2024 Finally Made Up for Marvel's Mishandling of Storm in Two Major Ways

2024 Finally Made Up for Marvel's Mishandling of Storm in Two Major Ways

Storm, one of the most well-known and powerful members of the X-Men, was mistreated in one of Marvel's first films, but it's safe to say that 2024 has redeemed the character with two major Marvel releases, including What If...?. Storm, whose real name is Ororo Munroe, is one of the most formidable members of the X-Men as an omega-level mutant with the power to control every facet of the weather. Marvel Comics typically writes the personality to match this powerful presence, presenting her as an authoritative and regal character who has even taken on leadership of the team.

Storm has appeared in six live-action X-Men films. The original of Fox's somewhat convoluted X-Men timeline sees Halle Berry embody the role of an older Ororo, while Alexandra Shipp portrays a younger version in the altered timeline. Unfortunately, Storm is hardly given the gravitas she deserves in these appearances, and although she plays a relatively substantial supporting role in X2 and X-Men: The Last Standyour film career probably started very badly in the 2000s X-Men. Fortunately, two animated offerings from Marvel allowed Storm to showcase her true potential.

And if...? Season 3 gives 2024 a second opportunity to recapture Storm's story on screen

Storm's Rocky Live-Action Start Rescued Twice in One Year

Storm returned to Marvel media in 2024 in X-Men '97. Luckily, Storm gets an entire arc dedicated to exploring her character after having her powers sapped, unsurprisingly pushing her to the limit due to her immense nature. Reacquiring them with Forge's help, Storm puts on a mind-blowing demonstration of what she's capable of in a sequence filled with stunning visuals and a moving illustration of the joy they bring her. His empirical presence is fully exposed through his dialogues and actions, demonstrating how X-Men '97 knew how to faithfully characterize the X-Men.

X-Men '97 marked a total departure from the notoriously strange "Do you know what happens to a frog" line of X-Men. And if...? season three managed to continue that trend, cementing the notion that Marvel's acquisition of the X-Men and its key players means big things for some of its fan-favorite members. During the last days of 2024, And if...? introduced Storm as the Mjolnir-wielding Goddess of Thunder and a core member of the ultra-powerful Guardians of the Multiverse, further pushing her towards her fullest potential in the MCU.

And if...? Season 3 is a perfect example of Storm's underutilized potential

What if...? The third season finale shows the most powerful storm

Even with X-Men '97 showing Storm as one of the most powerful members of the titular team arguably only scratches the surface of what Storm can truly achieve. Storm's rise to godhood is not unprecedentedwith Ororo adopting the mantle several times in Marvel Comics in place of Thor. Storm is introduced as such in And if...? season 3, episode 7, where she, Byrdie, Kahhori, and Captain Carter make quick work of a supernatural tentacled creature, giving the Nova Corps cause for concern.

And if...? then takes Storm and her team's abilities even further by granting them the powers of the Watchers, ostensibly turning them into near-omnipotent gods. In this form, Storm is seen facing off against two of the three Watchers alone with a gigantic cosmic tornado, announcing herself as the embodiment of nature itself. By doing this, And if...? comprises an incredible re-entry into the franchise for the omega-level mutantand helps draw a line below the relatively nerfed version so far portrayed in live-action.

  • Release date

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    July 24, 2026