20 best quotes from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

20 best quotes from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

The best Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Quotes highlight the most memorable moments and characters from the acclaimed anime series. The Netflix adaptation of the popular AAA game Cyberpunk 2077 Delve into an action-packed story full of layered and exciting characters. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Tells the story of David and his newfound friends as they embark on a new, dangerous path. Along the way, they share a number of meaningful lines that reflect their personalities and capture major events on the show.

Released in 2022, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Won the award for best adaptation at the Game Awards 2022. Although the series is filled with thrilling action and stunning animation, it is also praised for its characters and world-building which is reflected in the best quotes from the show. From David's frustration about his humble origins to Lucy's heartbreaking confession, these lines help take the audience on a journey into this strange, dangerous and fascinating world.


"This is it. It's the end of the line for me. But not for you."

Mine - Season 1, Episode 6

My smiling and looking down at Cyberpunk Edgerunners

My death was something that had to happen in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. On the hero's journey, the hero eventually has to lose his mentor and make his own way, and this is the moment. Maine never had to take David in and teach him, but that's what he did, and he is responsible for helping David become the man he became. However, Maine died after succumbing to cyberpsychosis. Fortunately, before his death, he was able to pass on one more line to David.

Maine gave some great advice to him at this point.

Maine constructed a pier of sorts for Dorio out of explosive canisters. He planned to kill himself along with some MaxToc officers after he blew up the cans. However, he wanted to save David, and Maine gave him some great advice at this point. Instead of just going out with a bang, He certainly let David know that he should leave now, but David had to keep running, keep fighting and never give up.. This was a huge turning point in history for David.


"Use the Cyberskeleton if you want to survive."

Lucy's Voice - Season 1, Episode 9

David looks at the Cyberskeleton in Edgerunners

This was a huge moment for David, and although the quote never came from Lucy, it was her voice that convinced him to do something really bad. Lucy told him that he had to use the Cyberskeletons to survive, which eventually got him lost. The scene leading up to this moment saw Faraday and Kiwi learn that Lucy is hiding Tanaka's data on David as a potential test subject. Faraday then decides to propose Lucy and David to Arasaka, and he sends David on a mission to attack an Arasaka convoy.

However, when David sees the main cargo, he sees that it is a cyber skeleton. That is when They use Lucy's voice to trick him into installing the Cyber ​​Skeleton, which was the last thing he should have done.. But when the real Lucy warns him about what is happening, David reacts in anger and uses the Cyber ​​Skeleton to destroy the military force. This takes a huge toll on his body, and he seemingly loses everything from his waist down, he has to rely on his friends to finish the mission.


"Whoa! Look at that! I can feel the sun."

David Martinez's Voice - Season 1, Episode 10

Lucy on the Moon in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

In easily one of the saddest yet tender moments in Cyberpunk: EdgerunnersLucy finally makes it to the moon, but without David. He sacrificed himself to make sure she made it safe. When she was there and looked out from her landing place, She imagines that David is living out their dream together. While he didn't make it, she hears his voice say the quote, and it's absolutely heartbreaking.

She had very optimistic views on the future when they started, and before Night City and Cyberware destroyed David, he was also bright and happy. That sounds exactly like what David would have said when he stood on the moon with Lucy if he had lived to the end. She stared out, imagining that David was standing next to her before he ended up edging. After this quote, the final song plays over the series' end credits, and it all ends with tears.


"Bout time I chrome the F up."

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 1

David walked into a door in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

The first episode of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Introduces viewers to David Martinez. He's mostly a light-hearted guy, but he's pushed around and eventually hits his breaking point, all within the confines of the first episode. He has a terrible time when he loses his mother, is kicked out of his own apartment and is beaten at school. He figures he has taken enough, and he wants to fight back. This leads him to Repairdoc's clinic.

David does this out of an act of spontaneity, and he doesn't know where the implant comes from.

When he gets there, his anger and frustration builds, and he decides he won't take it anymore. When he bursts through the door, he delivers the quote, believing that he will get "Chrome" up. This way, he won't have to rely on his organic human body anymore. Of course, David does this out of an act of spontaneity, and he doesn't know where the implant comes from, but at that moment, he has lost so much that he is willing to risk everything to become something more.


"You afraid of getting caught? Because I know I sure as sh*t is not."

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 2

David stands up to Katsuo in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

When David shows up to get his implants in the first episode, he wants to fight back against the people who hurt him. He lost his mom and his apartment, but he can still take revenge against the bullies who beat him at school. This includes one of his biggest Billys, Katsuo. David leaves with his implants and searches for Katsuo, and When the bully makes another aggressive move, David delivers the quote as he accepts the challenge to a rematch, but in a public place.

Katsuo is surprised by this quote because not only is David not afraid, but he is not willing to let his bully act aggressively in a private place where he knows he won't get caught or get into trouble. It's a great line because David not only calls Katsuo out but also makes it known that he realizes that Katsuo is a coward, as most bullies are. David has finally reached his limit, and he might have killed Katsuo, if something inside him hadn't stopped him, proving that he is always the better man.


"No child of Santo will ever be a suitor."

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 1

David Martinex smiling in cyberpunk

The dystopian setting of Night City is one dominated by corporate greed and corruption. Only a few corps have control and true power over resources. This is the kind of background David is referencing when He told his mother that "no child of Santo Domingo"Will ever be a suit." David comes from one of the poor areas of the city, which is known for its abandoned factories and dilapidated mega-buildings full of radiant residents.

This makes for the kind of journey that the audience can really get behind and root for the hero that no one believes in and who is fighting against the odds to prove himself.

Those who come from there have limited choicesWhich includes joining the local gang or taking a grueling and menial job, creating a scenario in which David feels it is hopeless to escape. This makes for the kind of journey that the audience can really get behind and root for the hero that no one believes in and who is fighting against the odds to prove himself.


"You break my heart, Miho."

Gloria - Season 1, Episode 1

Gloria calls in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

From Spider-Man to Batman, there are so many examples of heroes in pop culture who have been overcome in their journey by the death of a parental figure. Such is the case with David. The loss of his mother is a tragic moment in the first episode of the anime series and leads to David entering the criminal world To make a new life for yourself.


Ultimately, it's his mother's final words to him that really sell the tragedy of the moment. Like any good mother, Gloria Martinez wanted her son to have a better life. She works extremely hard to provide him with as much as she can, nurturing his intelligence and sending him to a good school.

However, with David insisting that no one like him will ever reach the levels she envisioned for him, she admits how heartbreaking it makes her. These last words motivate David in both good and bad ways.


"You're the guy jumping into the fire."

Lucy - Season 1, Episode 4

Lucy from Cyberpunk Edgerunners fighting

David may not be the most likely hero at the beginning of his story, but he has a hero's spirit in him, which is easy to see. After a stressful and deadly encounter with a "Raging psycho", Lucy and David were shaken, with the protagonist explaining that he would have jumped head first into the dangerous situation for her.

Lucy is not at all shocked by this, responding by Said that David was just "The guy who jumps into the fire to save someone, anyoneEven when he knows he isGo to get burned." The way Lucy delivers the line is a mix of pointing out the stupidity in David's actions and also respecting the bravery and kindness he has in him.

It is a telling line that is eventually proven to be true, as David sacrifices his life for Lucy's sake. He sees more value in her fulfilling her dream than a chance to be able to live a meaningful existence.


"I'll take you to the moon! I promise!"

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 4

David and Lucy sit on the moon in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

During one of their earliest interactions, Lucy foreshadows the series' ending when she reveals her secret dream to David. They almost travel to the surface of the moon and David soon realizes Lucy's obsession with escaping and going there someday. It's still that sequence David makes a serious promise to take Lucy to the moon - despite the price of a ticket not being affordable for him.

This strengthens the bond between the two as Lucy is ready to share her biggest dreams with David...

He later noted that it was a small amount, emphasizing how much had changed in the years since then. It's a moving line made all the more impressive by the end of the story. This strengthens the bond between the two because Lucy is willing to share her biggest dreams with David, and David wants to be the person who helps those dreams come true.


"Just keep running."

Mine - Season 1, Episode 6

Mine in front of an explosion in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

The intimidating leader of the gang of Edgerunners David Joins is Maine, who goes through one of the most interesting arcs in the course of the story. The Sandavistan implant was meant for him, but he took a chance on David instead of punishing him for taking it. Their bond develops and culminates in a climactic moment depicting Maine's death. Mine verges on cyberpsychosis after irresponsibly adding more cyberware than he can handle.


In his last conversation with David, he admitted that "It's the end of the line for"And ask him to"Keep running” Right before he blows up the room with Dorio's corpse. It is A powerful moment of mine Use his final words to encourage David To move forward when such motivation did not always come easily. Behind his tough exterior, I truly care.


"Time to learn."

Mine - Season 1, Episode 3

David in the window, Cyberpunk Edgerunners

When it comes to coming of age stories, Cyberpunk Edgerunner is one of the most exciting audiences could ask for. David enters a wild world of mayhem and danger, he must adapt as he is pulled along in a breakneck pace. However, one of the most satisfying things about the series is seeing how effective he is at adapting to these situations.

He and Maine find themselves in the middle of a shootout and need to make a quick getaway.

Once David was brought into my crew, he was quickly put to the test on a job. He and Maine find themselves in the middle of a shootout and need to make a quick getaway. With David behind the wheel, he admits he doesn't know how to drive to what Maine tells him it is "Time to learn." This is a big part of David's journey in the series, because he has to hit the ground running, but he is able to keep up the pace and become more formidable.

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 7

David standing with his back to the camera in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Years after my cruel death, David is on the same path and needs to be put on"A strict diet of immunoblockers“To manage his cyberware. He shrugs off Riperdoc's concerns and admits that he feels "Better in metal." Doctor has no choice but to agree that David's "Affinity for cyberware is f**king nuts.” The first time David installed a military-grade sandavistan, it convinced him that he was special.

He was achieving impossible feats and ignoring advice from Maine and Doc. This continues until the warnings become a reality, and it is soon too late for David to turn back. Although he says it as an empowering revelation about the way he lives now, it is A heartbreaking line that shows David slipping away and succumbing to the addiction that claimed so many others.


"There's no place like Night City if you want to hide."

Lucy - Season 1, Episode 7

Lucy smoking in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Netrunners are a crucial part of the cyberpunk city in Edgerunners. They have the unique ability to retrieve information beneath layers of malware and rogue AI. This barely touches the surface of Lucy's horrifying experience as a young Netrunner trained by Arasaka. She was part of an elite group tasked with diving into the Old Net to retrieve lost data - most of which never made it out alive.

Lucy's history explains why she had to go from "place to place", but she shows David that "there is no place like Night City" for those who want to hide. Despite this happening decades ago, Lucy is still afraid that the Corps will find her and put her back in that horrible place again. It's a line that cements her as a strong and resilient character, who nevertheless comes from a dark past.


"What's up, Chom?"

Rebecca - Season 1, Episode 5

Rebecca is having fun in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

The survivor, Rebecca, is a likable character. She is a trigger-happy and foul-mouthed fighter who is also fiercely protective of her friends. She refers to close friends like David as "Choom," which is A charming way to let them know that they matter to you. Rebecca is initially impressive to the naive David. She doesn't hesitate to pull out her gun during mundane but potentially risky situations. She also gives an outrageous amount for simple tasks, which soon becomes part of the norm for David when he takes leadership.


There is something childlike about her and intimidating in her warrior spirit. However, it is simple greetings like this that establish her greatest quality is how good of a friend she is. Even amidst the chaos of their world, she is always just happy to be with the people she loves.


"Looks like a prison from here, a cage of light."

Lucy - Season 1, Episode 7

Lucy stands in the middle of Night City from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

Night City is a fascinating setting for the series and reflects the balance of good and bad that is all throughout the story. It is a place where there is so much potential to climb to great heights and to find success, but there is also corruption and brutality. actually, There are some who find the pleasure of the city to be a trap in itself, because what it offers is not worth the price it will take. of them.

Later in the story, when David appeared and became the leader of the mercenaries, he and Lucy look at the city from afar. He still sees it as something to conquer with him getting closer to the goal. however, Lucy sees it as A prison that may look beautiful but is darker at the center of everything. While Cyberpunk Edgerunners May not have the happiest of endings, as it builds to a conclusion in which Lucy is able to escape is satisfying.


"To the top, then."

Rebecca - Season 1, Episode 10

David fires a gun as blood splatters over him from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

One of the things that is revealed in Maine's horrific death earlier in the series is how the relentless increase can destroy a person's mind. He was seen hallucinating only to have random moments of lucid thinking. This makes it even more tragic when it is revealed that David is experiencing the same thing and that it is likely pointing to the same tragic end for him.

At first she thinks she can get him out of it, but then he starts talking to his mother. He proudly tells her that he is on his way to the top of Arasaka tower, just like she always wished for her.

In one of the most heartbreaking moments in the finale, it sees Rebecca confronting David as he goes on a rampage. At first she thinks she can get him out of it, but then he starts talking to his mother. He proudly tells her that he is on his way to the top of Arasaka tower, just like she always wished for her. Rather than trying to stop him, Rebecca simply sighs sadly and encourages himResigned to the fate that awaits them both.


"There is but one true measure of success in Night City."

Faraday - Season 1, Episode 9

Faraday with a purple light behind him in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

The cyberpunk-themed city and story wouldn't be complete without a scheming villain, and Faraday is the perfect annoying antagonist. He gives a classic villain speech while explaining his plan to his supporters, describing fixers (counting himself) as "Praise pet owners who keep their mercenary hounds well-fed."

In some ways, it makes him an interesting villain mirror to David because they're both characters who come from worlds where it seems unlikely they'll be able to reach the next level, but it's terrifying to imagine what he's willing to do. . Try.

According to Faraday, the "One true measure of success"is to be able to stand"In the corporate world." Fixers like him can only dream of being assimilated by the corps, which are notoriously elitist and are made up only of the richest and most powerful people in the city.


"You don't make a name as a cyberpunk by living your life."

Lucy - Season 1, Episode 4

David and Lucy with the mercenary crew in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

While Lucy praised the way David was willing to put his life on the line for others, she was far less impressed with him risking his life for a meaningless pursuit. One of the most memorable quotes in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners comes from a concerned Lucy, who warns David against the life he's trying so hard to pursue. She offers thought-provoking advice by reminding him that cyberpunks"Make a name by liking them Die."

The edgerunners follow a lifestyle full of risk and danger, with each new job usually worse than the last.. David cannot see that he is going down the same path mine and so many others have before him. Their futile attempts to attack Arasaka rarely result in meaningful change, as the unfair system is ingrained in Night City.


"Sorry, wish we could go to the moon together."

David Martinez - Season 1, Episode 10

David and Lucy have a cyberpunk chat: Edgerunners.

Although it is not a genre known for delivering happy conclusions all the time, Cyberpunk Edgerunner is one of the darkest anime endings of all time. With so many of the main characters killed off, there were some who hoped that David and Lucy could still have their happy ending and fulfill David's promise to take her to the moon.

But, with this sad line, David shows that he is resigned to his fate and knows that he will not make it out alive. His regret about not fulfilling that promise is heartbreaking because it's a reminder of the path he went down and how things went so wrong.

He had so much potential and a whole life ahead of him but it was all over now. But his line also holds a comfort that he is going to ensure that Lucy makes it out alive.


"You never had to save me."

Lucy - Season 1, Episode 10

Lucy heading to the moon in Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Another quote that goes back to the earlier moment of David risking his life to save Lucy, This quote suggests the way the two were destined even if they could not see the bittersweet end ahead. David immediately walks into a trap and falls for Arasaka's trick by wearing yet another piece of cyberware that will further endanger his life. He is right on the verge of cyberpsychosis and is only snapped out of it by Lucy, who tells him that he “Never had to save"You, she just wanted him"to live."

The hearty Cyberpunk: Edgerunners The moment only gets sadder when David admits that he is "Nothing left.” After losing so many people—his mom, Dorio, Maine, and others— The protagonist uses what little fighting spirit he has left to make sure Lucy has a shot at going to the moon.

David Martinez (Kenichiro Ohashi) is a stressed child living in the slums of Night City in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. To survive, David becomes an egenrunner, also known as cyberpunk, and takes on mercenary jobs outside the system. Together with a group of new and veteran edge runners, David will shoot for the moon to escape the underbelly of the increasingly cyber-obsessed city. Unfortunately, the law isn't the only group the Edgendrunners will have to contend with, as other heavily cyber-augmented humans will be an even more significant threat.


Aoi Yuki, Kenichiro Ohashi, Kenjiro Tsuda, Kazuhiko Inoue, Tomoyo Kurosawa

Release date

September 13, 2022
