Game of Thrones redefined TV, scorching the pop culture landscape like one of Daenerys Targaryen's dragons and destroying everything in its path. This is true for the entire series, which has become one of the biggest and most talked about programs we have witnessed throughout its rununtil Game of Thrones' ending (as controversial as it was). While this may have been an ignominious way out, at best, Thrones It was unlike anything seen before.
The biggest Game of Thrones Episodes come in various shapes and sizes. There are battles that changed the kind of scale and spectacle you can expect on the small screen, twists so shocking they broke the internet, and smaller, character-driven episodes that showed the heart of the series, led by the incredible Game of Thrones cast. Through ups and downs, tragedies and triumphs, and with more deaths than one can count, the best episodes offered memorable TV that few shows could dream of.
Honorable Mentions:
Season 1, Episode 5, 'The Wolf and the Lion'
Season 1, Episode 7, 'You Win or You Die'
Season 2, Episode 6, 'The Gods Old and the New'
Season 3, Episode 6, 'The Climb'
Season 3, Episode 7, 'The Bear & The Maiden Fair'
Season 7, Episode 7, 'The Dragon and the Wolf'
Mother's mercy
Season 5, Episode 10
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: David Nutter
- Original broadcast date: June 14, 2015
- Main events: The deaths of Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon and Meryn Trant; Cersei Lannister's walk of shame.
Even after the main episodes "Hardhome" and "The Dance of Dragons", Game of Thrones the end of season 5 is an hour filled with massive, game-changing moments and deaths at once shocking and satisfying. I didn't entirely love how the series handled Stannis's arc, but the inevitable, grim demise of his death when the fight ends is quite fitting. And the other deaths in the episode are much better.
Myrcella was never a character, unfortunately, but her death, after she admits that she knows Jaime is her father, in the most sincere moment of incest possible, presents a tragic front. Arya Stark's revenge against Meryn Trant is on the other end of the spectrum, the kind of bloody, violent, bloody murder that Thrones makes you cheer, because it's happening to a bastard.
Jon Snow's death, of course, grabs the headlines. In retrospect, this was a tough one because it was so obvious that he would return in Season 6, which lessens the impact a bit, but there's no denying its place as a monumental cliffhanger at the time. However, the episode really belongs to Lena Headeywhich makes Cersei, so often vile, a figure of sympathy during the harrowing walk of shame.
Winter is coming
Season 1, Episode 1
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Tim Van Patten
- Original broadcast date: April 17, 2011
- Main events: The Starks encounter the direwolves; King Robert asks Ned Stark to be his new Hand; Daenerys receives three dragon eggs; Bran Stark is pushed from the tower.
The episode that started it all isn't as big or exciting as some of those that followed, but the feat it accomplishes is almost as impressive as some of the big battles and shocking deaths. This is our first step into this world on screenand it's an episode that should be character-packed, spread across multiple locations, and packed with detail, yet still accessible enough to draw viewers into a fantasy series.
It could have gone wrong so easily. In fact, it is he did went spectacularly wrong, with the original unreleased pilot having to be heavily reworked because it simply didn't work. This only makes “Winter Is Coming” even more miraculous. Everything we need, from the Starks meeting the direwolves to Daenerys getting her dragon eggs, to the icy threat of the White Walkers, politics and the lines between good and evil, are here, with a final moment that lets us you know this show won't be like anything else. And hey, Sean Bean is in it, he's going to be really important to the whole show, right?
And now your watch has ended
Season 3, Episode 4
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Alex Graves
- Original broadcast date: April 21, 2013
- Main events: Daenerys has Drogon kill Kraznys and free the Unsullied; Jeor Mormont is killed by the Night's Watch mutineers.
An episode that could be better described by a single word: "Dracarios." It wasn't the first time Daenerys ordered her dragons to breathe fire; it definitely wouldn't be the last either. But it was this one that really defined not just the term, but much of Dany's arc: a powerful liberator, a different kind of ruler, a great hero, and the Mother of Dragons.
This triumphant, power-shifting scene is so important that it lingers long in the memory, and rightly so, thanks to Emilia Clarke's performance and Graves' direction.
This triumphant, power-shifting scene is so important that it lingers long in the memory, and rightly so, thanks to Emilia Clarke's performance and Graves' direction, which contributes nicely to the reveal of High Valyrian's bait-and-switch. Danny. Still, the rest of the episode is also pretty good, if not quite as memorable. The Lord Commander's death is a brutal twist, as is the revelation that Theon's "escape" was just another part of Ramsay's sick games.
Fire and Blood
Season 1, Episode 10
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Alan Taylor
- Original broadcast date: June 19, 2011
- Main events: Daenerys' dragons are born; the consequences of Ned Stark's death; Robb Stark is proclaimed King in the North.
How do you possibly follow the wait-it-seriously-happened moment that was Ned Stark's death? If you are Game of Thronesyou did this with another fundamental change to the very structure of the show that, while not quite as shocking, is equally seismic: dragons. Daenerys emerging from Khal Drogo's funeral pyre unharmed with three baby dragons is one of the series' defining imagesand a magical and mesmerizing moment.
Everything before that is also very good. Ned's death hangs over all of this, casting a sad, dark shadow over the proceedings as Sansa is confronted with the harrowing reality of being engaged to Joffrey, Jon Snow struggles with his divided loyalties, and Arya Stark is forced to face the first of several new identities - stories and themes that would shape them for several years. In a more triumphant moment, Robb is named King in the North, and if you don't get at least a little excited about the show's King in the North scenes, you might be a creature.
The laws of gods and men
Season 4, Episode 6
- Written by: Bryan Cogman
- Directed by: Alik Sakharov
- Original broadcast date: May 11, 2014
- Main events: Tyrion Lannister is tried for Joffrey's murder and demands trial by combat; Yara tries to rescue Theon, but he refuses.
Peter Dinklage won four Emmys for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. This was not between them. He lost to Aaron Paul, who was rewarded for the second part of the Breaking Badfinal season, and yet there's no greater Dinklage showcase than "The Laws of Gods & Men," aka The One With Tyrion's Trial. He is finally able to release all of Tyrion's anger and vitriolall the personal and political slights against the Imp bubbling up in a gush of bile and hatred in one of the show's biggest and best single scenes.
Nothing in the episode lives up to it, which isn't exactly a surprise, but it gets solid support. The rest the trial offers compelling courtroom dramaand Shae's betrayal of Tyrion adds an extra layer of sadness to the whole affair. This tragedy is also apparent in the Dreadfort, where Theon, or Reek, refuses his sister's rescue, meaning this episode is powerful, political, and moving.
The spoils of war
Season 7, Episode 4
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Matt Shakman
- Original broadcast date: August 6, 2017
- Main events: The Lannister and Tully armies are attacked by the Dothraki; Daenerys burns the armies with Drogon; Arya returns to Winterfell.
War is hell. Hell is fire. And the fire is a giant dragon, flying around and burning everything in sight to ash in a very literal flash of glory. Daenerys' escape to create her own Field of Fire is a moment we've been waiting for years: finally, we got to see exactly what a full-grown dragon was capable of doing to Westeros, and it was complete and utter devastation. .
Show aside, "The Spoils of War" does a great job of showing the fear that a dragon - and, before that, the Dothraki - instillseven if you're Jaime Lannister or Bronn of Blackwater. The latter, in particular, shines in this episode as the camera brilliantly follows him through the carnage.
It's an episode with another rewarding, exciting and long-awaited moment: Arya Stark returns to Winterfell. Not only that, but she gets involved in a huge sword fight that shows how far she's come. Jaime's cliffhanger at the end is a little cheap, but otherwise it's a spectacular highlight in a weaker season.
The Lion and the Rose
Season 4, Episode 2
- Written by: George R. R. Martin
- Directed by: Alex Graves
- Original broadcast date: April 13, 2014
- Main events: Joffrey marries Margaery Tyrell and is killed at his own wedding; Roose Bolton discovers that Theon is now Reek.
After the Red Wedding, we were all very prepared that anyone could die Game of Thrones. That didn't mean we were prepared to the show's biggest villain to be killed in the second episode of a season. The timing of this event is just one of its masterstrokes, as the episode builds up to Joffrey's death, spending so much time focusing on how detestable he really is. Jack Gleeson is gleefully vile here, even by Joff standards, as he torments Sansa, Tyrion, and anyone else he pleases.
That's it a fantastic script by Martin, and it's considered one of the most satisfying villain deaths ever seen on TV, mainly because it seemed like it would never happen. Finally, the king was dead and purple never looked so good. Outside of King's Landing, the Theon/Ramsay story continues to develop strongly, and Bran has some of his most intriguing visions, including a dragon flying over the capital, but the Purple Wedding is on this list.
The bells
Season 8, Episode 5
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Miguel Sapochnik
- Original broadcast date: May 12, 2019
- Main events: Varys is killed by Daenerys; Daenerys uses Drogon to burn King's Landing; the Hound fights the Mountain, and both die; Cersei and Jaime are killed by the collapse of the Red Keep.
"The Bells" is one of the Game of Thrones'most controversial episodes, but it also deserves to be remembered among the best. Yes, Daenerys' turn is shocking, and yes, even more could have been done to set it up, but it's still one of the most impressive and powerful episodes of the entire series. And what's more, is the one that looks pure George RR Martin in your themes (if you don't get the execution 100% right).
Game of Thrones Season 8's second big battle episode makes up for the darkness of "The Long Night" by setting everything on fire, burning so much that you want to look away, but instead you're forced to watch the chaos and devastation unfold. This is the horror of war; This is the power of dragons that should not be trifled with; This is the danger of supporting a prophesied hero and of believing in one's own destiny.
The episode belongs to Emilia Clarkewho does some of the series' best work with just her face, and Maisie Williams, whose Arya is our on-the-ground look at exploring the human cost of war. It's bold, brutal and brilliant.
The children
Season 4, Episode 10
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Alex Graves
- Original broadcast date: June 15, 2014
- Main events: Tyrion kills Tywin; Brienne fights the Hound; Arya leaves Westeros and goes to Braavos; Mance Rayder surrenders to Stannis; Bran meets the Three-Eyed Raven.
"The Children" doesn't have a singular moment as shocking and devastating as Ned Stark's execution or the Red Wedding, and yet it's as transformative for the series: a capstone not just to its best season, but to the story the show was in. saying so far. With Tywin Lannister dead, and Arya and Tyrion both separately heading to Essos, the chessboard pieces were not so scattered as the board itself had been destroyed, and we would be thrown into a new game.
The events of the Season 4 finale do their heavy lifting, for the most part. The fight between Hound and Brienne is one of the most visceral sequences in the series; Bran meeting the Three-Eyed Raven as a step into a more magical world; Arya sailing to Braavos in a sad but hopeful time.
Things after that would be messier, and one choice at the end is partly to blame: keeping Tyrion on good terms with Jaime, a stark contrast to how his escape plays out in the book. This move away from a darker Tyrion would hurt his and Daenerys' story, but at the moment, with all the meaning and satisfaction of Tywin's death looming, it didn't seem like a problem.
The door
Season 6, Episode 5
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Jack Bender
- Original broadcast date: May 22, 2016
- Main events: The Three-Eyed Raven is killed by the Night King; the truth of Hodor's name is revealed; Euron is crowned King of the Iron Islands.
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 5 opens the door to science fictionto Hodor's origin and one of the most harrowing twists you're likely to see. With Bran creating a closed time loop while attacking Hodor, things could easily feel too complicated, even for a fantasy show like this. But thanks to the script, Jack Bender's direction and the brilliant performances of the Hodor twins, Kristian Nairn and Sam Coleman, the meaning and emotion come through loud and clear.
This is also one of the most important episodes for the White Walkersfurther establishing the Night King's threat, and with the removal of a Three-Eyed Raven, it's a pivot to Bran's endgame as well, and the overarching threat feels terrifying and unstoppable here. There are also some other great scenes along the way, with Sansa confronting Littlefinger and Dany saying goodbye to Jorah, but it's Hodor who will be remembered, and rightly so.
Forget the door, someone hug me.
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Season 8, Episode 2
- Written by: Bryan Cogman
- Directed by: David Nutter
- Original broadcast date: April 21, 2019
- Main events: Winterfell prepares for the Long Night; Jaime rides Brienne; Jon Snow tells Daenerys his true parentage.
The last Game of Thrones episode that was almost universally liked before things in Season 8 took a few unexpected turns and then some, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" also serves as a throwback to the series' glory days. This is a peaceful episode, a calm before the worst of storms, but one where his characterization shines through.. Similar to the pre-battle scenes in “Blackwater,” this is an installment that reminds you that there are people fighting here and that takes the time to show their humanity, adding weight to the impending massacre.
There are several great moments here, but none better than Jaime knighting Brienne of Tarth, an emotional high point not just of Season 8 but of their beautiful, unlikely bond.
There are several great moments here, but none better than Jaime knighting Brienne of Tarth, an emotional high point not just of Season 8 but of their beautiful, unlikely bond. Similarly poignant is Podrick’s version of “Jenny of Oldstones,” a mournful musical number that feels a bit like a farewell to the series itself. Warmed by the embrace of fire and the characters we love, the hour is a bittersweet and haunting reminder of how far things have come and what awaits us in the cold.
Battle of the Bastards
Season 6, Episode 9
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Miguel Sapochnik
- Original broadcast date: June 19, 2016
- Main events: The Battle of Meereen; Rickon is killed by Ramsay; the battle between Jon and Ramsay's armies; the knights of the Vale arrive and save the day; Jon beats Ramsay to a pulp; Sansa gives Ramsay to feed his own dogs.
"Battle of the Bastards" is the episode to show how Game of Thrones raised the bar for what cinematic television can be. Purely in terms of scale, it's one of the most impressive feats committed to the small screen; the eponymous battle is a feast for the senses, with an absurd amount of extras involved. It's also one that really shows how horrible, bloody, and dirty war is, and it's all the more spectacular for it.
On a character level, Sapochnik does an excellent job of focusing on Jon Snow throughout, from the bravery of his resistance against the charging horses, to following him through the carnage and the near suffocation that leaves viewers struggling to breathe as well. . It's frantic, furious and fantastic to watch.
I think compared to some of the other battle episodes, this suffers a bit because of its predictability with the Knights of the Vale coming in, some questionable logic, and its good versus evil sides making it very clear what is going to happen. Even so, in addition to how technically impressive it isit's also so satisfying when Jon beats Ramsay to a pulp, and even more so when Sansa feeds him to the dogs.
Watchers on the wall
Season 4, Episode 9
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Neil Marshall
- Original broadcast date: June 8, 2014
- Main events: The battle between the Night's Watch and the Wildlings; Ygritte is killed by Olly and dies in Jon Snow's arms; Grenn helps defend the gate from a giant.
Somehow I feel like “Watchers on the Wall,” an episode that has a 9.6/10 on IMDb, has become a little underrated in the years since it first aired. And a lot of that is probably due to “Battle of the Bastards,” which certainly took things up a notch in terms of scale, but I don’t think it surpassed that in terms of story or excitement.
The battle itself, however, is incredibly impressive. The spectacle is surprising, the fight is breathtaking and breathtakingand makes full use of its setup, especially when the Wall's scythe is released. The intensity of the battle never lets up, but it also never forgets to put emphasis on the characters, whether it's Janos Slynt's cowardice, Alliser Throne proving he's a true man of the Night's Watch, or Grenn and company defending the gate from a damn giant. .
At the center of it all is Jon Snow and Ygritte's romance. Their ending was always going to be tragic, but that doesn't prepare you for how it turns out, and that the episode finds time in the middle of it all for Jon to hold a dying Ygritte in his arms, with overwhelming feelings of love and loss, elevates this episode considerably. Oh, and fuck Olly.
The mountain and the viper
Season 4, Episode 8
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Alex Graves
- Original broadcast date: June 1, 2014
- Main events: Oberyn Martell fights Gregor Clegane at Tyrion's trial by combat; the Viper is about to win, before the Mountain crushes his skull; Daenerys discovers that Jorah spied on her for King Robert; Roose legitimizes Ramsay.
This is an episode that has two moments that sum up the series well. One is, of course, the fight that gives the episode its name: Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane vs. Oberyn “The Viper” Martell. Styles generate fights, and this confrontation is the best of them in Game of Thronesas Oberyn spins and dances around the Mountain's heavy blows. It's an electrifying encounter, made even better by the fact that Viper has the advantage in almost everything, with Pedro Pascal both charismatic and furious, until...
Yes, everything goes wrong for the most part Game of Thrones in the most graphic way possible, with the most graphic images in the show, as his head is smashed to a bloody pulp. It's a horrible reminder that the good guys often lose, that you should never get too attachedand that nothing happens the way you think.
This is also the episode where Sansa begins to transform into a true player in the game in the Valewhere Jorah is painfully banished by Daenerys, where Ramsay Snow is legitimized in yet another victory for the villains. But the other defining moment is when Arya finally arrives at the Eyrie, so close to her family, discovers that her Aunt Lysa is dead and... laughs. Because after so much horror, so much death and so many things wrong at every step Game of Thronesif you don't laugh, you cry. Quite a lot.
Season 1, Episode 9
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Alan Taylor
- Original broadcast date: June 12, 2011
- Main events: Ned Stark is executed; Robb Stark agrees to marry one of Walder Frey's daughters and captures Jaime; Daenerys goes into labor with Khal Drogo close to death; Jon Snow receives Longclaw.
The genius of “Baelor” isn’t just Ned Stark’s death. This is making us believe, until the last second before his own sword hits his neck, that he will not die. The penultimate episode of season 1 uses storytelling conventions to its advantage: the main character, the hero, the biggest name in the cast... you can't just kill them before the first season even ends. It's a time that leaves us sitting in hope and expectation that he will make it, and then takes it all away in an instant.
The execution is, well, perfectly executed, nailing the tension and emotion of the sceneand doing a great job of focusing on the reactions of key participants. He uses Ned's death not just as an end point, but as a gateway into the real story, showing how unstable Joffrey is and how lost the Starks are. Notably, it also begins the build-up to the next most shocking death, with Robb being engaged to Walder Frey's daughter.
It's easy to forget that there's a lot of great work here beyond Ned's death, which is a testament to this moment. Things like Jaime being captured and Daenerys going into labor are incredibly dramatic in their own right. But with Ned's death, this is the true beginning of Game of Thrones.
Kissed by fire
Season 3, Episode 5
- Written by: Bryan Cogman
- Directed by: Alex Graves
- Original broadcast date: June 1, 2014
- Main events: Jaime reveals to Brienne the truth about killing the Mad King; the Hound defeats Berric Dondarrion in a combat trial; Jon Snow breaks his Night's Watch vows to Ygritte.
Along with the big battles and shocking twists, 'Kissed By Fire' doesn't get as much attention, but this underrated gem of a mid-Season 3 episode deserves to be talked about in the same breath as those much larger installments. There's a lot of rich character work from Bryan Cogman hereand some incredible moments that really add to the story of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and deepen the entire series.
Case in point: Jaime telling Brienne why he really killed the Mad King. It's one of my favorite moments in the entire series, played with surprising raw emotion by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and turning everything we knew about the Kingslayer upside down in an instant, the perfect example of how complex these characters really are.
This is true throughout the episode, with Jon giving in to his feelings and beginning his doomed romance with Ygritte in another beautiful moment, and another doomed romance coming closer to its conclusion, with Robb Stark's plan to take Casterly Rock with the help of of the Freys. The fierce fight between the Hound and Beric is also a highlight, especially with Beric being brought back from the dead, adding to the fantastical nature of the world. There's still time for a lot of manipulation from Tywin as he plans to marry Tyrion and Cersei to Sansa and Loras, respectively.
Season 5, Episode 8
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Miguel Sapochnik
- Original broadcast date: May 31, 2015
- Main events: The Night's Watch and the Wildlings are massacred by the army of the dead; Jon Snow kills a White Walker; the Night King raises the dead; Tyrion convinces Dany to let him advise her; Theon tells Sansa that Bran and Rickon are still alive.
It almost seems unfair to include this Game of Thrones' battle episodes, because "Hardhome" isn't really a battle - it's a massacre. But it's this horror and carnage, which you can only watch in awe and terror, that makes it such a memorable film. After years of building them in the background, This was the first real sign of what the White Walkers were capable of. And when the Night King raised his arms and the dead rose with him, it felt like pure, chilling cinema.
The fight between the living and the dead is as thrilling and terrifying as almost any zombie media from the last decade; Jon Snow killing a White Walker was a rare and shocking heroic moment, in contrast to the icy desolation, which was one of the first - but not the last - demonstrations of what a great director Miguel Sapochnik is. That's not just because of how he captures the action, but how he captures the character within it, whether it's Jon, other brothers of the Night's Watch, or wildlings like Karsi, there's a compelling human drama driving the inhuman slaughter.
The episode should also be remembered by Daenerys "break the wheel" speechan iconic moment in its own right that gave the series one of its defining themes, and for finally bringing her and Tyrion together. It's also a turning point for Theon, one of the series' biggest redemption arcs. But even if it was just the massacre at Hardhome, it would be worthy of a very high place.
Season 2, Episode 9
- Written by: George R. R. Martin
- Directed by: Neil Marshall
- Original broadcast date: May 27, 2012
- Main events: The Battle of the Blackwater, between the forces of Joffrey (commanded by Tyrion) and Stannis; the Hound turns against the crown and leaves the battle and King's Landing; Tyrion is brutally attacked by Ser Mandon Moore; Cersei is about to poison Tommen when it is revealed that the Lannisters have won.
That was Game of Thrones' first episode of battle royale and while they certainly got much, much bigger as the budget grew, I don't think they got any better. This is not to downplay the achievements of others, but simply to amplify the sheer brilliance of “Blackwater.” The action is great: Neil Marshall does an excellent job; the fight scenes are dirty and brutal; the explosion of the green fire is, to this day, one of the most indelible images in the program's history; and the chaos that ensues is what a battle should be like.
Even with all this, the true strength of “Blackwater” lies in the script and the performances. This was one of four Game of Thrones episodes written by George RR Martinand it's the best of them. It gets the tension and flow of the battle right, but even more so it centers some remarkable character work that addresses their own fears.
Tyrion's bravery is one of Peter Dinklage's finest moments; Lena Headey makes Cersei more human and relatable; Rory McCann turns the Hound into more than we expected. By threading the needle between war, its horrors, its heroes, villains and victims, Martin reveals the human heart at the center of the story.
The rains of Castamere
Season 3, Episode 9
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: David Nutter
- Original broadcast date: June 2, 2013
- Main events: The Red Wedding(!!!), with the deaths of Robb and Catelyn; Bran attacks Hodor; Jon Snow leaves the Wildlings behind; Daenerys takes control of Yunkai.
This is placed at number 2 on the list, but is actually more like 1B; if you want to call it the best, I wouldn't really argue (I just think the next edition offers even more). In a sense, this is the Game of Thrones episode; the one that elevated the show to internet success and defined a decade, became. And rightly so too, because as a moment it never gets better than the Red Wedding. Whether you know what's coming or not, it's one of the most intense, shocking, visceral and powerful sequences in TV history.
Honestly, the Red Wedding alone is enough to make this rating so highbecause it's such a transformative moment (for the show and for pop culture), and a writing and directing masterclass in lulling the audience into a false sense of security, gradually warning things are wrong and then allowing all hell to break loose. happen loose in the most impressive and scream-inducing way possible. But there are also many good things outside of the Red Wedding.
Bran attacking Hodor is a surprising and powerful moment in and of itself. Jon betraying the Wildlings, and more specifically Ygritte, is an emotional climax to one of Season 3's best stories. Daenerys taking Yunkai gives her another triumph. This is all very good in itself. They're understandably overlooked alongside the horror of the Red Wedding, but they help make this episode one of the series' best.
The winds of winter
Season 6, Episode 10
- Written by: David Benioff and DB Weiss
- Directed by: Miguel Sapochnik
- Original broadcast date: June 26, 2019
- Main events: Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor, killing the High Sparrow and Margaery Tyrell; Tommen takes his own life; Cersei is crowned Queen; visions from the Tower of Joy confirm that Lyanna Stark is Jon Snow's mother; Jon Snow is named King in the North; Daenerys Targaryen sails to Westeros; Arya Stark kills Walder Frey.
"The Winds of Winter", the Game of Thrones The Season 6 finale might be the closest the series has ever come to pure fan-service territory. But fan service, when done well, is just a reward. AND this climactic episode was the payoff for years of the show's biggest storylinescoming with a sensational mix of history and spectacle. From the beginning - the slow build, accompanied by Ramin Djawadi's best musical moment, and ending with the impressive explosion of Sept of Baelor - until the end, this is an edition where the hits don't stop coming.
It's satisfying in a lot of different ways. The Sept's explosion kills one of its most heinous villains, the High Sparrow, while losing Margaery Tyrell in the process, followed by King Tommen's suicide. Arya Stark finally reclaims her identity – the central struggle of her entire arc – and takes revenge on Walder Frey... and somehow, it's not even the most exciting moment of the moment, as Jon Snow is crowned King in the North. The Tower of Joy, however, not only explains the truth about Jon's mother, but does so in a truly powerful and moving way.
This was all great Game of Thrones up until that point, distilled into one perfect episode.
Finally, there's Daenerys sailing to Westeros, a moment that everyone has wanted for a long time and that seemed like it would never happen. This was all great Game of Thrones up until that point, distilled into one perfect episode. It was one that saw Jon and Cersei being crowned, and Dany going on to achieve her own, and that ended up being the show's greatest achievement. While waiting for George RR Martin The winds of winter continues, "The Winds of Winter" will certainly do well.