15 Essential Starfield Xbox Mods Your Next Playthrough Shouldn't Be Without

15 Essential Starfield Xbox Mods Your Next Playthrough Shouldn't Be Without

If Bethesda games, vi Starfieldare known for something other than their massive worlds, it would be their modding communities. Thanks to the Creation Kit modding tool that was supplied with most of Bethesda's projects, very few titles have the capacity for modding that the company's games do. The capacity for modding is so great that the mods have even made it to consoles with Starfield Support player-made content for the Xbox Series X/S.

Mods can greatly change the experience of a game. If mod authors have made it, anything can be added to a game, From lightsabers to replacing dragons with Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends in Skyrim. Starfield is no exception, and many of the most popular mods for Xbox objectively improve the gaming experience. These can include bug fixes, AI improvements, and new skills.


Batten's Shipwrecks Mod adds POI to encourage exploration

Adds 20 destroyed ships to reveal

Starfield Galaxy is huge, which means there are many locations and planets to explore. The new one Shattered Space DLC expands the map even further, giving players more opportunities to become immersed in the world. On the other hand, it also means that it can get repetitive. after a while, Players may get tired of seeing the same points of interest.


The Bhutan's shipwrecks Mod gives players more reason to keep exploring. This mod adds 22 crashed ship POI, each with its own unique look. Players can find Abandoned escape pods, old debris fields, more recently crashed ships, And more as they explore. There is about a 0.5% chance of a crashed ship landing in a new location, and each modded crash site has a chance to spawn repair parts, survivors, or pirates as well, keeping things fresh.


Better Living - Outpost and Ship Stuff adds home decor and necessities

Make home even sweeter

Starfield Allows players to achieve the truly impossible: own a home. The game has 10 different home locations that range from A literal shipping container to a dream home or penthouse apartment. Players can decorate their homes with a variety of items, including furniture and decor to improve their living space.

If the decor options already present in the game are not enough, the Better Living mod Adds even more options. This mod introduces everything the aspiring interior decorator could need, including but not limited to Furniture, lamps, kitchen decor and storage, animated TV screens, wall decor, homes and hobbies, and much more. This mod also has the option to add some NPCs like some dancers and a DJ. These can be combined with the included fully stocked bar and adjustable boomboxes to make any crash pad the life of the party.


Star Wars Droids creates a Star Wars crossover

These are the droids you're looking for

Star Wars And Starfield Exist in different universes, but that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The Star Wars Droids Mod Brings the iconic robot designs of the Star Wars Franchise In the world of Starfield. The mod replaces several Model A robots and minibots with Star Wars Robots like DT Sentry Droids, IG Assassin Droids, Battle Droids and more.

The mod also allows players to craft droid skins on a workbench for Vasco to wear. Although this mod is not compatible with other robot mods, it can be used with mods that adjust Vasco. The creator of the mod is currently Working on revamping robot movements to match their droid lookalikes, For an even more immersive Star Wars Experience.


Ascension - Gameplay overhaul improves combat and progression

Level scaling has been removed

Starfield Uses a level scaling system, so enemies level up along with the player. This ensures that, no matter where players are in the world, enemies will provide enough of a challenge. Not everyone loves this feature, though, and the Ascension - Gameplay Overhaul Mod stands up Completely reworked the combat system.

The mod changes an impressive number of features, including weapons, armor, leveling, scaling and perks. With this mod installed, players can move through the galaxy more than playing an RPG, however Instead of getting stronger with each level, the character becomes more skilled. The overhaul makes combat more engaging, leaning more on skill than a pure show of power, making this a great mod for anyone looking for a more balanced game experience.


Shade's Vehicle Tuner makes vehicles even more fun

Now with camping

The all-terrain country vehicles of Starfield Make exploring planets much faster and more fun. Shade's Vehicle Tuner Mod takes the vehicle a step further, adding some tweaks to vehicles. The Mod Adds new weaponsProvides cargo space for storage, auto harvests as it drives, And more. Players can also summon their vehicles directly to them so they can take off from anywhere.

The most fun feature, however, is The ability to deploy a camp directly from your vehicle. The camp is equipped with several workbenches for on-the-go tuneups or a campfire with sleeping bags and camping items for players to interact with. Best of all, this mod is compatible with any of the land vehicles in the game, and even stacks with other mods.

Bethesda games aren't exactly known for the smoothest, bug-free experiences. Starfield Is no exception, suffering from the typical bugs that many players have jokingly referred to "Strike." with these community patch, Players can now experience a relatively smooth game who had Hundreds of bugs fixed from the base game. The Community Patch is an effort of many mod authors and is meant to be owned by and for the game's community.

Fixes included in this patch are also meant to fix errors from the base game, not just bugs. This Mod includes fixes for misplaced objects, script errors, faulty missions, spelling errors, and much, much more. This mod includes no new content or balancing and is purely meant to refine the base game. It should be placed as high in the load order as possible and is compatible with almost any mod.


Unofficial Starfield Patch uses the Creation Kit to patch the game

The author has also worked on other Bethesda titles

Although the Community Patch acts as a community-owned and contributed mod to fix the errors of the base game, the Unofficial Starfield Patch is an alternative by one individual. This comes from the maker of the Unofficial Patch seriesWhat was done for both The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim And Fallout 4. As with both of the unofficial patch mods, the Starfield Version is considered a must-have if players don't want to use the Community Patch for whatever reason.

Players should choose either the unofficial Starfield patch Or The community patch. They will not work together.

This mod is designed to be as compatible with other mods as possible And should be placed as high up on the load order as possible. It features hundreds of fixes and does not have any unsafe changes, such as the deletion of stock objects. These fixes include changes to gameplay, quests, NPCs, objects, text and placement bugs, providing a more polished experience for players on Xbox.


Improved follower behavior improves companion AI

And stops followers of ruining stealth

Bethesda NPCs have never been the most intelligent around. As entertaining as this can be, it can also be incredibly frustrating, such as when players want to exit a door and get stuck because of a follower or Their stealth is ruined because a companion is a little too trigger-happy. luckily, Improved follower behavior Features many fixes to follower AI, making them more intelligent and more useful.

Some of the AI ​​improvements include followers no longer staying as far away from the player, only attacking once a player is detected to prevent companions from ruining stealth, and matching a player's movement speed when they are close to them. . There is much more in this mod, and These subtle fixes help the companions both act more like real people and make them more competent. Both are incredibly useful.


Quick Start New Game is brilliant on subsequent playthroughs

Save hours by skipping the intro

Like all other Bethesda titles, Starfield is a title that is meant to be replayed to eventually experience everything the game has to offer. While a game's intro is important in setting the tone of the title, because first impressions are vital, they can often be slow and a drag on subsequent playthroughs. Fortunately, the Quick Start New Game Fixes this, allowing players to skip the game's intro and get right into the meat of the game.


This mod works very similar to the alternate start - life another life mod for Skyrim. It allows players to choose where they want to start their gameSuch as Lodge or Neon City, and what loading they start with. It's perfect for players with a pre-existing idea of ​​what their character was like before the game starts and is a good option for roleplayers. It also gives players the option of whether they want to join Constellation or not.


Better dynamic weather improves Starfield's weather cycles

Bring more immersion to the game

One of the things that players may not think about during their adventures is the weather of the planets they visit. However, when you visit the planets, Dynamic weather is always a nice touch to add to the immersion of the setting. Unfortunately, the base game's weather system is a bit underwhelming. luckily, Better dynamic weather Turn this around and help the worlds of Starfield Feel more vibrant.

Better Dynamic Weather is a lightweight mod that keeps the improvements simple. It speeds up the vanilla weather cycles to make the game feel more alive Without cluttering the game with dozens of gigabytes worth of content. For those looking for a bigger change, Custom Dynamic Weather Cycles by the same author (AinsyMods) is an awesome alternative and is also available for Xbox. It is also compatible with better dynamic weather.



Amazing follower tweaks make followers more useful

Helps companions manage more

Companions can feel a little overwhelming at times. Starfield is a game with different difficulties, and not everyone wants their followers to guide them through their gameBut having a more useful companion, in general, is usually not a bad thing. The Amazing companion tweaks Mod buffs followers and their stats. These only apply to named companions, not the unnamed crew members players may have on their ship.


The buffs include More health, oxygen and star power, all of which are increased by 50%. Followers also become undetectable when sneaking (meaning they won't destroy stealth) and can carry an extra 30kg. Companion affinity also increases 20% faster, allowing them to become a friend or lover faster. In general, followers become more useful, but since their damage output remains largely the same, they will not kill everything before a player has a chance to shoot their gun.


Better NPCs make AI more realistic

Less robotic responses and interactions

Starfield Leave much to be desired when it comes to the many NPCs that populate its vast collective of worlds. Many come across as robotic, and their behavior has been the punchline of many jokes, But these Better NPCs Mod comes in to save the day. It features dozens of behavior changes and tweaks to make NPCs feel more alive and immersive, removing some features that make them feel unrealistic.

The mod authors list each fix on the mod page on Bethesda.net. Some of the biggest include timing fixes that allow NPCs to act more realistically, Such as less pausing between sentences, spending more time talking to each other, and idle animations triggering sooner after an interaction. Animations have been tweaked so that NPCs blink more, move their head in dialogue more and maintain better eye contact. For an immersive experience, this mod is probably one of the most important to install.


Non-lethal framework lets players capture foes

Start a pacifist run

For a game with as much content as starfield, It's a bit odd that the title doesn't offer players ways to hide enemies that are non-fatally incapacitated. Fortunately, the Non-lethal framework fixes this issue, Offer players more options with enemies they haven't blasted into ragdolls. This is the perfect mod for those who want to play as a pacifist or for someone who doesn't want to kill every enemy they meet.

To knock out enemies, use EM weapons.

This added dynamic is simple yet effective. It adds the ability to hide hostile, humanoid NPCs with handcuffs. The handcuffs can be crafted, and when applied to a knocked-out enemy, it will disarm them and allow players to kill or release them later. Freed and killed NPCs will return the handcuffsSo they are not consumed permanently. Freed NPCs will return to their normal behavior after leaving the area.


Immersive Sabers add a piece of Star Wars to Starfield

This mod is oriented

It seems to be an unwritten rule in the various modding communities of many titles. If a star wars -Style lightsaber can be added to a game, and it will be added. Starfield is no exception, but it has the added benefit of being at least somewhat lore-friendly with these Immersive sabers Mod. basically, Lightsabers are too cool not to have in a sci-fi RPG, And even if it's not the Force, that doesn't mean the player can't have some Jedi fun.

The Immersive Sabers mod adds lightsabers of various colors. Although one of the designs is heavily inspired by Luke Skywalker's green lightsaber, The others look in line with starfields aestheticMaking them more in space than they would otherwise be. This mod also adds a new perk tree for the lights, as well as the ability to deflect with them so that players can feel like a Jedi or Sith (or something in between).



Shade's added skill is a must have mod

Shadedness is a premier mod creator

Shadedness is one of the mod authors who is on a quest to improve as many aspects of Starfield as possible. Of all Shadedness' mods, the most vital is Shade's Added SkillsWhich adds more skills for characters to acquire and use. The new skills are made to be as balanced as possible While not changing any pre-existing skills. It improves stats like movement speed, critical hit chance against humans, and gun-bashing damage.

Outside of the Added Skills mod, which is highly recommended, Shadeness also has mods for more immersive loot, stealth takedowns, better boost packs, And the previously mentioned vehicle tuneup and camping mod. All the mods can be installed for the Xbox version of the game. Starfield is massively improved by any of the mod author's work, but the Added Skills mod is the biggest of the bunch and will give players more to look at while leveling up, improving character progression from the base game.

Source: Bethesda.net (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)


PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S


September 6, 2023


M for Mature 17+ Due to gore, suggestive themes, use of drugs, strong language, violence