Warning: Contains potential spoilers for WONDER WOMAN #13!I was a Wonder Woman Fanatic for years, but if I hadn't been a fan before, this unique quote would ignite my obsession with the Amazon princess. This quote comes from Tom King's arguably best Wonder Woman Issue still, amplifying its impact with the sheer badassery woven throughout the narrative. It's a moment that resonates, solidifying Diana Prince's legendary status and leaving a lasting impression I won't soon forget.
Tom King, Tony S. Daniel, and Leonardo Paciarotti S Wonder Woman #13 continues the epic Absolute power Team-up of Damian Wayne, Diana Prince and Steve Trevor as the trio orchestrates a prison break to free their fellow heroes unjustly imprisoned by Amanda Waller.
Wonder Woman's job in this mission is to hold off the guards. While this would typically be light work for the Amazon Warrior, she is currently depowered, facing a horde of guards and guns in a very mortal and vulnerable state. But, as with everything Diana does, She excels, holding off the guards even after breaking her arms by deflecting their bullets with her armor..
The coldest line of Wonder Woman falls in Tom King Absolute power Bond-in surrender
"My name is Diana Prince. My mother was a queen. Now she is a god. I fight today under her protection. I wonder, friends... why does God protect you? - Wonder Woman #13
After the initial onslaught of bullets, Wonder Woman stands her ground, sword held steady, and proclaims, "My name is Diana Prince. My mother was a queen. Now she is a god. Today I fight under her protection. I wonder, friends ... why God protects you? I couldn't stand it like a fool when I read the line; The sheer badassery of it forced me to read it several times, chasing the high I felt on first reading it. There is no doubt in my mind that this line will go down as one of, if not the, coolest lines of 2024.
The response from Waller's Grant Soldier makes the moment even better. One soldier immediately exclaimed, "Holy %@$%@." Honestly, that's a valid response when the person you just unloaded a full clip on is still standing and then delivers a line like that. Other guards soon enter with panicked remarks such as, "What... what the @$$@ are we doing?" Their reactions made my already impossibly big grin widen, adding the perfect cherry on top of the moment I was already obsessed with.
Wonder Woman just reminded me why she's DC's biggest badass
It's not Diana Prince's superpowers that make her special, it's her enduring spirit
In addition to Diana's intense face-off with the guards, what follows is equally bad. Finally able to rest her broken body, Diana allows Steve to hold her as the other heroes finish their work. At this point, Steve reprimands her for blocking bullets with her arms. Wonder Woman replies, "It was necessary that I stand. And so I stood. It was necessary that I hold. And so I held. It was necessary that they should be freed. And so they are free." .”
This powerful dialogue beautifully highlights what makes Wonder Woman So special: not her powers, but her unyielding spirit to do what must be done. These are the qualities that have become a trademark of Diana like her uniform, her lasso or her compassion. Now delivered with even more edge than fans have come to expect (or hope for).
Wonder Woman #13 Available now from DC Comics!