for Minecraft 1.21 players on Nintendo Switch, seeds are a great way to generate new scenic and resource-rich worlds. The Tricky Trials update added new content to the game, but at its core, Minecraft Is still very much the same game it always was. To generate his infinite worlds, Minecraft Relies on seeds for world generation. Sharing seeds allows players to share their favorite custom worlds.
The Nintendo Switch runs Minecraft Bedrock edition, so many of Minecraft The seeds of 1.21 will work fine on Nintendo's hybrid console. However, the best seeds will also depend on how you and your friends like to play. Survival mode players may prefer worlds with lots of rare structures and resources, while Creative mode players will want the most picturesque landscapes as backdrops for their latest creations.
Shipwreck Coast
Seed No. 2449693233269205895
This seed spawns players on the edge, right on the edge between the savanna and forest biomes. This gives you Easy access to mobs from both biomesIncluding sheep, chickens, pigs, and Llamaswhich typically only spawn in savanna biomes. These all produce useful resources; Llamas can even be turned into pack animals by giving them chests.
Perhaps the most interesting and unique feature of the local area is a small island in coordinates (-304, 54, -452). On the shoreline, you can find a shipwreck, completely intact, with chests containing useful resources, including food, ingots, and forging templates for armor trims.
Mangrove swamp
Seed No. 2087273094989673689
This seed is an especially great choice for environmentalists, and you can grab it in a mangrove swamp biome on the coast of several desert islands. Minecraft Mangrove swamps are home to Rare mobs such as frogs and tropical fishAnd you can also explore them to find rare mangrove propagules. These eventually grow into mangrove trees, allowing you to expand and restore the threatened swampland areas.
You can also breed frogs in Minecraft, And they will even produce rare froglight blocks when they consume small magma cubes.
Off the nearby beach, you'll also find a warm water biome with Vibrant coral reefs with tropical fish. These don't contain any particularly useful resources, but they're nice to look at. Just outside the mangrove swamp areas are large flat beaches that are perfect for building on, whether you're planning a new base or a unique creative mod build.
The Lake Village
Seed No. -2260271473441531330
Found by Reddit user u/YourLocalKnightThis seed features one of Minecraft Villages in coordinates (-425, 65, -400). The village rests in the middle of a large and very deep lake, with a couple of sky islands that create waterfalls that pour down into the village itself. Fortunately, the waterfalls are generated in a way that does not damage any of the buildings or structures.
The table below Showcases all the available villagers who live in this thriving community, along with each of their trades. The Weaponsmith, for example, offers items with some of the best sword enchantments in Minecraft:
Villagers |
Available trades |
Stone Mason |
Farmer |
Farmer |
Fisher |
Cleric |
Weaponsmith |
Besides the useful items and services you can get in villages, players can also explore the lake to find a Massive ocean monument which stretches from the surface down to incredible depths. Ocean Monuments are the only places where hostile Guardian mobs will spawn. If you are familiar with setting redstone mechanisms, you can easily make one of Minecraft Best XP Farms to harvest lots of XP from Guardians.
The Savannah
Seed No. 3144402394356182322
This seed spawns you in the middle of a savannah biome, with two large savannah villagers inside Easy walking distance from each other. Unfortunately, both have long been abandoned, but with a bit of creative fashion magic or by curing some zombie villagers in MinecraftYou can repopulate both settlements. Both villages focus on farming, producing plenty of edible crops that you can eat to keep hunger at bay during your first few days.
Make sure to tame one of the wild cats roaming the area. A tamed cat will scare away phantoms and creepers.
One of the villagers also sits on the edge of a Sinkhole that leads directly to an abandoned mineGive you a fantastic starting point for mining in the depths. The caverns below the village run far underground, putting you in the best level for mining diamonds Minecraft.
The Stone Lake
Seed No. 22062004
Found by Reddit user u/Rusty_AmmunitionThis seed spawns players near a rather unique geological feature: a large and deep lake surrounded by rocky hills. For gameplay purposes, the lake is considered Part of the warm ocean biome. As such, you can find schools of fish, squid, and even pods of dolphins swimming around: a rare sight, especially when the ocean is nowhere near your starting point.
It's a great seed for some unique Creative Mode builds and an option for Survival Mode players who want to challenge themselves. The lakeside cliffs have a lot of coal ore in them MinecraftAnd there are also deep underwater caverns with rich veins of ore. Underwater mining is an extremely dangerous endeavor even for experienced players, so getting minerals from under the lake is quite a challenge.
The Mansion Village
Seed No. -1558256749950985942
This seed was discovered by Reddit user u/Fragrant_Result_186. in coordinates (300, 150 and 350)You will find a lakeside village with an incomplete Ruined Portal, a Pillager Outpost, and a Gigantic Woodland Mansion, All within a few steps of each other. This makes for a chaotic starting point for any survival mode adventure, as the Village will constantly be raided by hostile pillagers and threatened by hostile mobs spawning in the mansion.
However, you can also take up arms to defend the village, defeat the pillagers and Get these 'Hero of the Village' Sign To receive gifts and discounts. Then, explore inside the Woodland Mansion, which contains many different rooms, ranging from libraries and dining halls to prisons and galleries with giant cat statues.
Woodland Mansions and Pillager Outposts are also the only places you can find them Minecraft Rare alley mobs. Alais can collect and deliver things, love music and are quite expensive. You can find several allies locked in prison cells in a room on the ground floor.
Bamboo Forest Island
Seed No. 7144307065495859999
This seed spawns you on an island with a jungle biome that contains dozens and dozens of fast-growing bamboo plants. The island is separated from the mainland by a small strip of water and has a lot of flat grassland for construction. It's a big one Mix of the two biomesHow to tame ocelots for protection against creepers, tame parrots for fun, and harvest resources such as melons and cocoa beans.
At the same time, you also have a lot of space to build. The island itself is also resource-rich and great for exploration. Deep caverns and lush caves can be found beneath the island and are easily accessible from the surface through sinkholes. Finally, there is even a Jungle Temple in the water nearbyWhich players can explore to find extra items and resources.
The hidden meadow
Seed No. 6487992
Discovered by Reddit user u/QibliTFThis seed spawns you on the edge of a Giant meadow surrounded by snowy mountains. It's a dream for creative mod players, offering a scenic landscape that still acts as a perfectly blank canvas for building the largest structures you can imagine. However, Survival Mode players may also want to take a look.
There is no shortage of space to build and expand a home base, and sinkholes scattered around the area lead deep underground to a network of twisting caves and caverns. There are underground lakes and vertiginous drops that lead even further down. Intrepid explorers can even find rare diamonds in Minecraft Deep under the ground.
This seed also works in Java edition but will spawn in a village in the meadow area.
The River Village
Seed No. -5043669384686102288
This seed puts you right next to a thriving coastal village that stretches inland, across a small river. The empty grasslands give you space to build your own home, and you can even find various interesting features within walking distance. The first is an incomplete ruined portal, sitting right on the edge of a sinkhole that leads Down to a cavern with an abandoned mine.
The second is one of Minecraft New cherry blossom biomesWhich can be tricky to find without using seeds. However, with this seed, you can find one on a hillside just upriver from your spawn point.
The lush coffee island
Seed No. -950547527103331411
Found by Reddit user u/Rusty_AmmunitionThis seed spawns you on a seemingly normal island, but dig down and you'll uncover an incredible open-air lush cave biome with a truly spectacular view of the surrounding tropical ocean. Lush caves are fairly uncommon, and it's hard to find one that isn't completely underground.
Besides giving you a unique space to build, you can also find and spawn blue axolotls Minecraft. Axolotls can only be found in lush cavesSo they are generally quite rare compared to other mobs. They are also surprisingly useful in combat and can provide passive buffs when joining players in a fight.
Shipwreck Island
Seed No. 6227544982942086131
Sail the seas with your boat in this Minecraft Seed, players eventually come to one of the most intriguing islands in coordinates (-1200, 100, -1200). All around the sandy shores, you will see four shipwrecks that have crashed in the country, which was perhaps once sailed by pirates.
This area has a lot of exciting building opportunities for players who want to create pirate-based projects, and you can Clear each shipwreck for lots of valuable resources And unique things in MinecraftAs shown in the table below:
Structures |
prey |
Shipwreck 1 |
Shipwreck 2 |
Shipwreck 3 |
Shipwreck 4 |
prey |
With so many treasure maps available, you will be able to go on your very own hunt for treasures that those who sailed the ships could not finish. Inside one of the chests is also a Leather cap enchanted with Blast Protection UV and Unbreaking UV. Although it is not made of a strong material, it is a great piece of armor to start with, as it is equipped with some of the best enchantments in Minecraft for survival.
By taking the three Moss Blocks found here, you can immediately plant these and use Bonemeal to farm for all the resources found in Lush Coffee. This means you will not have to go down digging, bring the cave depths up to the surface.
Temple Island
Seed No. 1070141852853881206
Another brilliant island seed is Temple Island, due to the two temples, also known as pyramids, situated here. Players will spawn on the main island, which is a Small jungle biome with bamboo growing and a jungle temple in Minecraft In the center. By exploring inside and finding both chests, you'll get plenty of loot, as shown below:
Structures |
prey |
Jungle Temple |
Shipwreck |
Ruined gate |
Just across the tropical ocean biome that surrounds the island, you'll also see a Desert temple completely isolated in the waterWhich is extremely unusual. By carefully making your way down, avoiding the TNT trap, you will find a huge amount of valuable items used for various crafting needs:
Desert Temple |
prey |
There is so much more to this area than just the two lotable structures that make it worth checking out here. Behind the jungle island, is an underwater shipwreck with more items, as well as a Underwater ruined portal all near spawn. With two extra blocks of obsidian found in the chest near the structure, you'll get quick access to the nether, which is always useful near spawn.
Deep Dark Trail Chamber
Seed No. 5082156891300789959
For those looking for a seed with large underground structures, this option is one of the best seeds for Trail Chambers Minecraft. What is most intriguing about this seed is that you can find a process chamber very close to spawn coordinates (71, -34, -348).
The Process Chamber is particularly unique, as when players stumble upon it, they'll notice that it's infected with skulk veins spread throughout the structure, showing that it's in the Deep Dark Biome. Those looking for an extra challenging layer to the already difficult Process Chambers will enjoy this one in particular.
Like these Warden spawns when players alert Sculker Shriekers Through health, players must simultaneously attempt to sneak around while completing the Trial Chamber and facing the new hostile mobs within while perhaps also trying to escape from the Warden.
These are just some of the best seeds for Minecraft On Nintendo Switch. Being able to enjoy the iconic sandbox game on the go is just one of the perks of owning Nintendo's hybrid console. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the seeds will also work on any platform Minecraft Bedrock Edition, so they should work on other consoles as well.
Source: u/YourLocalKnight/reddit, u/rusty_ammunition/reddit, u/Fragrant_Result_186/reddit, u/QibliTF/reddit, u/rusty_ammunition/reddit
- platforms
3DS, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Wii U, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360
- Released
November 18, 2011
- developer(s)
- Publisher(s)