15 Essential Items for Clerics in Baldur's Gate 3 (And Where to Find Them)

15 Essential Items for Clerics in Baldur's Gate 3 (And Where to Find Them)

Often seen as pure buffers and healers in Baldur's Gate 3Clerics are a seriously overlooked class. According to Larian Studio's stats, they are the least played class for custom characters, which is such a shame as Clerics have fantastic versatility. So, whether it's Shadowheart or Tav as the cleric dealing with undead and keeping the party in the fight, it's important to ensure they have the best equipment possible.

With seven cleric subclasses in Baldur's Gate 3 To choose from at level one, clerics cover a variety of options, from damage dealers to pure support characters. Because of this, good things to keep an eye out for are ones that Boost their spell casting, help with healing, and keep the cleric out of trouble in tough fights. Here are some of the fantastic items found in all three acts of BG3 To give the servant one less thing to worry about when fighting the forces of the Absolute.


Coat of Protection - Unusual coat

Can be purchased in Act 2 from Quartermaster Tally

Close up of the Cloak of Protection in Baldur's Gate 3.

Starting with something simple, the Cloak of Protection is fantastic for any class looking for a little help to keep them safe. The cloak can be purchased at the beginning of Act 2 from the Harper Quartermaster Tally near the Last Light Inn Waypoint. When this coat is worn, the priest will receive a Plus one boost to all saving throws and their AC.



Coat of protection

Wearer gains plus one to armor class and saving throws.

This can be especially important for light, trickery, and knowledge domains, as they do not gain proficiency in heavy armor in BG3Unlike the other four cleric domains.


Sleek Chain Shirt - Unusual Medium Armor

Can be found in Act 1 in a chest in the Festering Cove

Can be repositioned to heal allies can be critical for clerics, and the Sleek chain shirt

Makes that much easier. This shirt is medium armor, which means any cleric can wear it, and it has an AC of 13 plus a dexterity modifier to a maximum of two. while wearing it, Every time the cleric heals another creature, the shirt will automatically disengage them from nearby enemies.Allowing them to move without triggering attacks of opportunity. The shirt is located in a hidden chest in the Festering Cove, which RAZs video shows how to find.


Light Armor - Uncommon Medium Armor

Can be found in Act 1 in a chest in the Selunite Outpost

Another excellent piece of armor for clerics can also be found in the Underdark, in a hidden room in the Selunite Outpost. Marika Starflowers video shows a neat trick to find the chest from the outpost waypoint. The Luminous Armor uses the cleric's radiant spells to repel enemies, as each time the wearer deals radiant damage, it causes a radiant shockwave.




Light Armor

15 + dex mod (max +2)

When the wear deals radiant damage, it causes a radiant shockwave.

The shockwave inflicts a radiant orb on the target, Imposing a minus one to their attack rolls for two turns and causing them to shed bright light for a three-meter/10-foot radius.


Vital Conduit Boots - Rare boots

Can be purchased in Act 1 from A'jak'nir Jeera in Crèche Y'llek

Close up of Vital Conduit Boots in Baldur's Gate 3.
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

Clerics have access to some of the best spells in BG3Many of these require concentration, and the Vital Conduit Boots are a great choice because of this. The boots require proficiency in medium armor, which is no problem for any cleric, and give a plus one bonus to athletics.



Vital Conduit Shoes

Plus one to athletics. Gives the wearer eight temporary hit points when they cast a concentration spell.

However, what makes them particularly useful for clerics are these Eight temporary hit points the boots give when the wearer casts a spell that requires concentrationSuch as Spirit guardians

, Beacon of hope

And of course, the often-used Guidance



Ring of Free Action - Rare Ring

Can be purchased in Act 2 from Araj Oblodra in Moonrise Towers

Close up of ring of free action in Baldur's Gate 3.
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

The worst thing for any support character is for them to get stuck during a fight, which leaves them unable to help the rest of the party. Ring of Free Action

Solves this issue by allowing the wearer to ignore the effects of any difficult terrain, allowing the cleric to get where they are most needed. Even better, the ring too Makes the wearer immune to being restrained or paralyzed To make sure they never miss a turn. The ring can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, which is located on the main floor of Moonrise Towers.


Armor of Persistence - Very rare heavy armor

Can be purchased in Act 3 from Dammon

Armor of Persistence from Baldur's Gate 3
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

If the cleric has proficiency in heavy armor, such as war or tempest domain, the Armor of Persistence

is a fantastic choice. As well as an AC of 20, which is one of the highest in BG3The armor also reduces all incoming damage by two. The armor also grants the wearer the permanent effects of both of these Resistance

And Blade Ward

Cantrips. This means that the minister will have Resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from weapon attacks, along with a 1d4 bonus to all their saving throws.


Adamantine Scale Mail - Very rare medium armor

Can be made in Act 1 at the Adamantine Forge in Grymforge

Adamantine Scale Mail in Baldur's Gate 3 near a window with its stats.

One of the best armors in the game can be picked up surprisingly early as the party delves into the Underdark and discovers the Adamantine Forge. The Adamantine Scale Mail

is a fantastic piece that I often keep using throughout a playthrough once I've crafted it. The armor has an AC of 16, plus Dexterity modifier to a maximum of two, and reduces all incoming damage by one. In addition to Preventing attackers from landing critical hits on the wearerThe armor also sends any melee attackers who do manage to hit the cleric reeling for two turns.


Viconia's Walking Fortress - Legendary Shield

Can be loot in Act 3 of Viconia DeVir

Screenshot showing the item description of Viconia's Walking Fortress a shield in Baldur's Gate 3.

Viconia's Walking Fortress is one of the best shields and pieces of legendary armor in BG3. The shield can be looted after defeating Viconia DeVir and gives a plus three to AC, Ann Advantage on saving throws against spells, and disadvantage on instant attack rolls against the wilder. Once per long rest, the Wording bond Can be cast at the second level, and once per short rest, the shield can create a protective shell. When an enemy hits the wielder with a melee attack, they can use a reaction to deal 2d4 force damage and hit them prone.


Hood of the Weaving - Very rare helmet

Can be purchased or looted in Act 3 from Mystic Carrion

Baldurs Gate 3's Hood of the Weave highlighted.

The Hood of the Weave

Is part of a fantastic magic boosting set that can be found in Act 3 once the party is in town. The hood can be purchased from Mystic Carrion or loot from the Mummy Master if the party helps Trumbo in BG3. While wearing the hood of the weaver, the cleric will receive a jewel Plus two boosts to their spell save DC and spell attack rolls. This is incredibly useful for late game BG3 When using spells such as or Stop man

On higher-level enemies.


Ring of Regeneration - Very rare ring

Can be purchased in Act 3 from Sorcerous Sundries

Ring of Regeneration in Baldur's Gate 3.
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

The last thing an adventuring party needs is for the healer to fall in battle, and the Ring of Regeneration

Can take some of the worry out of that. When in combat, The ring heals its wearer 1d4 at the start of each of their turns. The Ring of Regeneration is sold in Sorcerous Sundries by Rolan or Lorroakan's projection only before the completion of "Find the night song"
After that the projection of Lorroakan or Rolan will only sell spell scrolls, so it is important to shop early to avoid permanently losing some powerful items.

The healing of the ring can be increased by three hit points with the Life Domain feature Blessed Healer.


Devotee's Mace - Legendary mace

Can be summoned at level 10 using Divine Intervention

Weapon info for Devotee's Mace in Baldur's Gate 3

The Devotee's mass

is an unusual weapon in BG3 As the cleric will have to choose to use a one-time-only feature to get it. At level 10, clerics gain the Divine Intervention action, which can be used in four different ways, one of which is to summon the legendary plus three load. As well as dealing 1d6 bludgeoning and 1d8 radiant damage, the devotee's mass can also cast a healing aura once per long rest. This aura Heals the cleric and nearby allies 1d4 hit points per turn for 10 turns.

As divine intervention is only one use, use hires in BG3 Can allow more than one Devotee's mob to be summoned, freeing up Shadowheart or Tav's Divine Intervention for damage or healing.


The reviving hands - very rare gloves

Can be purchased in Act 3 from Vicar Humbletoes

Close up of the reviving hands in Baldur's Gate 3.
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

The reviving hands

Are a great pair of gloves to pick up for when the inevitable happens and an ally falls into battle. as well as to leave Revify

To cast at third level once per long rest, the gloves too Grant the revived ally the effect of death wardMeaning should they drop to zero hit points again before a long rest, they will remain conscious at one hit point instead. The gloves give the wearer a plus one boost to Strength saving throws, and when they heal another creature, the target gains the effect of Blade Ward.


Amulet of the pious - very rare amulet

Can be looted in Act 3 of the Shore Tabernacle Cellar

The Amulet of the Pious is easily the best amulet for any cleric in BG3But a little trick to get how stealing it will result in that character is cursed. Fortunately Very broken Has a great walkthrough video to pick this up as it gives the wearer a fantastic plus two bonus to their instant save DC. But without a doubt, the best feature is Godswill, which Gives the cleric an extra Channel Divinity charge per long rest.



Amulet of the pious

Wearer gains plus two to spell save DC and can gain one additional Channel Divinity charge per long rest.

As well as Turn Undead, Channel Divinity can be used for different actions depending on the field of the cleric.


The Blood of Latander - Legendary Mass

Can be looted in Act 1 of Rosymorn Monastery

Blood of Lathander item details in Baldur's Gate 3.

The Blood of Lathander

Is the best weapon for a cleric, and something I kept equipped throughout my cleric playthroughs. The mob sheds holy light that has a chance to blind foes and undead if they fail a DC 14 Constitution save. The mass also allows the amazing spell sunshine

To be cast at sixth level once per long rest. Finally, once per long rest, If the wielder is reduced to zero hit points the mob will heal them 1d6 hit points and Nearby allies 1d6 hit points.


Heldusk Armor - Legendary Heavy Armor

Can be prey in Act 3 of Raphael

Close up of Helldusk Armor from Baldur's Gate 3
Custom image by Sarah-Jane Simpson

Finally, for any cleric in Baldur's Gate 3The Heldusk Armor

is a fantastic late-game armor choice. Available after defeating Raphael as the party leaves the House of Hope, this armor Grants the wearer resistance to fire damage, burns enemies when the wearer succeeds on a saving throw against them, and reduces all incoming damage by threeE. The armor also lets the wearer throw Fly

At third level once per long rest for quick repositioning to heal or to stay out of harm's way to command the party.

Source: rAAZ/YouTube, Marika Starflower/YouTube, Be Shattered / Youtube


August 3, 2023


Larian Studios


B For Adults: Blood and gore, partial nudity, sexual content, strong language, violence


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