15 of the funniest Garfield comics in which he tries to smack a spider

15 of the funniest Garfield comics in which he tries to smack a spider

Garfield there was no shortage of enemies everywhere Garfieldhistory of comics. Even those who like him the most (like Jon and Odie) most often view him as an annoying jerk, meaning that other characters who don't have a strong relationship with him have no reason to like Garfield at all. Random dogs, vengeful birds and irritated neighbors could all consider themselves Garfield's "enemies", but no other group in Garfield Canon has more reasons to hate the fat orange cat than spiders.

In a number Garfield In the comics, the titular cat attempts to swat, crush, or otherwise kill any spider he encounters. While this is understandable, these spiders are not ordinary arachnids as they, like Garfield, can talk. Moreover, they may beg to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Luckily, they are cartoon spiders, so they never seem to be in any danger. Although Garfield still doesn't hesitate to smack them where they stand, leading to some pretty hilarious hijinks. Here 15 funniest Garfield comic where he tries to swat a spider!


Garfield tries to swat the spider, but it hits him


Spider hits Garfield with a newspaper.

Garfield notices a spider in his house and naturally grabs a rolled-up newspaper to squash it. However, after he turns his head for a second to grab the newspaper, the spider disappears. He then appears right behind Garfield, dangling from a web with a tiny rolled-up newspaper. the spider hits Garfield in the back of the head with this. In this comic, Garfield definitely got a taste of his own medicine as the spider literally beat him to it.


Garfield realizes that he enjoys the chase more than the punches.


Garfield kills a spider and does not enjoy it.

When Garfield sees a spider crawling across the tabletop, he quickly pulls out a rolled-up newspaper and promptly breaks it. He does this with a blank expression, clearly not enjoying killing the bug. Garfield then confirms this by saying, "The excitement is gone" Seems Garfield doesn't want to kill these spiders, he just enjoys "hunting" them. (which is somehow more cruel than just killing them outright).


Garfield completely ruins Jon's picnic after killing the bugs


Garfield kills a bunch of bugs during a picnic with Liz and John.

During the picnic, Garfield takes on pest control and the power completely goes to his head. With the help of his trusty rolled-up newspaper, Garfield kills not only the spider, but also a number of other bugs that threaten to ruin the picnic. Ironically, this Garfield, who ruined the picnic by killing all those bugs, and John's companion, Liz, completely lost her appetite.. It seems that the dozens of insect corpses are some kind of killer that Garfield is single-handedly responsible for this insect massacre.


Even a slammed spider has a sense of humor in Garfield


Garfield fights off the spider.

When the spider encounters Garfield's horrific rolled-up newspaper, he begs for his life, pleading with Garfield:Don't hit me!" - to no avail. Without answering, Garfield smacks the spider, pinning it to the countertop. Garfield then pauses for a moment and asks, "Wait, did you say "don't"?to which the spider replies:At this stage this is a rather controversial issue. Don't you think?"

Seems even swatted the spiders Garfield still have a sense of humorfor this playful and witty answer to Garfield's absurd question may have been the spider's last words - and they were not in vain.


1. Spidey actually brings Garfield back after he gets hit


Garfield is caught in a web.

While Garfield is lying on the ground trying to take a nap, a spider approaches him. Despite having his trusty, rolled-up newspaper at hand, Garfield adapts by punching the spider with his hand and then discarding the corpse. However, his problems with the spider are far from over, as the spider survived Garfield's blow and was seething with rage. The spider took revenge on Garfield by wrapping him in its web.and Garfield deserved every nasty second of his comeuppance.


Garfield is truly heartless when it comes to fighting off spiders


Garfield kills an entire family of spiders.

When a spider crawls past Garfield's bed while the lazy cat is trying to sleep, he must have known it was almost dead since Garfield didn't hesitate to smash it. However, he didn't expect the entire spider family to appear. This spider had a wife and child who cried at the sight of their loved one crushed into the ground. Garfield admits that he should feel bad about this, but admits that he doesn't, right before he kills the other members of that spider's family as well.in a display of extreme callousness.


Garfield expresses his true hatred of spiders without slapping one


Garfield refuses to kill a spider that wants to die.

Garfield doesn't just wish every spider he meets a quick and sudden death (which he ensures himself), he truly hates them and wants nothing more than suffering for all spiders. This is confirmed in this comic when the spider, who wants to die, approaches Garfield with the sole purpose of crushing him. However, after the spider tells Garfield all the reasons why he wants to end it all, Garfield smiles cruelly and refuses to swat him.. This is a deep level of hatred.


Garfield uses the spider to do one of his favorite things: prank Jon


Garfield plays a prank on Jon using a squashed spider.

It's clear at this point that Garfield loves killing spiders (though apparently no more than watching them suffer in any form), but the one thing he definitely loves more is pranking Jon. In this case, Garfield finds a way to combine these two loves. When a spider crawls across the counter while Jon is eating dinner, Garfield crushes it under Jon's glass. Then, when John drinks he comes face to face with a spideras a result, he threw out his drink in fear - and Garfield was very proud of himself.


Garfield isn't afraid of spiders, he just hates them for existing.


Garfield punches the spider for being "nuisance."

Although fans know that Garfield hates spiders, it could be assumed that the reason for his hatred is because he is afraid of them. Many suffer from even mild arachnophobia, and Garfield could well be among them. However, this comic proves that this is not the case, as Garfield kills a spider, who admits that it is not poisonous, simply because he found a spider."nasty" Garfield isn't afraid of being bitten by a spider, he just hates them. just for existing.


Some spiders really appreciate being squished by Garfield


Spider thanks Garfield for killing his son-in-law.

You'd think Garfield would be the enemy of all spiders, considering he doesn't hesitate to kill them and their entire family on sight. However, this is what earned Garfield the recognition of at least one spider. This spider asks Garfield if he crushed his brother-in-law, and when Garfield admitted it, the spider thanked him.

Apparently - and many readers will probably find a response - this spider hated his son-in-law so much that he even personally thanked the killerand thereby proved that not all spiders hate Garfield for constantly beating them.


Garfield will make sure that all traces of the spider he killed are destroyed.


Garfield smashes the spider and his contact lenses.

When the spider stumbles on its eight legs while crawling near Garfield, it screams, "Nobody move! I lost one of my contact lenses!" What's even funnier than the idea of ​​a spider not only wearing contact lenses but also losing them is the spider's mistake in thinking Garfield would care in the slightest. Without even acknowledging the spider's predicament, Garfield simply rolls up the newspaper and kills the arachnid - and doesn't stop there. Garfield then found a contact lens and broke it too.ensuring that all traces of the spider he killed would be destroyed.


Garfield Glorified the Spider He Squashed (in the Most Humiliating Way)


Garfield kills the spider, and the other spiders name the day "National April Fools

Garfield seems to have made a name for himself in the spider community, as he has killed so many of them that the spiders consider the orange cat to be something of a "Death Bringer". Because of this, one spider believes that dying at the hands of Garfield is honorable and will make the spider famous. Although the spider gets its way, it is extremely humiliating that the spiders name a day after this fallen arachnid: "National April Fools' Day". The other spiders know to avoid Garfield and set an example for the one he intentionally killed.


1. Spidey has already met Garfield and didn't learn his lesson.


Garfield punches the spider, who has just recovered from his injuries.

While Garfield has definitely killed several spiders, there is at least one that he keeps crushing but doesn't die. This spider suffers injury after injury every time he encounters Garfield, and in this comic, he tells the orange cat how he just recovered from his last one. Then, Garfield immediately crushes the spider again, and the spider does not die again.. It seems that this spider will suffer from Garfield's heartless wrath for many years to come, but will never learn its lesson.


1. Spider tries to "catch" Garfield (and fails)


Spider tries to get Garfield to like him by influencing his dreams.

One night, while Garfield is sleeping, a lone spider crawls out of its web and tries to plant the idea that he "loves spiders" into Garfield's subconscious. Spidey is essentially trying to "talk some sense" into Garfield by using his dreams to manipulate his emotions, while making him believe that the idea of ​​"loving spiders" was his alone. Unfortunately for the spider, Garfield is a light sleeper and is awakened during a spider's failed attempt to "capture" him.. Even one note from Christopher Nolan's playbook doesn't seem to be enough to change Garfield's deep-seated hatred of spiders.


Garfield literally destroyed a house trying to kill a spider


Garfield destroys his house while trying to kill a spider.

Garfield is usually a pro when it comes to killing spiders, but this time the spider has the upper hand, and Garfield's failure to kill it comes at the cost of his entire home. When Garfield notices a spider on the windowsill, he decides to slam the window on top of it. However, when he does this, Garfield causes the entire house to collapse around him from the sheer force of hitting the window, destroying everything in sight - everything except the spider..

It's as if the bad karma accumulated from all of Garfield's previous spider killings came back to bite him all at once, resulting in the destruction of his home and the survival of this particular spider. This is the fat orange cat's ridiculously well-deserved fate, making him one of the 15 funniest Garfield comics where he tries to swat a spider.