Warning: Contains spoilers for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Jojo's Strange Adventure is filled with incredibly strong characters, naturally leading some fans to wonder who is the strongest character in the anime series. While the series started with a decent baseline of power in Phantom blood And Battle tendencyThe strength and complexity of the series' characters only increased with the introduction of the show's redefining stands in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Stands can have a wild range of abilities, meaning even literal babies can wield an impressive amount of power.
More than just raw power or broken abilities though, all the most dangerous Jojo's Strange Adventure The characters need to combine the innate capabilities of their stand with a fair amount of strategy and forethought..
This is truly what makes the series so memorable, as the combination of wild powers with deep tactics makes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Best fights Feel just as much like chess matches as they do outright brawls. Therefore, the strongest Jojo Characters are also the ones with the best minds.
Okuyasu Nijimura can destroy anything in his path
Part 4: Diamond is unbreakable
Okuyasu Nijimura is an ally of Josuke Higashikata, and his rock, the Hand, wields the enormous power to destroy the space directly in front of him, no matter what is contained within it. The hand literally alters the fabric of space, erasing it entirely from existence, along with anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be contained within.. It's a tremendously powerful stone, but it's rarely used to its fullest potential because Okuyasu isn't particularly smart.
First episode |
Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 3 |
Rock name |
the hand |
Japanese voice actor |
Jalen K. Cassell and Wataru Takagi Japanese |
English voice actor |
Jalen K. Cassell |
The Hand's ability also tends to patch the space that has been erased, allowing him to close the distance between himself and enemies by literally erasing the space between them. The only real weakness of the hand is that it requires a sweeping movement of the right hand of his stand, one can potentially destroy the movement, preventing him from clearing the space they occupy.
Prosciutto will age any enemy to death
Part 5: Golden Wind
Prosciutto is an assassin who works for Passione, the Italian mafia group that Bucciarati and his allies supposedly belong to. sent to kill them after they began to be a thorn in Diavlo's side, Prosciutto has the Stand Grateful Dead, which allows him to release a field that causes anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in it to age quickly, ultimately killing them.. This can also make it a threat to Prosciutto's allies, but it also has the ability to age a person by grabbing them directly, which is much safer for Prosciutto and his allies.
First episode |
Golden wind, episode 10 |
Rock name |
The great dead |
Japanese voice actor |
Tatsuhisa Suzuki |
English voice actor |
Bill Millsap |
Prosciutto himself is immune to the effects of the Stunt, though he can choose to be temporarily affected if it is advantageous to him. The only counter to Grateful Dead is to lower the body temperature, which slows or even stops the effect.
Pannacotta Fugo controls one of the deadliest stands ever
Part 5: Golden Wind
Pannacotta Fugo was an ally of Bucciarati and a member of his team, who finally left the team relatively early in part 5. It is a shame that he left the story so early, as Fugo has one of the strongest stands ever seen. His stone, Purple Haze, created clouds of deadly viruses that devour the flesh of anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by them, ultimately killing them in less than 30 seconds.. The main drawback of this ability is that the viruses target indiscriminately, making it a potential danger to allies and enemies.
First episode |
Golden wind, episode 4 |
Rock name |
Purple Haze |
Japanese voice actor |
Junia Enoki and Hisfumi Oda |
English voice actor |
Ezra Weiss |
Purple Haze was also somewhat difficult to control, often overexcited in its violence. Certain creatures may be able to create antibodies to the virus, which can be used to treat its effectss, but this of course must happen rapidly, which few enemies have a chance to do before it is too late.
Yoshikage Kira wields mastery over time loops
Part 4: Diamond is unbreakable
Yoshikage Kira is the big villain of part 4, and has power befitting the ultimate enemy. His rock, Killer Queen, has a wide variety of powers, and evolves further over time. It can turn anything into a bomb simply by making contact with it, making it exceptionally dangerous in close-quarters fights. It also possesses the ability Sheer Heart Attack, which creates an autonomous, target-seeking bomb that will chase its target down to the ends of the earth in order to destroy them.
First episode |
Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 17 |
Rock name |
Killer queen |
Japanese voice actor |
Toshiyuki Morikawa |
English voice actor |
DC Douglas |
Kira's ultimate power, Bites the Dust, allowed him to create a bomb that triggered a time loopResets time by one hour when an event he specifies occurs, such as revealing his identity, making him nearly impossible to defeat.
Chariot Requiem has incredible soul manipulation and regeneration
Part 5: Golden Wind
Chariot Requiem is Jean Pierre Polnareff's evolved stand ability, after being exposed to the Stand Arrow. Once it develops, it becomes completely independent of Polnareff, acting on its own initiative. It possesses an incredible regenerative ability, being able to attach its arm and carry on as if nothing had happened, a power almost unheard of in Jojo. Every living being in a massive radius is put to sleep for hours, and it can exchange the souls of the sleeping bodies with each other at will, effectively swapping bodies.
First episode |
Golden wind, episode 33 |
User |
Jean Pierre Polnareff |
Chariot Requiem's power over the very souls of living things makes it exceptionally dangerous for a stand, as they are already soul-based powers. It can even partially control the actions of stands nearby, turning them against their masters. These abilities make Chariot Requiem nearly unstoppable, if it weren't for one glaring weakness: a psychic light that creates the shadows it hides within.
Josuke Higashikata's stone has the ability to shape and reshape anything
Part 4: Diamond is unbreakable
Part 3 of Jojo's Strange Adventure Stands were introduced, but it wasn't until Part 4's Josuke that the series would get truly creative with its heroes' stand. Josuke's Crazy Diamond is an all-around powerhouse with the incredibly useful ability to reshape anything it punches. Given Josuke's supportive personality, he often uses this ability to heal his friends and allies in battle. If this was his only use for Crazy Diamond, Josuke would still be quite powerful, but his true power lies in how he uses it on offense.
First episode |
Diamond is unbreakable, episode 1 |
Rock name |
crazy diamond |
Japanese voice actor |
Yuki Ono |
English voice actor |
Billy Comets |
Josuke has a variety of impressive battles throughout Diamond is unbreakableBut few show how ridiculously crazy Diamond can be like his battle against serial killer Angelo. After a long and tense battle, Josuke tails Angelo and uses Crazy Diamond to correct the villain with a literal rock.
Few fates are quite as disturbing as Angelo's, and that's more than enough to have Josuke rank among Jojo Strongest fighters.
Vanilla Ice is Dio's most powerful minion
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Part of what makes Dio so powerful in Stardest Crusaders are his many powerful minions, And none even come close to the strength of vanilla ice cream. One of the few followers of Dio blessed with vampirism, even without his stone Vanilla Ice would be incredibly difficult to kill. What makes this innate strength even worse is that it is coupled with one of the strongest stands from Part 3, Cream.
First episode |
Stardust Crusaders, Episode 42 |
Rock name |
Cream |
Japanese voice actor |
Sho Hayami |
English voice actor |
Jalen K. Cassell |
Cream has the ability to essentially eat matter and reduce it to nothing. Boosting Ice's defenses even further, he can also hide in his rock as it turns invisible and leaves a wake of destruction. These abilities are enough to let Vanilla Ice kill two Stardust Crusaders and incapacitate a thirdWhich is a feat even Dio couldn't accomplish (though he came close).
Rohan Kishibe is the world's strongest manga artist
Part 4: Diamond is unbreakable
The only one Jojo Character to receive an official spinoff written and drawn by series creator Hirohiko Araki himself, Rohan Kishibe is a fan favorite who is no slouch in the power department. his rock, Heaven's Door, has the ability to turn any person into a living book, with their pages read by Rohan. While this may just be a way for the prolific manga artist to gather research, he can also use the ability to erase memories and even give people commands.
First episode |
Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 14 |
Rock name |
Heaven's door |
Japanese voice actor |
Takahiro Sakurai |
English voice actor |
Vic Mignogna, Landon McDonald |
In addition to his powers with Heaven's Door, Rohan seems to have other abilities that haven't been fully explained yet. During Father Pucci's time acceleration in part 6, it is explicitly stated that Rohan is the only mangaka who delivers his manga in timeA power, heaven door should theoretically not be given to him. In addition to this, Rohan is the only character to exist in both Jojo Original universe and the reboot universe began in part 7. All of this means that Rohan may very well be much more powerful than his known powerset implies.
Jotaro Kujo is smart and strong in equal measure
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro is easy JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Most iconic hero, which makes sense how powerful he really is. His rock, Star Platinum starts as a physically imposing bruiser that can deliver a hail of bullet-speed punches that slow down even the strongest of enemies. The strength of Star Platinum combined with Jotaro's genius mind make him one of the most well-rounded stone users in the history of the series.
First episode |
Stardust Crusaders, Episode 1 |
Rock name |
Star Platinum |
Japanese voice actor |
Daisuke Ono |
English voice actor |
Matthew Mercer |
Jotaro's impressive power is only amplified when, in the climax of Part 3, it is discovered that Star Platinum actually possesses the same time-stopping ability as Dio's stone, the world. With the world, Jotaro has a handful of precious seconds that he can use to rethink his strategy or to just go for an outright assault.
Unfortunately, as strong as he is at his peak, age does him little favor. Yet, in his early days, there was only one Jojo Character that can challenge Jotaro's power.
Dio Brando is the epitome of evil (and power)
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Although Dio is not JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Most powerful villain, it's not for lack of trying. With ambition and a deep hatred for the Joestar family since his earliest days, Dio's ugly side grew after he became a vampire due to the Stone Mask. This earned him regenerative powers and a form of immortality that made him a nightmare for Jonathan to face. Phantom blood.
First episode |
Phantom Blood, Part 1 |
Rock name |
the world |
Japanese voice actor |
Takehito Koyasu |
English voice actor |
Andrei Chaikin |
The peak of the power, however, is not surprisingly in his rock, the world. With his ability to stop time for a few seconds, Dio is almost unbeatable. Although he eventually lost his life to Jotaro, it is repeatedly stated that if Dio lived much longer, his mastery over the world's powers would allow him to conquer the world.
This, combined with his incredible force of personality allowing him to recruit an entire army of Stun users, gives Dio the power in power despite his loss to Jotaro.
Diavolo's power more than earned him his title of boss
Part 5: Golden Wind
Another villain with the ability to manipulate time, Diavolo is Passione's mysterious boss. His sheer brutality and ruthlessness would be enough to make him innately dangerous, but the fact that he has a rock puts him over the edge. King Crimson has the somewhat complex ability to erase segments of time for others. This creates gaps in time where anyone foolish enough to resist Diavolo is essentially immobile.
First episode |
Golden wind, episode 33 |
Rock name |
King Crimson |
Japanese voice actor |
Katsuyuki Konishi |
English voice actor |
Kellen Goff |
Like Dio before him, Diavolo also has an intimidating aura that all but forces everyone under him to follow his orders. Although he was eventually taken down by Giorno, it took one of the series' most savage powers of all time to bring down Passione's mafia boss. If it wasn't for the faculty, there were very few who could have stood in the way.
Cars don't need a rock to be the ultimate lifestyle
Part 2: Battle Tendency
Although Phantom blood And Battle tendency Contains some powerful heroes and villains, but one never needs a rock to be between JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Strongest letters. A type of incredibly powerful being called a Pillar Man, Kars is from a race of humans who deliberately created vampires just for the purpose of eating them. Kars initial abilities include body manipulation, energy absorption and super speed, making him dangerous even at base power.
First episode |
Battle Tendency, Episode 5 |
Japanese voice actor |
Kazuhiko Inoue |
English voice actor |
John Demita |
After receiving the red stone from Aja, Kars's power reaches insane levels. Kars is able to essentially adapt the abilities and biology of any animal, is unreasonably strong and can even use Ripple At such a high level that it can literally melt flesh. The only reason Joseph was even able to hit cars was a lucky break that led to the villain being launched into space. If Cars had survived to develop a stand, it is quite possible that he would have been Jojo Strongest character.
Weather Report's mastery of the weather makes him a walking disaster
Part 6: Stone Ocean
Initially a strong ally of Jolyne in Stone OceanWeather Report's hatred of Father Pucci is channeled in some truly devastating ways. As an ultrapowerful version of X-Men rage, Weather's Stand is able to use climate phenomena for a variety of wild effects. Veter uses his rock to fly, create suits of air, and most famously to summon a hail of poison dart frogs. If anything strange has happened to the weather, it is in weather's arsenal.
First episode |
Stone Ocean, Episode 10 |
Rock name |
Weather report |
Japanese voice actor |
Yuichiro Umehara |
English voice actor |
Stephen Fu |
In addition to this impressive base power, the return of his memory and his hatred for Pucci gives him the unconscious ability of severe weather. Driven by the disgust of the stand user of humanity, Severe weather creates a series of rainbows that make anyone who sees them believe they are snails.. This belief is so strong that it essentially makes the belief a reality. While it's not quite realistic warping, Heavy Weather comes close, cementing The Weather Report's rank among the strongest series.
Giorno Giovanna inflicts endless torment on his enemies
Part 5: Golden Wind
Giorno is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Strongest Jojo, and it's not particularly close. own the stone golden experience, Giorno has the ability to make inorganic material organic and vice versa. Much like Josuke before him, this gives Giorno a wide range of options for each stand-up battle. Giorno uses his stone to scout, to heal his teammates and to boost the power of attacks.
First episode |
Golden wind, episode 1 |
Rock name |
Golden experience Requiem, golden experience |
Japanese voice actor |
Kensho Ono |
English voice actor |
Philip Rich |
After Giorno pierces the golden experience with the stunned arrow, although his power truly unlocks. Requiem possesses the power of negation, making it unable to undo almost anything negative that happens to it.. Even more than that, everything struck by Golden Experience Requiem is sent into an endless time loop where they are forced to relive horrible deaths over and over again.
It may seem hard to believe that anyone in Jojo's Strange Adventure Can stretch The reality-bending powers of Giorno and Golden Experience, but one villain manages it.
Father Enrico Pucci literally restarted the universe
Part 6: Stone Ocean
Father Pucci is not just one of these JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Strongest Characters He ranks among the strongest anime characters of all time. The corrupt priest starts the ability to steal people's memories, gains the ability to control gravity, and finally can accelerate time at a rapid rate. Time acceleration is powerful enough on its own, but the fact that it gives Pucci unmatched speed and the ability to react to anything before his opponents can even think.
First episode |
Stone Ocean, Episode 8 |
Rock name |
Made in Heaven, C-Moon, Whitesnake, |
Japanese voice actor |
Tomokazu Seki |
English voice actor |
Young yes |
While it might be tempting to say that these abilities alone don't make Pucci a match for Giorno, Pucci's final stand, Made in Heaven is actually the perfect counter to Golden Experience Requiem. Giorno's Stand can certainly deflect any attack, but it cannot negate the passive effects of time acceleration caused by Made in Heaven. Although this can be chalked up to speculation, the fact that Pucci rebooted JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Universe a handful of times without Giorno stopping it is proof enough of who's the stronger.
Although Pucci is ultimately brought down by Emporio using Weather Report's Stand, no one else Jojo Character wielded the kind of power that Pucci had. Finally, there should be no doubt that Father Pucci Is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Strongest character.
All episodes of Jojo's Strange Adventure are streaming on Netflix