King of Fighters XV was a great success for SNK. The series has always floundered in the United States in the past, which is the biggest market for fighting games. However, perhaps because of things like Terry in Smash BrosIt means that King of Fighters is finally thriving state. It was because of this that SNK was able to announce continuity of long-dead series like Fatal fury.
of course, King of Fighters' Success within entirely because of outside forces. It has one of the best casts of any fighting game, due in part to being made up of multiple other game series. There are some really powerful characters in the library. Some of them are strong in-game, some are strong in-story, but all of them are some of gaming's most underrated.
Mai Shiranui is one of SNK's most popular characters
The incredibly popular ninja
Mai Shiranui is One of SNK's most popular characters. Technically, she's not talking about KOFBut actually the previous series, Fatal fury. Shiranui is a ninja who trained alongside Terry's brother and developed a crush on him. She wasn't actually that important in the series, though King of Fighters Give her a bigger role than leading her own team.
Mai is a kunoichi in the Shiranui style. As a result, she is skilled in assassination and many fire-based attacks. Her jumping ability is typically incredibly strong, And she usually has projectiles, as well. This makes her a strong character for newcomers.
Takuma Sakazaki excels in close combat
Also known as Mr. Karate
The character was originally known only as "Mr. Karate" and wore a black gi and a tengu mask. In later games, it was revealed that Mr. Karate is actually Takuma Sakakaki, A fighting expert who lived in the US it. For most of his life. Takuma is the father of Ryo Sakakaki and Yuri Sakakaki, two other powerful characters who carry on his teachings.
Thanks to his teachings, Takuma is a powerful fighter who excels in close combat. He may look like a regular karate master, but he is stronger than he appears. Takuma can move faster than light Since he is capable of dodging attacks from the light wielder Elisabeth Blanctorche. He also easily stopped a Zero Cannon blast that was meant to wipe out an entire city.
K' is an excellent fighter
It's pronounced "key dash"
K', or Kay Dash, is constantly compared to Kyo Kusanagi. Although he appears before Kyo in the list, there is no definitive answer as to which character is canonically stronger. Kyo has better control over his fire powers, while Kay Dash is the better overall fighter.
The other downfall of this character is his lazy and arrogant personality, which stands in stark contrast to Kio's more serious and ambitious nature. This led to the fighter being called an inferior version of Kio, and the "Second Kusanagi Flame." Key Dash is determined to surpass its namesake.
Kyo Kusanagi was created as a new protagonist
The Flaming Hero
Kyo Kusanagi was created as the new main protagonist for King of Fighters. He led a team of fighters called Team Japan and while his teammates have been variably important over the years, Kyo has always been important. Even after passing the mantle to other fighters, he is still usually important.
This is due to its natural pyrokinetic power. The ability to control flame passed down the Kusanagi line. Originally, Kyo didn't care about his future, but after training, he became a powerhouse. He forms one of the "Three Sacred Treasures" group, destined to fight against evil gods, so he must be tough.
Chizuru Kagura, the Swift Shamaness
The calmest of the sacred artifacts
Chizuru's real last name is Yata, although she is Known in the game as the "Swift Shamaness." Along with Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, Chizuru one of the sacred artifacts that originally sealed the powerful god Orochi.
Her personality does not match her power, as she is mild-mannered and quiet. However, looks can be deceiving, and Chizuru has several features that make her one of the most powerful King of Fighters Letters. Thanks to her priests, she is Capable of reflecting attacks and enemiesSeal enemy powers, and even see the future.
Leona is a member of the Ikari Warriors
Warrior with the Orochi blood
Leona is a member of the Ikari Warriors team. She appears in a later King of Fighters Plays like the rest of the team but has become a fixture of the series due to her unique role in the story. She was originally from a tribe dedicated to the evil god, Orochi. Her adopted father rescues her from them and watches out for her due to her Orochi blood.
This Orochi blood can cause Leona to enter a dangerous state in which she Becomes manic and destructive, indiscriminately against everything around you. To control this power in her, she went through strict military discipline training. However, her hair still turns red when she uses her Orochi power.
Shermy is fast and efficient
A fast grappler
Shermi is a member of an evil cult dedicated to resurrecting the evil god Orochi. She is also in a band with the two other members of her team, Chris and Yashiro. All three of them are equally strong, however Shermi is the most prevalent and popular of the three.
She is a good choice for any team composition as a grappler and unique among grappler-type characters, as she is actually quite fast and able to dodge most attacks. However, she struggles with defensive options and projectiles.
Saiki is a powerful antagonist
The certified bad guy
Saiki is the primary antagonist of The King of Fighters 13. He is a true chaotic evil, hating humanity but also not caring about his own evil organization. Saiki's powers come from his ancient blood, and the same god-like powers make him believe that he is superior to humans. He is also able to manipulate time to travel back and forth at will between time periods.
Players cannot use his most powerful Awakened form, but his normal version is available to unlock in the game. He relies on kicks and dark energy attacks, Enhancing his attacks and projectiles with the ancient power of darkness. He is also able to teleport, making him a powerful playable character and a formidable opponent in battle.
Ash Crimson can absorb powers from other KOF characters
The evil hero & third protagonist
Ash Crimson was the third protagonist of the series. He was supposed to be an "evil hero," in contrast to the other previous leads. He also contributed to the cinematic history of the fighting games became quite convoluted. Ash was actually the one Reincarnation of a time-based proto-god called Saiki.
At least, maybe, as a lot of details about Ash are not clear. However, what is clear is that he has risen with the Blanctorche family and is trying to free them from their destiny of fighting the Orochi bloodline. To do this, he absorbs the powers of many others KOF Characters, including Saiki. This makes him wickedly powerful for a time, but he actually uses this power to erase himself and thwart Saiki's plans.
Terry Bogard, master of Tung Fu Ru's style
A carryover from a previous fighting game
Before King of FightersThere was a similar game called Fatal fury. It was a concept Street Fighter 2 Developed by Street Fighter 1s creative direction and a personal story of revenge with one Terry Bogard. Terry would go on to appear in King of FightersAnd although he was not the main language, he was still one of her biggest faces.
Terry is a Master of Tung Fue Rue's style of martial arts. However, he does not fight with one style, but a mix of boxing, karate, kickboxing, and more. This makes him one of the most well-rounded characters in the game, with tons of options and different combos. He also can harness energy for devastating attacks, like the indomitable Buster Wolf.
Iori Yagami is powerful in his berserker state
A rival for Kyo Kusanagi
Iori Yagami is designed to be the rival for Kyo Kusanagi. He was a musician with flame powers similar to Kyo's and debuted in a team with other rival characters. However, he ended up eclipsing the other rivals and Kio in popularity.
He is a tall and violent man with an iconic laugh and also One of the three sacred treasures destined to defeat the god Orochi. However, Yori also has Orochi's blood, just like Leona. This can cause him to go into a dangerous berserker state, just like you. His flames are hard to dodge, and his attacks hit a large range, making him one of the strongest in gameplay and in lore.
Krohnen, the 9999th clone of Kyo Kusanagi
Based on the Akira manga and anime
Akira is one of the best sci-fi anime and manga in the world. These characters have become some of the most influential in Japanese media. In the case of the King of Fighters 2001 Character, K9999, perhaps also influential. The character looked a lot like the famous villain Tetsuo Shima and even shared a lot of his powers and his Japanese voice actor.
This caused the character to be removed (possibly for legal reasons) until a redesign in KOF15. The newly renamed Krohnen is the 9999th clone of Kyo Kusanagi And has been retooled to have tons of additional powers. This made him one of the strongest characters, with an excellent set of projectiles and defensive tools. One of his specials even recreates Tetsuo's iconic flesh form.
Rugal Bernstein, A Final KoF Boss
The first SNK boss
Rugal Bernstein is the original host of King of Fighters That started the tradition of SNK bosses. He was an unjust swearer Which reads player inputs to know their moves before they even do it. Other difficult bosses would follow in his footsteps, but they don't have the legacy that Rugal has.
He was a German arms dealer who liked to collect strong fighters as real trophies. His stage backgrounds usually have references to other fighting games in the background, and he would use moves from other characters in his move set. He was recently added back to KOFXVBut players were disappointed by how easy he was. He perhaps lost a bit of the power of Orochi that made his earlier fights so tough.
Goenitz is canonically more powerful than some characters
The terrible storm in chapter 15
Goenitz is known as the "Terrifying Storm" in king of fighters 15, And his full title is "Goenitz the wild-blowing wind". Both monikers should give players an idea of what to expect with this powerful character. Goenitz was the final boss in The King of Fighters 96 and served as a priest for the evil god Orachi. Goenitz doesn't seem too dangerous at first, but he actually is Very good at hiding his true hatred of humanity.
Goenitz is canonically more powerful than Rugal, since he was able to take out Rugal's eye in battle. As his many names imply, Goenitz fights with the powers of the wind. His unique control over this element makes his fighting style unlike any other characters, making him incredibly unpredictable.
Orochi is the strongest character of the fighters
A dark god with his own cult
Orochi is unquestionably the strongest character in the King of Fighters Canon. He is the dark god of his own cult And was created by the earth itself to free it from humanity. He is more than capable of doing the job with his planetary levels of power. He was only a few times in the world KOF series, but each time was a special occasion for sure.
Shermie, Iori, Leona, and Rugal all have fractions of his incredible power, and he has the real deal. In his only game appearance, he got up wrong, he allowed himself to be defeated, but it was still a tough fight. He's also a SNK boss in the style of Rugal, with lots of avoidable attacks and cheap AI. After a tough battle, Kyo and Yori managed to kill him. However, he returned and allowed Shermie, Chris and Yashiro new forms which became the last DLC in King of Fighters 15.