly, whether they're on his team or not. During a vocal faceoff between Shoresy and Jonesy, The junior hockey player was put in his place by Shoresy, who managed to ruin his life with a few quick words that highlighted the quick-witted insults the show has become known for over the years.
"I'd say give your b*** a tug, but it looks like your pants are doing it for you."
Another group in Letterkenny Which is a lot of picking on the so-called "degens" who spend their time on drugs and actively trying to separate themselves from the rest of the community. Stewart, the leader of the group, takes a firm stance against conforming, and acts like he doesn't care what anyone thinks. However, this is really put to the test when Wayne targets him for his attire.
Wayne is a pretty old-fashioned kind of country boy. He prides himself on being tough and hard-working and won't put up with people who are anything less. He is quick to call out anyone he perceives as weaker than him. One of his favorite insults is to tell people "Give her a tug"But When he sees Stewart standing in front of him wearing a pair of skinny jeans, Wayne is forced to change the insult a bit.
"You're f***** ten-fold, bud."
Letterkenny is filled with inventive and hilarious insults thrown around by the characters, going back to the show's humble beginnings on YouTube. However, sometimes a war of words is not enough, which inevitably leads to some of the most epic Letterkenny Fights. When Wayne is challenged to a fight by someone who thinks he's the new toughest guy in town, Wayne doesn't back down. He makes short work of the man before calling him "Ten-fly".
It is clear with such an insult Wayne puts as much effort and care into his burns as he does with his chores. With his rural life in the harsh Canadian climate demanding a lot from its people, Wayne has no tolerance or sympathy for people who are soft. If three-ply toilet paper is seen as delicately soft, Wayne referring to another person as ten-ply shows the absolute lack of respect he has for him.
"If you have a problem with Canada NGOs, you have a problem with me and I suggest you let this one marinate."
Wayne and his friends have a lot of principles that they are willing to stand up for and, of course, fight for. However, nothing seems to get them as worked up as when someone threatens a Canadian symbol as important as the Canada goose. When the gang hears that the golf course is looking for ways to get rid of the geese in the area, everyone takes dramatic offense to the idea. Wayne becomes particularly defensive in standing up for them, adding the hilarious "And I suggest you let this one marinate" to every threat.
Wayne is a man who doesn't make empty threats and whose toughness makes it clear that anyone will want to think twice about fighting him. He is a gentleman, so he likes to give people time to reconsider their attitude before taking action, but the aggressive way he says "Marinate"Is another warning about how fired up he is about this.
"I see the muscle shirt came today. Muscles coming tomorrow?"
If there is one character in letterkenny, Who seems like the polar opposite of Wayne, there is the skinny young "Degen" Stewart. The two operate in different worlds and neither person likes what the other stands for. If there's one aspect of Stewart that Wayne can appreciate, it's the fact that he doesn't back down. However, Wayne does not show any sympathy or mercy in this regard.
When the two come face-to-face, Stewart tries to stand up to Wayne, but then proceeds to be torn apart by insults. After Stewart calls Wayne and his friends "Shirt-takers", they calmly and relentlessly let him have it. The best insult is when Wayne simultaneously makes fun of Stewart's outfit And a strange appearance. It's hilarious that Stewart's bold attempt to retain some of his dignity sparks such a barrage of insults as if Wayne is just patiently waiting for Stewart to give him an apology.
"Wish you weren't such a f***** awkward bud."
Wayne and Daryl are best friends who seem to spend all their time together Letterkenny. They make for one of the great TV best friend duos with both men enjoying the simple things in life and not shy about a little hard work. However, that doesn't mean they always see eye-to-eye. Wayne is a very serious kind of guy while Daryl can sometimes embrace his childish side More often.
As the friends hang out at the produce stand as they always do, Daryl spots a four-leaf clover. Excited, he tells the others to make a wish. Without even looking at him, Wayne just laments his buddy's awkwardness. It is A memorable quote that suggests that there are perhaps no people in the world that wine is not at least a little disappointed by. Even his best friend having a moment of happiness is too much for Wayne to bear.
"I could watch kids fall off bikes all day."
Letterkenny is quite impressive with how they use language in their comedy, but as sharp and witty as the writing is at times, they're also not above going for the most juvenile humor possible. Wayne may take the world around him more seriously than he needs to, but that doesn't mean there aren't some very specific things he finds funny.
One episode is dedicated solely to how hilarious farting is. Even Wayne, the toughest guy in Letterkenny, admits there are few things in life as funny as farting - apart from kids falling off bikes. He admits he can watch this sort of stuff all day before adding "I don't give a *** about your childWayne has such a specific sense of humor A hilarious insight into the man and there is something even funnier about the mental image of him laughing at a child who just fell off their bike.