Blacksmiths play vital roles in villages, providing tools, weapons and armor essential for survival in minecraft. Since the 1.14 Village & Pillage update in 2019, blacksmiths are categorized into three roles: Gunsmiths, blacksmithsand Gunsmiths. Each specializes in exchanging their respective items for Emeralds.
Starting a new world with a nearby blacksmith is advantageous for optimal gameplay, as they often store valuable items in their chests along with their trade offerings. Having one near Spawn can speed up progress in fighting mobs and improve farming and building efficiency with the right equipment. Below are the best seeds for minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, featuring Blacksmiths, along with other useful frameworks worth exploring.
Abandoned Blacksmith Village Near Spawn
Seed No. -1895264141883639247
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-1895264141883639247 |
When you generate this Minecraft seed, you start on a hillside in a plains biome, near a village located at coordinates (205, 69, 231). The village has a Armorer offering an Iron Sword enchanted with Sharpness II and Unbreakable II, two of the best sword enchantments in the world. minecraftideal for durability and increased damage. Additionally, you will find x2 Diamonds in the Blacksmith's chest, valuable for crafting.
Just behind the spawn point, you will find a Spruce biome housing a mysterious Abandoned Village (-913, 68, 77). Although this village lacks the vibrancy and treasures of other villages in minecrafthealing the Zombie Villagers that reside here with Golden Apples rewards you with discounts on all trades once they take on a role. This village includes a Blacksmith Station with a zombified Blacksmith, offering the potential to get a cheaper Gunsmith or Gunsmith near spawn.
Blacksmith Villages Near Spawn with Diamonds
Seed No. -6698565507614239552
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-6698565507614239552 |
In this seed, you spawn in the plains, near a small oak and spruce forest, surrounded by a sandy beach. This unique combination of biomes offers abundant resources for an advantageous start. Within the Plains biome, only 117 blocks from the spawn point (-253, 69, -129), you will find a village with a Gunsmith chest containing x2 diamonds. They can be used immediately to craft better equipment, giving you a huge advantage.
The Armorer accepts x15 Coal for x1 Emerald, which is relatively easy to obtain. This setup allows you to efficiently farm emeralds, level up villagers, and quickly optimize your equipment.
In the nearby Spruce Forest, near the spawn point (211, 65, 268), you will find another village with a Gunsmith and a Gunsmith, the best villagers to trade minecraft. The Armorer offers Iron Armor in exchange for Emeralds, and although the trades aren't the cheapest, farming Emeralds can be faster than mining Iron.
Blacksmith Village appears in the Taiga biome
Seed #82490911
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82490911 |
This Minecraft seed spawns you directly in a picturesque Spruce village located in a Taiga biome, offering a stunning view of a large lake and surrounded by a vast Spruce forest. Spawning in a village provides essential survival game resources, including a bed for those initial challenging nights. This village is notably equipped with two gunsmiths and two gunsmithsproviding a valuable starting area with a total of four blacksmiths to suit your early game needs.
Additionally, there is a lava pool next to this villa. When collected in a bucket, Lava can fuel Blast Furnaces used by Armorers, increasing their smelting efficiency.
Behind the village, you will find several caves and cave entrances filled with resources ideal for equipping or crafting. Digging deeper, you will discover a Mineshaft with a Spider Spawner at (-67, 15, -223)excellent for growing Spider Eyes or String. Venture into the depths if you're ready to face the game's scariest mobs.
Going a little further from the spawn, you will climb through an oak forest divided by a river. Across the river, in a plains biome, is another village at (-268, 86, 511) with a Gunsmith offering a favorable exchange: x1 Iron Ax for just x2 Emeralds. This business is particularly advantageous for quickly equipping yourself with robust tools.
Blacksmith Village Along the Taiga Cliffs
Seed No. -6821827535559240435
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-6821827535559240435 |
As you can see in the video above from the YouTube creator akirby80that minecraft the seed has a Blacksmith Village, but it is generated in a unique way. The village you spawn near is located above and below a series of cliffs near a taiga forest, with a few buildings at the top and bottom of the rock faces. It's almost a journey within itself to get to the Blacksmith at the top, who sells weapons and other valuable items.
Those who use the Taiga Forest's multiple trees can form ladders to climb the rocks and easily reach all parts of Blacksmith Village.
Near the Village's strange set of buildings there are other structures, such as a Shipwreck and Forest Mansion in the Taiga Forest. Some Ice Spike Mountains in the distance also hold their own secrets, inviting you to explore them. The elevated nature of the Blacksmith Village here makes it a perfect base for returning from expeditions, as its location will prevent deadly mobs from attacking too often.
The village of blacksmiths appears above the old city
Seed No. 844425554349249
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844425554349249 |
His spawn point in this seed is quite common, starting in a typical oak and birch forest. However, traveling northwest less than 100 blocks away (88, 112, 94)you will see campfire smoke signaling a nearby village. This village is uniquely situated on the side of a cliff, with the Blacksmith's workstation positioned at the top, close to its approach, and another Armorer located further down the cliff face.
The highlight of this seed is the Ancient City in minecraftlocated underground just below Spawn (0, -21, 16)making it a rare and exceptional find. This area is rich in valuable blocks like Sculkers, offering substantial agricultural potential. Among the items, you will find the Boots of Swiftness, an enchantment that allows you to run crouched.
Be careful as the Warden patrols this area, ready to spot intruders rummaging through chests, following their scent and the sound of their footsteps.
Blacksmith village isolated on an island
Seed No. -7244040000625269712
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-7244040000625269712 |
Those looking for a challenge should try this world seed in minecraftwhich spawns them on an island isolated from most biomes. The ocean that stretches as far as the eye can see lets you know immediately that your resources are limited to what you can find. Fortunately, this island is dominated by a Blacksmith Village with two churches and plenty of villagers to negotiate with.
You can use this Island seed in minecraft to progress in Village society, trading until you have the necessary products to obtain the best equipment. After obtaining strong weapons or armor from the city's blacksmiths, you can try to cross the water to land. While this seed may seem daunting at first, the community you interact with will help you survive as you take small steps along your journey.
Blacksmith Village Spawn near Woodland Mansion
Seed No. 5705783928676095273
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5705783928676095273 |
One of the more bizarre and rare Spawn locations, you arrive directly at a village next to a Gunsmith station, with a Woodland Mansion looming overhead. This seed presents a two-fold opportunity: access to a wide variety of valuable items and items early on, and immediate exposure to one of the minecraftmost dangerous areas. Having a Gunsmith here allows you gear up quickly and prepare to defend against future marauder attacksso make sure you are well equipped before exploring the mansion.
When initiating an invasion via "Bad omen"Triggered by killing a Marauder Patrol captain of a Woodland Mansion or Marauder Outpost, you gain the "Hero of the Village" status effect. Upon successfully defending your village, this condition grants you gifts and discounts from residents for 40 minutesgreatly assisting in their blacksmithing and trading efforts.
Beyond the snowy mountains, another Plains Village (-362, 86, 133) having an additional gunsmith offers more negotiation opportunities. A Fortress, allowing you to reach the End in minecraftis located approximately 1310 blocks from Spawn (1187, -38, 588)and translates to 164 blocks away, in the Nether.
This distance can be covered in just a few minutes by running in the overworld, or reduced further through Nether travel or using a minecart.
Blacksmiths Village Above the Judgment Chamber
Seed No. 14818886676
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14818886676 |
Update 1.21 in minecraft introduces a new type of structure called Trial Chambera series of dungeon-like challenge rooms where you can defeat mobs to earn rare rewards. On the surface, this seed seems quite simple, spawning you in a Plains Village near a common mountain biome in the distance. However, digging will begin to reveal some hidden structures below.
You can find a Abandoned Mine (100, 28, 45) when you dig, with a Spider Spawner inside the caves creating the structure. THE Judgment Chamber (165, 3, 90) It's not far below Mineshaft, offering unique battles with mobs for you to test your power. Go ahead and use the items and equipment you obtained in the Blacksmith Village you spawned in to get everything you need to get the best rewards from the Chamber.
Blacksmith Villages Near Spawn with Marauder Outpost and Ruined Portal
Seed No. 674539477434993133
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674539477434993133 |
In this vibrant minecraft seed, you spawn on the edge of a large hill in the Plains biome, adjacent to a Savannah biome with a colorful village visible ahead, with a gunsmith. Right behind Spawn Situations another village equipped with a gunsmith, and not far away you can see a marauder outpostideal for starting a foray into commercial discounts.
Just beyond the Savanna, you'll find several other biomes within a few hundred blocks: a combined Birch and Oak biome, and a Jungle biome with a small adjacent section of Bamboo. On the other side of the Plains, there is a third village, a little further away, which also has a Gunsmith. This village is particularly notable for its ruined Portalmaking it an ideal location for trips to the Nether.
The Destroyed Nether Portal makes it easy to transport villagers to your base using Minecarts. This can help you get to the other structures in this seed, which can be found at these coordinates:
- Savannah Village (2, 62, -210)
- Marauder Outpost (27, 78, 474)
- Plains Village (111, 83, 165)
- Ruined Portal Village (818, 65, 135)
Blacksmith Village Spawn with armor set and diamonds
Seed No. 7354699540351068903
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7354699540351068903 |
You spawn directly in front of two Plains villages in this minecraft seed, separated by a small river that expands into a lake. This is an exceptional location that offers ready access to resources and equipment for survival. THE the surrounding area includes the Oak, Spruce, and Birch biomesproviding a variety of basic wood types essential for construction.
One of the villages near Spawn has exceptional items, including a Full set of Iron Armor and x5 Diamonds found in the Armorer's chest. This offers a significant advantage by providing a comprehensive set of combat and survival gear that typically takes much longer to accumulate. Having this amount of Diamonds in minecraft considerably advances your progress, allowing you to create multiple weapons, tools or a piece of armor.
Additionally, a nearby Ruined Portal offers more valuable items, including a Golden Breastplate enchanted with Mending and a Golden Pickaxe enchanted with Silken Touch. Furthermore, the the portal chest contains the remaining Obsidian pieces needed to repair the portal, allowing quick access to the Nether. Here are the coordinates where you can find some of these items and other structures:
- Plains Village (34, 68, 75)
- Village Loot (-259, 68, 114)
- Ruined Portal (-271, 86, 210)
Villages of Lagoa dos Ferreiros
Seed No. 712262452098460
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712262452098460 |
When spawning in this minecraft seed, the immediate surroundings may appear normal, with a Savanna biome spanning the area, flanked by plains, and a small forest of oak and birch visible in the distance. However, the presence of a next marauder outpost atop the hills adds an unexpected element to the initial scenario, offering a challenge from the start.
Although a little further away from Spawn, you'll find a captivating sight: two villages floating in a vast lagoon surrounded by a lush Meadow and Cherry Groves biome. As you dive beneath them, you will discover a treasure trove of diamonds on an obsidian floor, indicating the location of volcanic terrain.
Although the villages collectively have only one Blacksmith, the scenic beauty of the lagoon makes it worth establishing a base here, and the surrounding areas offer unique opportunities for exploration. On the perimeter of the land surrounding the lagoon, you will find access to a Mineshaft and a Spider Spawnerideal for agriculture.
Just outside the enclosed lagoon is another Plains village, which, although it does not have a Blacksmith, still offers valuable trading opportunities as a third village base. If you are looking for the exact coordinates of important structures in this minecraft world seed, check below:
- Marauder Outpost (201, 117, -730)
- Aldeia da Lagoa (-969, 87, 814)
- Plains Village (-1313, 66, 683)
- Abandoned Mine (-1301, 63, 963)
Blacksmith villages appear near shipwrecks, marauder outpost, and ruined portal
Seed No. 2015606532547647
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2015606532547647 |
This seed has a variety of useful benefits minecraft structures that are normally far from Spawn. In this case, this is one of the best minecraft seeds for the villages, like you generate in the middle of three Plains villages, all with Blacksmiths. There is also a marauder outpost, two ruined portals, and a shipwreck containing a treasure map all nearby.
The proximity of several clustered villages provides an ideal setting for establishing a base, eliminating the villagers' need for commercial farms and streamlining their early-game progression. With each village having a blacksmith offering countless trading opportunities, you gain access to valuable equipment and resources from the start.
Those Armorers stock chests with various items such as Iron and Obsidianproviding essential materials for crafting and construction. Similar items can be found in each of the structures you attack or loot, so try looking for each one at these coordinates:
- Shipwreck (147, 68, 99)
- Underwater ruined portal (220, 48, 113)
- Marauder Outpost (-345, 63, 182)
- Ruined Portal (-382, 75, 38)
Ruined portal appears near the blacksmith village
Seed No. -3884407990612020107
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-3884407990612020107 |
This seed stands out for its diversity of structures and biomes concentrated in a single location. Upon appearing in the Plains, you will immediately encounter a captivating ruined Portal structure, reminiscent of an unfinished player-built project, with a treasure chest containing valuable items such as fire charges.
A little way from Spawn is a picturesque seaside village of Spruce, with three gunsmiths offering a variety of weapons for trade. Adjacent to the coast, a Shipwreck sits next to a Ruined Underwater Portal, featuring a unique amalgam of structures. The Shipwreck contains valuable resources such as Gold, Iron and Emeralds, along with a buried treasure map, leading to loot just 40 blocks away.
Approximately 400 blocks beyond the village, nestled by a snow biome along a frozen river, lies a Marauder Outpost. Plus, about 1000 blocks away, accessible soon 4-minute sprint, an opulent Oceanic Monument rises in the middle of the sea. This monument offers access to rare blocks like Prismarine.
Nearby, a cluster of five Oceanic Ruins surrounded by Drowned crowds offers opportunities for Tridents and Nautilus Shells Farmitems known for their rarity. You'll want to explore every structure in this seed to get the maximum amount of rare treasures like those in the Ruins, so try checking these coordinates to discover all the notable places near the spawn:
- Ruined portal and underwater shipwreck (1284, 60, 71)
- Spruce Village (1393, 63, 41)
- Oceanic Monument (1774, 63, 1198)
- Raider Outpost (1629, 71, 177)
- Ruins of the Ocean (1930, 61, 971)
With multiple structures and increased Drowned spawns, your chances of acquiring valuable items from these structures increase significantly. Once you find a seed that guarantees a Blacksmith Village of some sort, you'll have the best gear possible to start exploring these spaces with the right items to get all the loot you can for the rest of your time. minecraft adventure.
Source: akirby80/YouTube