The greatest Sci Fi Villain of the 2010s comes from an absolute modern classic of the genre, and they had a big hand in making their film so beloved. Since the genre first started, science fiction has been known for some of the best villains of all time. The list of the best sci-fi villains ever overlaps with the list of the best villains in general, and for good reason. Almost any era of sci-fi is sure to have an absolutely classic villain to dance to, but the 2010s had one in particular that became an instant legend.
There have been many iconic science fiction villains in the 2010s, so picking the best of them is far from easy. With candidates like Kylo Ren in the Star Wars Sequel trilogy, the engineer of PrometheusKaba of Dawn of the Planet of the ApesAnd some others, this list of sci-fi villains has very good company. However, only one can be considered the best. That honor goes to one of the overall greatest movies of the 2010s, one that resurrected a classic franchise and very nearly redefined both the action and sci-fi genres.
Mad Max: Fury Road's Immortan Joe was the best sci-fi villain of the 2010s
Hugh Keays-Byrne played Immortal Joe flawlessly
As far as 2010s sci-fi goes, there's really only one villain and one actor who can be considered the best of the decade: Hugh Keyes-Byrne as Immortal Joe In Mad Max: Fury Road. Immortal Joe himself was one of the greatest villains in sci-fi right from the start. He had an exhilarating sense of brutality from the way he treated his people to the way he treated his wives and children, he commanded an unfathomable post-apocalyptic army, and he had one of the most iconic character designs in C.I. - At all. Immortal Joe is also a great cause fury road Earn 97% on Rotten tomatoes.
Not only is Immortal Joe an incredible villain, he also introduces so many interesting science fiction elements. He made the way he deified water to maintain control over the Citadel, his solution to the water shortage by using breastfeeding mothers, and the technology of his army, such as the Warboys' Thundersticks, the War Rig, and More possible. Any villain who can lift both the action and sci-fi aspects of a movie is a great character. Hugh Keays-Byrne was also perfectly cast for the role, however, which made him superior. Keays-Byrne's voice, expressions and general aura only added to Immortan Joe's ability to intimidate others.
Immortal Joe continued Mad Max's long history of great movie villains
ToeCutter, Lord Humungus, Anti Entity, Immortal Joe, and Dementus are all great villains.
Immortal Joe is not only an achievement for science fiction, however, he also continued Mad Maxs trend of creating incredibly compelling villains. each Mad Max And Furiosa evil, From Toecutter (who was also portrayed by Hugh Case-Byrne) to Dementus, there was an iconic addition to both the franchise and the genre.. Mad Maxs villains have almost defined the idea of a post-apocalyptic villain, and for good reason. They all drip with madness, viciousness and a warped sense of morality that highlights the broken-down state of the world of Mad Max.
Immortal Joe truly has it all, from an intimidating presence and design to an emotional connection to the protagonists and a real effectiveness in both being a villain and in running the Citadel
Even with such an incredible cast of villains, Immortal Joe still stands above the rest Mad Maxs antagonists. He basically used some of the best aspects of every villain that came before and after him, but left out everything that held them back. Immortal Joe truly has it all, from an intimidating presence and design to an emotional connection to the protagonists and a real effectiveness in both being a villain and in running the Citadel. It is for these reasons that Immortal Joe is not only the best antagonist in Mad MaxBut the best Sci Fi Villain of the 2010s.
Source: Rotten tomatoes