There are many powerful weapons you can use P's liesbut the best ones provide the strongest customization abilities. One of the main features of the game is combining different blades or handles to form new weapons. This allows for a lot of customization, although it's also possible to mismatch parts if you don't know what each part does.
It's a good idea to carry multiple weapon options. Each deals a different type of damage and uses different stats to scale. There's even the option to respec your entire character built around a new weapon. But what works in one fight may not be suitable for every encounter.
Not every weapon is made through a combination of blade and handle. Some weapons are special, with multiple Fable Art techniques instead of being divided into two parts to form a set.
fire ax handle
Eliminate enemies with a balanced weapon
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Blind |
11.4 |
W |
W |
N/A |
The Fire Ax is a very balanced weapon. The head itself does a good amount of damage for a one-handed option. But what you should expect is to use the handle with other blades. The weapon is initially found in a chest at the Union Culvert Workshop. Part of the tunnels will explode due to explosives, and the ax can be found inside them.
The handle has a C scale with Motivity and Technique, making it a great option for different blades. Consider combining it with other similar heads such as the Military shovel blade, Cursed Knight's Halberd Bladeor Puppet Saber Blade. The identifier also grants the To hold on Fable Art, which can avoid taking damage and being staggered for a short period.
Black steel cutting blade and handle
Advance defensively through enemy encounters
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Broadsword |
13.5 |
D |
D |
The Black Steel Cutter is a great weapon to keep together, especially if you are using an Advance version P's lies. This broadsword can be found from a chest in the Hermit's Cave areawhen you defeat a Carcass enemy near the Stargazer. On the wooden structure behind the creature, you can find the two parts of the weapon, which you can keep as a single item or break into two parts for customization.
The Fable Arts for the Blacksteel Cutter are Storm Court and Guard Deviation. Storm Slash unleashes an attack that slashes an enemy in front of you multiple times, while Guard Parry offers a new defensive maneuver. With Parry Guard, you can deflect an enemy's attack at the right time, giving you the ability to counter enemy attacks and retaliate to gain the upper hand.
If you like one of the two Fable Arts of the complete Black Steel Cutter weapon, feel free to detach the blade or handle to create the right weapon for you.
Good weapons for advanced builds are rare in the early game, so this tool could be perfect for those who focus on this stat. Advance strengthens your Legion Arms and elemental attacks, allowing you to use more consumable items effectively. Since this weapon on its own doesn't do much damage, diving into these parts of the game can help you become a more consistent threat to your enemies.
Seven Coil Spring Sword
Spend Ergo early to get this weapon
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Broadsword |
18.7 |
B |
W |
N/A |
Ergo is by far the most important feature in P's liesand it's hard, especially early on, not to spend all your ergo on the levels. Relatively few players know that you can also trade Ergo with Alidoro in exchange for powerful weapons. Alidoro is an NPC you meet in chapter four, first in the St. Frangelico Cathedral Library, and then again in the hotel or Venigni Works.
The Sword of Seven Reels is by far the best early game broadsword that you can find P's lies. Its pure physical attack damage can quickly destroy huge enemy health bars, even at lower levels. The greatsword has two main features that make it even more valuable.
First, it has a substantial damage reduction rate whenever it is holstered, more so than a regular weapon. Secondly, the Seven Coil Sword also deals additional damage whenever you manage to parry an enemy. If you plan to be a heavy weapon user, then you better save your Parade Master ergo to get this weapon.
Salamander Dagger Blade
Add permanent fire damage to your arsenal
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Dagger |
6.6 |
D |
W |
N/A |
The Salamander Dagger is one of the most reliable means of adding fire damage to your arsenal. The complete weapon is found at the entrance to the Union of the Workshop. There will be a large hole that at first glance seems dangerous. Bravely jump and deal with the blank dummies inside. You can then take the dagger as a reward.
The complete weapon is good on its own, but it gets even better when combined with other elemental or advanced scale grips. Consider the Acid Crystal Spear Handle for greater reach, the Acid curved greatsword hilt by pure power, or the Circular electric chainsaw handle for better storage.
Noblesse Obliges
Withstand damage and fight back with force
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Big blunt |
24.7 |
D |
N/A |
One of the heaviest weapons in the game is Noblesse Obligesa giant club that you can survive trading Fallen One's rare Ergo to Alidoro. This special weapon only has one part, but comes with two Fable Arts called Ergonomic release and To hold on. These abilities turn what would normally be a complicated weapon designed for Motivity builds into a solid choice for almost any game.
Noblesse Oblige has some of the highest single-hit damage possible in the game with Ergo Release, which consumes an amount of Ergo to increase its damage. The more Ergo you spend, the greater the weapon's damage will be when hitting something. With Endure, you can also resist enemy attacks, reducing the damage enough to perform Ergo Release and decimate anyone who stands in your way.
Obviously, the problem with this weapon comes from its greedy consumption of Ergo. You need to farm Ergo a lot to use this weapon, so it's not for everyone. However, those who build around this special tool can quickly tear through bosses' health bars, making challenging fights seem trivial.
Golden Lie
Achieve a special weapon at the end of the game
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Blind |
12.3 |
W |
W |
N/A |
The Golden Lie is among the best weapons in the entire game. Unfortunately, it's also one of the last weapons you can earn in P's lies. You should also plan ahead and lie in every possible instance. Choosing the truth option at least once will make the weapon inaccessible. You must also give the Portrait of the boy to Geppetto before challenging the last boss.
If done correctly, the Golden Lie will stop painting after the credits roll, but before choosing to enter New Game Plus mode. You can start using this weapon in another playthrough, perhaps trying to tell the story by telling only the truth.
The Golden Lie itself is a relatively fast blunt mace. It scales well with Motive and Technique, making it a good replacement for Fire Ax users. But its real gem is its Fable Arts: Storm Attack and Furious Golden Hits. The storm attack causes Pinocchio to attack with three quick strikes. Furious Golden Hits attacks and defends at the same time, making you nearly invincible to most counterattacks.
Get a dagger early
Weapon Class |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Dagger |
7.9 |
D |
N/A |
Tag is another weapon you can get by providing specific Ergo to merchant Alidoro. To acquire this useful weapon in P's liesyou need to save and sell the Broken Hero's Ergo to Alidoro after meeting the merchant in Chapter Four. You can acquire the Broken Hero's Ergo by defeating the Scrapped Vigilante.
This boss is located in the Kray Town Hall Courtyard and acts as one of the first real bosses in P's liesmaking the Tag a very accessible early game weapon and an immediate upgrade to your starting gear. If you prefer a lighter, technique-focused build, then the Etiquette is perfectly suited for you.
The umbrella-shaped Tag is a fast weapon that can maintain relatively high physical attack damage. The Fable Art is a useful piercing lung attack which can help players maintain a range advantage despite being a dagger-type weapon. In terms of scaling, it is severely lacking in Motivity, but is incredibly high in Technique for specific builds centered around that stat.
Sword of Two Dragons
Greatly increase your dodge chance
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Sword |
12.9 |
D |
N/A |
The Sword of Two Dragons is one of the unique weapons made from the rare boss Ergo. In this case, you must first defeat the Devouring Green Monster Puppet in the Barren Swamp. Bring the Ergo to Alidoro in the Library of St. Frangelico's Cathedral. After making any starting weapons, they will go to the Hotel Kart for the rest of the game.
As a unique weapon, the Sword of Two Dragons cannot be disassembled and must be wielded in one piece. It has two great fable arts: Link Emergency Dodgewhat makes Pinocchio dodge effortlessly; and Wind of Swordswhich deals area-of-effect damage in a short cone.
Using basic attacks allows you to move forward a bit, making it very easy to evade incoming attacks.
Holy Sword of the Ark
Cut your opponent's health in half
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Broadsword |
21.1 |
B |
W |
N/A |
The Holy Ark Sword is another unique weapon. This time you must defeat The King's Flame, Fucoco in the Venigni Works Control Room. Give the Ergo to Alidoro and he will forge the new weapon. Although the Ark Sacred Sword starts out as a greatsword, one of its Fable Arts reduces its size.
Typically, the weapon's main Fable Art is Patient Crushingwhich deals a single devastating attack. But, the second art called To alter Shrinks the handle and reduces the weapon's overall stamina consumption. Additionally, during Alter's duration, Patient Smash also transforms into a multi-hit attack that can attack up to five times in quick succession.
Eye of Uroboro
Adopt a unique playstyle for the endgame
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Sword |
16.5 |
W |
B |
N/A |
The Eye of Uroboro is a special weapon in P's lies that you can exercise after you give the Sad Zealot's Ergo to Alidoro. Sad Zealot's Ergo was taken from boss Laxasia. This boss comes near the end of the game, after the optional Brotherhood of the Black Rabbit boss fights, but before the two final bosses: the Awakened God and the Nameless Puppet.
Given that this special weapon arrives so late, The Eye of Uroboro is a late-game weapon worth waiting for. After defeating the two-phase boss Laxasia, you can return to the Hotel to meet up with Alidoro and trade the boss's ergo to obtain this visually distinctive weapon.
As you can tell from the weapon's unorthodox design, the Eye of Uroboro encourages a unique playstyle. Although labeled as a sword, it is certainly not comparable to any other sword in the world. P's lies. The weapon's physical attack rivals that of a broadsword, while it also boasts two fabled arts: Waning Moon and Storm Newbiewhich provide sweeping AoE-type attacks.
The Eye of Uroboro also has one of the best range advantages of any weapon in the game. You'll need to find some weapon to sustain you through most of the game, but this is one of the best late-game weapon options you can find in P's lies.
Proof of Humanity
Critical Hits on the Ground Frequently
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Sword |
20.5 |
B |
B |
N/A |
True balance is not normal in most P's lies weapons, but the Proof of Humanity manages to create a perfectly even division between Motivity and Technique. This makes it adjustable for the game's two main building types. However, this weapon is something you can only use in New Game+ as it is received for trading Nameless Puppet's rare Ergo with Alidoro.
Proof of Humanity has Fable Arts Link bar and Grind. Link Slash performs a basic but effective slashing attack that you can perform repeatedly by spending up to three additional Fable slots. Grind increases your critical strike chance, increasing the opportunity to deal heavy damage to targets with bulkier health, especially some of the tougher bosses you encounter.
Electric coil head and handle
Combine the two parts to get a reliable tool
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Blind |
11.7 |
W |
D |
B |
The Electric Coil Stick is one of the best standalone weapons. While other options are great for mixing and matching, this one is best when using the head and cable in their default state. The complete electric coil is purchased for 1,200 Ergo from the Wandering Merchant at the house on Elysian Boulevard.
The weapon is great for its B rank in advanced scale. Although its base damage is physical, it can be increased with electrical damage with the Fable Art To generate. His handle-based Fable Art is Rush Smashwhich makes you jump up and down quickly. Just like the Salamander Dagger, if you decide to reassemble the parts, always combine them with other Advancement-based weapons.
Puppet Ripper
Devastate Enemies with Proper Technique
Weapon type |
Weight |
Motive |
Technique |
Next |
Sword |
16.4 |
W |
B |
N/A |
The Puppet Ripper may be the most destructive entirely Technique-based weapon in the world. P's lies. Like all other special weapons, you must first defeat a certain boss and take your Ergo to Alidoro. In this case, the target is the Puppet King of the Opera Estella. This occurs halfway through the game, allowing you to use it for quite a while.
The Puppet Ripper is a fearsome scythe-like weapon. It is strong and relatively fast, allowing a barrage of devastating blows. Even better, both of your Fable Arts: Fast upward slashwhich reaches an upward arc; and Storm rotating cutwhich attacks in a spinning motion. This makes the weapon not only good for large bosses, but also for taking on groups of smaller enemies.
With enough technique upgraded as your adventure continues, this weapon offers not only great damage but also fantastic range on all your attacks. This versatile nature easily makes The Puppet Ripper one of the best weapons in the world. P's lie to use, even if its special status prevents you from combining it with another Blade or Handle.
- Platform(s)
PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One
- Released
September 19, 2023
- Developer(s)
Round8 Studio, Neowiz
- Editor(s)
M for ages 17+ due to blood and violence