Although Baldur's Gate 3 mainly revolves around a group of adventurers, many players embraced the challenge of completing the game alone. This approach is chosen for several reasons and adds a layer of difficulty to the gameplay. Taking on a solo journey is not for the timid, as selecting the ideal character build becomes even more critical when you don't have the support of a group.
A successful solo build must withstand the numerous challenges encountered and remain engaging until the end of the game. Baldur's Gate 3. Versatility is crucial as it can determine whether you survive a battle or face defeat. These builds vary in play style; some emphasize dealing damage, while others focus on tanking. However, each build is designed to maximize a solo player's chances of success when adventuring without companions.
Cunning battle master
Fighter (11) Rogue (1)
One of the easiest solo builds you can do is to simply stick with the Fighter class for most of the game. THE Battle Master Subclass has an incredible variety of special maneuvers or techniques that you can use in combat to do more than just attack your enemies. Battle Masters receive Superiority Dice that they can spend to improve their damage when performing Maneuvers, making their damage much higher than you would expect.
Some of the best maneuvers to get through this build at fighter levels 3, 7, and 10 include:
- Disarming Attack - Spend a Superiority Die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly forces the target to drop the weapons they are holding.
- Pushing Attack - Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly pushes the target back 15 feet.
- Travel attack - Spend a superiority die to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly knocks the target down.
- Precision Attack - Spend a Superiority Die and add its result to an Attack Roll.
- Response - When a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack, spend a superiority die to retaliate with a powerful attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage.
- Superiority Data - You gain +1 Superiority Dice for a total of 5.
- Evasion with the feet - You can avoid attacks by imposing Disadvantage on melee attacks against you for one round.
- Sweeping attack - Swing your weapon in a quick, sweeping arc to attack multiple enemies at once. Roll your superiority die to see if there is damage.
The Battle Master's wide variety of maneuvers makes this class powerful, investing only in it, with other Fighter characteristics such as Indomitable allowing you to reroll saving throws Baldur's Gate 3 when you fail once per long rest. Once you reach level 11 in this class, you'll have a way to perform nearly eight attacks in a single turn through Extra Attacks, allowing you to make as much of an impact as an entire party.
You can further improve your action economy by investing a single level in the Rogue class. THE Sneak Attack This archetype's ability allows you to deal a little more damage with your attacks, but only under certain conditions. In theory, you could also take three levels of Rouge to specify the Burglar subclass, which gives your character another bonus action to act further in combat.
Beastmaster Lightning Crow
Ranger (11) Cleric (1)
Another solo construction focused on BG3 revolves around the Ranger class, specifically the Beastmaster Subclass from levels 1-11. Your Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer traits are not as important in this class as Ranger's Companion you get when choosing the subclass. The animal companion you get can be upgraded to become a pseudo-party member, making up for those you adventure without.
Ability |
Points |
Proficiency Bonus |
Strength |
12 |
+1 |
Dexterity |
16 |
+3 |
Constitution |
14 |
+2 |
Intelligence |
8 |
-1 |
Wisdom |
16 |
+3 |
Charisma |
8 |
-1 |
You will want select archery fighting style in level 2 to improve ranged attacks, while selecting the spell Hunter's Mark
at level 3 to further increase your damage. Receiving Extra Attack at level 5 it pairs well with an increase in your dexterity at level 4 as you get stronger. At level 5, your Beast Companion also gets better, adding your proficiency bonus to armor class and damage rolls.
As you can see in the video above from the YouTube creator RageGamingVideosThis compilation is named after Companion of the Dire Crow Beastwhose flying speed makes them an ideal creature to use alongside this multiclass.
At level 7, your Companion also gains the ability to Dash, Disengage, or Assist as a bonus action, making them capable of doing more in combat. However, Level 11 is the most important trait for the Beast, as unlocks a special ability that only they can use. They also gain an Extra Attack, allowing them to be much stronger allies in combat than some named characters could ever be.
Finally, you will want become a War Domain Cleric at level 12 to win the War Priest resource. This ability allows you to spend a War Priest charge to make an additional attack as a bonus action, which also extends to your Beast Companion. With spells like Darkness
and Lightning Arrow Complementing your ranged attack style, you and your companion can dominate encounters alone throughout your adventures.
barian bear
Druid (6) Barbarian (6)
The Druid-Barbarian multiclass build is highly regarded for good reason. Start by Level up as a Druid in the first two levels to select a subclass, preferably choosing Circle of the Moon for its transformative abilities. Then switch to Barbarian for the next three levels to acquire another subclass.
Wildheart, with its Bear Heart option, offers excellent damage resistance for those looking for a tank-oriented playstyle. On the other hand, the Berserker subclass is ideal if damage output is prioritized, especially for its level 6 skill. Mindless Rage, which provides immunity to Charmed and Frightened.
After choosing a Barbarian subclass, return to the Druid in BG3 through four levels to unlock higher-level spells, Primal Strike, and higher Wild Shape forms like Owlbear. The main spells to remember are Enhanced Leap, Goodberry, Longstrider, and Speak with Animals. Finally, switch back to Barbarian for the rest of the game to gain extra attacks and increased movement.
Double Beast
Ranger (5) Fighter (4) Rogue (3)
This build is based on the Sharpshooter talent, essential for maximizing damage and mitigating BG3High ground mechanics. Start with a Ranger, selecting the archery fighting style at level two to add a +2 bonus to ranged attacks.
At Level 3, opt for Gloomstalker subclass to gain Dread Ambusher, which adds +3 to Initiative, and Superior Darkvisionensuring that ranged attacks are rarely at a disadvantage. Advance as a Ranger to level 5 to earn the Sharpshooter talent, then switch to Fighter to progress further.
In this version, opt for Two-Weapon Fighting with the Fighter Class to add ability modifiers to off-hand attacks, which is crucial for maximizing damage. Continue with Fighter to unlock Action Surgethen choose the Battle Master subclass for the Precision Attack maneuver to increase hit accuracy.
Advance Fighter to the next level to obtain a second Talent. Finally, switch to Rogue in BG3 in the last three levels to acquire a second bonus attack and sneak attacksincreasing damage output in the later stages of the game.
Shadow Lurker Assassin
Archer (9) Rogue (3)
The Gloomstalker Assassin is ideal for a stealth-oriented build that excels at ranged attacks and allows quick escapes. This simple strategy starts with three levels in Ranger and selects the Gloomstalker subclass for its stealth and ambush capabilities.
Then, transition to Rogue for the next three levelsopting for the Assassin Subclass to enhance stealth attacks. Finally, return to Ranger for the remaining levels to develop even more stealth and ranged combat skills.
Gloomstalker's Dread Ambusher, which adds +3 to Initiative, Effectively synergizes with the Assassin's Assassinate featuregranting advantage against enemies that have not yet taken their turn. Incorporating the Alert talent further increases this advantage, ensuring that the character is consistently at the top of the initiative order.
Monk (7) Rogue (5)
Ninja Monk builds the Way of Shadow Monk with Thief Rogue to create a durable, fun, and stealthy character. This far-reaching construction capitalizes on having two bonus actions per round, using the Monk's Dark Step to teleport between shadows and Rogue's Hide action for stealth.
Start by creating a Monk and advance to Level 3, choosing the Path of Shadows. Then switch to Rogue to enhance your stealth capabilities and agility. Level up as a Rogue for five levels to earn the Thief's Quick HandsUncanny Dodge and increased sneak attack damage. Then go back to Monk to level up even more. Focus first on improving Dexterity with your talents in BG3but also consider the Sharpshooter Talent to enhance ranged attacks.
Drunk Explosive Barbarian
Barbarian (6), Fighter (3), Rogue (3)
Neglecting a Barbarian's Rage already allows you to do a lot of damage to your enemies, but there are ways to multiclass this theme in a solo build. This build utilizes a passive feature called The drinker's ragean ability given by Drunk bastard
Two-handed Greatclub you can join BG3. This weapon gives your character advantage on attack rolls when drunk and causes AoE explosions that deal thunder damage to nearby enemies.
As a Barbarian, you want choose the Wild Heart subclass at level 3 and choose the Tiger Beast Heart resource. This feature gives you The tiger's bloodlustwhich causes anyone you hit to take Bleed damage along with any punishment you inflict. This stacks with your weapon's AoE Thunder damage, causing you to inflict Bleed on three enemies on almost every attack.
This deals damage like you couldn't imagine, with the Great Weapon Master for Barbarians talent in BG3 further increasing this damage. At level 6, get the Aspect of the Beast: Wolverine to maim any target you bleed, dealing extra damage beyond what you've already dealt.
At this point, you can invest three levels in Fighter to gain the Great weapon fighting style at Fighter Level 2 to ensure your Greatclub damage is always high. With Surge of action Also at level 2, you can attack more frequently, inflicting thunderous explosions four times per turn. Choose the Battle Master subclass to gain Manuelers with Superiority Dice for more damage boosts and better battle strategies.
Three levels in Rogue Thief complete this build as it allows you to use Sneak Attack and Fast hands. With Sneak Attack, you can gain a little extra damage to really turn this build into something ridiculous. Fast Hands offers another bonus action, allowing you to Rage and do something else on your turn the moment you activate the Barbarian's best feature.
Classic Palalock
Paladin (7) Warlock (5)
The Paladin-Warlock multiclass build is popular because both classes use Charisma as their main spellcasting ability. Warlocks benefit from recovering spell slots on short rests, which helps sustain the damage dealt. Start with a Paladin, choosing Oath of the Ancients for its Level 7 Aura of Protection, which halves magic damage. Level up the Paladin to level 7 before transitioning to Warlock.
From here, select The Great Old One as your patron for the Mortal Reminder feature, which makes enemies scared on critical hits. Choose Supernatural Invocations, such as Repelling Blast and Seductive Influence, and choose Pact of the Blade as your Pact Boon.
Prioritize the Wild Striker talent to roll damage twice, taking the highest number, but focus on increasing Charisma for Ability Upgrades.
Tavern Brawler Monk
Monk (8) Rogue (4)
Tavern Brawler Monk is an engaging and fun game to play BG3 build using the Tavern Brawler talent. Start by creating a Rogue to access the Sneak Attack bonus, then switch to Monk until level 6. This progression provides a strong base with Unarmored Defense, Unarmored Movement and Stunning Attackin addition to acquiring the Tavern Brawler talent.
This build pairs perfectly with Path of the Open Hand, enhancing options when using Flurry of Blows. After establishing your Monk base, switch to Rogue for three levels, selecting the Thief subclass to gain an extra bonus action.
This synergizes well with the Monk's abilities, allowing up to four attacks per turn using Flurry of Blows. Later, return to leveling as a Monk to acquire Evasion and Stillness of Mind, which are invaluable for dealing with final bosses.
Ice Killer
Wizard (9) Warlock (2) Cleric (1)
For a powerful built-in assistant BG3 Focusing on ice spells and Abjuration, start by creating a Warlock with the Great Old One as your patron. Initially, take the spell Agathys' Armor
which becomes more crucial as you level up.
At level 2, choose Uncanny Summons Repelling Blast and Shadow Armor. Shadow Armor is particularly valuable because allows you to cast Mage Armor at will without using a spell slot. Since Mage Armor is an Abjuration spell, it's vital to improve your defensive capabilities as you progress.
After starting out as a Warlock, switch to Cleric for one level, opting for Tempest Domain. This choice complements the build well, as the domain's Wrath of the Storm ability allows you to add electrical damage to your repertoire, increasing the effectiveness of your water-based cold spells.
Finally, transition to Wizard, selecting the Abjuration subclass to acquire Arcane Ward. This protective shield is reinforced by the casting of Abjuration spells such as Mage Armor, Armor of Agathys, Sanctuary and Glyph of Warding, significantly improving your character's defense.
The Ice Assassin's construction emphasizes Cold Damage Spells, using them effectively with Create Water
to maximize damage output. Additionally, specific items in BG3 can significantly improve this build, are accessible early in the game, and can greatly amplify your cold damage capabilities.
Look for the Morning Frost staff, which can be reforged by collecting its pieces in the Underdark. Another valuable item is the Cold brim hat
located in a chest in Balthazar's quarters in Moonrise Towers. Both items are affordable.
Bardlock Melee
Bard (6), Warlock (4), Fighter (2)
Bards in Baldur's Gate 3 excel in combat and non-combat scenarios, making them highly versatile, especially in solo games where unique supplemental dialogue options are not available. From them Charisma and Performance skills are invaluable for interactions with NPCsenhancing the game's rich narrative experience.
Bards can learn various spells, while the The Warlock class provides additional spell slots that regenerate on a short rest. This complements the Bard's Song of Rest, which simulates the effects of a Short Rest.
Ability |
Points |
Proficiency Bonus |
Strength |
8 |
+0 |
Dexterity |
16 |
+1 |
Constitution |
14 |
+0 |
Intelligence |
10 |
+0 |
Wisdom |
10 |
+0 |
Charisma |
16 |
+2 |
Start as a level 1 bard with cantrips like Vicious Mockery and choose healing spells for additional support. Progress as a Bard to level 6 to gain skills like Jack of All Trades and the College of Swords subclass, which allows extra damage with Bardic Inspiration and increases AC with Dueling Fighting Style. You also gain an Extra Attack at this level to improve your damage output.
At level 4, choose an ability boost to increase your charisma to 18.
At level 7, transition from the Warlock class into BG3 for spells like Eldritch Blast and select Eldritch summons like Agonizing Blast and Devil's Sight. This increases the strength of the spell and allows vision in darkness. At warlock level 9, choose the Darkness spell and further increase Charisma to 20 through Skill Upgrade.
The combination of Warlock's Pact of the Blade and Bard's College of Swords allows for a melee playstyle that is robust and adaptable to various combat situations. Optionally, adding two Fighter levels can enhance your strategy with Defense to extra AC and Action Surge, offering a boost similar to an Extra Attack.
Monk of the Circle of Spores
Druid (3) Monk (6) Rogue (2)
The Druid of the Circle of Spores, alongside a Monk built in BG3offers tremendous damage in unarmed combat, making it a formidable build in BG3. When unarmed, you can deal 19-44 damage per hit and 38-88 with Flurry of Blowswhich can also knock targets down.
With the Monk's abilities, you can perform multiple attacks per turnsignificantly increasing its damage potential. As a Druid, the ability to transform Wild Shape into powerful forms like the Owlbear adds a strength-based tank-style combat option.
Features |
Statistics |
Proficiency Bonus |
Strength |
17 |
+2 |
Dexterity |
14 |
+0 |
Constitution |
8 |
+0 |
Intelligence |
10 |
+0 |
Wisdom |
16 |
+1 |
Charisma |
8 |
+0 |
Start as a Druid and advance to Level 3 to gain the Circle of Spores subclass and early access to Wild Shape, then switch to Monk at Level 4. Circle of Spores grants the Symbiotic entity ability, increasing your unarmed strikes with eight temporary health and additional necrotic damage.
At level 4 as a Monk, you will acquire Flurry of Blows. Opt for the Path of the Open Hand subclass to further enhance this skill, increasing its effectiveness and adding debilitating effects to their attacks.
Choose the Tavern Brawler talent to double your Strength modifier on all unarmed attackscomplementing the Monk's Level 8 Extra Attack feature, which makes his combat presence even more formidable. Starting at level 10, consider adding levels to Rogue in the Thief subclass to gain a bonus attack via quick hands each turn, allowing frequent use of Flurry of Blows and maximizing your damage output.
Wild Magical Barbarian
Barbarian (8) Sorcerer (4)
This Wild Magic-focused Barbarian Sorcerer build is highly dynamic. If attacking under Rage or casting spellsthere is a chance to activate the Wild Magic Surge in BG3producing random but potent magical effects. This unique combination makes every moment of combat unpredictable and powerful.
Features |
Statistics |
Proficiency Bonus |
Strength |
17 |
+2 |
Dexterity |
10 |
+0 |
Constitution |
16 |
+1 |
Intelligence |
8 |
+0 |
Wisdom |
8 |
+0 |
Charisma |
14 |
+0 |
Start as a Barbarian and switch to Sorcerer at level 2 to access the Wild Magic subclass early, allowing you to activate magical surges during spellcasting and with Rage. A construction division with Level 8 Barbarian and Level 4 Sorcerer maximize your Talent acquisitionincreasing its versatility.
Alternatively, a split of Level 7 Barbarian and Level 5 Sorcerer grants access to Level 3 spell slots in Baldur's Gate 3offering more powerful spells depending on your combat preferences and the specific skills you want to employ. This flexibility allows you to customize the build to suit your playstyle, whether you prioritize raw physical power or more strategic spellcasting.
Source: NovoDengs/YouTube, RageGamingVideos/YouTube, RageGamingVideos/YouTube