13 best seeds for spiders in minecraft 1.21

13 best seeds for spiders in minecraft 1.21

Speed ​​runs in Minecraft Can be difficult without using the best world seeds to generate the resources needed to reach the Ender Dragon faster than anyone else. The right seed can allow you to have the right stronghold close to your spawn or be close to starting equipment without having to. The 1.21 update has included even more unique environments that can help you get to the credits quickly.

The key to speed running comes from traveling to the nether fast by harvesting obsidian blocks. This is how you can make enough Eyes of Ender from Blaze Rods in Minecraft To activate the end gate found in the Stronghold. The best seeds for quick runs will have pools of lava you can use to build a nether portal, which teleports you close to blaze mobs as you travel between dimensions.



Cherry Blossom Village

Seed No. -1954962231574696778

Minecraft Village in the heart of cherry blossoms seed.

Villages are always useful for a Minecraft Speedrun since some houses have chests with valuable resources. This seed spawns you into a Minecraft Cherry Blossom Biome Close to a small settlement with a House belongs to a blacksmithAn important mass to find for their raw material.

Iron, gold and an iron sword can be found here to start your journey with enough materials to break obsidian blocks for a quick nether gate.


Ruined Nether Gate

Seed No. -569919664172379455

Minecraft Ruined Lava Gate for easy speedruns in specific world seed.

Another village can be found near the seed's spawn location, but the main attraction here is a small bed of obsidian blocks arranged to resemble a nether gate in MinecraftSitting in a pool of lava. Located above ground, your own obsidian from chests in the village can be Used to make a gate from the already-arranged blocks.


Desert Temple Ruins

Seed No. 638141143732715702

Although it may not look like it at first, this seed holds almost something a Minecraft Speedrunner may need, according to content creator The Aethergamer. When you spawn in a savanna/desert hybrid biome, travel to a nearby desert temple in MinecraftHiding in the sand.

From here, you'll find at least three chests with a good amount of iron and other resources that will help start your run.


Icebound Black Village

Seed No. -2095471597570576945

Minecraft Icebound Blacksmith Village Seed Chest with Obsidian for Speedrun.

Those looking for a village dedicated to blacksmithing Minecraft Will succeed through this seed. Here, players spawn in a snow-covered area with the location they want right across a frozen lake.

Chests here hold 5 Obsidian Blocks, the amount you need to complete the nearby Nether Gate Ruins in the same biome. There is even another chest at the ruins with a Flint & Steel To help activate the portal.


Desert Pillager Outpost

Seed No. 4621516844364984175

Minecraft Desert Pillager Outpost of World Seed with Resources for Speedrun.

Pillager outposts are usually too dangerous to consider Speed ​​runs, but the Iron Golem trapped in a cage in the seed's bandit lair allows her to avoid any danger. Simply Attack and kill the golem Without provoking enemy mobs to collect some free iron in Minecraft.

In addition, another Blacksmith Village contains approx 14 obsidian blocks with half a set of iron armor To help you against enemies in the Netherlands.


Twin Iron Villagers

Seed No. -822484008302087253

Minecraft Village home of world seed with two settlements filled with iron for speedrun.

The winter forest you find yourself in using the seed places you in not one but two blacksmith villages located right next to each other. The combined resources found in both areas are staggering, with almost a Full set of iron armor, Vessels of iron, and obstacles of iron You can use to make other things.



Sunken treasure ship

Seed No. 2835955152058382683

Minecraft sunken ship filled with treasure from Speedrun world seed.

Underwater treasure can often be rare in MinecraftBut this seed ensures you are next to a destroyed vessel as soon as possible. From spawn, you will be near a normal village in MinecraftWith everything you need to go swimming for the chests inside the ship under the body of water right under the grassy biome.


House of Diamonds

Seed No. 6790734861381482413

Minecraft world seed with blacksmith house full of diamonds for speedrun.

Right from spawning in the seed, your character will be inside a village, pretty much right on top of a blacksmith's house in Minecraft. This gives you a great start, with the chest in this home Three diamonds And Some obsidian blocks.

With a lava pool close by, the diamonds in Minecraft Can be used to craft the strongest armor in the game to keep you alive as you summon Blazes and eventually the Ender Dragon.


Island of Buried Treasure

Seed No. -821696136519134748

Players open a chest of buried treasure, with diamonds, fish, iron ingots and other treasures in Minecraft.

While anyone using this seed might suspect the 7 obsidian blocks and 2 diamonds found in a blacksmith village to be the main highlight, there is much more to the world. Three buried chests Can be discovered around the island in Minecraft You spawn, one of which is by coordinates (-116, 65, -167)With treasure beyond a speedrunner's wildest dreams within Minecraft.

Four more diamonds, 6 gold and 44 iron ingots make up the loot from the containers, an excellent find in any world.

Another reason this seed is amazing for spiders in Minecraft Is that another village has a lava pool for an easy nether gate, and the location of the nether fortress is past the rift between dimensions. Build your gate in the second village in Minecraft Set her near the Nether Fortress, let her farm Blaze Rods to your heart's desire.


Bastions of Nether Loot

Seed No. 3120335704963501264

Minecraft Nether Treasure Bastion in world seed best used for speedrun.

There's no denying the world seed is the best for a speedrun, with Four blacksmith villages within arm's length of when you spawn. Almost every resource you could need is immediately available, with two chests of buried treasure inside Minecraft Providing around 5 diamonds to harvest.

Even when you build your nether gate in any of these villages, the fortress will be very close to where you teleport. Minecraft.

However, two bastions found around the Nether Fortress offer even more materials, especially when dealing with Piglins, for your inevitable encounter with the Ender Dragon. A Full set of Diamond Armor is waiting for you in these locations, giving you the most powerful defense in the game.


Nether Fortress Spawn

Seed No. 32741367440

One of the best seeds for spidrons ensures that you have a comfortable and resource-rich spawn point, such as this one recommended by BeasteekL On YouTube. here, Players spawn in the middle of four plains villageswhich are all close to each other.

Besides all the materials and gear you can get, you can also repair the ruined portal found in the ocean near one of the villages, which has a chest that contains unique items in Minecraft.

When you use the portal to teleport into the nether, you'll encounter a bastion with even more rare items, such as a netherite upgrade smithing sample, ancient debris, and a diamond pickaxe with mending. Furthermore, you will find a Nether Fortress where you can obtain Blaze Rods To eventually make Eyes of Ender for the End Gate.

Before continuing your speedrun adventure, you should take a look at the shipwrecks found in the surrounding oceans to find loot chests containing lapis lazuli and other valuables. These items are important because you can use them in an enchanting table to enchant your gear, Preparing you to fight the Ender Dragon with optimal Weapons in Minecraft.



Shipwreck 1

(20, 60, 291)

Plains Village 2

(-209, 64, 88)

Trial Chambers

(-252, -22, 120)

Plains Village 3

(-196, 69, -134)

Plains Village 4

(-12, 64, -125)

Ruined gate 2

(33, 64, -429)

Shipwreck 2

(99, 59, -310)

Shipwreck 3

(140, 66, -479)


Village Stronghold

Seed No. 2318176229889913168

The Village Stronghold Bedrock Seed is a valuable find. Players spawn directly on top of a rooftop of one of the village houses, with a ruined gate in sight on the hilltop. When you use this portal, you can find a Nether Fortress at Nether coordinates (64, 50, -80) As well as a bastion a little further out, about 800 nether blocks away.

Right below spawn, you can dig down to find a stronghold beneath the village, providing quick access to the end, the finale of your Speedrun journey. It is extremely rare to find one of these structures in your starting area, which makes this one of the best Spidrun seeds in Minecraft.

This seed gives you two of the most important features in one place for a speedrun seed. First, you can visit the fortress to get bubble rods and obtain ender pearls by killing the many endermen in the nether before making your way straight to the netherlands. Stronghold just a few hundred blocks away.

To get better equipped before going to the Stronghold, find a nearby buried treasure chest under the sea, where you can find TNT, Diamonds, Iron, Chain Armor and more. Although not necessary for a speedran, those who are not in a rush should also explore the process chambers in MinecraftFound below the coastal village.



Coastal Village

733, 63, -242


750, 45, -294

buried treasure

712, 45, -440

Trial Chamber

817, -20, -452


Closest stronghold to Spawn

Seed No. 5705783928676095273

View of a Village of Plains by a Woodland Mansion in a Meadow biome, in the Meadow PE seed in Minecraft.

Another seed that Works for Bedrock and JavaPlayers spawn directly into a gorgeous floral meadow biome, where a Plains Village sits beneath a foreboding woodland mansion inhabited by dangerous mobs such as Pillagers in Minecraft.

There is another plains village near the meadow; Both these settlements, coupled with the Woodland Mansion, will Provide players with many resources And useful materials to help in their fast-running objective by acquiring powerful weapons and durable armor.

Additionally, if you dig down below the Woodland Mansion, two zombie spawners can be found, allowing you to create XP farms in Minecraft And enchant your gear to make it more effective against the Ender Dragon.

However, the best benefit of this specific seed is that it gives you the closest stronghold found near Spawn, which is extremely uncommon among Minecraft Kingdom. you Just need to travel around 644 blocks from your spawn point to reach the end gateWhich is about a 2-minute sprint, making this the best seed for a speedrun.



Zombie Spawner

(57, 105, -61)

Zombie Spawner 2

(19, 118, -4)

Process chamber dig-point

(150, 98, 153)

Plains Village 2

(126, 122, -264)

Old town dig point

(143, 119, -176)

Ruined gate

(294, 103, 77)


(602, 18, 231)

While not necessary for a spidron, you can also explore a trial chamber and an Ancient City in other areas below the surface, full of chests with valuable spidron-worthy loot, such as the Manning Enchantment in Minecraft.

Source: The Aethergamer/YouTube, BeasteekL/YouTube