Mercy's Pink Skin, initially rare due to limited release, became common upon re-release in June 2024.
Brigitte Medic Skin, exclusive to the 2022 Twitch event, saw low purchase rates due to the unpopular design.
Skins from the first season of the Overwatch League, such as Florida Mayhem, Los Angeles Valiant, and San Francisco Shock, are rare.
Determining the rarest Surveillance skins is incredibly difficult, as the statistics of how many skins are purchased are not public knowledge. That said, it is possible to narrow down which skins are likely to be the rarest based on a number of factors, including how long the skins were available, whether the skins were later reintroduced into the game, and whether players had to pay for something to obtain them. them.
Skins like Mercy's Pink Skin, offered in partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, were quite rare, but were re-released in June 2024, making them much less rare today. Surveillance was originally released on May 24, 2016, and has since seen a sequel in Surveillance 2 as well as numerous events and updates that reintroduced skins, added new ones, and offered limited-time event skins. The sheer amount of skins in the game is mind-boggling, but there are some that haven't been brought back to the Overwatch Store.
Skin Brigitte Médica (2021)
Support a Twitch Streamer Event
Although there are ways to take advantage Surveillance 2 without spending money, getting Doctor Brigitte was certainly not one of them. This skin was only available during the 2022 Twitch "Support A Streamer" event for Surveillance 2which rewarded those who gifted three separate channels broadcasting the game.
The sentiment was well-intentioned, but the The $15 skin wasn't aesthetically a favorite among playerswhich made their purchase rates extremely low. Thus, Doctor Brigitte is one of the Surveillance 2the rarest skins of, despite being introduced recently.
Nano Cola D.Va (2018/2022)
Birthday Remix Challenge Event
This skin has rarely been offered as a challenge event reward twice, once in 2018 and once in 2022 as part of limited-time events. The first time, you just needed to complete matches to earn the Nano Cola D.Vaas it was a skin released to celebrate the new Busan map set in the character's home country of South Korea. However, it was only included for a few weeks before anyone could win it.
Fortunately, this skin was brought back during the Birthday Remix event in 2022, which saw the return of several classic skins. This included the Nano Cola, which was designed to look like a sponsorship suit for D.Va's mech that she would have done as a famous streamer in Surveillanceuniverse. Unfortunately, if you missed this event, you probably won't have the chance to collect this cosmetic.
Combatant Doctor Baptiste (2019/2022)
Story Launch Challenge Event
The support character Baptiste doesn't have many skins, but the Combat Medic the one he received in 2019 after the release of his story is considered a highlight. This skin is very different from Baptiste's other cosmetics, making it one of the most sought-after looks for this unique hero. Similar to D.Va's Nano Cola, Combat Medic was released as part of a limited-time challenge event that anyone could complete.
Once again, this skin returned during the Birthday Remix event in 2022, allowing many players to collect it. Since another event like the anniversary probably won't happen for some time, you won't be able to earn this skin anytime soon.
LEGO Bastion (2019)
Bastion Brick Challenge Event
The LEGO Legendary Brick Bastion Skin was part of a limited-time event called "Bastion's Brick Challenge" that took place in September 2019. The event provided players who participated with five sprays, six player icons and, of course, the colorful block cosmetic for everyone's favorite robot. In a official collaboration with LEGOthe skin was introduced along with some Surveillance-themed LEGO sets, some of which are still available on Amazon.
While the actual Legendary skin was easy to obtain, with players only needing to win nine games to get it – the fact that the event only lasted half the month combined with the fact that Blizzard has not yet reintroduced itmakes the LEGO Legendary Brick Bastion skin one of the rarest and most coveted skins currently on the market.
Widowmaker Noire (2016) Skin
Pre-ordering Overwatch 1
Widowmaker is one of the franchise's most iconic heroes, so it's no surprise that the cold-blooded French assassin has received many skins over the years, but her most unique look by far is the famous Noire skin.
This bold black and red costume, adorned with details as sharp as the hero himself, was only available with a pre-order of the original Surveillance game, which means only those who play since the day Will anyone own this incredibly rare skin in Surveillance 2. Although it made a brief return for the game's release on Nintendo Switch, it remains one of the least common skins across all platforms.
Comic Tracker (2020)
Tracer's Comic Challenge Event
Comic Book Tracer is another limited-time skin as part of an event called "Tracer's Comic Challenge" that took place between September 15 and 28, 2020. Along with the bubblegum-colored outfit, players could also grab a player icon and seven sprays. Since originally introduced, this skin did not return to the gamewith players coveting him and even requesting his return in Blizzard forums.
That said, there is a possibility that Blizzard will reinstate the skin in the store, making it once again available to everyone and thus significantly reducing its rarity. Only time will tell if the Comic Book Tracer skin is cool enough for the game to be resurrected once again.
Certain skins from the first season of the Overwatch League (2018)
Florida Mayhem, Los Angeles Valiant and San Francisco Shock Skins
While in general, OWL skins for the Overwatch League's inaugural season are rare in their own right, perhaps what is still rare are the skins for Florida Mayhem, Los Angeles Valiant, and San Francisco Shock, such as these initial colors were eventually changed. Although old skins are already available in the store for OWL, the chances of these old season 1 skins returning are almost zero as they would not match the team's current colors.
While they're not as flashy, coveted, or even desired as other skins, they are certainly rare. Maybe not the same rarity level would be Sigma's Season 2 OWL skinsas the character was recently released at the time, and there were few notable players at the time using the character. Again, probably not a highly sought after product Surveillance fur, but it is certainly difficult to find today.
Master Sigma (2020)
Series of unique challenges
Probably the rarest skin in the world Surveillance 2 could you go through challenge events is the Conductor Legendary outfit for Tank Sigma. This uniform is a stylish look for the mad scientist, almost giving an idea of what Sigma was like before the accident. The confident, stylish outfit is a fan-favorite cosmetic, but it's nearly unattainable at the time of writing.
Right now, no events feature this skinand You can't afford it either. This is one of those rare looks lost in time among all the Battle Passes seen in the game's seasons now. Maybe it will return in the future, but at the moment, this melody is not one that everyone can hear.
Reinhardt's Raynhardt skin (2021)
BlizzCon 2021
Raynhardt Reinhardt is not just one of the greatest alliterations to grace Surveillancebut is also a reference to StarCraft, coming to fruition on Blizzard's 30th anniversary. Taking on the appearance of Jim Raynor, this skin was released during Blizzcon 2021 and cost players a hefty $40, making it one of the most expensive skins in the game to date.
Naturally, this also makes it one of the rarest, especially since it is no longer available for purchase. Along with other notable Blizzcon-related cosmetics, it's more than possible that some people have this in their inventory without even realizing it, but those who want the cosmetics today may have a hard time finding them.
Kerrigan Widow (2018)
Starcraft Limited Time Anniversary Event
Another extremely rare skin for Widowmaker is the Kerrigan Legendary skin, which debuted in 2018. This skin is a reference to the StarCraft character Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, who has a prominent role in this series. This cosmetic is very different from Widowmaker's typical look, even those seen on other Legendary skins introduced later in Surveillance and Surveillance 2.
In 2018, the StarCraft The event tied to this skin only asked players to log in once during the month it lasted. The fact that this skin is only available for one month out of several years of SurveillanceThe long-running success of its sequel makes it incredibly rare. Many new players would know how to get this Legendary skin, as it never appeared again in subsequent events StarCraft20th anniversary.
Tyrande Symmetra and Illidan Genji skin (2019)
Exclusive Blizzcon 2019 Rewards
Tyrande Symmetra and Illidan Genji are some of the most sought after skins currently in the game. Although many people ended up buying a $50 Blizzcon Virtual Ticket in 2019 to Get SkinsThey have never been reintroduced to the store in their original colors and shapes, making them incredibly rare.
As with other Blizzcon exclusive skins, the Hero Gallery in Surveillance 2 introduced some of the old formats – but not in the original colors. Blizzard may be doing this intentionally so that those who own the original skins can maintain their rarity.
Winston's Blizzcon Skin (2017)
Exclusive Blizzcon 2017 Reward
Surveillance 2 hero Winston is comparatively lacking in the cosmetics department, but Blizzcon's scientist monkey skin holds its own against Noire's skin. While the simplistic blue and silver look may not be visually impressive, its appeal lies in the fact that it was only possible to achieve during Blizzcon 2017, either by attending the event in person or purchasing a virtual ticket.
With its launch taking place just a year later Surveillanceand with much of the community finding the skin distasteful, Blizzcon Winston inherently remains one of the Surveillance 2the rarest skins.
Pink Mercy (2018)
Limited-time charity events
One of the best looks for a fan-favorite character is Pink Mercya bright and beautiful look for the angelic Support character. This skin is perhaps the most sought after by players, as it was can only be purchased through the Breast Cancer Research Foundation charity event which took place in 2018. This small promotional event was only followed in season 11 for Surveillance 2where the skin was briefly made available again.
This skin was famously one of the only looks in Surveillancestory that you can buy directly with real-world money. In the past, you had to buy loot boxes for a chance to get legendary skins like Pink Mercy. Hopefully this ever-popular look will return once again, but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.
Bastion Blizzcon Skin (2016)
Exclusive Blizzcon 2016 Reward
The lovable Omnic character Bastion has undergone a major rework between titles, but one thing that has remained stagnant is the rarity of his Blizzcon skin. Just like Winston's future counterpart, it could only be unlocked by physically visiting Blizzcon 2016 or purchasing a Virtual Blizzcon Passwhich ultimately reduces skin ownership to an even smaller percentage of players.
Since I played Bastion in Surveillance 2 It's much more complex than it was SurveillanceSeeing this skin in-game is a truly rare occurrence. In fact, the Blizzcon Bastion can be found on third-party retail sites, selling for over $500, which speaks volumes about the scarcity of this skin.
Zarya's Alien Skin (2019)
Player Collaboration in the Vault
Surveillance 2The rarest Alien Zarya skin, which was created as a tribute to former professional Overwatch League player and 2019 MVP, Jay"Sinatra" Won. The tuxedo skin was already an unusual find, as it cost 200 League Tokens. However, the reason for its eventual removal from the list is different from other skins.
In 2021, Won was accused of sexual assault and Blizzard removed the skin from future patches, changed its appearance, and began offering refunds to all users who purchased the skin. Won was also suspended from competitive professional gaming. Refunds were optional, but thanks to its initial exclusivity, Alien Zarya quickly became the rarest skin in the world. Surveillance 2.
Sources: AndyB/Blizzard Forums, bolochievables/YouTube, Blizzard
Editor's Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges that the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard denied the allegations. Full details of Activision Blizzard's lawsuit (content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) will be updated as new information becomes available.