When it comes to Halloween Movie quotes, the best of which come from the moments in the franchise when the likes of Laurie Strode or Dr. Loomis talks about the horrors of Michael Myers. Although there are no references to Michael Myers throughout the series, as he remains a silent killer, the other characters expand on his legacy With many memorable lines that capture the horror of HalloweenS villain. Halloween First arriving in 1978 and that one movie spawned three different timelines, each of which provided some of the best Halloween Quotas.
From the David Gordon Green trilogy to the Rob Zombie movies, there are a lot of characters in disconnected storylines who have suffered and died through the legacy of Michael Myers. This offers a lot of characters to talk about the evil that this one man brought to Haddonfield, Illinois, and how the murders destroyed an entire community. From the first Halloween In 1978 for the third movie in David Gordon Green's continuation of the first story, Laurie Strode, Tommy Jarvis, Dr. Loomis, and more Halloween Movie quotes That shows why Michael Myers is one of the most terrifying slasher movie villains.
"This house is sacred to him, he has all his memories here."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
From the first Halloween In the movie, it seems that Michael Myers has one destination in mind when he escapes his captors. Michael Myers goes to Haddonfield, Illinois, and focuses on one house - his childhood home. It was in the home years before he killed his sister, and how Halloween ends Reveals, everything leads back to this one house. Dr. Loomis explained this himself many years ago in the sixth movie, The Curse of Michael Myers.
As Loomis says, outside the institution, This house is where the only memories of Michael Myers lived, and This is why he finds it necessary to go back home as he starts his killing spree again and again. He was a child when he killed his sister and then spent the next decade in a psychiatric hospital, so it was the last place he experienced innocence before he destroyed his family and his life. When he ran away, he wanted to find his way back, looking for a possible peace.
"You don't know what death is."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween II (1981)
in Halloween IIDr. Loomis and the city's law enforcement try to find Michael Myers after he disappears at the end of the first movie. There were many deaths throughout HalloweenAnd Loomis knows all about Michael killing his sister so many years before. Loomis realizes that there is something supernatural about Michael, and he decides that there is more to this slasher killer than anyone would have expected.
Loomis shot Michael six times, but the silent killer simply got up and left. When Loomis dismissively says, “You don't know what death is" He admits that none of them know what it will take to end this threat. As the one person who knows how deadly Michael is, his frustration and exasperation shines through when he says this quote because he knows there is possibly no way to kill or stop Michael, and death will most likely come to anyone who tries.
"There's a creepy man in a white mask and he keeps trying to play hide and seek with us."
Little Girl - Halloween Kills (2021)
Halloween kills is the middle movie in the David Gordon Green franchise, moving on from the first John Carpenter Halloween And ignore the rest of the franchise. At the end of the first David Gordon Green Halloween Sequel, Michael Myers survives a house fire unscathed. Laurie and her family are looking for Michael before he starts killing again, and This Halloween Quote perfectly demonstrates why they are so afraid.
When a little girl in a playground says a "Man in a white mask"Is there want to"Play hide and seek", the adults panic for a good reason. While Michael Myers has mostly not killed children in the past, the line increases the terror of the townspeople as they begin to plan Michael's demise. The entire film shows that Michael is unstoppable, And when the children see him, it shows that the parents have to do something to protect their home. The innocence in this quote is frightening in itself.
"I don't like you to hide your face. Take it away."
Deborah Myers - Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
The Rob Zombie Halloween Movies are divisive at best and ended with only two installments. Zombie ignores John Carpenter's films and reboots everything from scratch, giving Michael Myers an actual backstory. The movies showed why Michael was a slasher killer and tried to create a sympathetic reason that explained his murderous tendencies. Although this is not the best idea, it gave Michael's mother a chance to play in the story.
Michael wears a mask in the institution, saying that it hides his ugliness. She doesn't want to accept it and asks him to remove it, because for her he is not ugly at all. It was a rare show of kindness to Michael. However, despite the kindness, Michael still grew to become a slasher killer, mostly thanks to his mother's death by suicide when she realized that her son was never going to get better.
"In every one of us, there exists a dark side."
Dr. Loomis - Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007)
When Rob Zombie rebooted the Halloween franchise, he created a new story for Dr. Loomis. Instead of a man who sought to stop the evil of Michael Myers once and for all from the beginning, Zombie's Loomis almost exploited Michael for profit with his book and speaking career. In the story of Zombie, Loomis studied Michael for years and spoke in detail about the evil he saw in the child.
For Michael, he cannot, and with this statement, Loomis admitted that there is no redemption for Michael Myers in this story. This is a very different picture from Loomis. In the original version, Loomis was someone who was tired and tired when he realized that he could not save Michael. In the movie, he is a manipulative person, and this quote shows that he cares less about Michael and more about his own reputation.
"You and Alison shouldn't run, evil is dying tonight."
Laurie Strode - Halloween Kills (2021)
In the first Halloween Movie, Laurie Strode is a teenage babysitter who has to fight for her life to survive the attack of the boogeyman in her home. When the David Gordon Green sequel arrived, it was revealed that Laurie was now a mother and a grandmother. She worked so hard to prepare her daughter for the chance that Michael Myers might return that she was endangered by her family. However, Laurie also lives to protect her family despite the striking. in Halloween killsLori is tired of running.
With this quote, she admits that nothing is more important than protecting her daughter and granddaughter from Michael Myers. Laruie's quote here is a heartwarming moment thanks to the strength and determination in her voice. When she says it's time to fight back, Laurie sets the table for the final battle against Michael Myers.
"He's here to kill the little girl and anyone who gets in his way."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
in Halloween 4, The franchise chose to kill off Laurie Strode and instead focus on her daughter, Jamie Lloyd. It was an attempt to make Jamie the new ultimate girl, and since she was a child, it made it so much scarier. The three movies of this period of the Halloween Franchise was critically derived thanks to the addition of a cult controlling Michael Myers. It ruined much of Michael's mystique.
Dr. Loomis was still around, and he picked up where he left off with Laurie, and went to protect those that Michael was hunting. This Halloween Quote comes when Loomis dramatically reveals that Jamie is in great danger and emphasizes that Michael Myers is an unstoppable force. While Michael had never killed a child before, this showed that the franchise had raised the stakes.
"I said goodbye to my boogeyman."
Laurie Strode - Halloween Ends (2022)
For the first time in franchise history, it looks like Michael Myers is dead at the end of Halloween ends. While there is another possibility Halloween Sequel, it remains unclear how the story of Michael Myers will continue since not only he died, but Laurie and Alison chopped him into tiny pieces in a woodchipper at the end. In the last trilogy, Laurie was able to finally turn the tables, and she helped finish Michael once and for all by sending his body through the industrial shredder.
But Michael returns in the next iteration, this should end Laurie's story once and for all.
Laurie gets a happy ending, and this quote is the payoff to her 44-year battle with Michael Myers. Seeing her relaxed in the police car, knowing that there is no way Michael can come back again, made this the best quote she could have said to finally end her decade of terror. But Michael returns in the next iteration, this should end Laurie's story once and for all.
"I prayed that he would burn in hell. But in my heart I knew that hell would not have him."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
in Halloween 5Michael Myers continues to search for Jamie Lloyd, and Dr. Loomis finally makes his last stand against the seemingly indestructible slasher monster. If anything, Loomis has always had the most melodramatic quotes in these Halloween franchise, and this time, it was no different. Loomis dies when he finally seemingly defeats Michael. He beats Michael unconscious and then has a stroke, dying on top of Michael's prone body.
But, before that, Loomis hints that Michael may never die, like This Halloween Quote reveals that Michael may be even too angry for hell itself. Loomis was right, as his death didn't even stop Michael Myers. It was foreshadowing, but it also played into the curse and the cult. While polarizing fans, the idea of Michael as a purely supernatural boogeyman was interesting and this quote explored that idea.
"Michael Myers has haunted this town for 40 years. Tonight, we're chasing him down."
Allyson Strode - Halloween Kills (2021)
David Gordon Green Halloween Movies are unique because they don't show Michael Myers hunting down a small group of hapless victims. After the first movie did it, with Michael targeting Laurie Strode and her family, the second and third take a wild turn and show how Michael's murders over the years have traumatized an entire town. Halloween kills Starts with a celebration of Michael Myers' imprisonment, but when they learn that Michael is back, things turn dark for the Haddonfield townspeople.
When Laurie's granddaughter Alison says this line, it Shifts the plot from surviving Michael to actively hunting him down and ending him once and for all. That was it Halloween Quote that turned the tide. While Laurie Strode decided to hunt down Michael and end his threat, Alison convinced all the townspeople to follow Laurie's lead, and they became the Hunters.
"Trick or treat, mother!"
Busta Rhymes - Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
Halloween: Resurrection Battles The Curse of Michael Myers For the most hated movie in the franchise based on critics' scores, with a slight 10% on Rotten tomatoes. The low score is mainly because the movie kills Laurie Strode and then moves on to mostly unlikely victims, looking more like a Friday the 13th Movie like a Halloween Movie. It follows a reality TV crew who stage a show at Michael Myers' old house, only for him to return and start killing people on live TV.
One of the most memorable aspects of the movie is Busta Rhymes' showdown with Michael. He tries to fight Michael with martial arts skills and uses this one-liner before starting the fight. This quote is memorable for his stupid nature, and the fight against Michael should not have ended well for him, although miraculously, he ends up somehow surviving and helping beat Michael in the climax of the movie.
"The black eyes. The devil's eyes."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween (1978)
Besides Michael Myers and Laurie Strode, the Halloween The most famous character of the franchise would be Dr. Sam Loomis. Loomis worked for years as a psychiatrist overseeing Michael Myers after the murder of his sister at a young age. However, Loomis is not too kind to treat Myers, as he explains that even as a child, Loomis only saw evil in him. His vague description of Michael and his lifeless eyes helps establish him as a terrifying force without reason, remorse or emotion.
it Also shows that evil was probably in Michael from the beginning, and Loomis never could find a way to save the child. While Loomis was like someone who was looking for a life to find a way to help the boy, cited as proof that he knew nothing could save the child who became the boogeyman.
"I'll see you in hell."
Laurie Strode - Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
Halloween: Resurrection was the end of the franchise for five years because it brought Jamie Lee Curtis back as Laurie Strode, only to kill her off in the first 10 minutes. Laurie lives in a psychiatric hospital, waiting for Michael to return to finish the job. She actually lures him into a trap, and it's her big chance to end his threat once and for all. However, before finishing him off, she makes the mistake of trying to take off his mask to make sure it's really him.
He ends up stabbing Laurie and kills her. When she dies, she gives him a kiss and promises they will see each other again in hell. This quote is a great one, as Laurie proves to be defiant to the end. Unfortunately, she died and there was nowhere left for Michael Myers to go but to become a faceless slasher killer with no purpose. Lori died, which was a mistake, but she couldn't leave without one great last line.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"
Daniel Challis - Halloween 3 (1983)
The original design for the Halloween The franchise was an anthology, with each movie telling a new one Halloween- Set horror story. Halloween 3 Try to fulfill that idea with an entirely new story that didn't involve Michael Myers. In this movie, a doctor discovers a plan to kill countless children by distributing magical masks whose deadly purpose is triggered by a commercial jingle set to air on Halloween night.
The movie ends on an ominous note when the doctor calls the TV station screaming to have the commercial taken off the air.But he fails when one TV network ignores him and plays it anyway. The panic in his voice was a perfect ending to a horror movie that knows it's not supposed to end happily ever after. Unfortunately, the studio decided to bring back Michael Myers, so John Carpenter walked away from the franchise he created.
"You talk about him as if he were a person. That part of him died years ago."
Dr. Loomis - Halloween (1976)
Some movies examine the human side of their villains to show how sympathetic they can be. However, these Halloween Series work best when It admits that Michael Myers is a being without emotion or remorse. Dr. Loomis is the one who seems to understand the most, which is why the character is a source of many of the best and most insightful Halloween Quotas. Loomis knows that Michael is not someone who can be reasoned with.
Loomis worked with Michael as a kid, and he knows better than anyone that this is one slasher killer who has no sympathetic side to tap into.
Whatever part of Michael that was human before is gone now, and what remains is a terrifying creature that cannot be stopped. Loomis worked with Michael as a kid, and he knows better than anyone that this is one slasher killer who has no sympathetic side to tap into. Loomis always has the best quotes when it comes to explaining to people who Michael Myers is and why he is a monster that needs to be stopped.
"Do you know that I pray every night that he would escape?"
Laurie Strode - Halloween (2018)
David Gordon Green Halloween is a direct sequel to the 1978 original, ignoring all the sequels that came before it, and Michael actually incarcerated after the first movie rather than escaping. 40 years after the original, Laurie Strode is still recovering from the trauma of her first encounter with Michael Myers while preparing for their inevitable rematch. When she hears that Michael did run away, she tells the sheriff that she prayed about it every night.
When he asks why she would do that, she responds, "So I can kill him." This Halloween Quote was the perfect start to a trilogy that finally set out to stop Michael Myers once and for all. It's a quote that shows the trauma and PTSD Laurie suffered as a teenager, something that still lives with her all these years later. She met the boogeyman once, and he still haunted her dreams all these years later.
"Happy Halloween, Michael."
Laurie Strode - Halloween (2018)
Part of the fun of the 2018 sequel is how it plays out with Laurie and Michael forever connected. Despite the fact that they are siblings, there is a twisted bond between the two, and the movie highlights this by recreating classic moments from the original, with Laurie taking Michael's position. After the two have a brutal showdown, Laurie returns to finish the job.
As Michael did in the original, Lori emerges from the shadows and gives him a fitting Halloween greeting before attacking. It's a nice twist that shows that Lori has not only practiced for survival but also learned from watching Michael. Like this 2018 Halloween Quote Revealed, Laurie Strode is now the hunter. This is a theme that plays throughout the entire trilogy of movies, as, after years of Michael hunting down innocents, the tables have finally turned on him.
- He came home.
Dr. Loomis - Halloween (1978)
The Halloween Series begins when a young Michael Myers brutally kills his sister on Halloween night. Since then, he has been busy returning to his hometown and continuing his bloody murder. In the original movie, No one believes that Michael is interested in returning to Haddonfield after his escape, except for Dr. Loomis. The doctor understands what drives Michael and follows him back to Haddonfield.
His cryptic observation that Michael is already there, lurking in the shadows, is perfectly unsettling. Loomis knows that Michael Myers is attached to Haddonfield, and they remain connected throughout the franchise. Loomis knew from the beginning that Michael would return home, find the last place where he felt safe, and that his home would end up in danger until someone stopped the monster. No one believed Loomis, but once the murders began, the doctor proved that he knew the killer better than anyone else alive.
"It's Halloween - everyone's entitled to one good scare."
Sheriff Brackett - Halloween (1978)
Although Michael Myers is scary enough, the Halloween setting for the first movie adds a nice touch to the story. There is already horror in the air, and a man walking around in a mask does not seem so unusual. Early in the film, Laurie Strode runs into Sheriff Brackett, who is terrified. After she gets over the initial scare, the sheriff tells her that everyone is entitled to one good scare on Halloween. Little did he know that there would be more where this came from.
The quote is not important, but it shows that the city still has a sense of humor for the attacks of Michael Myers, and traumatized everyone there for the next decade.
It also gives the movie a bit of a tongue-in-cheek feel, as the boogeyman's arrival on Halloween seems a bit too perfect of a coincidence. The quote is not important, but it shows that the city still has a sense of humor for the attacks of Michael Myers, and traumatized everyone there for the next decade.
"Was that the boogeyman?"
Laurie Strode - Halloween (1978)
Although he is introduced as a child in the opening scene of the original movie, Michael Myers seems to grow into something supernatural over time. After being terrorized by him all Halloween night, It's understandable that Laurie Strode thinks he might be a monster. After Loomis shoots Michael several times, causing him to fall off the balcony. Laurie asks Loomis if this is the "boogeyman."Loomis simply responds,"As a matter of fact it was."
The Halloween Quotes play out even more as Michael returns again and again to terrorize Laurie, Haddonfield and anyone else who gets in his way. He is the first boogeyman. This quote showed Laurie while she was still mostly an innocent victim, although it was also the beginning of the psychological trauma that would follow her for the rest of her life.