The Pokemon trading card game Offers a bit of nostalgia with its Pokemon TCG: Scarlet and Violet -151 set, which features all 151 of the beloved Pokemon that started it all. The classic Generation 1 pocket monsters of the Kanto region are the originals, and remain some of the most recognizable and beloved characters in the franchise today. Pokemon 151The charm makes it a popular set, mostly due to the love that many fans of the series have for the original 151 characters and the memories that accompany them.
Pokemon TCG: Scarlet and Violet 151 Launched on September 22, 2023, for the English version of the game. Designed for use with the game mechanics in the Scarlet and violet Set, many of the Secret Rare full-art cards include illustrations that relate evolution lines for many of the Pokemon. For the values in this list, market values are obtained by TCGPlayerWhich can offer a good overall baseline across various online markets. of course, with PokemonThe original 151 characters being so beloved, personal feelings may always outweigh market value.
Alakazam ex 188/165
Ultra rare holofoil
The Ultra Rare Alazakam EX 188/165 card is strikingly stylized. Like a few other cards in this set, this one Pokemon TCG: 151 Card has a very distinct style. The card is almost completely covered by the Pokemon levitating its iconic spoons. The background features a pastel pink and purple swirl that is very eye-catching.
The Alakazam EX isn't worth as much as the other Psychic type cards featured in this set. Still, it draws A decent price tag of $12.32 On TCGPlayer.
Ninetales ex 186/165
Ultra rare holofoil
Shown in the same style as the Alakazam EX, Nintetales EX is featured here as card 186/165 of the set. The full-card artwork is a creamy yellow color that makes the Pokémon's tails look almost like giant bananas.
The ocean of yellow is broken by a thick, bright green outline around the Pokemon. It's a very different look for the usually soft-looking Pokemon, but it looks just as regal in this style thanks to its serious expression. Ninetales ex is Valued at $12.57 USD on TCGPlayer.
Venusaur ex 182/165
Ultra rare holofoil
The Venusaur on this card, number 182/165 of the set, looks very serious off in the distance. The artwork shows the Pokemon from slightly below, so its chin and face are very large and prominent.
Collectors may like this, or they may enjoy the style of the card, which, like the other EX cards, uses a simple colorful illustration outlined in thick green. All the previous EX cards in this set, including this one, were drawn by the Prolific Pokemon TCG Artist, PLANETA Yamashita. TCGPlayer Estimates the Market value of this Venusaur to be $14.75 USD.
Blastoise EX 166/162
Ultra rare holofoil
Not only is the entire secret rare evolution line of Squirtle from the Pokemon TCG: 151 Set value quite a bit, however Blastoise EX is represented twice among the most valuable cards. It appears once as the special illustration rare and again as the full-art ultra rare card number 184/165.
The other form of Blastoise in this set is one of the most expensive cards in the entire collection. The Blastoise EX here is shown in a vividly colorful full-art stance and is valued on TCGPlayer Now at A Market price of $14.87 USD.
Mew Ex 193/162
Ultra rare holofoil
Card 193/165 features a bubble-pink background Which might work to camouflage the psychic-type Mew Ex, if not for the brilliant use of etching artwork surrounding it. The combination of pink and teal makes this card really pop and stand out from others in the set.
Mew Ex's Ultra Rare, full-art card is more valuable than its golden-styled Hyper Rare counterpart. Card 193/165 currently has a Market price on TCGPlayer From $15.68 USD, aND is a fun take on the mythical Mew.
Erica's invitation 203/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
The only support card to be included in this list, Erika's Invitationis a special illustration rare full art card in the Pokemon 151 Set. Card number 203/165 is a support card with Cona Nitando artwork, and it is one of the most beautiful cards in the entire collection.
The card shows the beautiful trainer, Erika, among flowers and perfumes in a perfectly cottage-core, sunny room. On TCGPlayerThis card is currently listed with a Market value of $15.80 USD.
Wartortl 171/162
Painting rare holofoil
Often, the medium evolution of even the most popular Pokemon is not as high as the first and third versions. In this case, however, Squirtle's second evolution, Wartortle, is a breathtaking ocean illustration that is Quite high value with a TCGPlayer Market price of $20.51 USD at the time of writing.
In fact, this card is valued higher than the Pokemon's highest evolution. This may be partly because of the beautiful artwork, which matches the rest of the full-art illustrations in Squirtle Evolution. With each evolution, the Squirtle line is moving deeper into the water, for a symbolic return to its element.
Dragonair 181/165
Painting rare holofoil
The painting for Dragonair's Pokemon TCG: 151 Card has an almost melancholic air to it. The full-frame image depicts the Dragon Pokemon in the waters of what looks like an abandoned old castle ruin. Dragonair is mostly submerged in the water with only his head poking out, and the organic shape of his body nearly blends in with the gentle ripples of the water.
The image evokes questions about what the Pokemon is doing here, or perhaps what it is looking for in this old place. It is a beautiful card that would make a wonderful addition to any collector's deck. According to TCGPlayer, The market price for the Dragonair painting card is $20.68 USD.
Pikachu 173/165
Illustration rare holofoil
Pokemons beloved mascot, Pikachu, is a fitting addition to any list with the original 151 characters. In this illustration rare full-art card, Pikachu's playful and cheerful nature is shown In a way that is sure to make anyone smile.
Bounding through the busy street with a smile on his face, Pikachu exudes energy beyond the electricity it holds within. As of the time of writing, on TCGPlayerPikachu card 173/165 has a Market price of $21.37 USD.
Visa R 167/165
Painting rare holofoil
This gorgeous special illustration card depicts the Ivysaur card 167/165. Created by Yoriyuki Ikegami, this illustration shows Ivysaur amidst lush and vibrant foliage. The Pokemon is seen looking at its own reflection in a pond, tentatively touching the water with one of its vines and causing ripples.
Ivysaurs Pokemon TCG: 151 Card is Now priced at $22.16 USD On TCGPlayer. Collectors may want to consider pairing this card with the Bulbasaur from the same set, which has matching artwork from the earlier evolution in a similar forest setting.
Charmeleon 169/162
Painting rare holofoil
With artwork that perfectly matches the rest of its evolution line of Charmander and Charizard, Charmeleon's full-art illustration rare card helps paint a picture of the small fire-type. Here, Harmelon began to speak louder, portraying a Beautiful double-meaning of its growth with evolution.
Here, Charmeleon began to rise higher, depicting a beautiful double meaning of its growth with evolution.
The image is quite striking, showing Charmeleon sitting on an outcropping of a black cliff, surrounded by flowing rivers of molten lava. On TCGPlayerCharmeleon's card 169/165 for the Pokemon TCG: 151 Set is listed with a market price of $24.84 USD at the time of writing.
Bulbasaur 166/165
Painting rare holofoil
Bulbasaur is one of the most popular starter Pokemon of the 151st era, as the original grass-type starter. The full card artwork was created by Yuu Nishida and features lush greenery surrounding the Pokemon. It is a beautiful illustration that has a peaceful atmosphere.
This rare card illustration shows Bulbasaur appearing to nap while tucked away in a lush grassy environment under the shadows of another plant. Bulbasaur's 166/165 card is currently Get on TCGPlayer With a market price of $28.41 USD.
Alakazam ex 201/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
Special Illustration Rare Alakazam EX is designated as card number 201/165 and features one of the most playful and expensive illustrations in the Pokemon TCG Set. Artist Mitsuhiro Arita depicts Alakazam ex in a disastrously messy kitchen while levitating spoons in front of him In a beautiful full-frame painting that feels like it's a page from a storybook.
In addition to being part of the 151 collection, Alakazam was also bundled in a promo set along with Abra and Kadabra (although, unfortunately, this is no longer available for purchase). Alakazam ex 201/165 has a market value of $31.45 USD on TCGPlayer.
Squirtle 170/165
Painting rare holofoil
Pokemon TCG: Scarlet and Violet 151Secret card number 170 is a charming beach scene from the adorable water-type starter, Squirtle. Often, first evolution Pokemon are depicted with a happier feeling than their later versions, and this follows the same theme.
This full-art card shows Squirtle's playful side How it is joyfully sits in the shallow part of the incoming tide and plays with the waves coming in. Even aside from looking cute, the card 170/165 is currently listed on TCGPlayer With a market price of $33.05 USD. However, as of the time of this writing, the card is actually selling for prices in the single digits.
Charizard EX 183/165
Ultra rare holofoil
The Charizard EX, card number 183/165, may be one of the most powerful cards in the Pokemon 151 Set. Its rarity and beauty may give players pause before bringing it to the table, making it a highly collectible item.
PLANETA Mochizuki's unique and colorful artwork style for this ultra rare card is soft and seems to be rising off the card. On TCGPlayer, Charizard EX is currently available Listed with a market price of $35.88 USD.
Charmander 168/165
Painting rare holofoil
One of the most recognizable and traditional of the original 151 Pokemon, Charmander was given a special full card art illustration rare for issue 168/165. Although its gameplay mechanics are nothing groundbreaking, and it only has 70 HP, Charmander is beautifully illustrated for this card.
Although its gameplay mechanics are nothing groundbreaking, and it only has 70 HP, Charmander is beautifully illustrated for this card.
Along with his Charmeleon and Charizard secret full-art cards, Charmander's story is just beginning with this painting as it gazes up into the sky. On TCGPlayer, Charmander 168/165 currently holds a market price of $37.79 USD. However, it is worth noting that the card often sells for much lower than the market value indicates, so collectors should be looking for a lower price.
Zapdos ex 202/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
Zapdos EX's special illustration rare card shows subtle glimpses of Articuno and Moltres flying with it in the background as it charges forward. This powerful card is useful in-game with its Multishot Lightning, Which does 120 damage to an opponent and another 90 damage to a benched Pokemon with damage counters.
This card is also highly collectible thanks to its vibrant full-card illustration of Shiburingaru. At the time of writing, this card is listed on TCGPlayer with A market price of $40.27 USD.
Venusaur ex 198/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
A Special illustration Rare version of Venusaur EX is given a beautiful floral backdrop To highlight its Trinkil Flower ability in card number 198/165. The Venusaur EX card features full card art that is beautiful enough to be framed while also giving beneficial healing or poisoning effects when played.
As part of the evolution line of the above-listed Bulbasaur, it is shown in a similar setting but with more vibrant and colorful flowers surrounding it. Meanwhile, on TCGPlayer, Pokemon 151S Venusaur ex is Valued at a market price of $49.15 USD.
Blastoise EX 200/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
Blastoise ex is a special illustration rare card from Pokemon 151. The Pokemon is the final evolution of one of the original Gen 1 starter Pokemon, and a beloved character from the franchise.
Continuing the story told through his secret art evolution cards, the water-type character is deep in the depths of the dark ocean here, with the illustrator Mitsuhiro Arita perfectly capturing the strength and serious nature of Blastoise. Meanwhile, on TCGPlayer This Blastoise ex card has a listed market price of $56.50 USD.
Charizard EX 199/165
Special Illustration Rare Holofoil
Charizard EX has a special rare illustration at card number 199/165 that beautifully matches the Charmander 168/165 artwork shown above in the Pokemon trading card game. Where Charmander is shown sitting and looking up into the sky, and Charmelon has begun his ascent, the final evolution shows Charizard flying high above the rocky expanse where it once sat.
TCGPlayer currently lists this card for Pokemon TCG: Scarlet and Violet - 151 At a staggering market value of $128.80 USD.
This card is as powerful as it is beautiful if it was ever risked in a game. TCGPlayer Currently lists this card for Pokemon TCG: Scarlet and Violet - 151 By A Staggering market value of $128.80 USD.
Sources: TCGPlayer (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)
Digital card game