Marvel X-Men They are some of the greatest powers in comics. From adamantium claws to optic blasts, most of the gifts bestowed upon Marvel's Mutants make them some of the most formidable fighters in the universe. But not every mutant gift is offensive in nature.
Whether it's the ability to create shields, take power from others, or simply empower yourself or your teammates, These X-Men have defensive capabilities that deserve the utmost respect.
Jonas Graymalkin: Dark Empowerment
Created by Marc Guggenheim and Yannick Paquette
Graymalkin may be one of the more obscure X-Men on this list, but his considerable power cannot be denied. Born in pre-revolutionary America, the young X-Man spent two centuries buried alive in the forest near the Xavier Institute after an attempted murder by his fanatical father.
Surviving only through his mutant gift – the darker he is, the stronger and more durable he becomes – Graymalkin has the potential to be one of the X-Men's toughest soldiers, but only in the dark. With equally increased longevity and incredible self-sustainability, Jonah is particularly difficult to harm when shrouded in shadow. But when he is in the light, he is as weak as anyone else.
Skids/Sally Blevins: frictionless force field
Created by Louise Simonson and Jackson Guice
While Sally Blevins hasn't had the most notable career with Marvel's Merry Mutants, her mutant power means she rarely needs anyone looking out for her. Endowed with a personal force field, Skids is almost completely protected from any attack.
Thanks to the frictionless nature of his mutant power, This shield makes it impossible for anyone to hold her while also dispersing any kinetic energy coming your way – be it energy blasts, bullets, or even a fall from the curb. And with the ability to extend this field to also protect anyone in his immediate vicinity, Skids can usually steer his allies away from any trouble.
Lucas Bishop: Energy Absorption
Created by Jphn Byrne and Whilce Portacio
Lucas Bishop's incredible energy-based abilities are often portrayed offensively, but there is a lot to be said for his defensive capabilities within his chosen career as a superhero. Able to absorb most forms of energy, Bishop is resistant to traditional supervillain energy beams or blunt blasts, and even different forms of psionic or magical attacks to boot.
At his peak, Bishop even managed to metabolize a psychic blast from the X-Men villain called Onslaught. And as long as he's absorbed enough energy, Lucas still has a degree of superhuman speed, stamina, and self-sustainment - meaning anyone who wants to survive Bishop might as well say their prayers.
Emma Frost: Organic Diamond Shape
Created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
The White Queen of the Hellfire Club is one of Marvel Comics' most gifted psychics, but it's her dazzling secondary mutation – an organic diamond shape – that is among the X-Men's most effective defensive abilities. Once her form is altered, Emma's durability is extended to superhuman levels to the point that she resists celestial explosions and direct blows from the Hulk himself.
With an additional boost in strength, resistance to extreme temperatures, and the ability to survive without food or water, the White Queen's diamond form more than makes up for the limitations it places on her telepathy. And it proves that Emma Frost has always been fabulous under pressure.
Cecilia Reyes: Psioplasmic Biofield
Created by Scott Lobdell and Carlos Pacheco
A mutant whose gift provides her with a psioplasmic force field that constantly surrounds her body, Cecilia Reyes has always been concerned about protecting others more than herself. Always extending within six inches of his body, this biogenerated field is usually completely invisible, only appearing in a translucent state when activated.
One of the X-Men least interested in offensive tacticsher power is genuinely defensive in nature, subconsciously protecting her from harm even when she is unaware of the threat. As an extension of her body, Dr. Reyes occasionally feels the effects of a strong enough attack as it disperses across her field, but her strengths outweigh her weaknesses.
Cannonball/Samuel Guthrie: Thermochemical Energy Field
Created by Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod
This former New Mutant has, by far, one of the most explosive abilities in the X-Men cast, with the ability to generate a thermochemical energy field that propels him to any destination. But Guthrie's true advantage is his built-in blast shield that defends him from virtually any obstacle - a shield he is able to extend that blast field to others to protect them.
Often said to be “almost invulnerable while exploding,” Sam Guthrie’s personal shield has even managed to take on the likes of the Imperial Guard Gladiator, making him one of Marvel's most durable mutants as long as he is activating his powers.
Armor/Hisako Ichiki: Psionic Exoskeleton Armor
Created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday
While not a medium in the traditional sense, Hisako Ichiki's psionic exoskeleton is truly mind-blowing. Living up to its codename, Armor, this shield drastically increases your strength and durability, allowing you to face titans like Fin Fang Foom while also demonstrating the ability to at least partially shape the armor itself.
Facing anything other than Adamantium, Hisako has a slight vulnerability to laser-based attacks, as her armor is translucent enough for her to see through. But anyone with a power that allows them to survive the fall of Earth's atmosphere deserves to be called Armor.
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin: Organic Steel Form
Created by Len Wein and Dave Cockrum
Traditionally considered the classic X-Men tank, Piotr Rasputin's organic steel skin is as iconic as it is durable. Vastly increasing his strength and endurance, Colossus' metallic shell makes him one of the team's most robust defenders, allowing him to withstand blows from heavy hitters like Juggernaut or the Hulk, and live to tell the tale.
Although the upper limits of how long it can remain in this metallic form have not yet been explored, Piotr doesn't even need to eat, drink or breathe while transformed. And considering his initial interpretation as a gentle giant, it's no wonder Colossus' abilities are so inherently defensive.
Magneto/Max Eisenhardt: Magnetic Field Manipulation
Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Although Max's powers are often simplified as general control over metal, it is actually his manipulation of magnetic fields that gives him one of the strongest defensive abilities in the Marvel Universe. Capable of generating a magnetic force field around himself and his allies, Magneto's fields withstood attacks from Thor and his hammer Mjolnir, as well as the combined attacks of Thor and She-Hulk.
Erik's shields are strong enough to resist the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground zero and even the fire of the Phoenix itself. Magneto is classified as an Omega-level mutant for a reason, and his defensive powers are an important part of that.
Juggernaut/Cain Marko: Demonic Empowerment
Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Alex Toth
Although empowered by the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, Cain Marko is considered one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe, but it is his stamina and durability that make him such a potent powerhouse. Exchange blows regularly with people like Spider-Man, Thor and HulkThere is very little out there – man-made or magical – that can do any substantial harm to Cain.
In addition to the already incredible invulnerability instilled in him by the Crimson Bands, Charles Xavier's half-brother can also mystically generate a personal force field to further reinforce his durability. Which means that, at his peak, this Juggernaut is truly unstoppable.
The Wolverines/Logan and Laura: Healing Factor
James “Logan” Howlett Created by Len Wein, John Romita, Roy Thomas and Herb Trimpe/Laura Kinney Created by Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost
With his iconic and unparalleled healing factor, Logan has withstood more pain and suffering than virtually any other X-Man, and considering the X-Gene inherited from his daughter LauraIt's safe to assume that his impressive healing factor is right up there with Wolverine Sr.'s in terms of durability.
Both Logan and Laura have survived countless shootings, stabbings, explosions, disintegrations, and dismemberments that anyone can remember, but they always manage to heal in one way or another. The Wolverines are considered by many to be the best at what they do for a reason – but what they do best is survive.
Apocalypse/En Sabah Nur: Autoatomic Manipulation
Created by Louise Simonson, Bob Layton and Jackson Guice
By far the oldest mutant on this list, En Sabah Nur's infamous longevity is the direct result of her own mutant powers. Able to adapt his atomic structure to any threat, Apocalypse is physically durable enough to fight the entire roster of X-Men at once, and even fully regenerate from a single drop of blood.
And considering this gift of complete molecular control over his body has been further enhanced with Celestial technology, Apocalypse is arguably the most durable X-Man character from a purely physical standpoint, as the adaptability of his powers means there is no limit to what he can accomplish defensively. .
Synch/Everett Thomas: Synchronistic energy replication
Created by Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza and Chris Bachalo
A Generation X alumnus and one of the breakout stars of the first Krakoan Era, Everett Thomas' power synchronization ability makes him one of the X-Men's most powerful protectors. Able to replicate the skills of any attacker, Synch is the best example of fighting fire with fireand it is this adaptability that gives it resistance to almost all threats.
Even against opponents without superpowers, Thomas has the ability to use powers outside of his memory range, but this ages him quickly. This disadvantage is what stops Synch from truly being the X-Men's greatest defensive powerhouse, but it doesn't make his defensive potential any less impressive.
Bait the Undefeated: Inability to Lose
Created by Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz
An Omega-level mutant from Okkara, Isca's mutant ability has long proven her worthy of the Invincible moniker. Gifted and cursed with the inability to lose, she is literally impossible to beat, whether she wants to win or not.
In any dispute, bet or battle, Isca's power will almost always protect her so that she always emerges victorious. Unfortunately for Undefeated, This ability is out of her controland if you decide that her death is the only way to win, then she won't survive. But as long as Isca's goal is to remain Undefeated, or potentially defend her allies, there is nothing that can stand in her way.
Darwin/Armando Muńoz: Superior Adaptation
Created by Ed Brubaker and Trevor Hairsine
Armando Muñoz has the greatest defensive ability of the X-Men and it's hardly even close. Born with superior adaptation, Darwin's physiology is ceaselessly evolving in the face of any threat or obstacle. He can grow gills to breathe underwater, spontaneously generate the ability to teleport to survive a battle with the Hulk, and even resist Hela's deadly touch,
Seemingly immortal, Darwin even spent relative centuries in the Vault alongside Synch and Wolverine, and showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Ultimately, both the X-Men as a whole, and Armando's defensive capabilities in particular, are all about evolution – and who knows more about evolution than Darwin?