THE Pokemon The franchise is known for its collection of powerful creatures, but strength alone isn't always the best solution. In fact, the Speed stat can consistently determine the outcome of some battles, and depending on how the conflict is defined, a weaker creature may defeat a stronger one simply because it is faster. Not all Pokémon are fast (or have wings or fins), but a truly fast Pokémon can be a huge asset to any team, especially those intent on winning.
Having a fast Pokémon is a luxury, as the player with the fastest creature is always destined to go first each turn during a battle. Among the large conglomeration of fast and agile Pokémon are some that can move at outrageously high speeds. These creatures can move so fast that some don't even need Agility to advance. The pocket monsters with the highest base speed stats in games are a nice mix of normal creatures, notable Legendaries, and some of the best Mega Evolutions in the game. Pokemon.
Floating Mane
Basic Speed: 135
Flutter Mane is one of the most recently introduced Pokémon as part of Generation 9. The Ghost and Fairy-type creature is believed to be a distant ancestor of Misdreavus, and it's pretty easy to see why, as the two Pokémon are nearly indistinguishable. Flutter Mane is one of the Paradox Pokémon introduced in Scarlet and Violet, therefore, his name does not follow modern naming conventions for mons.
Considering it's a floating ghost head, it's no wonder that Flutter Mane is one of the fastest Pokémon in the dex, with a base Speed stat of 135. While its other stats are quite low, Flutter Mane also has the highest special defense of any Paradox Pokémon, a combination that makes it particularly difficult to get right.
Iron Pack
Basic Speed: 136
Hailing from the future, this strangely familiar Paradox Pokémon was also introduced in Generation 9. This robotic penguin-like creature is said to be a future version of Delibird and moves like a mechanical bird on skis. The blue ball on its back is believed to be some type of bag and is attached to the bird's body by a black stretchable thread.
As a bird that can ski at high speed, it's no wonder that Iron Bundle's base speed stat is quite high at 136. In fact, The Pokémon is tied with Barraskewda as having the highest Speed stat of all Water types. Not much else is known about the Iron Bundle at the moment, but rumors from the Scarlet Pokédex claim that it was created by an ancient civilization, bringing into question whether the Pokémon came from the past, the future, or perhaps some completely different timeline.
Basic Speed: 136
Introduced in Gen 9, Barraskewda is one of the fastest Water types in the entire dex, with a base speed of 136, tied for first place with the futuristic Iron Bundle. As the name implies, The creature's design resembles the real-world barracudawith the long, slender body of a fish and a mischievous smile on his toothy face.
This Pokémon evolves from Arrokuda, and the two are the only creatures in all games that can use the Propeller Tail ability. In addition to ignoring the targeting effects of attacks and abilities like Follow Me and Storm Drain, Barraskewda can use this ability in a more literal sense. The Pokémon is known for spinning its tail like a propeller to move it quickly through the water, which is likely why its speed stat is so impressively high.
Basic Speed: 138
Zamazenta is the legendary Pokémon cover of Pokémon Shieldtogether with its counterpart Sword, Zaciano. Unlike the offensive Zacian, Zamazenta takes a more defensive stance in battle, very appropriately considering it is associated with the shield. And while it's not as fast as Zacian, the Pokémon's base speed stat of 138 is high enough to put it on the list of the fastest Pokémon in the franchise.
On the other hand, powering up the Pokémon with a Rusted Shield turns it into the Crowned Shield, which drastically lowers its Speed stat, to 128. The Crowned Shield has impressively high Defense and Special Defense stats, so the Speed drop is a tradeoff for the players. will need to consider.
Basic Speed: 142
The Dragon and Ghost-type Dragapult is a strange combination of spirit on the bottom and armed missile launcher on the top. The pseudo-legendary was introduced in Generation 8 and is a final evolution of Drakloak and Dreepy. Its base Speed stat of 142 makes it a speedy contender for the fastest Pokémon in the series.
While Dragapult's base speed stat is impressive, it has an even faster tool up its metaphorical sleeve. The Pokémon always travels with two unevolved Dreepy hidden in its horns, which are released as weapons in battle. Several Pokédex entries describe these Dreepy as being able to travel at "combined" and "sonic" speeds, giving a fast Pokémon an even faster attack. It is even known that the Dragapult uses itself as a weapon, firing its body like an arrow at enemies at high speed.
Basic Speed: 143
The popular mythical creature from the Generation 7 games, Zeraora is one of the Pokémon with the highest base speed stat out of the 1,000+ monsters currently available. In fact, Zeraora is known for its speed, which is mentioned in its Pokédex entries. In Ultra Moon, Zeraora is said to approach its opponents at lightning speed. When it comes to stats, Zeraora achieves an impressive base speed of 143, with the ability to increase it further through training.
However, getting Zeraora in games is quite difficult, as this fast creature has only been made available through special events and for a limited time. Despite its rarity, Zeraora is a fan-favorite mythical creature and has even starred in its own film called Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us. The Electric-type Pocket Monster cannot be used in Gen 9 gamesbut it remains one of the fastest creatures in existence.
Basic Speed: 145
Living up to its reputation as a ninja creature, Accelgor is one of the fastest Pokémon available right now. The Generation 5 Bug-type creature has an impressive base speed stat of 145, which can be improved further with proper training. Even with his other stats wavering a little in terms of potential, Accelgor is often used in matches due to his speed on the field.often allowing him to attack first and grant the advantage to the Trainer.
Its normal Pokémon status is also beneficial for some competitive modes that don't allow rare creatures like Legendaries or Mythicals. Accelgor cannot be obtained from Scarlet and Violet games, although its future in Gen 9 is uncertain as a few more titles are yet to be released. If Accelgor is highlighted in the next releases, it is very likely that it will return to the competitive scene again.
Mega Sceptil
Basic Speed: 145
Although Sceptile itself is already a very fast creature, its Mega Evolution, Mega Sceptile is one of the fastest Pokémon in the franchise. When Mega Evolved, this dual Grass and Dragon-type Pokémon has a base Speed stat of 145, often allowing it to attack first. Not only does Mega Sceptile move quickly, but it also hits hard when using special attacks.. This is due to Mega Sceptile's impressive base special attack stat of 145.
Combining agility with raw firepower, Mega Sceptile can be a great choice for teams where Mega Evolutions are allowed, such as Pokemon GO and possibly the next release of Pokémon Legends: ZAwhich has already teased the return of fan-favorite gameplay mechanics. Mega Sceptile is also a beloved Pokémon in the serieswhich makes his quickness just another reason for Trainers to use him in battle.
Mega Beedrill
Basic Speed: 145
Another very fast creature that shares the 145 base speed stat with Accelgor and Mega Sceptile is Mega Beedrill. The Bug and Poison-type Mega Evolved form from Generation 1 receives a huge boost to its stats – For reference, normal Beedrill has a base speed stat of 75. Just like Mega Sceptile, Mega Beedrill can also be a powerhouse, combined with its agility. The Bug and Poison-type Mega Evolution has an impressive base attack stat of 150.
With such power, it can unleash devastating physical attacks – and some that usually manage to hit first, thanks to Mega Beedrill's high speed. It is worth remembering that can be trained to become even faster in battle and with the prospect of the return of Mega Evolutions to the main series with the arrival of Pokémon Legends: ZAusing Mega Beedrill in battles seems like a worthwhile effort.
Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Basic Speed: 148
The legendary mascot of Pokémon SwordZacian is one of the fastest creatures in the series, especially when equipped with the Rusty Sword, which transforms him into his Crowned Sword form. When in this form, Zacian has a base speed of 148, making him extremely agile in combat. – comparatively, its regular form, Hero of Many Battles, has a base speed stat of 138.
While its agility isn't translated in its Pokédex entries, it is noticeable through the animation of its signature move, Behemoth Blade. When executing this move, Zacian moves quickly, dealing a massive blow to the opponent. Zacian is much faster than your Pokémon Shield Legendary counterpart, Zamazentawho takes on the role of a tank as opposed to an offensive attacker. While not allowed in all formats, having Zacian in battles is fun due to his Legendary status and how effective he can be when starting a battle.
Shadow Knight Calyrex
Basic Speed: 150
Calyrex can transform into two different forms with the Reins of Unity, becoming Ice Rider Calyrex or Shadow Rider Calyrex. While Ice Rider is more of a tank, Shadow Rider Calyrex is among the fastest Pokémon out there. In addition to being a very fast Pokémon with an impressive base speed stat of 150, Shadow Rider Calyrex is also extremely powerful, thanks to its 165 special attack..
It can spam its signature move, Astral Barrage, of its own free will and with no drawbacks. In terms of STAB, Shadow Rider Calyrex has one of the best Pokémon typing combinations with its dual typing of Ghost and Psychic. Overall, Shadow Rider Calyrex is a powerhouse to reckon with which, when used in battle, overwhelms opponents with its speed and strength – although its Legendary status may prevent it from being used in certain formats.
Mega Aerodactyl
Basic Speed: 150
Mega Evolution gives Aerodactyl a moderate speed boost, improving its overall speed from 130 to an impressive 150. Combined with additional boosts to its attack and defenses, this Fossil-type Pokémon becomes a valuable asset with a wide range of moves. Because of its high speed, Mega Aerodactyl can launch powerful moves like Stone Edge and Earthquake before its opponent does. it may even have the chance to attack.
The Tough Claws ability just makes Mega Aerodactyl's moves even stronger, which is an advantage given the range the fossil Pokémon has in its moveset. Like the previously mentioned Mega Evolutions, the prospect of their possible return in the next Generation 9 game is exciting.particularly for players who want to win matches without relying solely on raw firepower and instead opt for tactical agility.
Deoxys (normal form)
Basic Speed: 150
While not the speed form, this base form of Deoxys is still quite fast, with a starting base speed of 150. It's still fragile on the defensive end and can't take many hits, but all of that can be forgiven thanks to Deoxys. immense power and speed. Even in his normal form, which is a perfect balance of stats compared to his other forms, Deoxys is a reliable Pokémon in battles.
Normal Form Deoxys isn't Deoxys' best form, as the DNA Pokémon's other three forms are seen as superior - simply because their stat alignments make it more of a specialist, depending on whether players want an offensive attacker, a tank, or a faster support. However, that's not to say that this base form of Deoxys isn't useless, as its speed helps it to be an important help in support.
Deoxys (attack form)
Basic Speed: 150
It's not often that fans see a Legendary Pokémon with putrid defenses. Attack Forme Deoxys' special defense is tied for worst among all Pokémon, and its physical defense is only better than a handful of Pokémon like Pichu, Smoochum, and Happiny – all of which are baby Pokémon. That being said, however, Attack Forme Deoxys is still a very fast Pokémon, with a Speed stat of 150which corresponds to its normal shape.
Combine this with his high Physical and Special Attack and deep movepool, and Attack Forme Deoxys is a great glass cannon if placed in the right hands. It's worth noting that it shouldn't withstand longer fights that require more investment, but having it attack first due to its agility and strongly due to its offensive stats should be just enough for it to fulfill its role in Pokémon battles.
Basic Speed: 150
Alakazam is already a fast Pokémon in its natural form, with a very high base Speed stat of 120. When it Mega Evolves into Mega Alakazam, however, its Speed grows to an impressive 150 – making it faster than other fast special attackers. , like Gengar. and even Mewtwo. Mega Alakazam's high speed makes it perfect for performing a sweep near the end of the battlewith a multitude of strong moves that allow you to knock out Pokémon effortlessly.
The last thing anyone would want to face near the end of the game is a Mega Alakazam unleashing Future Vision. The best part is that you will possibly return with Pokémon Legends: ZA and the possible return of the Mega Evolution mechanic to the main games, which has been absent for years.
Basic Speed: 150
Electrode is pretty average across the board, but there's no denying that it's a very fast Pokémon with its base speed stat of 150. This impressive base speed is shared with its Hisuiana counterpartalso known as Hisuian Electrode. As one of the few Electric-type Pokémon that knows Reflect and Light Screen, Electrode is an effective dual screener.
In addition to establishing defensive measures for the team, Electrode is also capable of using Taunt to impede status moves from opposing Pokémon. He can break out of any situation when the time calls for it and, in desperate measures, unleash an explosion to eliminate the opposition. Hisuian Electrode plays a little differently due to its dual typing of Electric and Grass typesbut its rapid effectiveness in battle is the same as that provided by the classic Generation 1 creature.
Basic Speed: 151
Pheromosa is a fragile being compared to the other Ultra Beasts in Pokémon. Both of its defenses are weak, and thanks to its combination of Bug and Fighting types, any powerful Fire, Fairy, Psychic, or even Flying-type move would make this Pokémon nimble on low. Pheromosa's best trait among the Ultra Beasts, however, is its speed. - having a base speed stat of 151.
Knocking out a Pokémon with a move like High Jump Kick or Bug Buzz activates the Beast Boost ability, which only increases Pheromosa's speed after each Pokémon is defeated. Like the Deoxys attack form, Pheromosa is a glass cannon, but if used correctly it can help the player start the battle with a huge advantage. or even finish off the opponent, and all of this is due to his agile form in the Pokémon series.
Basic Speed: 156
Since its introduction in Generation 3 games Pokémon Ruby and SapphireNinjask has always been one of the fastest Pokémon on the block. In fact, Bug and Flying-type Pokémon have stood the test of time and even after several other generations of games, remains among the three fastest Pokémon in the series.
It can function as a pivot with U-Turn, or be a revenge killer after increasing its attack with a Swords Dance. As if his base speed stat of 160 wasn't threatening enough, Ninjask can increase his speed to unfathomable heights with his Speed Boost ability. Speed Boosts increase Ninjask's already high speed by one stage, which makes moves like Protect useful. It's an ability that certainly makes up for Ninjask's other average stats, which are understandably lower.
Deoxys (Speed Form)
Basic Speed: 160
As the name implies, Speed Forme Deoxys is the fastest of all four Deoxys forms.with an incredible base Speed stat of 180. Its bulk, for the most part, is quite solid, although it is not the offensive threat that Base form and Speed form Deoxys are. Where Speed Forme Deoxys makes its bread and butter is being a utility Pokémon. In some ways, this faster form of Deoxys is actually a support unit, especially for double battles.
Stealth Rock, Taunt, and Magic Coat are just some of the support moves that DNA Pokémon can use at the start of a battle and properly set up a defensive scenario for the other Pokémon that will later enter the arena. Because of how fast it is, Speed Forme Deoxys is without a doubt the best leader Pokémon anyone can have.
Basic Speed: 200
Regieleki was introduced in Gen 8 as one of the new Legendary Titans, alongside series staples like Regice, Regirock, Registeel, and Regigigas. It is, by far, the fastest Pokémon that has ever existed. Having a whopping base speed stat of 200 means this electronic Pokémon is guaranteed to go fast no matter what. – unless your opponent has a priority move up his sleeve or if he has trained his companion to a higher stat than Regieleki.
If that wasn't enough, Regieleki also has the unique ability, Transistor, which multiplies the attack of any Electric-type move by 1.5. Anyone facing this Pokémon should be wary of a Thunderbolt and the occasional Volt Switch. This fast attacker is one of the best damage dealers in the world. Pokemon series, and much of this is due to the speed with which he can perform on the field.