2025's Animal Crossing game already has the one feature ACNH desperately needs

2025's Animal Crossing game already has the one feature ACNH desperately needs

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has already earned its place in history as one of the most beloved domestic games, making it hard to think that any future game in the series could possibly top it. Its mixture of cute and wholesome characters and cheerful gameplay introduced many to the healthy genre and is played regularly by many. Of course, there are always things that any game could improve, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons is no exception. Some features feel like they could be added to make the game even better, which may be exactly what the next game is doing.

The news of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Shutting down its online services brings a bright prospect for the next game. Developers have confirmed a new version of Packet stock is made as an offline game Which will have one initial price without the added microtransactions and gacha elements that came with the previous title. More news about what players can expect from this change is expected to be announced in October, but if they are mixed Animal Crossing: New Horizons with Animal Crossing: Pocket CampThen it can be the foundations for a phenomenal experience.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a perfect example of giving players freedom to decorate

So many decorative items with special themes and crossovers

Decorating in ACNH is incredibly fun, but it's also often among the list of things a new game needs to fix, in part due to a lack of creative content. Players love having new items and clothes to constantly improve their games, especially when it might be a game they've been playing for four years or more. Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Implemented a massive stock of unique themes and furniture items that allow players to go beyond the standard And enter the realm of fantasy.


Whether through giant flowers that characters can jump on or the ridiculous mouth of truth, these unique items give players a chance to become more creative in their designs. moreover, A vast majority of the decorations are interactiveMeaning that both the player and other characters in the game can wander up and use them. This is great to provide even more immersion for players, as well as hilarious moments that some may not expect.

Crossovers in Animal Crossing are also a good way to spread some hype for other games

ACNH could have used its success to highlight other Nintendo properties

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Offered players a few crossover items with some of ​​the other popular Nintendo games, such as Super Mario And SplatoonAnd a few other well-known franchises like hello kitty. The Special furniture and clothing add to the game by giving players a chance to display the things they love in their virtual homesOr even create some incredible dream islands for others to visit. Unfortunately, this isn't a big focus in the game, which ultimately leads to fewer crossovers.

The older title, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Including some beloved crossover items that were unfortunately not brought to New Horizons On launch. Of particular note was the incredible amount of Legend of Zelda Content that was in the older title. This is even more surprising ACNH Being played at the same time as The success of Tears of the kingdomWhich could have easily sparked at least some new ones Seldom- themed content in ACNH. This would have further built hype for both titles and could have a bit of a resurgence too ACNH At a time when the game was slowing down.


Meanwhile, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Taking the concept a step further by adding many special items based on unique themes and crossovers with other games on a regular basis through the fortune cookie mechanic that rotates with fresh content regularly. Although they generally came at a price, with the game focusing on microtransactions, The regular cycle of new content being added to the game kept players coming back. Even more of a boost to build excitement is how often recognizable games made their appearances.

Because Pocket Camp is the foundation for the next game, there is hope for more things to come

However, the offline nature may limit future additions

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Has a huge number of items already designed and in the gameThanks to the fortune cookie shop, which helped encourage players to not only keep playing regularly but also spend some money at the same time. If the new Animal Crossing Title is built off of Packet stockHopefully, developers will use the content that is already in the mobile game and have it again.

That said, Pocket stockThe frequent influx of new content was due to being an online game with microtransactions. Both the online nature and the in-game microtransactions will not happen with the new title, which could prevent it from having a lot of updates with additional items after launching. DLCs ​​and updates, especially for seasonal events, are always possible, but much less likely to happen than regularly Packet stock Players could have used to see.

Until more information is officially released on the new game, much of this remains speculation. What is known, however, is that Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Will be a bit of a foundation for the next game, and so it is only natural to expect that many furniture, decorations, clothes and more will be brought over. In the meantime, players can continue to play Packet stock For a little more, and you can always enjoy Animal Crossing: New Horizons.