in Ark: Survival AscendedFlying dinosaurs are must-haves for their superior mobility and ability to traverse the island compared to their grounded counterparts. Crucial for scouting missions or just getting from one place to another quickly and safely, most people's first flying harness will be a massive step up from whatever grounded mount they'd likely been using up to that point.
Although there aren't that many flying creatures currently ASA As there were in evolved, There is still a wide variety of different species you can find, with most of them being tamable. In addition, over time, more flying dinosaurs should be added to the game, as indicated by the ASA DLC Roadmap, giving people more variety in the type of flying dino that is best for them. Meanwhile, there are still a bunch of flying creatures to choose from, and some of them are much better than others.
Ichthyornis (Ichthyornis piscoquus)
Diet: Piscivorous
As it exists in the wild, the ichthyornis is one of the most annoying creatures in ASA Due to its tendency to attack characters and steal their food. A fitting name "Stelgul" by veteran Ark Players, this Shoulder pet actually has a pretty useful hunt & retrieve abilityWhich makes it possible to collect raw prime meat & raw prime fish meat so that you don't need to grind so much for the materials.
In fact, Ichthyornis' dossier states that its tendency to bring the owner treats once tamed is Remembering a house cat that brings home captured prey. Although this feature makes them cool, all the more annoying features make the Ichthyornis one of the worst flying creatures in ASA.
Featherlight (Microluminis Alectryon)
Diet: Omnivore
With glowing feathers and colorful plumage, The featherlight is one of the most beautiful flying creatures in the Ark: Survival Ascended. The featherlight is a bird-like creature that is something like a cross between a pheasant and a parrot. Featherlights can be tamed in a non-violent way that involves feeding them patiently, over a period of time, much like a real-world bird might be tamed.
The small bird is non-aggressive and makes a wonderful decorative shoulder pet. It too Gives players the Charged Light buffWhich protects players from the name and repairs of the aberration map. On the other hand, the buff attracts seekers, which can put players in dangerous situations. Fortunately, the Faithlight's ability to fly means it can escape harm's way even if its companion is ambushed.
Manticore (Arena Boss)
Diet: None
The Manticore is based on a mythological creature of the same name. It has the body and head of a lion, bat-like wings, and the tail of a scorpion. What this really means is that every end of the Manticore is dangerous, from his Sharp row of deadly teeth at the front end to the venom-inflicting stinger at its back end. Thanks to its massive wings, this dangerous Ark Creature can also fly, making it a true terror to face.
There is no way to tame the Manticore. The creature exists only as a host monster in Ark's parched earth Expansion, and it is quite a formidable enemy. It is found in an arena, where in addition to fighting the devastating air attacks, players will also have to fight against deathworms and rock elementals. Players may not be able to add Manticores as their companions, but they remain one of the coolest flying creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended.
Pteranodon (Pteranodon Wyvernus)
Diet: Carnivore
Pteranodons are one of the most recognizable flying dinosaurs, and they make a Great early-game flying mount for their speed and ease of taming. While they are likely to fly away quickly when they hit, it is easier to wait for them to land and take them out with a bola.
The Pteranodon is non-aggressive, and tends to fly away when players get too close. This makes them the perfect first flying mount to tame, since they Do not pose any threat to the player. While they aren't as impressive as late-game flying mounts, they make a great introduction to the skies.
Wyvern (Draconis Vipera)
Diet: Carnivore
Wyverns are legendary creatures that resemble European dragons. Unlike dragons, however, wyverns only have two hind legs, with the upper half only possessing large bat-like wings in place of arms. due to their Powerful air attacks and fast flying abilities, Weaver in Ark are notoriously difficult opponents to take on.
Players can encounter poison, fire, lightning, ice and forest-type wyverns in the game, each with their own appearance, abilities and stats. Although wyverns cannot be tamed, They can be acquired by hatching an egg. The hatched dragon will have the characteristics and level of its parent, so it's important to choose wisely before attempting this.
Voidwyrm (Tek Wyvern)
Diet: Carnivore
The Voidworm is the result of taking a regular wyvern and making it mechanical. Voidworms are fairly similar to their flesh-and-bones counterparts, but their awesome appearance makes them an even more sought-after flying creature in Ark: Survival Ascended. These robotic creatures have mechanical parts and are Covered by a thick metallic armor that blocks most attacks And makes them even harder to take down.
The creatures Can only be found in the space portion of the Genesis: Part 2 expansion And they are just as (if not more) difficult to take down than the regular wyvern. Unlike regular wyverns, Voidwyrms can be tamed with Mutagen. They can also be fed meat as babies, making it easier to raise them than regular wyverns, which require wyvern milk.
Dimorphodon (Dimorphodon Equesica)
Diet: Carnivore
As a shoulder pet, the Dimorphodon is actually one of the better options. This is because Its attack power is higher than most other creatures of its kindWith a base attack of 23 damage.
Found throughout the island in pretty abundant quantities, Dimorphodon is remarkably good at tracking down enemy players in PvP, especially since it's just a shoulder pet. Its power also makes it a bit more difficult to take down than a typical small dino. Dimorphodons typically hunt in small groups and while they will mostly leave players alone, once provoked they tend to attack and then run away, which can be an annoyance.
Terror Bird (Phorusrhacidae Rapidesultor)
Diet: Carnivore
Although a bit of a meme, the Terror Bird is one of the most sought after (and hilarious) mountable and tamable creatures in ASA. Although capable of temporary flight or what some would even call a glide, They make up for their lack of verticality with their impressive ground speed. So fast, in fact, that often they are used for scouting parties to get more intel on neighboring tribes.
Terror Birds can often be found in clusters in the center of the island, so taming one shouldn't be too difficult with the right equipment and level. Players should be sure they can handle more than one of the birds at a time, as they tend to hunt in packs.
Tapejara (Tapejara Imperator)
Diet: Carnivore
Larger than its cousin, the pteranodon, the Tapejara flies high in the sky and is one of the rarest creatures on the island, although it can be found in multiple locations around the world. Because they fly so high and rarely come down to earth to land, Taming a Tapejara can be a struggle without another flying mount's help.
That said, once tamed, they make for one of the game's faster flying mounts, making them super useful to look out for. Tapejara are also capable of carrying more than a single mounted rider, making them even more useful for transport when playing with a group of people.
Summoner (Rockwell Boss)
Diet: None
Although the mighty summoner is not appropriate in Ark: Survival Ascended, It boasts one of the most unique flying creature designs in the entire game. The monster resembles a flower bud when closed and a cross between a flower and a starfish when opened, with Glaring eyeballs staring out at the player from each arm or petal.
The Summoner can be found in Rockwell's Innards in Genesis: Part 2Patrolling around the area with its fleshy petals partially opened to produce a spotlight. Unprepared players should steer away from the spotlight to avoid being noticed by the powerful and terrifying flying creatures.
Onyx (Onychonycteris Specuncola)
Diet: Omnivore
The onick is a monstrous, giant flying bat that is one of the most disgusting creatures in Ark For those who are not fans of bats in real life. Its full name is the Onychonycteris and it is based on real-life fossils of the proto-bat creatures, although the real-life counterpart was nowhere near as large as the in-game Onyc.
Bug repellent will prevent the onick from attacking players on site.
Naturally aggressive and found near caves on the island, Onyc comes with the Mega Rabies debuff, which can drain both health and stamina. Tameable and breedable but not rideable, this horrified creature ranks as one of the coolest flying creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended.
giant bee (Apis Lithohermaea)
Diet: Herbivore
Although not a mountable curb, the Giant queen bee is still highly sought after for its ability to generate giant bee honeyWhich is invaluable, because the ingredient is used as an important ingredient for recipes like extraordinary kibble. When tamed, giant queen bees can be transformed into a hive, which will then slowly generate giant bee honey over time.
Giant bees can typically be found on the side of redwood trees or near cliffs and consume rare flowers.
The giant bees can be found on trees, and they can be a nuisance to take down since stings will cause players to dismount. Using a flying mount will make the hive much easier.
Pelagornis (Pelagornis miocaenus)
Diet: Piscivorous
Although the pelagornis looks more like a giant pelican in appearance, it is actually one of the better rideable flyers in ASA for his Ability to land on water and be used as a platform. The bird's massive wingspan makes it a viable floating fast-stop or even as a mid-water fishing platform.
Although there are other aquatic creatures that would probably be better for these purposes, it is also a beast when it comes to collecting organic polymer. The Pelagornis' ability to switch between air and water transportation can also be a lifesaver when trying to get away from attackers.
Argentavis (Argentavis Atrocollum)
Diet: Carnivore
The Argy, or Argentavis, is a pretty basic flying mountain people play Ark: Survival Ascended. A A well-rounded flying rein, the Argy can handle small and medium-sized creaturesCan be used in battle, and has a decent speed, although slower than other flyers.
The giant bird can usually be found in the northwest portion of the map, near the tundra biome. They resemble vultures and condors and will come down if they smell dead dinos to avoid.
Quetzal (Quetzalcoatlus Conchapicem)
Diet: Carnivore
The giant and well-known Quetzal is one of the most useful flying mounts in the game, capable of carrying enormous weight. It's so big, in fact, that the dinosaur is back Can actually be used as a staging ground for a mobile, flying base.
When building a base on a quetzal, make sure it has high stamina so it can fly for longer.
Taming a quetzal is much harder than other flying mounts due to its immense size, large sound pool and the fact that it never lands. Once tamed, however, the quetzal will likely be one of the most useful tames in Ark: Survival Ascended For most players.