In Marvel lore, the Hulk is famous for 'The Strongest One There Is' - but one character coming soon to the MCU has proven he doesn't deserve that title... breaking every bone in your body. It's a feat almost no one has ever matched, however, a forgotten piece of Marvel lore suggests there's a truly impressive reason why Hulk was destined to lose this fight.
In 2005 Sentinel #3 by Paul Jenkins, John Romita Jr., Mark Morales, Dean White and Rus Wooton, Bob Reynolds' Sentinel asks Hulk for help. He is chasing his enemy, the General, into the Negative Zone - a place where his own powers are greatly weakened. Hulk agrees, but when the two arrive, they find the Void waiting for them. The Sentry's enemy attacks, breaking the Hulk's bones as a 'lesson' not to oppose him.
Bob Reynolds' Sentinel will soon make his MCU debut in 2025 Rays*played by Lewis Pullman. Although the Void was originally believed to be a separate entity, it was eventually revealed to be an aspect of Bob's own personality, who - once he became the Sentry - became linked to a source of supernatural power, guided by his repressed fears and self-loathing.
Void vs Hulk exposed the little-known vulnerability of the Green Goliath and the class of beings that not even the Hulk can match.
The Sentry's empty form broke the Hulk
The Thunderbolts' Next Hero* Has a BIG Dark Side
The Hulk's gamma powers make him the strongest and most durable mortal being in Marvel lore, but alongside the Void, even the Hulk has been beaten and broken. Part of this may be because the Sentry has a calming effect on the Hulk, meaning he was at a low level of rage when he fought the Void. But even so, the Void still crushed Hulk like it was nothing, with the next issue confirming that the villain made good on his promise to break every bone in Hulk's body.
The Sentry's origin has been altered and tweaked since his introduction in 2000, but in modern lore he gained powers after ingesting an extremely concentrated version of the recreated Super-Soldier Serum. This gave him the power to "a million exploding suns", but it also apparently attracted a primordial dark force. Unable to handle his powers as a human, Bob effectively created the Sentry and the Void as alternate personasseparating their new powers into different forms they initially believed to be separate beings.
Hulk's fight against Zeus explains why the Void hurt him so much – it's actually an ancient god.
Sentry has always been a deeply troubled hero, suffering from intense agoraphobia and paranoia regarding the Void, but he is also perhaps the most powerful superhero in Marvel lore. Bob Reynolds' true power is controlling reality at the molecular levelhowever, as a Sentinel he tends to use this ability to generate more traditional superpowers, such as flight, super strength and energy projection. Connected to Bob's unconscious, the Void has far fewer limits and is known to resurrect the dead, teleport between dimensions, and manifest a form of energy so powerful that the unified Avengers could not defeat it without being enhanced by Asgardian magic.
However, as powerful as the Sentry is, previous lore suggests that the Void's ability to defeat the Hulk was not due to physical strength alone, but rather his inherent nature as a literal god. This is one of the Hulk's few vulnerabilities, and the source of his other biggest beatdown in Marvel history.
Sentry beat Hulk because he is a God
Hulk vs Zeus revealed Green Goliath's greatest vulnerability
from Hulk other the most devastating defeat occurred at the hands of Zeus, king of the Greek gods. The two fought at Greg Pak, Paul Pelletier, Danny Miki, Paul Mounts and Simon Bowland's Incredible Hulks #622. Hulk attacks Zeus in an attempt to force the god to heal his friends. Sadly, Hulk finds himself at a disadvantage - Zeus brutalizes the Jade Giant, breaking his ribcageand then condemns him to be eaten by vultures for all eternity (although he secretly knows that Hercules will help Hulk escape).
The story later explains that Zeus destroying Hulk wasn't a matter of physical power - Hulk confronted Zeus on Mount Olympus, a place where his divine power is at its peak and the laws of reality essentially follow his command. The gods have a unique ability to hurt the Hulkwhich may explain how the Void harmed him so much. In Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodato Jr., Rain Beredo and Cory Petit's Dark Avengers #13it is strongly suggested that the Void is the Biblical Angel of Death.
While Marvel hasn't expanded on this backstory much, the issue does show the Void energy present during the final plague in 1600 BC, suggesting the entity that attached itself to Bob is some form of ancient personification of God's wrath. Breaking the HulkThe giant's bones seem to support this jaw-dropping possibility, especially given the Green Goliath's weakness to deities, and makes it clear why the SentinelThe upcoming MCU premiere is a big deal for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.